More SC Enviro Whacko Spin

AND MORE HYPOCRISY …  || By FITSNEWS ||  South Carolina’s environmental movement should be a thriving, credible force for good in the Palmetto State.  It should stand up for the public’s interests against government ineptitude and crony capitalist abuses … and do so with consistency and integrity.  Unfortunately, it’s led…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  South Carolina’s environmental movement should be a thriving, credible force for good in the Palmetto State.  It should stand up for the public’s interests against government ineptitude and crony capitalist abuses … and do so with consistency and integrity.  Unfortunately, it’s led by Ann Timberlake … a status quo hypocrite who is more interested in padding her bank account and bullying people than she is in getting anything done on behalf of her “movement.”

And while Timberlake may have the legacy media in her pocket, that doesn’t make her shrill and selective outrage any more credible.

Take Timberlake’s latest rant against a low-level nuclear waste facility in Barnwell, S.C. – published as a letter to the editor of The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier.

“South Carolina’s willingness time and again to prostitute itself to the corporate waste industry tests our credibility and our reputation,” Timberlake wrote of the Barnwell project.

Well, well … that’s rich talk coming from a woman who once rebuked an environmentally friendly candidate in favor of a polluter due to her “friendly incumbent policy.”  And a woman whose group takes money from polluters (yet has the audacity to accuse others of being on the take).

Never mind that in bashing this facility, Timberlake and her fellow eco-radicals have consistently opposed the Yucca Mountain project in Nevada – which is where far more dangerous radioactive waste was supposed to be shipped years ago until the administration of Barack Obama broke its promise as part of a political sop to former Senate Leader Harry Reid.

Thanks to Obama and Reid, that waste is stuck in South Carolina … indefinitely.  Oh, and it’s stuck here even though our taxpayers paid disproportionately for the construction of the Yucca facility ($1.2 billion out of its $10 billion price tag).

“Without any legal authority, the federal government has failed to not only honor its commitment to SC but has breached its obligation to responsibly address the disposal of surplus plutonium,” S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson wrote last spring in suing Obama.

Oh, and last time we checked the folks over at the Savannah River Site (SRS) weren’t exactly keeping both hands on the steering wheel related to monitoring the dangerous radioactive materials kept at that facility.

But Timberlake doesn’t care about that …

Also, the last time we checked citizens in Barnwell County … which Timberlake refers to as her “backyard” … were on the record saying they supported the jobs and revenue associated with the Barnwell facility that she’s attacking.

Oh well … we won’t interrupt Timberlake while she’s (once again) making a fool of herself.  Although to those who truly care about the Palmetto State’s environmental movement, we would submit this as yet another example of Timberlake’s unfitness to champion its best interests.


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GrandTango March 10, 2015 at 10:11 am

Gary Johnson is a LIBERAL-TARIAN. He is about as Enviro-Whacky as you can get. FITS supports him…

Joel Sawyer, who had the same job as FITS for Sanford…ran Johnson’s campaign in 2012…and FITS was very kind to Johnson…

So it’s a bit ingenuous to try to attack these people, when you allied one of theirs when it was convenient….

Try To Keep Up March 10, 2015 at 12:22 pm

Well, you love liberals. You use their arguments, tactics, and language. Then you turn around and bash them. Want a mea culpa or are you gonna continue with more of the same?

Tom Clements March 10, 2015 at 2:40 pm

If the author is really concerned about the issue at hand, that’s great, but it comes off as a rant about perceived ranting. But a good rant is OK now and then. Now, stay tuned for what DOE is proposing – dumping of highly radioactive spent fuel from Germany at the Savannah River Site – and start ranting. It’s also worth lots of protesting and opposition. The “draft environmental assessment” on that scheme is due out in April. It will be more of special interests being facilitated by big government to dump on us and profit mightily from it. So it goes with such schemes at SRS – DOE facilitates waste or plutonium to come in with no exit path and enough is enough of that. Tom Clements, Savannah River Site Watch, Columbia, SC

FastEddy23 March 10, 2015 at 6:34 pm

Yes, there is big bucks in whackoism. Ask Al Gore and his Church of Fear of Global Warming. He is now on the Forbes 400 list = a 1%er fur sure. And the Gore family still owns a big chunk of Occedental Petroleum.

Elmer Gantry March 10, 2015 at 6:47 pm

Don’t worry, deficient DHEC has it all in sight and will make sure that nothing bad happens. The same people who can’t keep track at what happens on poop “farms” or in arsenic-oozing coal ash “ponds” will somehow be up to the task of looking out for South Carolina’s people’s interests with corroding tanks of high-level radioactive waste and with radioactive dumps that indirectly profit politicians. Have some faith. It’s a Bible Belt state after all.

Dan Ruck March 10, 2015 at 8:22 pm

No wonder Barack doesn’t come around here very often. But he knew where to shovel the shit — S.C. And S.C. is still taking it!

Beartrkkr March 12, 2015 at 12:48 am

Yes, this will be great and nothing will leach into the groundwater and need millions upon millions to be cleaned up. The Safety-Kleen dump says hi…


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