#TheMcGills: Star Witness Responds

A week ago this news site exclusively reported on the identity of a star witness in the chaotic, closed door case of South Carolina politico John McGill and his estranged wife, Jenny McGill. A lot of people don’t believe we should be writing about #TheMcGills, but we believe the fact their sealed divorce centers around…

A week ago this news site exclusively reported on the identity of a star witness in the chaotic, closed door case of South Carolina politico John McGill and his estranged wife, Jenny McGill.

A lot of people don’t believe we should be writing about #TheMcGills, but we believe the fact their sealed divorce centers around a fight over tens of thousands of public dollars is relevant.  Not only that, the case’s rumored proximity to public officials – and partisan machinations – is about to become clearer, we’re told.

Some seismic allegations have recently been made by one of the parties to the case, our sources say, and once all of the sealed records (and attendant documents) are made public we believe the newsworthiness of these claims will justify our ongoing scrutiny.

Additionally, there’s the fundamental newsworthiness of the chaos that broke this story wide open – at a time when John McGill’s father, Yancey McGill, was seeking the South Carolina “Republican” gubernatorial nomination.

Shortly before 4:00 a.m. EST on January 27, John McGill – ostensibly under the influence of laced cocaine – called officers from the city of Columbia, S.C. police department to his family’s home in the upscale King’s Grant neighborhood to respond to “a possible home invasion.”

There was no home invasion, though.  McGill apparently hallucinated it.  He also appears to have hallucinated a second attempted home invasion sixteen hours later – during which he “unloaded” his weapon on the phantom assailants.

“They got close and I just unloaded,” McGill told a police dispatcher during the second incident, adding “I’ve got 24 magazines to go.”

Thankfully, McGill’s wife and family were not in the home when he discharged his firearm.

McGill claimed the drugs he took were a “gift” from 24-year-old Alexia Cortez, a Columbia, S.C.-based political operative who until two months ago was a contract employee of both McGill’s consulting firm and Yancey McGill’s gubernatorial campaign.

Cortez has denied these reports, however.  She’s also lawyered up, retaining the services of state senator Tom Davis.

Also, no arrests have been made in connection with either incident.

The case also has a Hollywood connection.  Two months ago – in our latest update related to this saga – we reported that one of the witnesses sought connection with this case had ties to the popular Charleston, S.C.-based program Southern Charm.  This program – which airs on Bravo TV – has been all over the headlines recently owing to multiple allegations of sexual assault against its star, Thomas Ravenel.

That witness has since been identified as 30-year-old Tessa Cameron McCarley (a.k.a. Tessa Harris).

The relationship of McCarley (below) to #TheMcGills has yet to be established.  Same goes for her ties to Southern Charm.

(Click to view)

(Via: Provided)

However, we have received a pair of private investigative reports related to McCarley – a transgender native of Six Mile, S.C. – and are working diligently to corroborate the information contained therein.

As we noted in our previous coverage, McCarley is said to be listed in multiple sealed court documents as a material witness in #TheMcGills court case.  Specifically, she is reportedly being sought by both parties for depositions as well as testimony (and the production of evidence) in the event the case goes to trial.

As part of the discovery process in this case, an extensive trove of documents and other information related to McCarley has reportedly been gathered by attorneys for both McGills – evidence that includes “photographs, recordings of phone calls, text messages, financial documentation and related information.”

You know, information like this …

(Click to view)

(Via: Provided)

Yeah … still wonder why we’re covering this case? 

Gunshots.  “Tranny hookers.”  Public money.

It’s like a Venn diagram of clickbait, people …

This week, McCarley – who is likely to wind up as a “hostile witness” in #TheMcGills court case – finally broke her silence on the drama enveloping her.  In a post on her Facebook page, she criticized the press for “taking a little truth and stirring up lies for a gossip column.”

According to her, “there’s more positives than negatives being thrown my way about (bullsh*t) that happened three years ago.”

We believe that … she’s gorgeous.

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“You’re spreading hate and drama creating a southern soap opera and you’re not getting paid for this,” she continued, slamming the “desperate idiots of Carolina.”

It’s not immediately clear whether McCarley was referring to this news site or several of the social media blogs that have invoked her name (erroneously, we believe) in connection with a rumored Ravenel sex tape.

Either way … feisty.

Stay tuned … we will continue to provide our readers with updates on #TheMcGills as new and relevant information becomes available to us.

Which reminds us, we would once again argue for the immediate unsealing of all documents related to this case.  As we have repeatedly argued, prominent politicos in the Palmetto State should not be allowed to have their dirty laundry hidden from public view when that courtesy is not afforded to the rest of us.

Which is another reason we decided to start covering this case …



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