
Obamacare “Shocker”: State Exchanges In Peril

MORE BAD NEWS FOR BARACK OBAMA’S SOCIALIZED MEDICINE LAW || By FITSNEWS ||  While the U.S. Supreme Court mulls whether to strike down Obamacare taxes and subsidies in the thirty-four states which refused to establish state-run exchanges – there’s trouble on the horizon for the other sixteen states (and District of…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  While the U.S. Supreme Court mulls whether to strike down Obamacare taxes and subsidies in the thirty-four states which refused to establish state-run exchanges – there’s trouble on the horizon for the other sixteen states (and District of Columbia).

According to The Washington Post, “nearly half of the 17 insurance marketplaces set up by the states and the District under President (Barack) Obama’s health law are struggling financially.”  Specifically, the programs are dealing with “surging costs” and “tepid enrollment numbers.”

“A government program where costs exceed revenue … imagine that,” one of our readers noted sarcastically.

Exactly …

We’ve written already on how mandatory health care spending has been a huge drain on the U.S. economy – now Obamacare is set to drain state budgets, too.

We predicted (repeatedly) that this law was going to be disastrous for the American economy – and we were right (see HEREHERE and HERE).  It’s also been disastrous for families.  As a candidate in 2008, Obama projected annual savings of $2,500 per family by the end of his first term in office – yet when his first term ended, there had been a $2,400 increase  in insurance costs.

And those costs have only continued to rise …

Should we be surprised?  Of course not.  After all, Obamacare’s architect Jonathan Gruber has admitted manipulating the law’s numbers in an effort to have it scored a certain way by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Oh, and he also called American voters “stupid” for falling for the spin.

Let’s hope the U.S. Supreme Court follows the letter of the law and deals this monstrosity a long-overdue death blow …


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Rakkasan May 1, 2015 at 12:23 pm

End the wasteful government giveaway of the tax deduction (for your employer) of your employee health plan. It’s a budget buster, a job killer, and corporate/business welfare. Wait, what?

FastEddy23 May 3, 2015 at 9:30 pm

A Flat Tax is required for all of that.

Jerry Brown’s Flat Tax proposals address that very issue … (Google it)

rocky's great depression May 1, 2015 at 12:31 pm

Bye bye Obamacare!

Rocky May 1, 2015 at 12:45 pm

That would be a shame. It’s such a well working GOP designed plan. After all, it was Romney, Gingrich, Heritage idea.

socialism101 May 1, 2015 at 12:50 pm

Don’t care. Bwahahhahahhahahahhaaahahaaaa! Fail!

Rocky May 1, 2015 at 4:14 pm

So in November 2017 Jeb Bush will begin planning his first six-months legislative agenda. He’ll call up Johnny and say – “What do we do with Obamacare.” Johnny will say – “Change the name.” Jeb says – “Shouldn’t we repeal it?” Johnny says “Hell no, I have it, I need it, and it was our plan originally.” Few months later, they change the the name ot American Heritage Healthcare Reform Act, add $40 billion to it, and claim it a success.

fran May 1, 2015 at 6:31 pm

…And the doctors and nurses unionize and the ambulance chasers howl so much (it’s hard to sue the goobmint)…that we scrap the whole ill-conceived, Republican think-tank boondoggle…

Rocky May 1, 2015 at 12:44 pm

Wil, you forgot to mention the entire context of the article. The burden on the state exchanges is listed as being IT costs and Customer Service centers. Those are not systemic issues relating to costs to the markets (i.e. costs in terms of private insurance policies purchased, or coverages) but operational costs associated with the actual technology sites and the customer service centers. Go ask Amazon.com – they live this every day. Those states, depending on what occurs with the Supreme Court ruling in June, are actually considering handing those exchanges back to Healthcare.gov, which the article notes is running smoothly and within costs. Anyone who has ever managed in a call center will tell you, it’s economies of scale that drive those costs down. And the states quoted as having those operational cost issues are smaller states (HI, CT, MD, DC – not a state, VT). If the SCOTUS upholds the subsidies for policies purchased through Healthcare.gov, you will see more states opting to give the function back to the Feds. And that’s not necessarily all bad. A National exchange, where you purchase coverage across state lines, is what the GOP has been saying is the magic pill.

GrandTango May 1, 2015 at 12:47 pm

When the DNC finally figures out there’s no way to win…do you get FIRED..and go back to top beer-swiller and sage philosopher at Art Bar?….LMAO…

Rocky May 1, 2015 at 1:00 pm

Oh no – facts again. Facts again. Run and hide Tango, others might actually want to have a thoughtful conversation. I’d hate for you to feel inadaquate in the event that occurs.

Dan Ruck May 1, 2015 at 3:52 pm

How do I turn this shit off?

Elfego May 1, 2015 at 1:43 pm

I really trust the government! All of my hope and faith rest in the. Liars,cheaters,thieves and crooks at manipulating what they want the public to think. Maybe we should call Lois Lerner and seek her advice. Better yet maybe Obama would be more believable.

FastEddy23 May 3, 2015 at 9:25 pm

Stop it! BummerCare is DOOMED.

More doctors have left the profession because of BummerCare than since the beginning of World War II.

More hospitals have gone bankrupt since 2009 than … Ever!

GrandTango May 1, 2015 at 12:45 pm

When FITS begins to turn…it’s SURE sign the wind is truly blowing in reverse….

Obama – by enacting liberalism in its extreme- has shown what a TOTAL failure and danger it is….

When you begin to lose FITS – it’s BAD – For what Obama has done to the Democrat party, we should thank Obama…

Dan Ruck May 1, 2015 at 3:50 pm

I thought you had been told to STFU

socialism101 May 1, 2015 at 12:48 pm

Bwahahaahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahaa! OMG, i can’t stop laughing!!!! Precious! Just precious!!!

Jonny Logic May 1, 2015 at 2:11 pm

I personally like the GOP plan.

1) Pay workers less
2) Have employers reduce and remove healthcare for workers
3) Continue to let heathcare costs spiral out of control
4) Force uninsured to use emergency room for all care, leaving them unhealthy and forcing us to pay for it anyway

Dan Ruck May 1, 2015 at 3:48 pm

fuck yuou

Dan Ruck May 1, 2015 at 3:49 pm

Sorry, I misunderstood

FastEddy23 May 3, 2015 at 9:31 pm

And let the BummerCare death panels fix the Baltimore question?

FastEddy23 May 3, 2015 at 9:21 pm

The biggest problem is in and because of DC.

Those fools actually believe what they see on TV.

No one wants to have the post office in charge of our health care insurance.


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