FORGET CONGRESS, FORGET THE SECOND AMENDMENT: THIS ADMINISTRATION “IS GOING TO ACT” “Laws? We don’t need no stinking laws …” And forget that crusty “relic,”...
2016 CONTENDER SPEAKING IN CHARLESTON ON JANUARY 21 Is it too early to speculate about the 2016 Republican presidential nomination? And what about South Carolina’s...
MICHELE BACHMANN DELIVERS DECIDING VOTE Fresh off of his wholesale betrayal of the principles his “Republican” party is supposed to stand for, U.S. Speaker of...
$620 BILLION TAX INCREASE PASSED BY “GOP-CONTROLLED” CHAMBER Eighty-five “Republicans” joined Democrats in supporting a massive tax hike on the American people – and in...
$620 BILLION TAX INCREASE RECEIVES BROAD, “BIPARTISAN” SUPPORT The U.S. Senate kicked off 2013 by retroactively endorsing a massive $620 billion tax hike on upper...
AMID “CLIFF” TALKS, OBAMA AWARDS $11 BILLION IN GOVERNMENT RAISES Just call him “Saint Barack.” Assuming you’re a taxpayer-funded employee, that is … As “leaders”...
BARACK OBAMA RETURNING FROM “CLIFFMAS” VACATION U.S. President Barack Obama is returning to Washington, D.C. this week from his latest Hawaiian vacation – purportedly to try...
IDAHO REPUBLICAN ARRESTED IN WASHINGTON, D.C. SUBURB U.S. Senator Michael Crapo (R-Idaho) was arrested and charged with driving under the influence in a Washington, D.C....
ATROCITIES DO NOT JUSTIFY DESTROYING LIBERTIES By Ralph Benko || The murder of 20 innocent children and 7 adults in Newtown, Connecticut, horrifies all Americans. President...