SC PoliticsHeadlines

Host Of South Carolina Rally Starring Michael Flynn Says Event Has ‘Nothing To Do’ With Lin Wood

More MAGA versus MAGA drama …

As the battle for control of the South Carolina Republican party (SCGOP) rages on, tensions are running incredibly high amongst the various factions vying for leadership of this deeply divided political entity.

My news outlet chronicled this ongoing schism in an article earlier this week, but the root of the discord is pretty simple: Party activists of all ideological persuasions are at each others’ throats.

As are their elected representatives in the state capital of Columbia …

The party’s “big tent” is simply stretched too thin … with fiscal “moderates,” #NeverTrumpers, neoconservatives, libertarian-leaners, social conservatives and MAGA warriors all seemingly at odds with each other depending on the day.

This isn’t just a story of supporters of former U.S. president Donald Trump going up against the “Republican” establishment, though … which is the narrative playing out at the national level.

In South Carolina, Trump backers are also battling against one another for control of the “MAGA” movement. The focal point of this battle? The candidacy of former Trump attorney Lin Wood for SCGOP chairman.

Wood is currently at the head of a “MAGA slate” of Republican party candidates backed by – a group which bills itself as “a collaborative project of like minded patriotic and conservative groups across South Carolina who want to drain the swamp in Columbia.”

The purpose of the organization is to take control of the SCGOP, which it insists is under the thumb of the “RINO establishment elite.”

Of course, it is worth noting the current chairman of the state party – Drew McKissick – is a Trump errand boy who has been rewarded for his subservience with a pair of presidential endorsements.

MAGA versus MAGA, in other words …

Earlier this week, my website exclusively reported that retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn – who briefly served as Trump’s national security advisor – was coming to South Carolina to campaign for Wood, whose SCGOP chairmanship candidacy he has endorsed.

Flynn has called Wood “the right man at the right time.”



“South Carolina needs Lin in this leadership role now and our nation needs his courage, intellect and patriotism,” Flynn said.

According to the organizer of the event Flynn is headlining, however, his support of Wood will not be on display at the “Unite for the Republic” rally scheduled for April 21, 2021 in Aynor, S.C. Instead, this event will focus on a slate of candidates for the Horry county Republican party (which, as this outlet has previously reported, is definition of divisiveness).

“The event I’m hosting is not an event for Lin Wood in any way,” local internet talk show host Chad Caton told me this week. “General Flynn is coming to speak and endorse some candidates that are running for our HCGOP convention. Lin Wood is not speaking. This is about Horry county, not the state chair race.”

Wait, though, isn’t the slate of candidates Flynn is endorsing the so-called “MAGA slate?” Which is backing Wood’s campaign for chairman?

Yes … but …

“This has nothing to do with Lin Wood,” Caton told us.

The Horry county “MAGA slate” includes Tracey Beanz, editor-in-chief of UncoverDC – a conservative website. Beanz is running for a seat on the SCGOP executive committee from Horry county. Businessman Roger Slagle is the slate’s candidate for chairman of the county party, while local mortgage banker Jeremy Halpin is its candidate for vice chairman.

As noted previously, Flynn’s appearance be held on Wednesday, April 21, 20201 at The Blessed Barn (3500 Nobles Farm Road) in Aynor from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDT.

Count on my news outlet to continue keeping close tabs on the war within the SCGOP – the outcome of which will impact both the 2022 Republican primary races as well as the 2024 “First in the South” presidential primary election.


(Via: FITSNews)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading.




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