Boeing Battle: IAM Withdraws … For Now

SOURCES: “PROBING ACTION” TO BE FOLLOWED BY BIGGER, BOLDER PUSH || By FITSNEWS ||  The first round of the ongoing Palmetto State battle between aircraft manufacturer Boeing and its biggest labor union has gone to the Chicago-based crony capitalist kingpin.  But don’t expect that to deter the International Association of…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  The first round of the ongoing Palmetto State battle between aircraft manufacturer Boeing and its biggest labor union has gone to the Chicago-based crony capitalist kingpin.  But don’t expect that to deter the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) … which withdrew its initial petition for an election at Boeing’s North Charleston, S.C. manufacturing facility this week.

As a result the union election – scheduled for next week – will not take place.

“An atmosphere of threats, harassment and unprecedented political interference has intimidated workers to the point we don’t believe a free and fair election is possible,” the union said in a statement.

Meanwhile South Carolina leaders – led by governor Nikki Haley – were overjoyed.  The governor especially so after getting a nice “Nikki Haley union buster” national story out of the deal.

But is the celebration premature?

“No one expected them to win on the first vote,” one of the leaders of the anti-union campaign told FITS.

“This was a probing action,” the source added. “It was designed to gather information and to test Boeing’s defenses.”

Another source familiar with the situation concurred with that assessment.

“This exercise allowed them to analyze their flanks and learn Boeing’s play,” the source said.

The IAM is likely to ask for another election in six months – at which point additional resources will be committed to the fight, we’re told.

So get ready to do all this again this fall … perhaps on a much bigger scale.

The IAM’s push for unionization would impact an estimated 3,200 workers at the company’s much-maligned North Charleston facility – which manufactures the much-maligned 787 “Dreamliner.”   But it would also impact South Carolina’s reputation as a “right-to-work” state – hence Haley’s aggressive involvement in the fight.

We first alerted our readers to the IAM unionization push last August (and updated them on the union’s building momentum in January and February).

Do we care who wins the battle?

No.  Unions, as we’ve repeatedly written, are cancers – sucking the life out of every industry they infect.  But crony capitalism is a cancer, too, one infecting a healthy free market and replacing it with, well … what we’ve got now.


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a face in the crowd April 18, 2015 at 1:20 pm

For me, the worst aspect of this story is the portrayal of Haley as some sort of hero to those whose heads she would stomp on if there was a nickle to be made.

GrandTango April 18, 2015 at 1:43 pm

I’m just glad she STOMPED yours to a lumpy pulp (figuratively, of course LMAO)… ignorant piece of $#!t…

You – and Obama – make it easy for Haley. You’re so REPULSIVE, and against good, hardworking and decent people…all she has to do is oppose you…and she’s considered a populous queen…

You have polarized the nation all-right…but most think you are DISGUSTING, anti-American Hate-kings…nice job…Dumb@$$…

a face in the crowd April 18, 2015 at 2:11 pm

I thought they removed computers from the psycho ward. Get some rest before Nurse Ratched comes around.

GrandTango April 18, 2015 at 3:22 pm

You just don’t like to see a response to your IGNORANCE…do you???…Not used to it either…

shifty henry April 18, 2015 at 1:27 pm

I would be cautious about flying in an airplane pronounced “BOING”

Phartblossom April 18, 2015 at 5:06 pm

No worse than one named “Fucked Wolf” –

or “De Half a Hand” [deHavilland]

or “Messofshit” [Messerschmidt]

or “Durn ya” [Dornier]

SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 10:03 pm

You got something against “boing” ? :)

shifty henry April 18, 2015 at 10:18 pm

“boinging” is very good…

SynTwist April 18, 2015 at 10:24 pm

LOLOLOL I thought so :)

GrandTango April 18, 2015 at 1:39 pm

Bigger, Bolder Push…????…LMAO…Glad FITS FINALLY was forced to publish the MAJOR failure on his part….Hahahaha…

Union’s just like you Democrats…if you get the S#!t kicked out of you…and told to Kiss @$$…you just repackage the load of FECES you’re peddling — and you try to rub it in our faces AGAIN…

Bottom line: unless you can get the Obama courts to FORCE your Bull-$#!t on our companies…you have no chance to win. You’re REPULSIVE…

Unions have become the ugly HATE machines they fought 80 years ago.

Anything liberal and Democrat is passe, and decent people CANNOT stand you…so F*#k off…A-Hole…LMAO…

jimlewisowb April 18, 2015 at 1:43 pm

“This was a probing action”

Ah yes, the old probing action. As a life long resident of this State I can attest to the fact that “probing action” is a time honored and reverend process by Cockroaches in South Carolina

In fact the Latin term for “probing action” is emblazoned over the doors of both the South Carolina Senate and the House Chambers

When I first visited there as a child of 10 or so I looked up and saw the word “DICKFUR” in big gold letters over a door. I stopped this white haired fat man wearing an ice cream suit(i.e. seer sucker) and asked him what is a “DICKFUR”

Well little boy that is a Latin term and if you will follow me to the rest room we will engage in a little show and tell and you will have a broader understanding of what is a “DICKFUR”

GrandTango April 18, 2015 at 1:45 pm

You know that’s just a bunch of rambling – and meaningless- Bull-S#!t that makes you look like an irrelevant Dumb@$$…Don’t you?

jimlewisowb April 18, 2015 at 1:52 pm


Oops, my bad


Daniel Boome April 18, 2015 at 10:08 pm

Wow, you just perfectly described your niche on here. It’s like you’re calling yourself out. Find a way to be relevant, you menace!

ROFLMAO April 18, 2015 at 2:30 pm

“This exercise allowed them to analyze their flanks and learn Boeing’s play,” the source said. ROFLMAO!!!! This is so chicken shit, I can’t stop laughing!!!!
The Union is so fucked up in the head, the shit flows out of their ears and nose, too. What are they going to do now? Sue?? LMAO!!!!
All they care about is MONEY in Union Dues, Ok???? Get it??? FUCK THEM. And Fuck Obama! Boeing jobs are not Going to Native South Carolinians. You got to be pretty damn stupid to believe that crap. People have been moving from other states with high unemployment for these Boeing jobs. And now look at the cost of living in Charleston. The greed is everywhere. Housing cost at 50% more in Charleston than they are in Columbia and Greenville. And now you have SCE&G about to pass on additional cost for construction of their new two reactors at the VC Summer Nuclear Power Plant. The contractors and SCE&G are sticking to people in SC. And so is your governor and all the shitwipes in the general assemble. So how does it feel to be getting FUCKED up the ass, South Carolina? Yeah, you like it.

Bible Thumper April 18, 2015 at 6:16 pm

People moving in.
Jobs available.
Rising property values.
Demand for new housing.
New power supply coming online.
Must be a prosperous place!!!

Georgetown union unproud April 18, 2015 at 5:05 pm

If they would have just brought in the most popular union thug in SC it would have passed by a mile. James E, Sanderson Jr. from the Georgetown Steel Mill is the leader they need. Please take him to Charleston. Then maybe Georgetown can move forward.

Bible Thumper April 18, 2015 at 5:14 pm

The IAM will never put SC workers first. Washington State workers outnumber them and they will never collect as much dues in a RTW state.

Assembler B April 19, 2015 at 9:44 am

We at BSC have determined this was a setup. Draw out the six month timeline, petition in late October early November, hold the vote during the Christmas break, like what happened in the PNW during last contract talks. Make any sense now.

Horace B H's spectre April 20, 2015 at 8:45 am

Same IAM that abandoned the Charleston Navy yard on orders from Bill Clinton’s Gepetto. IAM hopes the “Charleston Boeing Team” will be stump-broke by the time a vote comes to fruition. Maybe a vote needs to be held to answer this mess post haste.


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