Mick Mulvaney’s Disappointing Insider Evolution

SELLING VOTES ON “OBAMATRADE?” SAY IT AIN’T SO …  || By FITSNEWS || This website has supported the political ascendancy of U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney for many years … and until recently he’d done little to make us believe our support was ill-placed.  In fact a quick search of this website will reveal…


|| By FITSNEWS || This website has supported the political ascendancy of U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney for many years … and until recently he’d done little to make us believe our support was ill-placed.  In fact a quick search of this website will reveal dozens of instances in which Mulvaney has been praised for consistently taking pro-free market positions – as a member of the S.C. General Assembly from 2007-11 and then as a member of the U.S. Congress since 2011.

But recent months have revealed a disappointing trend.

Mulvaney started off the year by embracing the renomination of U.S. Speaker John Boehner, the serial accommodator of president Barack Obama.

It wasn’t just Mulvaney’s support for Boehner that was so disheartening … it was the convoluted insider logic he used to justify it.

“We’ve never had much use for Boehner, who has been utterly worthless except in two areas: Capitulating … and getting drunk,” we wrote at the time. “Seriously.  Name the issue … and Boehner has caved on it.  Embarrassingly so.”

And thanks to the votes he received from lawmakers like Mulvaney, the caving has continued.

Which brings us to this week’s disappointment: Mulvaney’s utterly nonsensical, indefensible efforts to cut a “deal” on Obamatrade – a crony capitalist “rigged trade” agreement which this website has relentlessly exposed.

According to reporter Lauren French of Politico, Mulvaney is the lead negotiator between “conservatives” and establishment “Republicans” in the U.S. House over whether to support trade promotion authority (TPA, or “fast track”) for Obama.

TPA would give Obama the authority he needs to ram through a disastrous Asian trade deal known as the “Trans-Pacific Parternship,” or TPP.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: This deal isn’t free trade, it’s government-run trade.

Specifically it’s a sop to Wall Street bailout recipients and Hollywood liberals … coming at the expense of middle class consumers (and the South Carolina farmers he’s supposed to represent).

Mulvaney has no business even considering voting for this nonsense … but he is.  In fact he’s actively attempting to cut a deal to deliver Obama his vote – and the votes of several other “conservatives” – on the first (and most critical) part of the trade deal.

“If they are short on the votes and they need to get them, and if leadership could agree to address the issues (from conservatives), then we can deliver between 15 and 25 votes,” Mulvaney said. “If they need those votes, our door is open.”

And what “issues” does Mulvaney want to see addressed?

In exchange for paving the way to a crony capitalist sellout which would affect forty percent of the global economy, Mulvaney claims he could “win” a procedural concession from Boehner regarding the U.S. Export-Import bank, a glorified corporate slush fund this website has also consistently opposed.  He also claims he could strip a labor union handout from the trade deal, which is like a homicidal maniac vowing not to kick you in the privates after blowing off your head.

What’s the point if you’re already dead?

“The sad part is he believes this sh*t,” a veteran D.C. operative told FITS.  “Shadow boxing and thinking he just kicked Mike Tyson’s ass.”


The operative was just getting warmed up …

“The so-called conservatives – led by Mick Mulvaney who is fast becoming the Caitlyn Jenner of the GOP Caucus – puff out their chests and demand they get a stale crust of bread with their gruel,” the operative said.  “Pathetic. With these nonsense ‘demands’ as the opening bid, Boehner and Obama will get them for next to nothing; and make them bark like dogs just for the hell of it.”

Sad … but true.

Mulvaney has become addicted to “the deal” – to playing the insider game.  He’s also become addicted to getting along with “Republican” leadership in the House.  Rather than stand on principle (the way U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan has done on this issue) he wants to be seen as getting something done – even if that “something” is helping Obama and Boehner deliver a body blow to an already reeling American economy.

That is NOT what Mulvaney was sent to Washington, D.C. to do … nor is it what he said he would do if sent to Washington, D.C.

And make no mistake, if Mulvaney continues trying to put D.C. gamesmanship ahead of the best interests of the people he’s supposed to be representing (like U.S. Rep. Mark Sanford is doing) – he will discover in short order that our criticism is every bit as unrelenting as our accolades.

There is no excuse for true conservatives to support Obamatrade under any circumstances … least of all the peanuts Mulvaney is seeking.

Let’s hope he sees the light and returns to being the free market supporter he’s been in the past.


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Dennis Hastert June 4, 2015 at 9:07 am

Yeah, your track record on picking candidates ain’t so stellar, oh wise one: Sanford, Haley, Mulvaney, T Rav. I could go on and on

Elfego June 4, 2015 at 9:31 am

Get you head out please. Folks change when power comes into play. This is probably the best reason one can give for term limits. I have seen many a good person go down in my ex-profession because they let their position go to their head and forgot what made them successful.

Jack's bitch hand June 4, 2015 at 9:29 am

Tell your sources to go on record and talk that tough. Every one is a Jedi when their name isn’t in print.

Victorious Secret June 4, 2015 at 10:29 am Reply
Victorious Secret June 4, 2015 at 10:58 am Reply
Elfego June 4, 2015 at 9:30 am

I disagree with your stance that Mulvaney took on Boehner. He explained it and I believe his reasoning. I think Boehner is a power hungry politician and does not take firm enough stances. From this article I am afraid that Mick may be getting a little power hungry himself like those who stay around a couple of terms. I eagerly await his response. Mulvany is no longer in my district but I totally supported him against Spratt.
Please keep us informed and abreast of what is happening. Even though I can no longer vote for Mulvaney I intend to contact his office. Please keep reporting good and honest information.

CNSYD June 4, 2015 at 9:47 am

Ex lovers spat similar to Jenny’s.

Funny Watching Them Try June 4, 2015 at 10:01 am

Calling health care reform Obamacare was a successful tactic by Republicans, but watching them fail at calling this thing Obamatrade is downright funny.

FastEddy23 June 4, 2015 at 11:17 am

Yes! It should be called what it is: organized theft.

Bible Thumper June 4, 2015 at 10:09 am

The public or congress doesn’t know what will be in the final trade deals offered to Congress, but we will have 60 days of public debate once it is released followed by 20 hours of Congressional debate.

There will never be another auto assembly plant built in the US that doesn’t export a majority of its production outside North America. Right now the US has free trade agreements with 20 countries. Only S. Korea and Singapore are in Asia and none are in Europe. Mexico has FTA’s with 40 countries including all the European Union and Japan. There is a ten percent tariff on US autos sent to Europe, but zero tariffs on Mexican autos. Eight of the last ten new auto assembly plant announcements in North America are to be built in Mexico.

If you want this trend to continue, then by all means oppose free trade.

Victorious Secret June 4, 2015 at 10:21 am

What, no employment statistics?

Bible Thumper June 4, 2015 at 10:28 am

Mexico exports 30% of its auto production to countries other than the US. It’s the sixth largest auto maker in the world. It has several assembly plants being built or in the planning stages now.
New unemployment data COMING SOON!!!!

FastEddy23 June 4, 2015 at 11:06 am

Yes! Last I read real unemployment in Mexico was under 6%.

FastEddy23 June 4, 2015 at 11:05 am

The free trade deal will never fix the broken and corrupt State Deparment and the administration’ Department of Commerce.

State is the fixer, Commerce is the bagman.

ObamaTrade is just another tool in the burglars’ bag. The burglars are those in congress who seek to get in on the same scams that Billary have been using.

Free trade happens. Governmental oversight is always a killer of total, free trade. “… government is not the solution, government is the problem.”

Hammering the EU about their own governments’ interference with free trade is too much like to one more thief joining the gang …

Bible Thumper June 4, 2015 at 11:29 am

You’re right that government is the problem, but it is current government policies of trade tariffs with Europe and Asia that is the problem. We can’t afford to stand still while the rest of the world moves ahead of us.

GOB June 4, 2015 at 1:33 pm

Mick has sold out! Voting for Boehner says it all.

TroubleBaby June 4, 2015 at 3:10 pm Reply

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