Hypocrite Enviros: Joe McCulloch’s Attack Enablers

FOLLOWING THE LATEST TWO-STEPPING …  By FITSNEWS || A few days ago we ran a story about a demonstrably false attack mailing being circulated in the Midlands region of South Carolina by liberal trial lawyer Joe McCulloch – who is running (again) against fiscally conservative S.C. Rep. Kirkman Finlay for S.C….


By FITSNEWS || A few days ago we ran a story about a demonstrably false attack mailing being circulated in the Midlands region of South Carolina by liberal trial lawyer Joe McCulloch – who is running (again) against fiscally conservative S.C. Rep. Kirkman Finlay for S.C. House District 75, one of the few swing districts in the Palmetto State.

While the brazen inaccuracy of McCulloch’s attack piece was self-evident … as was the desperation fueling it … not as readily noticeable at first glance was one of the mailing’s “sponsors.”

Included on McCulloch’s attack piece was the logo of the Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC) – a group that’s been on our radar a good bit lately due to the self-serving exploits of its leader, Ann Timberlake.

Anyway … we found it curious Timberlake’s group would lend its imprimatur to an attack piece going after the waste disposal industry.  Obviously, environmental groups go after waste disposal industries all the time … but they don’t often take money from such groups while they’re doing it.

Timberlake does, though.  In fact one waste disposal company – Waste Management – sponsored one of Timberlake’s recent “Green Tie” award banquets, sources familiar with the event tell FITS.

“We’ve given generously to CVSC,” a source close to the company told FITS recently.  “And they took all that money because we conduct ourselves responsibly and they knew they’d get no blowback for taking it.”

Donors and lawmakers are taking note of Timberlake’s hypocrisy.

“She’s targeting people who have supported the industries supporting her,” one lawmaker told FITS. “I’m no supporter of Kirkman Finlay but that’s the sort of double dealing that’s going to land her in more trouble if she keeps it up.”

McCulloch has pivoted to environmental issues after his bid to brand Finlay as unethical failed miserably.

Now that we’ve exposed his hypocrisy – and the hypocrisy of his supporters – on this issue, too, we wonder what he’ll try next?

Hmmmm … maybe more theft and vandalism … 

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jurisdoc October 15, 2014 at 3:24 pm

Me thinks the bearded one is scared….. Why else pay Fits to run this bullshit about “special interests” and sign vandals?

On ethics, for a dollar or two, Fits will forget the articles he ran blasting the members of the general assembly that sponsored the infamous “get out of jail free” bills by then Speaker Harrell. Sponsors that included Finlay, who never requested to be removed as a sponsor…..

Keep Em Coming October 15, 2014 at 5:21 pm

Got another Joe McCulloch oversized mailer today. It was printed on a lighter cover stock than the last one, so I may need to double it over to scrape the dogshit off my shoe this time.

Guero October 15, 2014 at 8:16 pm

It would still be worth more in the legislature than Kirkman “Bobby Harrell’s butt-boy” Finley. He must be worried to sic Billy the Attack Squirrel Folks on Joe once again. Billy needs to wipe his upper lip after servicing the welfair queen.

TP for my JoeHole October 16, 2014 at 4:01 pm

Hoping the next one is printed on something soft enough to wipe my ass with.

Sam October 15, 2014 at 8:45 pm

Well, we both know what you are, now we are just haggling about price….

Edgar October 16, 2014 at 8:28 pm

Joe is a good guy and Amy is great. The problem is the Richland County Democrats are run by and dictated to by Jean Toal. Toal owns James Smith, John Courson, Joel Lourie and Darryl Jackson. She keeps “sending word” to poor Joe and Amy as to what they should be doing to win this election. He cannot win and should not win with Richland County being in this type predicament.

Jean, we know you. If that stupid little girl FBI agent with the facebook page is the only one investigating you, then we have problems, but it will eventually catch up with you.


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