AMERICA EMBARRASSED … AGAIN Ships from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) conducted a “high-speed intercept” of an American military vessel in the Strait of...
STATE DEPARTMENT SPILLS THE BEANS … U.S. president Barack Obama has previously denied that his administration engaged in a “cash-for-hostages” deal with the government of...
GROUP SEEKS DOCUMENTS RELATED TO IRANIAN DEAL … A Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group wants to get to the bottom of U.S. president Barack Obama‘s cash-for-hostages scandal. The...
CURRENT, FORMER GOP SENATORS SELL OUT … AGAIN || By FITSNEWS || Remember the “American Security Initiative?” In case you don’t, this is the group that...
SENATOR: US TAXPAYERS SUBSIDIZING THE UNDERMINING OF THEIR OWN SECURITY || By FITSNEWS || Couple things up front: This website has never bought into the...
PATAKI: PRESIDENT MUST “RESPECT AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY” || By FITSNEWS || Former New York governor George Pataki is blasting president Barack Obama for taking his heavily...