
University Of South Carolina: Snowflake Therapy

Feeling “triggered?” The warm embrace of government-subsidized higher education is here to help …

Late last week, this website’s even-keeled coverage of an unfortunate suicide on the campus of the University of South Carolina “triggered” a flood of responses from easily offended individuals on the government-run campus.

We addressed that criticism most magnanimously here.

Meanwhile our founding editor Will Folks – who has a pair of degrees from the school (and a pair of functioning testicles) – addressed it “in his own particular idiom” here.

Was he magnanimous?  LOL.  Not really.

The good news?  Any University of South Carolina student whose delicate mental balance was thrown out of equilibrium by this event (or our news site’s “micro-aggressive” coverage of it) can take heart.

Help is on the way, snowflakes …

Beginning on Monday, South Carolina’s student government is hosting “Stigma Free USC Week” – which according to the event’s promotional materials is a “mental health awareness week that aims to break the stigma around mental health and encourage behaviors that lead to mental wellness.”

Students feeling “stressed” about life are invited to “vent” over free coffee with “peer listeners,” take cooking and meditation classes, snuggle puppies at a “pet a pup” gathering and visit a “self care station” where they can pick up a free “stress ball.”

No really, this is actually happening …

(Click to view)

(Via: Provided)

“I think college students are definitely more affected by mental health conditions and stress specifically,” Katie Cohen, student government’s secretary of health and wellness told The Daily Gamecock. “College students are so stressed.”


Good God … just wait until these kids actually have to find work.  Or pay bills (especially in South Carolina).

Because our guess is at that point a “stress ball” bearing the logo of some taxpayer-funded snowflake therapy isn’t going to come in very handy.

We’re not trying to “trigger” anyone here but … life is hardAnd getting harder.  And one reason is that our government keeps consuming more and more of our money to subsidize dependency-inducing indoctrination at college campuses all across the country.

We’ve written previously on the politically correct insanity running amok on college campuses across America – arguing it makes another compelling case for privatization.

“We don’t care what courses colleges offer students, how much they charge for them or what sort of loan terms are extended to those dumb enough to enroll,” we wrote back in December.  “Just keep taxpayers off the hook for it.  Any of it.  All of it.

Indeed.  If a bunch of uber-liberal, work-averse, venti-sipping, gender-neutral bathroom-using cotton candy asses want to float through life from one safe space to the next – doing nothing but bitching and moaning at every step of the way – that’s their business.

They can live with the consequences … in their parents’ basements.



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