‘Bidenomics’ Jobs Report: Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

Employment lags behind inflated payrolls, while full-time positions decline …

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The administration of U.S. president Joe Biden was feeling its oats on Friday when the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released last month’s jobs report. In keeping with the recent goal-seeking nature of these numbers, payrolls reportedly rose by 303,000 in March of 2024 – dramatically exceeding Wall Street expectations.

“With today’s report of 303,000 new jobs in March, we have passed the milestone of 15 million jobs created since I took office,” Biden boasted in a statement issued on his behalf from the White House. “That’s 15 million more people who have the dignity and respect that comes with a paycheck.”

About those numbers, though …

According to financial website Zero Hedge, employment is still lagging payrolls by a whopping nine million since the Covid-19 disruption – meaning the actual number of people employed is far lower than Biden’s bean counters are telling us it is. This growing gap is something Zero Hedge has been tracking since July 2022.



Then there’s this: According to BLS data, all of the new jobs from last month were part-time. That’s right, part-time positions grew by a stunning 691,000 in March while full-time jobs declined by 6,000. Drawing the lens back further, over the previous twelve months part-time employment has grown by 1.89 million while full-time positions have plummeted by 1.35 million.

So … are there more jobs? Or … are more people having to work multiple jobs to cover the cost of soaring prices?

Also worth considering? Nearly all the new employment is going to foreign-born workers – while the number of native-born workers has been stagnant … since before Covid-19. This trend has been exacerbated by the open border policies implemented by Biden, which has pushed the foreign-born workforce to a record high of 31.15 million.

Bottom line? The buoyant jobs report touted by Biden and his mainstream media mouthpieces isn’t all it’s cracked up to … which raises fresh questions not only about the integrity of the labor data, but the intellectual incuriosity of the sheeple who reflexively swallowed this “good news” without bothering to look just below the surface at the ugly truth behind the numbers.






(Travis Bell Photography)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina and before that he was a bass guitarist and dive bar bouncer. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.



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Frank April 5, 2024 at 7:37 pm

Trump lost over 2 million jobs during his Presidency including 175000 manufacturing jobs. It’s amazing how the right-wing reflexively attacks anything positive about the economy unless they can attribute it to Trump, who is objectively the worst President since Hoover.

Biden has added over 14 million jobs. You guys just can’t help trying to cover for the disastrous economy our last President gave us. And you never seem to even mention the massive debt he ran up in the process of destroying the economy.

Nanker Phelge April 5, 2024 at 10:25 pm

Zero Hedge…haha…Zero Credibility.

Wee Willie is scared of a Biden re-election… Don’t worry Willie, maybe another migrant criminal like Murdaugh will exterminate his family and you can cash in on another tragedy!

tomfunderburk Top fan April 6, 2024 at 6:06 am

“Figures lie and Liars figure”


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