LIBERAL GUNMAN TARGETS GOP A liberal activist who supported the 2016 presidential campaign of socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders opened fire on GOP members of Congress...
PARTY STATUS CHECK … Paging Alex P. Keaton … There’s a new report out from the Pew Research Center this month highlighting partisan identification in...
NO MORE COMPROMISE WITHOUT REAL SPENDING REFORM … We’ve been less-than-impressed lately with U.S. Donald Trump … After an encouraging start in office he’s had a...
… OR DEMOCRATS In case you missed it, U.S. president Donald Trump has temporarily abandoned his signature 2016 campaign promise, the construction of a wall on...
REPUBLICANS FINALLY UNITE ON SOMETHING … Republicans in the United States Senate stuck together this week and invoked the so-called “nuclear option” in the battle...
THE DARK STATE GETS AN ENDORSEMENT … Remember the Washington, D.C. insider who said that America’s white working class was “lazy” and should be replaced...
INSIDE THE FAR LEFT’S SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PURGE … This website just wrapped a piece on the current status of the Democratic Party in South Carolina, our...
Dear Friend, I congratulate President Trump on his inauguration. It was my hope that the grandeur of the inauguration events, celebrating the peaceful transfer of...
AGAIN … OR SOMETHING … Whatever happens with the presidential election tonight, America will find itself at a crossroads when the new government convenes next...