Two weeks after the S.C. Supreme Court upheld (without comment) the results of a rigged election in Richland County, S.C., evidence has emerged which directly links the county’s former elections director to an illegal shortage of voting machines.
Former county election director Lillian McBride – a bureaucrat with close ties to the pro-tax movement who was hand-picked for her job by the left-leaning Richland County legislative delegation) – specifically ordered the county to deploy 30 percent fewer voting machines than state law prescribed.
As a result of these shortages – which disproportionately affected voters in precincts opposed to the county’s $1.2 billion sales tax referendum – wait times of up to seven hours were recorded across the county, forcing thousands of voters to abandon their effort to cast a ballot. Thanks to this illegal voter suppression, the sales tax hike passed by a 52-48 percent margin – two years after it failed by just 600 votes.
“Last fall’s election mess wasn’t the fault of Lillian McBride,” anti-tax leaders said recently in response to the Supreme Court’s rejection of their bid for a new election. “It was the fault of a system that allowed it to happen … a system in which no one seems to be held accountable.”
That’s true … but the evidence also points to McBride having played an active role in the conspiracy.
For example, here is the text of an email sent by a Richland County voter representative to an undisclosed county employee on July 3, 2012 – four months prior to the November 6 vote.
I just talked with Lillian and she gave me a revised list of the machines needed for the Nov 6 Election. She got the number down to 605 for machines. She also told me that we need to prepare 20-30 machines for 2020 Hampton and the Township Auditorium, but the Township is not approve as of yet.
And here’s a pic of that email …
(Click to enlarge)
FITS is filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in an effort to obtain the identities of the individuals involved in this exchange, but it represents “Exhibit A” in what could wind up being the biggest election fraud case in South Carolina history.
According to former Richland County election board chairwoman Liz Crum the county had 970 machines on Election Day – 45 of which were inoperable due to various malfunctions. According to documents provided to FITS, to comply with state election law the county was supposed to have at least 864 of these machines deployed across the county – a figure McBride reduced by 259 (or thirty percent).
Not only that, it appears as though the voting machine shortages were most pronounced in precincts which historically voted against the $1.2 billion tax hike.
McBride repeatedly told members of the media that the county had “enough” machines to services the county – which is obviously a bald-faced lie. Now we learn this shortage was planned months ahead of time.
Rather than getting hauled off to jail in the wake of the “Robbery,” McBride has actually been rewarded with another taxpayer-funded job – one which enables her to qualify for full benefits from the state’s pension fund.
Ah, the price of silence (which we’re picking up).
So … who can we thank for all this?
S.C. Senate President John Courson (RINO-Richland), S.C. Senator Joel Lourie (D-Richland), S.C. Senator Darrell Jackson (D-Richland) and S.C. Senator John Scott (D-Richland), along with S.C. Reps. Jimmy Bales (D-Richland), Mia Butler (D-Richland), Leon Howard (D-Richland), Joe Neal (D-Richland), Todd Rutherford (D-Richland), James Smith (D-Richland) and Nathan Ballentine (R-Richland) – all of whom were present when the decision was made to hand over the reins of Richland County elections to McBride.
We can also thank former S.C. Reps. James Harrison (R-Richland) and Joan Brady (R-Richland) – who were also present at that meeting – and S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, who signed the legislation.
During his second inaugural address, U.S. President Barack Obama specifically addressed the issue of lengthy lines at the polls.
“Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote,” Obama said.
Additionally, U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn told reporters that Obama would be bringing “significant resources” to bear on this problem. However, instead of investigating this “robbery,” Clyburn has been aggressively defending McBride – and accusing her detractors of being racist.
So much for all those disenfranchised voters, right?
As far as we’re concerned the “Richland County Robbery” is the most egregious violation of the public trust we’ve encountered in our ten years on the South Carolina political scene – a shamelessly transparent example of the Midlands’ political and bureaucratic elite manipulating the law and the electoral process to rob their constituents of $1.2 billion.
What’s even more shameless? The failure of those few elected officials who weren’t in on the scam to blow the whistle on it … or the Obama Justice Department to investigate it.
“It’s amazing that there still hasn’t been an investigation,” says Michael Letts, leader of the group pushing for a new election. “The solicitor, who just last year was paying big bucks to the same firm that was managing the tax increase campaign, has refused to even respond to our requests for an investigation.”
Amazing, yes … but par for the course in notoriously corrupt South Carolina.
Further proof that when Republicans say people should have to work to vote, they didn’t mean WHITE people.
Further proof that when Republicans say people should have to work to vote, they didn’t mean WHITE people.
Clyburn’s reaction to this latest, supposedly racist, breaking news ——“AAAAAH?”
Clyburn’s reaction to this latest, supposedly racist, breaking news ——“AAAAAH?”
Can we beat this dead horse one more time??
It’s $1.2 billion … stolen via a government-sponsored heist. We are going to “beat it” like it stole something. Which it did. $1.2 billion, actually.
See Will this is what I’m talking about, you’ve got your big girl panties on, in a twist and you’re getting after it!
Beat that drum, uhm, er horse brother beat that horse!
I’m glad you advocate for corruption and stealing elections. You need your head examined. It is NOT a dead horse, we have to live with these consequences and there appears to be no legal recourse—yet.
I agree with you, Brigid. Vanguard16, you are obviously one of the Democrats who benefitted from this fiasco. Please tell us why we should just forget the corruption which continues in Richland County. I surmise you are one of Jean Toal’s disciplines who often say some dumb crap as you say here.
Hey,Sarge.Good to ‘see’ you…,best
Can we beat this dead horse one more time??
It’s $1.2 billion … stolen via a government-sponsored heist. We are going to “beat it” like it stole something. Which it did. $1.2 billion, actually.
See Will this is what I’m talking about, you’ve got your big girl panties on, in a twist and you’re getting after it!
Beat that drum, uhm, er horse brother beat that horse!
I’m glad you advocate for corruption and stealing elections. You need your head examined. It is NOT a dead horse, we have to live with these consequences and there appears to be no legal recourse—yet.
I agree with you, Brigid. Vanguard16, you are obviously one of the Democrats who benefitted from this fiasco. Please tell us why we should just forget the corruption which continues in Richland County. I surmise you are one of Jean Toal’s disciplines who often say some dumb crap as you say here.
Hey,Sarge.Good to ‘see’ you…,best
Everytime FITS Bashes a Conservative, he registers a Vote for Corrupt, Race-Hating liberals…and the Horrible, Theiving government they perpetuate.
You should be Proud FITS. It’s your baby…
You really are an idiot.
Was there ever any doubt?
Everytime FITS Bashes a Conservative, he registers a Vote for Corrupt, Race-Hating liberals…and the Horrible, Theiving government they perpetuate.
You should be Proud FITS. It’s your baby…
You really are an idiot.
Was there ever any doubt?
Was the issue of direct canvasing at the polling places not raised in the protest? I’ve personally seen a guy from a trailer park beat school district’s penny tax that passed by about 64% because of some harmless flyers. Of course, like most things in this grand state, it depends on what way the political winds are blowing.
Listen, this early voting business is complete nonsense and that is what will be pushed next. Early voting = private voting, and that is what those two or three or maybe more polling places that had a ridiculous excess of machines. They were bused in to Dreher the Saturday before the election, lines, they clearly went to the hood and hollered “Get on the bus!” Taking canvassing to whole new level, huh? She was head of voter registration before she was elections director, when the delegation merged the two they destroyed the firewall that needs to be between registration and actual voting. And Holder ain’t gonna do nuthin about this, he even held workshops with churches to show them how to operate politically and avoid breaking the uh… law.
Was the issue of direct canvasing at the polling places not raised in the protest? I’ve personally seen a guy from a trailer park beat school district’s penny tax that passed by about 64% because of some harmless flyers. Of course, like most things in this grand state, it depends on what way the political winds are blowing.
Listen, this early voting business is complete nonsense and that is what will be pushed next. Early voting = private voting, and that is what those two or three or maybe more polling places that had a ridiculous excess of machines. They were bused in to Dreher the Saturday before the election, lines, they clearly went to the hood and hollered “Get on the bus!” Taking canvassing to whole new level, huh? She was head of voter registration before she was elections director, when the delegation merged the two they destroyed the firewall that needs to be between registration and actual voting. And Holder ain’t gonna do nuthin about this, he even held workshops with churches to show them how to operate politically and avoid breaking the uh… law.
Does a Democrat state senator from Richland County have a brother or brother-in-law who works at the election commission?
Yes, it’s Lourie, who got his brother-in-law a 60k plus job at the commission. This makes Lourie a disgusting scumbag.
Lourie is also scum because he would support any and everything Jean Hoefer Toal ever tells him to do because she and he daddy were such great friends. Please. Ask him. He will tell you this to your face. Get this idiot out of office.
Does a Democrat state senator from Richland County have a brother or brother-in-law who works at the election commission?
Yes, it’s Lourie, who got his brother-in-law a 60k plus job at the commission. This makes Lourie a disgusting scumbag.
Lourie is also scum because he would support any and everything Jean Hoefer Toal ever tells him to do because she and he daddy were such great friends. Please. Ask him. He will tell you this to your face. Get this idiot out of office.
Billy: I told you this is over and for you to move along. I have made my decision and there is no one who can make me honest. I win. You lose. Always.
Billy: I told you this is over and for you to move along. I have made my decision and there is no one who can make me honest. I win. You lose. Always.
What smoke?
McBride should NEVER have been given that job, and should have been fired immediately after this fiasco. The delegation members that put her there should be held accountable too.
But the email does not indicate that she knew the number of machines required by law or stated any deliberate attempt to place fewer machinres than in the past. It simply gives a number of machines.
Incompetence has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt already, but corruption? Not by this email.
Fired? She should have been jailed. The woman is being paid well to keep her trap shut from what I see.
What smoke?
McBride should NEVER have been given that job, and should have been fired immediately after this fiasco. The delegation members that put her there should be held accountable too.
But the email does not indicate that she knew the number of machines required by law or stated any deliberate attempt to place fewer machinres than in the past. It simply gives a number of machines.
Incompetence has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt already, but corruption? Not by this email.
Fired? She should have been jailed. The woman is being paid well to keep her trap shut from what I see.
Will is right to beat that horse….seeing as how it is OUR money…..
Will is right to beat that horse….seeing as how it is OUR money…..