SCGOP Chairman: “My Opponents Are Terrorists”

S.C. “Republican” Party chairman Chad Connelly will coast to reelection this spring when the cranially challenged hypocrites who comprise the membership of his party gather for their annual convention. Which is why it amazes us that he is engaging his opposition …  Oh well. The stupidity evidenced by this establishment…

S.C. “Republican” Party chairman Chad Connelly will coast to reelection this spring when the cranially challenged hypocrites who comprise the membership of his party gather for their annual convention.

Which is why it amazes us that he is engaging his opposition … 

Oh well. The stupidity evidenced by this establishment hack is good news for our website, which gets to report on a pending lawsuit against the SCGOP chairman (and the party itself) in the wake of an ill-advised email blast implying his political opponents were terrorists.

“As we close in on the end of our conventions and in light of the world in which we live where terrorists try their best to blend in with our culture, we cannot take anything for granted and cannot allow ourselves to associate with people who rant endlessly hateful stuff,” Connelly wrote.

Connelly then specifically identified a party activist by the name of Brian Frank, who is said to be in league with Samuel Harms – Connelly’s opponent in the SCGOP chairman’s race.

“I want to warn those of you in upstate meetings where I have seen this person that you do not need to let him near your meetings,” Connelly continued. “On a related note, Brian Frank has threatened me and my family in the past and he is the primary Facebook, twitter, email and text person supporting Sam Harms.”

Whoa …

Frank – who is raising money to sue Connelly for slander as a result of the email – is definitely no saint. He’s posted some vile anti-Semitic nonsense to his website in the past (he claims it was for “informational” purposes) and based on the barrage of emails, tweets and other communication we’ve received from him pressuring us to write on this topic, it seems clear that (like most South Carolina “Republicans”) he’s more than a few bricks short of a full load.

But does that make him a terrorist? Or deserving of being compared to terrorists?

According to Connelly (who is thick as thieves with fear-mongering U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham), the answer appears to be “yes.”

Again, none of this is going to remotely impact Connelly’s reelection bid – but it is good copy, as well as the latest example of a South Carolina “Republican” demonstrating a total lack of understanding of the Art of War.


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You know me April 24, 2013 at 12:02 pm

Never trust an old man who still wears his college ring. Taaaaacky.

You know me April 24, 2013 at 12:02 pm

Never trust an old man who still wears his college ring. Taaaaacky.

Sam April 24, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Never trust an old man who still wears his college ring. Taaaaaacky.

Jimmy April 24, 2013 at 5:08 pm

What do you expect? He lives in Prosperity.

Manray9 April 24, 2013 at 7:11 pm

And sells Amway for a living!

Sam April 24, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Never trust an old man who still wears his college ring. Taaaaaacky.

Jimmy April 24, 2013 at 5:08 pm

What do you expect? He lives in Prosperity.

Manray9 April 24, 2013 at 7:11 pm

And sells Amway for a living!

politico April 24, 2013 at 12:13 pm

I wouldn’t say he’s old, maybe mid sixties.

politico April 24, 2013 at 12:13 pm

I wouldn’t say he’s old, maybe mid sixties.

Bart April 24, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Brian Frank’s obsession with Connelly is borderline criminal. These lunatics like Frank are what ruined the Tea Party movement.

Valkerie April 24, 2013 at 2:21 pm


Bart April 24, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Brian Frank’s obsession with Connelly is borderline criminal. These lunatics like Frank are what ruined the Tea Party movement.

Valkerie April 24, 2013 at 2:21 pm


Lee April 24, 2013 at 12:17 pm

If you look at his Twitter, Brian Frank says the “Boston Marathon Bombing is a Staged Terror Attack.”
I think that says all we need to know about this nut.

Jonathan April 24, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Lee – Brian Frank’s recent Facebook post is even better: “I speak from personal knowledge and experience when i say that Jews are greedy, elitist, arrogant, hateful, usurious,racist, litigious, profane, dishonest, immoral, godless troublemakers who destroy everything in their path. I’m not saying that all Jews are all of those things, but the vast majority are most of those things, if not all. Even though they don’t believe in God, they somehow believe they are God’s “chosen people”, and that the rest of humanity is only put here to serve them.”

bob sacamanto April 24, 2013 at 1:43 pm

For any serious Republicans to have a problem with running guys like that out of the party on a rail is insane. Just saying.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 24, 2013 at 7:28 pm

All things must come around eventually. Or perhaps they just linger out-of-sight. That crazed howling regarding Jews could have come straight from the pages of 1000 pamphlets and articles, or from speeches, by the farther reaches of staid “respectable” Republicanism in the upper midwest and northeast in the late 1930s and earliest 1940s. (Pearl Harbor and ensuing events eventually shut them up.)

Harpootlian April 24, 2013 at 7:41 pm

Brian Frank is an awful writer, there is no way he wrote that!

Lee April 24, 2013 at 12:17 pm

If you look at his Twitter, Brian Frank says the “Boston Marathon Bombing is a Staged Terror Attack.”
I think that says all we need to know about this nut.

Jonathan April 24, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Lee – Brian Frank’s recent Facebook post is even better: “I speak from personal knowledge and experience when i say that Jews are greedy, elitist, arrogant, hateful, usurious,racist, litigious, profane, dishonest, immoral, godless troublemakers who destroy everything in their path. I’m not saying that all Jews are all of those things, but the vast majority are most of those things, if not all. Even though they don’t believe in God, they somehow believe they are God’s “chosen people”, and that the rest of humanity is only put here to serve them.”

bob sacamanto April 24, 2013 at 1:43 pm

For any serious Republicans to have a problem with running guys like that out of the party on a rail is insane. Just saying.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 24, 2013 at 7:28 pm

All things must come around eventually. Or perhaps they just linger out-of-sight. That crazed howling regarding Jews could have come straight from the pages of 1000 pamphlets and articles, or from speeches, by the farther reaches of staid “respectable” Republicanism in the upper midwest and northeast in the late 1930s and earliest 1940s. (Pearl Harbor and ensuing events eventually shut them up.)

Harpootlian April 24, 2013 at 7:41 pm

Brian Frank is an awful writer, there is no way he wrote that!

jimlewisowb April 24, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Hey Cockroach Maker

When you come up for air how about let me know what you think of the new GOP logo

Just to not play favorites I have also include the Democrats new logo

? April 24, 2013 at 12:39 pm


Great job on the avatars. I think you need to find a way to have both listed at the same time next to your name…too bad the pic space isn’t larger.

Speaking of terrorists, which is a great way to get the sheeple motivated into voting for you, does it not seem that Connelly is sporting a Dr. Evilesque look in the above picture?

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 1:33 pm

…. that guy is SCARY-CREEPY !!!

? April 24, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Ya know, is it just me or does it seem like EVERY political race is populated with a choice between losers?(on both sides of the aisles)

It’s funny watching Republicans and Dems go back and forth fighting over what is a choice between turd piles.

2big2fall April 24, 2013 at 1:52 pm

I’m with you on the pic size. It would be nice if Sic could incorporate an upload function which would allow for larger pics. I have emailed him about this issue(not with him as he didn’t respond) and tried to point out the traffic increase it would bring. Still, this is a pretty awesome website. Evolving…I hope…

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Jim,.. good one!

BeaufortTiger April 25, 2013 at 7:49 am

The only issue I have is that you used ComicSans for your font. But then again, a crappy font is appropriate for crappy parties…

jimlewisowb April 24, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Hey Cockroach Maker
When you come up for air how about let me know what you think of the new GOP logo
Just to not play favorites I have also attached the Democrats new logo

? April 24, 2013 at 12:39 pm


Great job on the avatars. I think you need to find a way to have both listed at the same time next to your name…too bad the pic space isn’t larger.

Speaking of terrorists, which is a great way to get the sheeple motivated into voting for you, does it not seem that Connelly is sporting a Dr. Evilesque look in the above picture?

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 1:33 pm

…. that guy is SCARY-CREEPY !!!

? April 24, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Ya know, is it just me or does it seem like EVERY political race is populated with a choice between losers?(on both sides of the aisles)

It’s funny watching Republicans and Dems go back and forth fighting over what is a choice between turd piles.

2big2fall April 24, 2013 at 1:52 pm

I’m with you on the pic size. It would be nice if Sic could incorporate an upload function which would allow for larger pics. I have emailed him about this issue(not with him as he didn’t respond) and tried to point out the traffic increase it would bring. Still, this is a pretty awesome website. Evolving…I hope…

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Jim,.. good one!

BeaufortTiger April 25, 2013 at 7:49 am

The only issue I have is that you used ComicSans for your font. But then again, a crappy font is appropriate for crappy parties…

buthole buddy April 24, 2013 at 12:49 pm

Maybe his parents were brother and sister. Just sayin.

condit April 25, 2013 at 10:19 am

why the hell is it tacky to wear a ring where you received an education? That is just ignorant.

buthole buddy April 24, 2013 at 12:49 pm

Maybe his parents were brother and sister. Just sayin.

condit April 25, 2013 at 10:19 am

why the hell is it tacky to wear a ring where you received an education? That is just ignorant.

BigT April 24, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Wow!!…FITS attacking a Republican…now that’s “Man Bites Dog” type of reporting there…That just don’t happen….
You’re so unpredictable and smart, FITS…

BigT April 24, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Wow!!…FITS attacking a Republican…now that’s “Man Bites Dog” type of reporting there…That just don’t happen….
You’re so unpredictable and smart, FITS…

nobody April 24, 2013 at 1:13 pm

I don’t mind the email. I do mind stalking your candidate’s opponent in front of a place of business. Didn’t this guy do something like that recently? What an inane thing to do.

nobody April 24, 2013 at 1:13 pm

I don’t mind the email. I do mind stalking your candidate’s opponent in front of a place of business. Didn’t this guy do something like that recently? What an inane thing to do.

can't make it up April 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Sounds like the Tea Party nut that said the shooting at Newtown didn’t happened,it was staged.

BigT April 24, 2013 at 1:22 pm

What difference does it make your F*#kin Brain Dead Dolt..??
The GOP kicks your @$$#$ in election after election. And the state is actually faring better than the Leftwing Obama States…Except is SC where democrats ride heard over generation after generation of Filth and poverty…And except for the mess FITS’ Liberal-Terain Boy Sanford is making…
So STFU…or talk about the TOTAL Debacle that the Marathin Bombing is…and how Obama is F*#king it up more by the minute, as FITS ignores it…

can't make it up April 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Sounds like the Tea Party nut that said the shooting at Newtown didn’t happened,it was staged.

BigT April 24, 2013 at 1:22 pm

What difference does it make your F*#kin Brain Dead Dolt..??
The GOP kicks your @$$#$ in election after election. And the state is actually faring better than the Leftwing Obama States…Except is SC where democrats ride heard over generation after generation of Filth and poverty…And except for the mess FITS’ Liberal-Terain Boy Sanford is making…
So STFU…or talk about the TOTAL Debacle that the Marathin Bombing is…and how Obama is F*#king it up more by the minute, as FITS ignores it…

BigT April 24, 2013 at 1:23 pm

OMG…I just found out that one of the Terrorists (that FITS defends) is a Girl BEATER!!!!!!…OMG…….

The Terrorists were on Welfare and Obama Bumbled the Warnings. And Napolitano has already been caught Lying…

No wonder you STUPID @$$holes are trying to talk about ANYTHING BUT… your guy is a MAJOR F*#k up…again….

The REAL Alternative media is BUZZING w/ new Unbelievable News that makes Obama look WORSE and WORSE!!!!. and FITS is acting like a TOTAL IDIOT Dumb@$$…

BigT April 24, 2013 at 1:23 pm

OMG…I just found out that one of the Terrorists (that FITS defends) is a Girl BEATER!!!!!!…OMG…….

The Terrorists were on Welfare and Obama Bumbled the Warnings. And Napolitano has already been caught Lying…

No wonder you STUPID @$$holes are trying to talk about ANYTHING BUT… your guy is a MAJOR F*#k up…again….

The REAL Alternative media is BUZZING w/ new Unbelievable News that makes Obama look WORSE and WORSE!!!!. and FITS is acting like a TOTAL IDIOT Dumb@$$…

bob sacamanto April 24, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Few things:
1) Harms is an idiot.
2) This Frank guys is an even bigger idiot…who is quite possibly mentally unstable…with ant-Semitic bigot thrown in for good measure…
3) He is supporting Harms…and Harms is fine with that.
4) Connelly didn’t call him a “terrorist”

5) And Fits doesn’t know the 1st thing about the Art of War

2big2fall April 24, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Yes, but does he keep his friends close and his enemies closer?

bob sacamanto April 24, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Few things:
1) Harms is an idiot.
2) This Frank guys is an even bigger idiot…who is quite possibly mentally unstable…with ant-Semitic bigot thrown in for good measure…
3) He is supporting Harms…and Harms is fine with that.
4) Connelly didn’t call him a “terrorist”

5) And Fits doesn’t know the 1st thing about the Art of War

2big2fall April 24, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Yes, but does he keep his friends close and his enemies closer?

Brian Frank April 24, 2013 at 1:49 pm

We need to ask Chad Connelly these quetions:

1. The supreme court said that you failed to follow state law with
candidate filing and this resulted in over 100 republicans being removed
from the ballot , are you going to resign?

2. Ed Harris got
more votes than his primary opponent why did you list Ed Harris as
losing election? follow up Who paid you off?

3. Do you take responsibility for all the improper filings for the
candidates getting removed from the ballot? If so, when will you resign?

4. Why are you opposed to the lawsuit to prevent democrats voting in our primaries?

5. South Carolina has historically run and paid for its own
presidential preference primaries in January. Why did you ask the
Government to run and pay for the primary? Why do you need to rely on
the govt to do something that we can do ourselves?

6. The
republican party has always conducted candidate filings without any
problems until you became chairman, why do you support the legislation
that would put the govt in charge of candidate filing?

7. Why did the SC GOP borrow $340,000 and how do you intend on paying it back?

bob sacamanto April 24, 2013 at 1:58 pm

1) The court threw candidates off because THEY didn’t comply with 2 different laws that were conflicting with each other

2) The state committee, not Chad, voted against Ed Harris – get your facts straight

3) See number 1

4) He’s not opposed to a lawsuit…file away. He – and the PARTY – supports a change in the law to have people register by party – so we CAN close our primaries.

5) The state election commission ran the 2008 Republican AND Democrat primaries and the 2012 Republican because, thanks to federal laws, it’s impossible to comply without getting our asses sued.

6) He supports keeping the party in charge of filing. Again, get your facts straight dude.

7) See legal bills for #1… paying for suits that were filed by Republicans by the way

Platt April 24, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Good lord man. How many times are you going to post these inane questions? They’ve been answered by everyone and their mother. Stop being a lemming for Harms and Brown.

Henning April 24, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Brian Frank’s rap sheet is a mile long in Cherokee and Spartanburg Counties. Maybe he needs the lawsuit “fundraiser” for himself.

Arrest / Interference, hindering officers serving warrant or rescuing prisoners
Traffic / Violation of Classified DL
Wildlife / All other violations of fish, game and watercraft title
DUI / Driving under the influence – 1st offense
Traffic / Seatbelt violation – Non-criminal

Brian April 24, 2013 at 1:49 pm

We need to ask Chad Connelly these quetions:

1. The supreme court said that you failed to follow state law with
candidate filing and this resulted in over 100 republicans being removed
from the ballot , are you going to resign?

2. Ed Harris got
more votes than his primary opponent why did you list Ed Harris as
losing election? follow up Who paid you off?

3. Do you take responsibility for all the improper filings for the
candidates getting removed from the ballot? If so, when will you resign?

4. Why are you opposed to the lawsuit to prevent democrats voting in our primaries?

5. South Carolina has historically run and paid for its own
presidential preference primaries in January. Why did you ask the
Government to run and pay for the primary? Why do you need to rely on
the govt to do something that we can do ourselves?

6. The
republican party has always conducted candidate filings without any
problems until you became chairman, why do you support the legislation
that would put the govt in charge of candidate filing?

7. Why did the SC GOP borrow $340,000 and how do you intend on paying it back?

bob sacamanto April 24, 2013 at 1:58 pm

1) The court threw candidates off because THEY didn’t comply with 2 different laws that were conflicting with each other

2) The state committee, not Chad, voted against Ed Harris – get your facts straight

3) See number 1

4) He’s not opposed to a lawsuit…file away. He – and the PARTY – supports a change in the law to have people register by party – so we CAN close our primaries.

5) The state election commission ran the 2008 Republican AND Democrat primaries and the 2012 Republican because, thanks to federal laws, it’s impossible to comply without getting our asses sued.

6) He supports keeping the party in charge of filing. Again, get your facts straight dude.

7) See legal bills for #1… paying for suits that were filed by Republicans by the way

Platt April 24, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Good lord man. How many times are you going to post these inane questions? They’ve been answered by everyone and their mother. Stop being a lemming for Harms and Brown.

Henning April 24, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Brian Frank’s rap sheet is a mile long in Cherokee and Spartanburg Counties. Maybe he needs the lawsuit “fundraiser” for himself.

Arrest / Interference, hindering officers serving warrant or rescuing prisoners
Traffic / Violation of Classified DL
Wildlife / All other violations of fish, game and watercraft title
DUI / Driving under the influence – 1st offense
Traffic / Seatbelt violation – Non-criminal

neighbor April 24, 2013 at 3:57 pm

He’s only 49, just looks older. Also a Mormon, I believe.

Steve Sepos September 24, 2013 at 10:15 pm

he is not a mormon, trust me I know

neighbor April 24, 2013 at 3:57 pm

He’s only 49, just looks older. Also a Mormon, I believe.


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