FALLOUT FROM FAILED “SOFT COUP” U.S. president Barack Obama is under “intense pressure” to provide proof that Russian hackers were responsible for email leaks that...
WARMONGERING ELITE STOOP TO NEW LOWS … In 2016, the American political spectrum bent around backward on itself. In good ways and not-so-good ways. One...
MACHINES SWITCHING DONALD TRUMP VOTES TO HILLARY CLINTON … There multiple reports of voting machines in Pennsylvania switching votes from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump...
LIBERAL REPUBLICAN DESCRIBED AS “CRITICAL VOTE” FOR DEMOCRATS … For years this website has been exposing how U.S Senator Lindsey Graham operates in Washington, D.C. Of...
COMING TO A CONTINENT NEAR YOU … Uber-liberal billionaire George Soros says that Europeans who wish to protect themselves from incoming waves of Muslim refugees...
LIBERAL WARMONGERING WITH THE NEW NAZIS … Most people probably don’t know or care much about George Soros – the multi-billionaire liberal whose “progressive” network has...
Several liberal “Republican” lawmakers are conspiring with Democrats to block the passage of a refugee resettlement reform bill – hoping to spare S.C. governor Nikki Haley the...
LAWSUIT AIMS TO BLOCK CONTROVERSIAL PROGRAM S.C. governor Nikki Haley and one of her cabinet agencies have been named as defendants in a lawsuit aimed...
WILL SOUTH CAROLINA’S POLITICIANS LISTEN? Advocacy groups are ramping up the pressure on South Carolina elected officials – urging them to reject a controversial refugee resettlement...