
SC Inspector General Meets Again With SCDPS

Sources: Report coming soon …

For the second time in as many weeks, South Carolina’s inspector general (SCOIG) is meeting with the embattled leader of the S.C. Department of Public Safety (SCDPS).

Brian Lamkin – appointed to his post earlier this year by governor Henry McMaster – met last week with SCDPS director Leroy Smith, whose agency has been the subject of an SCOIG investigation for the past four months.

News of that probe was first reported by FITSNews.

The two met again on Friday morning at SCDPS headquarters in Blythewood, S.C., we’re told.  According to our sources, Lamkin and Smith were meeting to review SCDPS’ response to the forthcoming SCOIG report – which we’re told has been completed and is awaiting release.

What do we expect the document to reveal?

Good question … but based on Lamkin’s prior work, we’re not anticipating anything seismic.  So far his agency appears to be in the business of glossing over problems, not exposing them and holding those responsible for them accountable for their actions.

What is SCOIG investigating, exactly?

That’s also unclear … although our exclusive reporting of this probe’s origins referenced an employee survey that sought feedback on “communication, morale, administrative inquiry processes, hiring processes, and leadership,” among other topics.

So it could just be a glorified venting session …

Smith has been accused of “reverse racism” in his leadership of this law enforcement agency – which has struggled mightily to perform its core functions of government.  State lawmakers have already gone on record calling for Smith’s resignation, however McMaster has steadfastly refused to fire the scandal-scarred bureaucrat.

Smith enraged state lawmakers earlier this year when he refused to appear before a meeting of the S.C. House legislative oversight committee in Columbia, S.C.   He was called before this committee to respond to a damning report released by this panel back in April (news of which also broke exclusively on this news site).

That report confirmed much of our prior reporting regarding mounting problems at SCDPS – including soaring traffic fatalities, lax law enforcement, misappropriation of public funds, poor recruitment (and retention) of officers and double standards in the administration of internal justice at the agency.

Smith was hired (against our advice) by former S.C. governor Nikki Haley.  During his tenure, the number of troopers on the highways has remained well below recommend levels – while traffic fatalities have climbed dramatically (at levels higher than initially reported to the public, too).

Morale amongst troopers is at an all-time low, we’re told.

Sources differ as to the trouble Smith could be in as a result of these atrocious outcomes.  One law enforcement source told us the embattled bureaucrat was “bulletproof.”  However sources at the agency told us Smith has been “scrambling” in the past two weeks after receiving his first look at the contents of the report.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see once the document is released …



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