#TheMcGills: Star Witness Identified

It’s been a long, winding and exceedingly rocky road for South Carolina politico John McGill and his estranged wife, Jenny McGill. The Palmetto power couple have seen the dramatic events leading to their abrupt separation splashed across the headlines – bad press that hit right as John McGill’s father, former lieutenant governor Yancey McGill, was seeking…

It’s been a long, winding and exceedingly rocky road for South Carolina politico John McGill and his estranged wife, Jenny McGill.

The Palmetto power couple have seen the dramatic events leading to their abrupt separation splashed across the headlines – bad press that hit right as John McGill’s father, former lieutenant governor Yancey McGill, was seeking the “Republican” nomination for governor of the Palmetto State.   Meanwhile their high stakes court battle – which is currently taking place behind a judge’s seal – involves tens of thousands of tax dollars (as well as a plethora of secrets we’re told could embarrass numerous prominent politicos).

It’s not the fairy tale ending anyone expected for the erstwhile couple, who have three young children together and seemed to be living the perfect life.

The McGills’ world turned upside down shortly before 4:00 a.m. EST on January 27.  That’s when 38-year-old John McGill – ostensibly under the influence of laced cocaine – called officers from the city of Columbia, S.C. police department to his family’s home in the upscale King’s Grant neighborhood to respond to “a possible home invasion.”

Upon investigating the scene, however, officers discovered “no signs of suspicious, criminal activity or forced entry,” according to a police incident report obtained by this news site this spring.

McGill claimed the drugs he took were a “gift” from 24-year-old Alexia Cortez, a Columbia, S.C.-based political operative who until last month was a contract employee of both McGill’s consulting firm and Yancey McGill’s gubernatorial campaign.

Cortez has denied these reports, however.  She’s also lawyered up, retaining the services of state senator Tom Davis.

Sixteen hours after the first incident, officers returned to the same Kings Grant address in response to a second call from John McGill in which he claimed another alleged home invasion was underway.

This time McGill – still under the influence of the laced cocaine – repeatedly discharged a firearm at the imagined intruders.

McGill told a dispatch operator through labored breaths that he had barricaded himself inside a pantry in his “man cave” and had “unloaded” his weapon on the phantom assailants.

“They got close and I just unloaded,” McGill told the dispatcher, adding “I’ve got 24 magazines to go.”

Here’s an image of a door from McGill’s home showing some of the bullet holes …

(Click to view)

(Via: Provided)

Wow …

“I’m pinned down,” McGill said later in the call, pleading for police officers to be sent to the scene immediately.

Around this time, calls were made by McGill to an agent of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED), although this individual – who is reportedly a key member of governor Henry McMaster’s protective detail – reportedly did not intervene beyond urging McGill to call the local authorities.

Thankfully, Jenny McGill and the couple’s children had vacated the premises prior to the shooting and no one was injured during the hail of gunfire.

As was the case following John McGill’s first imagined attack, police “secured and cleared the residence” and discovered “no signs of forced entry” – according to a second incident report obtained by this news site.

“Due to both calls having the same result, EMS was summoned to the scene,” the second report noted. “(John McGill) … was willingly transported by EMS for evaluation.”

McGill was never arrested for possession of narcotics in the aftermath of either incident.  His 33-year-old wife filed for divorce shortly thereafter.

Two months ago – in our latest update related to this saga – we reported that one of the witnesses named in connection with this case had ties to the popular Charleston, S.C.-based program Southern Charm.  This program – which airs on Bravo TV – has been all over the headlines recently owing to multiple allegations of sexual assault against its star, Thomas Ravenel.

We still don’t know the precise connections this witness allegedly has to the show, but we have been able to identify her.

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According to multiple sources familiar with the McGill court filings, the woman at the center of its most scintillating narrative is 30-year-old Tessa Cameron McCarley (a.k.a. Tessa Harris).

McCarley is listed in multiple sealed court documents as a material witness in this case, we’re told.  She is reportedly being sought for depositions as well as testimony and the production of evidence in the event the case goes to trial.

What does she know?  Good question …

Born in Six Mile, S.C., McCarley currently resides in Alabama.  She is transgender.  And  … absolutely gorgeous.

(Click to view)

(Via: Provided)

Wow … stunning.

As noted in our prior coverage, an extensive trove of documents and other information related to McCarley has reportedly been gathered by attorneys for both McGills.  The goal of these dueling evidence collection efforts?  To alternately corroborate or debunk testimony McCarley is expected to provide in the event she is ever deposed or summoned to the stand.

The evidence includes “photographs, recordings of phone calls, text messages, financial documentation and related information.”

Much of this information has already been provided to this news site – and it is seismic.  In fact, we are currently in the process of vetting the material we have received and consulting with our attorneys as to what can be released, when and in what form.

Those deliberations would become academic, obviously, in the event the McGills’ case files were unsealed.

As for McCarley, getting her to a deposition (or on the witness stand) could prove to be exceedingly problematic.  She is the definition of a “hostile witness,” we’re told – due in no small part to her alleged proximity to the yet-to-be-named Southern Charm cast member.

Furthermore, we’re told McCarley is concerned about publicity associated with the McGill case could adversely impact her ability to work.

“She’s a businesswoman,” one of McCarley’s intimates told us. “Exposure like this is not good for business.”

McCarley has two known arrests on her record.  In May of 2015, she was busted as part of a massive undercover prostitution sting carried out by the Greenville, S.C. police department’s vice and narcotics unit.  Last January, she was arrested by officers of the Charlotte-Mecklenberg police department and charged with extortion.

This news site has reached out to McCarley seeking comment but as of this writing we have received nothing back on the record.

Stay tuned …

The McGill saga is clearly heating up as the summer temperatures rise across the Palmetto State.  We will be sure to keep our readers apprised of the latest developments as they happen.



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