CLAIM MOCKED BY REAL VETERANS … || By FITSNEWS || Of all people, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham should know better than to exaggerate his military service....
WITHDRAWAL FROM YEMEN LATEST SETBACK … || By FITSNEWS || America’s first “War on Terror” resulted in $4-6 trillion in deficit spending, thousands of dead soldiers...
WHITE HOUSE MISTAKENLY REVEALS AFGHAN CIA CHIEF … U.S. President Barack Obama’s Memorial Day photo opportunity with American troops in Afghanistan hit a major snag...
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley welcomed her husband Michael back from a one-year deployment to Afghanistan this week. What was the Palmetto State’s “first gentleman” doing...
After a year of talks over the post-2014 US military presence in Afghanistan, the U.S. administration announced last week that a new agreement had finally...
Here we go again … Another day, another foreign country U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) wants America to invade – using other people’s blood and...