S.C. governor Nikki Haley was ostensibly picked to deliver the “Republican” response to Barack Obama‘s 2016 “State of the Union” address because she’s brought “opportunity and prosperity” to the Palmetto State.
Wait … opportunity? Ummm …
And prosperity? Hmmmm …
So … since those reasons are obviously B.S., what was the real reason Haley was selected?

One South Carolina conservative radio host has an interesting theory. Tara Servatius – host of a weekday morning show on 106.3 WORD FM in Greenville, S.C. – says she believes Haley’s selection is all about paving the way for a critical pro-establishment endorsement in the Palmetto State’s “First in the South” presidential primary.
The real beneficiary of Haley’s selection (according to Servatius’ theory)? “Republican” establishment favorite Marco Rubio … who is the odds-on favorite to receive Haley’s 2016 presidential nod in spite of some unpleasant history between the two politicians’ orbits.
“The only reason they picked her to give the State of the Union response was so she could endorse Rubio in the days after in all the media afterglow,” Servatius told us. “Build her up, then she endorses Rubio – (which is) critical to their plan to use South Carolina as a firewall to stop Trump.”
Ah yes, Donald Trump … the surprise GOP frontrunner whose candidacy Haley pilloried last fall. And the guy who currently has the GOP establishment in full freakout mode.
Is that really what this is about? Are “Republicans” really that desperate to defeat “The Donald?” Um, yes. In a word.
Will a Haley endorsement of Rubio make a difference in driving down Trump’s support? Ordinarily, we’d be inclined to say “yes.” After a very rocky start, Haley is now hugely popular in the Palmetto State – and her endorsement will no doubt carry considerable weight this election cycle (as opposed to last cycle).
But Rubio brings some serious ideological baggage to South Carolina – on immigration, trade and liberty issues (just to name a few). And some serious personal baggage, too. All of which is why the first-term U.S. Senator is trailing badly in the polls …
Oh, and the last Palmetto politician who endorsed him didn’t fare so well in the aftermath … at all.
Still, Servatius’ theory makes a lot of sense … and would explain why “Republican” establishment leaders like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan would select Haley for this speech.
Nothing really surprising here, although what is really surprising nowadays?
Thought this would be about, with whom is she currently sleeping with?
These cruds really want to take our Trump option away from us. I see the muslims are boo-hooing over the treatment one of their bitches, who went to a Trump rally to try and stir up shit, received. One of the males was expressing concern for her safety and well-being, which was totally laughable to anyone with a grain of sense. If she tried to speak in public under a caliphate, which they so badly want, in all likelihood they would have probably stoned her to death. They pretend to be concerned for their women when it benefits their propaganda, but when they are in control, their women mean nothing to them.
Speaking of bitches. How does it feel it be one of Trump’s sucker-ass bitches?
Economic theories are like assholes, everbody has one. What we’ve been doing for the past twenty years certainly hasn’t worked for us. It’s time to try something else. Being that Trump is no pauper, and has recovered from more than one fall to his current status, he just might be the one to fix things.
Might want to ask the USFL about Trump fixing things. Not too hard to be rich and crash several businesses when your parents left you a bunch of money as a cushion.
Yeah, but he’s still got buttloads moar money than anyone on here does. Obviously, he has some business sense that is sorely lacking in our government.
I doubt anyone on here has a father whose business was worth 250 million dollars in the 1970s.
I’ll grant you that, but if he were typical of most of our legislators and Congressmen, he would have been permanently bankrupt by now without taxpayer money to steal and use for his benefit.
That and having his daddy bail his broke ass out some years back….
I got no use for that draft-dodging, obnoxious loud-mouthed Yankee blowhard
I didn’t like him for a long time. In fact, as recently as last year, I swore I wouldn’t vote for him after he berated Pamela Geller (sp?) for her “draw mohammed” art contest.
That said, right now, he is the only candidate who appears to be free of NWO/ Establishment Republican ties and who might actually try to fix some of what is broken in this country.
True, Trump is another asshole with a meaningless theory. Economic Experts, however, tell us Trump’s made-up on the spot policies would destroy the economies of states like SC’s, who’s people rely on cheap goods from China & Mexico and cheap immigrant labor. Please, worship the guy who would end up fucking you over. It’s the Tea Party way, after all.
I seriously doubt that less cheap junk from China or fewer illegals adding to the burdens of our jails, courts, schools, and other institutions, will seriously damage our economy in the long run. If anything, it will likely improve for us.
Like you said, assholes have economic theories.
Clemson 27 Alabama 23
Go Cocks!!!
The ole double entendre eh?
Jethroe Bodine Verdad last Friday commented –
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
So you’re basically saying they are much like Hillary Clinton?
Uh, yes Buzz, you could say that and still be well on the mark!
not a great plan. first her speech has to incur ‘afterglow’ – ask bobby jindal if thats guaranteed. second, if Trump wins only one primary, it’ll be in SC, nothing nikki can do about that.
Ryan is singing her praises on CNN. He said he had a hand in choosing her.
Leave out choosing, and I’m good except the smell.
If he could get a whole hand in … well …
Is it because she took down the flag, or let gays marry?
I really think its the Indian/elephant/Mother Teresa/rolling out a new saint thing.
The Catholic Church is quite the persona pusher, you know.
Because she fucked Will and lied about it.Sucking FaraCon,Sharpton and Jackson’s cock didn’t help on confederate flag.
Her biggest problem is on immigration as she is PRO Amnesty.
i think this is a case of overthinking the situation, halley is just the best token woman they could find to throw out there, i bet she blows the response harder than she blew Will.
Token minority too don’t forget.
That’s a very valid point. Everyone who’s done it since 2008 is a failed has been. Rubio, and I can’t even remember who else. So folks like Blackburn and that chick Elmers – they don’t want to end their career. Nikki’s already lame duck meat, so who cares if she stumbles and fails.
Well, “blow” is just a figure of sppeech. To be really good she needs to a “strain” on it, and use just a little tooth on the “HOO-RAW” ridge as she backstrokes!
Amazing that Fits takes seriously anything that comes from the goobers at that radio station. No one takes WORD *seriously* in the Upstate, it’s merely one of those places to punch your ticket with a certain element, of a certain slice, of rural Upstate SC.
The DNC Bitch-in-Chief says Haley was picked because the GOP has too few blacks and browns in the fold:
Of course the tin-foil-hat brigade in South Carolina has to keep certain fantastical delusional black helicopter theories alive just in case their chosen troglodyte does not win the S.C. GOP Primary, that is open to all voters, red and blue. That WORD is worried about what happens to Trump shows you how ignorant they are, as Trump is certainly no Conservative, let alone a “Republican”.
“The DNC Bitch-in-Chief says Haley was picked because the GOP has too few blacks and browns in the fold:”
I love when Dems run that one out and then forget to look over at their “all white all the time” slate…
on the other hand we have never had a Jew or woman run in the general
Who was AlGore’s running mate? Joe Liberman. Who was “Maverick McCain’s” running mate? Good Ol’Sarah Palin. Mondale’s running mate – Geraldine Ferraro. women are nothing new. Besides what woman are the Dems running?
“besides what woman are the Dems running?”
— GASP..!!
i was talking about president
Okay – here’s the list of women who’ve run for president:
Victoria Woodhull
Belva Ann Lockwood
Belva Ann Lockwood
Gracie Allen
Ellen Linea W. Jensen
Mary Kennery[6]
Charlene Mitchell
Linda Jenness
Evelyn Reed
Ellen McCormack
Maureen Smith
Deirdre Griswold
Sonia Johnson
Gavrielle Holmes[10]
Lenora Fulani
Willa Kenoyer
Lenora Fulani
Helen Halyard
Isabell Masters
Gloria La Riva
Monica Moorehead
Marsha Feinland
Mary Cal Hollis
Diane Beall Templin
Isabell Masters
Monica Moorehead
Cathy Gordon Brown
Diane Beall Templin
Cynthia McKinney
Gloria La Riva
Diane Beall Templin
Jill Stein
Roseanne Barr
Peta Lindsay
You forgot Shirley Chisholm
I had forgotten her but the names on the list I provided were not primary candidates, they all appeared on the final presidential ballots in at least one state. Rosanne Barr for instance got 48,000 votes in 2012 finishing 6th behind Jill Stein in 5th, she hit 390,000 votes.
Gracie Allen ran for POTUS?
1940, it started as a joke and then sort of took on a life of its own. She actually got something like 40,000 votes.
Or a communist,dyke/criminal.
Sharpton ran in 2004, lol. Bill Richardson is Hispanic and he ran in 2008.
Even the “black man” in the White House is half white. The first “African American President”, Slick Willie, is almost an albino.
Is Servatius hiding a nice set of knockers?
Let the puppies free Tara! Let them breathe.
I used to hear her now and then on WBT in Charlotte, she was ok to listen to; now and then.
It will have very little, if any, impact on the the electorate in SC.
Anyone that easily swayed at this point in the process could be as easily swayed by some other candidate/endorsement later, closer to election time.
It sounds good, looks good, but it is just too early.
Personally, I have never had my vote affected by someone’s endorsement.
“Personally, I have never had my vote affected by someone’s endorsement.” Me also ‘never’ ……
Maybe, you have not had the right enticement.
Some of you may know who I’m discussing here, but I was “enticed” once by a very young and beautiful gal who was married to an older lobbyist. At a gathering at their house one evening my attorney friend and politician said to me, “Sidle up to her and quietly mention that you totally disagree with her husbands’ ideas he was promoting.” OK, so I did. She chatted me up for a couple of minutes and offered to take me into the guest bedroom for a blow job. This I declined. Then my friend and I watched as she and other folks would conveniently be absent at the same time. Since this incident has been brought up from my forgotten memories, I’ll admit that I regretted missing that experience!
dummy, nobody cares who blows who in sc politics as long as they have family values
At that time I was still married — didn’t want to take anything home that didn’t belong there.
Next time, Shifty, don’t think. Nice to see you again!!!
Caption for photo:
Nikki Haley’s Team of the Future – We Are the Party of Inclusion
Who cares about Haley. Who cares about the DEMS … Who cares about the GOP. All are fucked up corrupt skanks, and the masses know it. This is why Trump is winning. This is why they are afraid of going to prison under a Trump administration. HANG THEM *&%$#@!! ALL. LMAO! LMAO!!!
The Donald will deliver us!
The white nationalists are on board with you!
A white nationalist super PAC says it has started an independent robocall campaign in Iowa urging voters to support Donald Trump’s presidential bid.
“I’m Jared Taylor with American Renaissance,” Taylor says. “I urge you to vote for Donald Trump because he is the one candidate who points out that we should accept immigrants who are good for America. We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture. Vote Trump.”
“Trump likes Nickelback”
I can’t think of one more horrible insult at this moment.
Trump eats babies? Nah, just not believable.
Tara is giving waaaay to much weight in the value of Nikki’s endorsement. The Donald could pay her to pick Rubio to sink his fragile little boat.
South Carolina a “firewall” ….. HA HA HA HA HA.!! I DON’T THINK SO ….
What you talkin’ bout Willis?
Fuck Nikki Haley! I am still voting for trump!
How many Dems will vote for Trump in the SC primary I wonder?
i think i might, it will be like pissing in the republican’s sinking ship
“it will be like pissing in the republican’s sinking ship”
Too funny!
Can Hillary watch election results from prison?
/// Fuck Nikki Haley! ///
Sounds good to me.
/// I am still voting for trump! ///
Knock yourself out.
I thought they picked her because she still looks better in a skirt than Bobby Jindal.
obviously you have never seen bobby in a thong
Boz wears girls clothes.
Probably because she won the prize for giving the most special favors to her very special friends…heard she’s talented like does she find the time?
It amazes me that a fits thinks their readers are so stupid that they would accept your cherry picking one or two numbers to define the economic sucess of South Carolina.
At SC Dept. Employment and Workforce
click the “South Carolina’s Employment Situation – November 2015 under “News & Information” at the right.
Anyone that supports Haley is a complete fucking idiot. She will be the kiss of death fir any candidate she endorses.
Anybody that supported Clemson tonight got the kiss of death! BALL GAME!!!
100% correct on your comment.
Who’s getting sacked? It ain’t #4.
Bamafraud….we exposed em last year…Clemson may just BURY the SEC tonight!
Interception. ….
Gonna be a good one.
Clemson needs to play ahead and make Alabama try and throw the football.
Henry is like Elliot at OSU.He will wear a defense out.
Jethroe Bodine Verdad erneba • an hour ago
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
Dabo is nuts like his brother. Crazy? Clemson wins this game IF they get up 2 scores.Alabama is HORRIBLE on offense-Henry can break one.
Alabama time keeper.
Urban doesn’t like Clemson to win this game.He said at halftime that the qb scrambles by Watson won’t work in second half and that Alabama is controlling defensive line of scrimmage (12 yards on 9 rushes by Clemson running backs).
I put my money on Clemson with the best player on the field-Watson….and a pathetic Alabama offense/qb. They need to play ahead and NOT turn ball over.
Jethroe Bodine Verdad the pretent sports writer said –
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
Watching Flip be completely wrong – I’ve been waiting for this. What a derp.
Clemson needs score.
If Clemson can play ahead they can win.They can’t just let Henry run the football.
Clemson, better than Ohio State, still couldn’t beat Francis Marion
Look at Tara’s huge right hand and small left hand.
Jethroe Bodine Verdad is an idiot. As he said last Friday –
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
Ohio State beats Clemson 45-34.
Ohio State beats Alabama 42-28
Did Ohio State play tonight? No!!!!
They played in YOUR mind! :)
I hope they catch Dabo’s brother jacking off in jail tonight and give him 15 days in the hole!!!
You’re going Dabo!
:) good game.Night.
From the way she is holding that mike I’d say her right hand has had more exercise!
My right hand isn’t bigger.
Ignor that last comment.
Could she be a dwarf?
Q: What do you call a psychic
dwarf wanted by the police?
A: A small medium at large.
“Why Nikki Haley Was Really Picked To Give The State Of The Union Response”
Because they knew Susanna Martinez would be drunk?
But, really, why in an election year has the GOP spurned its two Mexican American governors?
duh??? The hispanic vote doesn’t matter.Media hype. Trump will prove that. New poll shows Trump getting 20% of democrat vote.
But he says the Mexicans love him, and will pay for his wall.
They will.We do BILLIONS of $$$’s of trade with Mexico.They will pay for it.
We may let drug lord Chopo build it!
Chopo is an expert on tunnels. Wall doesn’t help.
Tunnel didn’t help him,did it? Why in the hell do Rubio and Haley want to let millions of illegals in?We are OUT of money.
I like Clemson right now.
Clemson now. Haley later.
I still like Clemson however Dabo is out of control.He could could coach the Bengals.
But, but, but Jethroe Bodine Verdad said last Friday –
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
Both teams were over hyped.
Not as over hyped as NOhio State.
Jethroe Bodine Verdad says last Friday
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
Jethroe Bodine Verdad erneba • Friday Jan 8
Alabama is WAY over hyped.Clemson should be favored.
If Haley speaks out against Trump he will lambaste her.
It would be UGLY!!! I think Trump wants some of that liberal bitch Haley and Debbie Wasserman- Shultz.
DABO ALERT!!! Will he try and break his bro out tonight?
On his first night in prison he made a big mistake. Apparently ‘I’ll toss you for the top bunk’ means something different on the inside.
Will the GOP be handing out tokens with Nikki’s likeness on them?
The Yahoo article on her talks about how she offered to resign if anyone offered proof of her affairs, and no one did. Maybe they should have footnoted the nice payoff to Fits to shut him up and make his alleged book disappear.
GOP using Nikki Haley to do their dirty work &push Donald Trump out of race-GOP wants more conventional candidate
Backed by Koch Brothers as a Sara Palin wanna be.
Koch Brothers, closely aligned for decades with the John Birch Society.
Koch Brother’s money came from their father who got it building Oil facilities for the Nazis under Adolph Hitler in the 1930s. Nice people Haley’s backers!
History doesn’t lie about who Haley is a puppet for, but Haley surely does.
With 3 Ethics investigations in her first 6 months in office.
The only reason she was not indicted is because she picked the legislative investigators her self. She found herself: not guilty.
There seems to be no end to the blind stupidity of SC GOP voters.
Who follow along behind this Pied Piper of Crime like a bunch of rats to the slaughter.
Just Disgusting.
“The Tara Show”???==========Are you kidding????
If you want to listen to some shrill sounding harpy talk shit for a couple of hours (well, probably only 45 minutes of actual ear splitting shrillness when you consider about 90 minutes of her two hours is commercials for old folks homes, etc.) each morning help yourself………..
The Great State of South Carolina deserves such “leaders as “Queen Namrata as gov and Trump as Prez….with “Queen” Namrata as VP