BARKER BASHES TIGER FANS FOR BOOING BARACK Clemson University President James Barker took a break from artificially inflating his school’s national ranking this week to...
MOGUL’S “OCTOBER SURPRISE” IS A DUD Just when the presidential campaign of “Republican” Mitt Romney appeared to be pulling ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama,...
Libertarian presidential nominee Gov. Gary Johnson released the following statement in response to Monday night’s debate: “With only two weeks to go before Election Day,...
BOTH PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES SEE AMERICA AS A “GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD” Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and U.S. President Barack Obama engaged in a lengthy,...
RAPID REACTIONS FROM THE 3rd PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE BETWEEN BARACK OBAMA AND MITT ROMNEY For the third and (thank God) final time, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt...
THE LATEST FRONT IN THE LEFT’S “WAR ON CAPITALISM” By Bill Wilson || Selective outrage has long been the professional left’s stock-in-trade, but the over-the-top invective...
LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE! In news that will no doubt spark some reflexive “smack talk” from S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, the International Association of...
“EYE OF THE SPARROW” IS CRACKING US UP As supporters of Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson – the former two-term Republican governor of New...