|| By FITSNEWS || Well, well. The left-leaning “Republican” billed by the liberal press as the party’s most “electable” presidential candidate is back … despite the whole “electability” thing not panning out as predicted.
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney – the crony capitalist/ welfare statist/ global interventionist/ socialized medicine supporter whose ideology is eerily similar to that of U.S. president Barack Obama – appears interested in mounting another bid for president in 2016.
Romney lost the 2008 primary to John McCain, and then lost the 2012 general election to Obama.
How come? Well in addition to his fiscally liberal ideology, Romney simply wasn’t (isn’t) trustworthy.
“When Romney does take a position, there’s no guarantee he’ll keep it,” we wrote in October 2012.
That trend is continuing …
Romney said on numerous previous occasions that he was not interested in running for president in 2016. In fact a year ago – when polls showed him leading the GOP field in early voting New Hampshire – Romney categorically ruled out a 2016 run.
“Oh no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no,” he said at the time.
For those of you keeping score at home, that was eleven “no’s.”
“I want to be president,” Romney told a group of political donors in New York on Friday, according to The Washington Post.
“Everybody in here can go tell your friends that I’m considering a run,” he added, according to Politico.
Meanwhile one of Romney’s top donors told the Post the former candidate had gone from “preserving (his) options” to “seriously considering a run.”
Unreal …
Are GOP voters really this stupid? Wait … don’t answer that.
According to an expansive piece published by BuzzFeed‘s McKay Coppins, Romney’s flip-flop stems from concerns over “Jeb Bush’s electability.”

“Look, Jeb’s a good guy,” a Romney advisor told Coppins. “I think the governor likes Jeb. But Jeb is Common Core, Jeb is immigration, Jeb has been talking about raising taxes recently. Can you imagine Jeb trying to get through a Republican primary? Can you imagine what Ted Cruz is going to do to Jeb Bush? I mean, that’s going to be ugly.”
The former Florida governor – whose father and brother were unmitigated disasters in the Oval Office – is the current GOP frontrunner and the top choice of the “Republican” establishment.
But Romney’s advisor is right … Bush’s “centrist” candidacy is going to be savaged by pro-liberty, pro-free market voices (including our voice) during the primary process. And even if he does manage to win the nomination, polls show he would fare much worse than other “Republicans” against likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
But Romney would be savaged, too … and rightfully so.
“As we meticulously documented and repeatedly proclaimed during the last presidential election, (Romney) is everything the GOP should be eschewing … not embracing,” we wrote last April.
And it’s costing the party …
“By nominating candidates who have no allegiance (or limited allegiance) to the pro-freedom, pro-free market ideologies the GOP is supposed to stand for, ‘Republicans’ alienate voters who place a premium on those ideologies,” we added.
Romney? His socialized medicine plan cost Massachusetts thousands of jobs and raised health care costs – which is exactly what we’re seeing with the socialized medicine plan of the guy who beat him two years ago.
Immigration? Romney has been all over the map on this issue … making his criticism of Bush’s views laughable.
Abortion? Again … shake up the “Etch-A-Sketch.” Name the position and Romney’s taken it – abandoned it – and then taken it again.
Meanwhile his foreign policy ideas are even worse than his domestic views … although at least he’s been consistent in his misguided “neoconservative” warmongering.
Bottom line? A Romney reboot in 2016 would only exacerbate the existing fractures within the GOP … which is coming apart at the seams due to the fiscal betrayals of its “establishment” leaders (Romney, Bush and Chris Christie, to name a few) and the social sanctimoniousness of its “evangelical” leaders (most notable Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum).
@fitsnews Why does it surprise you at all? The GOP needs a serious candidate against the Behemoth. In a loss to an incumbent, he was close.
— Sean B. Rogers (@CalicoSean) January 10, 2015
@fitsnews 2015-2016 the years of retreads, skinny jeans, bitches growing beards, 9 dollar shitty beer, and self driving cars.
— John Osborne (@JPaulOsborne) January 10, 2015
.@fitsnews An indisputable fact of the dead not buried yet – America's party of grand old ideas and progression. #GOP.
— RhysTay (@iRhysTay) January 10, 2015
“Bush’s “centrist” candidacy is going to be savaged by pro-liberty, pro-free market voices (including our voice) during the primary process.”
Like how they “savaged” Lindsey Graham’s candidacy and thrashed him in the election? That worked well.
If the pro-liberty, pro-free market voices called the shots then Ron Paul would be a serious contender.
Instead, those voices are just nags that the establishment ignores regularly as it gets Republican votes for people who dress themselves up as “moderates” like McCain and Romney.
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jeb is already the next president. he’s got s daddy bush and the cia, the military indutrial complex, a mexican wife (he speaks fluent spanish; his son is the no.1 hispanic republican politician in america- fuck those white cubans: rubio and the canadian cruz LOL- a goldman sachs bitch), the mainstream media will support him (due to his liberal policies), and the same people-big money republicans who supported liberal mccain and liberal romney- will finance his campaign. plus he’s the only republican that can get serious hispanic votes- which will easily be the deciding factor for, at least the next few decades in national elections. no other republican can get his[panic votes like jeb. anyone who thinks the tea party was anything other than inbred, ignorant useful idiots fueled by obama-hatred and created as a gimmick PR device of foxnews (just watch interviews on youtube of the morons standing in line to get sarah palin to sign their books- LMFAO!!!) and to help glenn beck (and forgotten names like demint and bachmann) sell books is TOTALLY CLUELESS. jeb bush has already won. especially against “in the poorhouse” ($250k a speech), stand by her man- bill the serial rapist, and 7th degree illuminati lezbo-witch, hillary. romney (and mcain) was (were) nothing but the fool(S) who were used by the establishment to GUARANTEE OBAMA WIN. that was their only purposes: to act as a sock puppet-stand in and take the L(oss). the only reason romney is even claiming he will run is to make jeb look infintely better in comparison.
“anyone who thinks the tea party was anything other than inbred, ignorant useful idiots fueled by obama-hatred and created as a gimmick PR device of foxnews (just watch interviews on youtube of the morons standing in line to get sarah palin to sign their books- LMFAO!!!) and to help glenn beck (and forgotten names like demint and bachmann) sell books is TOTALLY CLUELESS.”
Gleaning or winnowing?
You had Dems crossing the aisle to vote Lindsey in here because there was no way a Dem was winning his seat. The situation is drastically different when it comes to a national run.
That being said, I agree that pro-liberty anything is a tough sell regardless of party, so all they have are sticks & stones.
Last election a friend asked my opinion of Romney. I summed it up with one word—polystyrene. cheap plastic. I still feel the same.
And recycled cheap plastic at that.
Well – for those keeping score at home he has significantly more success in presidential election campaigns than Hillary Clinton, so, there’s that…
yeah two total failures is nailin it!!
I say let them try again. This may finally be the death of the Republican party if they nominate another Bush or Romney. Then the Libertarians will rise up faster than ever
Maybe. If the libertarians support a strong military.
“Then the Libertarians will rise up faster than ever”
Libertarians clearly can’t get it up.
You guys said the Republicans would die in 2014. You flat out missed that boat
The Libertarians will be nothing more than perpetual spoilers. The GOP demographics are horrible and getting worse.
Nothing more than a rant by an Extreme Right Wing REPUBLICAN who spends most of his time here humorously claiming he’s not what he obviously is-A REPUBLICAN!
Nothing wrong with that .The humor is that he spends so much time claiming he isn’t.
No, but they’re the “Republicans” you see, libertarians-except-for-Tuesdays-in-November are the REAL Republicans!
He and Ann have been on a constant media tour since 2012.
Anyone who thought he would not run again is an idiot.
Besides, one of his neighbors told NYT in 2012 that they told their Boston friends that God wanted him to run last time. Why would he think God didn’t want him to run and run and run until her wins?
I just want someone to ask the 65+ y/o Mitt (they didn’t ask him in 2012) if he and Ann are now getting Social Security and Medicare and does that make them part of the 47%?
And, he wormed around tax issues before, but no one ever asked if he had ever taken advantage of an IRS tax amnesty to bring home money from illegal foreign tax shelters.
John McCain needs to be asked and re-asked what he saw when he vetted the tax returns Mitt would not let the public see and if what he saw there was why he did not choose Romney as his VP.
There is only one man in America who has the experience, both in business and in government, that qualifies him to lead America.
And it’s not Obama…
Under Obama, 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and have no hopes for raises anytime in this Obama administration. Want proof? Google “Most Americans are one paycheck away from the street” and read the article from two days ago on the Wall Street Journal.
The middle class is shrinking in Obama-America because Obama is taxing them to oblivion and not giving them any hand-me-outs. To be middle class in today’s America is to be poor.
I make $60k a year and with my rent, gas, health insurance ($350/month), car insurance ($25/month from Insurance Panda, thank god), student loans ($300/month), utilities, food/drink, etc., I can barely get by. The massive amounts of tax that the feds take out of my paycheck doesn’t help either!
We need Romney. No one else even comes close to matching his qualifications. It’s a bonus that man also has a squeaky clean background, has a strong belief in God, and a very close family (which for some odd reason seems to rankle some people).
If the 2016 election allowed ONLY truth and fact – he would win hands down. I am ready for a leader who loves his country and has the capability to restore America to the greatness our Founding Fathers intended.
Mitt Romney 2016!
I want some of what you’re smoking.
But what about the magic underpants? Is the GOP voter base, the Methobaptiterianists, going to vote for a non-Christian who wears magic underpants and probably has several wives? No more than they did last time. Having a stump-dumb credulous bigot-base comes back to haunt the GOP, after serving it so well for decades.
Mitt Romney? Jeb Bush? The Republicans are welcome to them.
Would you buy pot from this man?
As long as it was glazed and fired properly.
He isn’t human… he was made in Taiwan… probably has a cheap walkman in his throat, and contains lead.
—— “..Mitt Romney – the crony capitalist/ welfare statist/ global interventionist/ socialized medicine supporter… “——-
But he dresses neatly and seems so competent.
I believe Mitt Romney would have made a good president but he was a terrible campaigner. One of Mitt’s problems was that he tried to be something he wasn’t in his quest to get votes. I hope he does not run again. I also do not want to see any Bush or Clinton as president. We need candidates for both parties who do not have old, tired ideas and resumes but I am not holding my breath that such a candidate will emerge.
Thought he promised his wife that running in 2012 election was going to be his last. She has serious health issues and the last campaign was so stressful for her. Can’t believe he would do this to her.
I can’t believe he’s doing it to US.
No, no, a thousand times no!
Even though I dislike Romney, every one should remember that Reagan lost the GOP primary TWICE before winning it and the general.
In many ways, Romney has similarities to Reagan. Reagan talked a good libertarian game but knew when to sell out and how to use his rhetoric to get elected. If Romney manages his duplicity better, he could possibly find a way to eek one out.
Let’s face it, Obama was elected on rhetoric as well. If you strip out Obamacare, he’s done nothing else he claimed he would…he sold out as well.
The key to winning is to know what gets your base fired up and what topics motivates the middle and then pander to those things accordingly whether you plan on doing them or not.
— if he’s nominated, wonder what color drapes Hillary will choose for her new office.
As any dyed in the wool politician, she would choose her favorite color: PLAID!
You’re dead-on target with that one – perfect.
WOW! Mitt sure loves punishment.
After all this is over he can say he has been whipped by:
1. A cripple
2. A magic NEGRO
3. The BITCH
I would have no problem voting for Mitt Romney.
Sadly he is better then 90% of other supposed republican presidential candidates. The tea party dopes all have zero shot, so that leaves very other real choices.
America needs a rerun like a fish needs a bicycle.
Romney can take his binders full of women and shove them up his ass.
“Look, Jeb’s a good guy,” a Romney advisor told Coppins. “I think the governor likes Jeb. But Jeb is Common Core, Jeb is immigration,”
Ah yes, so he’s infinitely more electable in a general than Mitt. Exactly the point…
Romney is just 2 flip flops away from those positions.
Shut the Front Door. This guy couldn’t be a black man presiding over 7.8% unemployment and a $1 trillion deficit. He’s going to beat Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill with 5% unemployment and a vanishing deficit? For God’s sake.
well, Mitzi is the best chance for Henry McMaster to become guvnah and fo’ Boots to become tha’ fust dog.