Now Obama’s Ahead In Ohio

BIG BATTLEGROUND STATE SWINGING BACK AND FORTH IN FINAL DAYS OF CAMPAIGN Days after a Rasmussen poll showed him ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama in Ohio, Mitt Romney is once again playing the role of underdog. According to a new Public Policy Polling survey, Obama enjoys a five-point lead…


Days after a Rasmussen poll showed him ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama in Ohio, Mitt Romney is once again playing the role of underdog.

According to a new Public Policy Polling survey, Obama enjoys a five-point lead over the “Republican” nominee – 50-45 percent – in the key battleground state.

“Obama’s approval rating is at the key 50 percent mark, with 47 percent of voters disapproving of him,” the PPP pollsters note. “Romney’s under water on his favorability, with 46 percent of voters rating him positively while 48 percent have a negative opinion.”

The PPP survey interviewed 600 likely Ohio voters between October 29-30.  Its margin of error is plus or minus four percentage points.  PPP is a Democratic polling firm, although its numbers in the 2010 election cycle were usually accurate.

Working in Obama’s favor?  Early voters – who prefer him by a 2-to-1 margin.  Working for Romney?  An “intensity gap” that could provide him with a surprise surge on Election Day.

How important is Ohio?

Well, if Romney loses the Buckeye State his path to the White House becomes infinitely more difficult.  In fact he would need to win virtually every other “swing state” on the electoral map (including Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and Virginia).

And let’s not forget there’s still the possibility of an electoral college tie …



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Daniel Carver October 31, 2012 at 3:14 pm


Carl Spackler October 31, 2012 at 3:15 pm

Somebody here doesn’t understand statistical variability!

? October 31, 2012 at 3:41 pm

One more round of free cell phones should be enough to seal the deal.

I keeeeeeed!!!!

Smirks October 31, 2012 at 4:05 pm

Obama actually did not pave the way for this to happen.

There are 17 million households currently signed up for the program, up from under 7 million just four years ago.

There are two reasons for the rapid growth.

First, the recession dramatically increased the number of people who are eligible.

Second, in 2008, during George W. Bush’s administration, the FCC allowed wireless carrier Tracfone to join the program’s list of approved providers.

Tracfone has aggressively gone after Lifeline customers. It advertises its “free phone” on television, pays commissioned street teams to canvas low-income neighborhoods for new subscribers, and signs customers up through a splashy website that promises “250 Free Minutes Every Month! Pay Nothing!”


The program itself was created during the Reagan administration and was extended to allow Tracfone under the Bush administration (although by the FCC). Odd that Obama gets the blame for this.

tomstickler November 1, 2012 at 10:38 am

Smirks: the facts don’t matter about this “Obamaphone” video. What matters is that Obama was being praised by a misinformed, obnoxious, loud, fat black woman.

A modern-day “Welfare Queen” loading food-stamp steaks into her Cadillac. Worked for Reagan, right?

? November 1, 2012 at 2:43 pm

You forgot rims Tom.

A Caddy with rims.

GreenvilleLwyr October 31, 2012 at 4:01 pm

While I am waiting for Big T’s measured, relevant response, I cannot help but notice the big lug hasn’t posted much lately. Did Mrs. Sic finally get to him?

Smirks October 31, 2012 at 4:07 pm

PPP is one poll. Rasmussen is one poll. It does help to look at multiple polls to see what they are trending towards.

tomstickler November 1, 2012 at 10:40 am

Unless you are homophobic;-), you might take a look at fivethirtyeight.com

MountainPenelope November 3, 2012 at 4:39 pm

Nate Silver called it almost to a vote last time. I’m with him on this one as well.

What does homophobia have to do with statistics?

BigT October 31, 2012 at 6:17 pm

PPP is an arm of the democrat party and Obama campaign…

FITS can’t be that D@*n STUPID can he???

Not to mention: Why is this ignorant MoFo trying to convince us in SC. Obama has no chance here…

Peddle this stpid $#!* in Ohio if you think it’s panic time enough to push bogus liberal polls…

Rasmussen is the most accurate poll in America…and if it has Romney winning in Ohio…He will….

And that means Obama is Done…

Smirks October 31, 2012 at 8:20 pm

Rasmussen is also the only major poll listed by RCP average that shows Romney in the lead in Ohio. But hey, Rasmussen is giving you poll results that you like again, so I guess you’ll go back to singing its praises (for now)…

BigT October 31, 2012 at 8:38 pm

Look at how the campaigns are acting (who is desperate) and listen to the people…You are correct. We don’t need a poll to tell us who will win…

vicupstate November 1, 2012 at 9:11 am

Rasmussen is the Fox News of pollsters and they have documented GOP biase of 2%. PPP was the most accurate pollster of 2008.

An even more recent poll that PPP shows this:

Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (Newsmax/Zogby)

BigT October 31, 2012 at 6:28 pm

NPR said: “Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a Democratic-leaning survey firm based in North Carolina”….

If NPR referes to you as Democratic-leaning, you can believe this poll is somewhere left of the Khmer Rouge.

And Look at their website. I think they have Obama up in all 50 states…

What does that tell you as it relates to relaity?

Robert October 31, 2012 at 7:22 pm

“…think they have Obama up in all 50 states.”…no they don’t.

They may be democratic leaning, hell no may here, they are. But don’t just make shit up. They actually show it as a very close race nationwide.

BigT October 31, 2012 at 8:34 pm

Why not make it up..you brain-dead dumb@$$…It’s what the whole media and/or Obama Campaign does, ad nauseum……

You may be be the most delusional MoFo’s I’ve ever witnessed…and I predict a MAJOR implosion when reality bites finally you imbeciles in the @$$…

Robert October 31, 2012 at 8:59 pm

Brain dead dumb ass? did you just call me that? even with $$ instead of ss?

listen you paranoid redneck prick, I will be ok whoever wins because America will be ok whoever wins. I may prefer one over the other.

People like you are what is wrong in this nation and in politics. You lie and lie, but you scream it loud and try to drown out others. Doesn’t make you right, just loud.

You get a form like FITS for your stupid comments because in the real world with real people, even the conservatives would tire of you and kick you in what little nuts you have.

Nölff November 1, 2012 at 9:07 am

Don’t let that doosh nozzle get under your skin. He calls everyone names. He’s not right in the head.

Robert November 1, 2012 at 6:50 am

Ashamed of myself this morning…..let myself get baited into a pissing contest with the biggest idiot on this site.

Shame on me….

BigT November 1, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Robert: When you are lead by an Failed, America-hating p!$$-ant, who is ruining the country…yet you, because, of your Hatred and Ignorance, follow him like a Stupid Zomble…you should be ashamed…

I thought I’d seen it all w/ politics…but the Blind Worship of Obama and Denial of what he has done…amazes even me…

You Obama-drones are just imbeciles….and I use that as a supportable description, not an insult….

Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 1:06 pm

If Obama wins, will you beat your kids or just bitch for another for years? If Romney wins, will you celebrate with ice cream and go away?

Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 1:07 pm

Four…Goddamn tablet.

? November 1, 2012 at 1:44 pm

If Obama wins I think we are looking at a Big T suicide.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll post it on youtube or something like the Bjork stalker.

Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 3:28 pm

Lol! Election Day just may kill the hateful bastard…

MountainPenelope November 3, 2012 at 4:43 pm

Actually, Bigot, people like YOU are ruining the country. Just can’t stand the fact that a black man is far more intelligent than you.

Skidmarks November 1, 2012 at 11:01 am

If the jobs report on Friday is encouraging, the President has won.

BigT November 1, 2012 at 2:28 pm

That’s like saying if your wife did NOT screw some other dude last night – for the first time this year – you’ll keep her…

You have to be one Dumb son of a B!*c# to be a liberal….

I think even a countable number of democrats are going to reject your savior this election…..

Smirks November 2, 2012 at 8:04 am

You have to be one Dumb son of a B!*c# to be a liberal….

Does that make you the exception to the rule?

Jan November 1, 2012 at 4:34 pm

2nd Repbulican endorses Obama. Now Powell and Bloomberg have endorsed Obama.

Also, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service produced a report last month saying Romney’s tax cuts would not stimulate the economy or reduce the deficit. GOP had the report buried, but its out now.

In the meantime Romney continues his attempt to lie and buy his way to the Presidency.

BigT November 1, 2012 at 5:25 pm

Jan: You ignorant, Desperate Ba$t@rd…Bloomberg is a LEFTWING Radical DUMB@$$…

And Powell used took advantage of his RACE to climb, claiming to be a Republican…

Only the most Ignorant and Desperate son of B!tches would claim those two are Republicans…

I’m going to LMAO when you delusional imbeciles get the $#!t kicked out of you on Tuesday…you are a lot of Stupid cretins…

SCBlues November 1, 2012 at 5:23 pm

FITS – I have no idea what you are smoking but President Obama has been consistently ahead in Ohio from the get-go.

BigT November 1, 2012 at 5:27 pm

Have you seen the (the most accurate in America) Rasmussen poll..you brain-dead,delusional Mother-F%^&#r…

BigT November 1, 2012 at 5:30 pm

Great Job handling you JOB…Obama…FEMA, too…

Gas Shortages May Not End for Another Week…
Fear Turns to Frustration, Anger…
Fistfights, Guns Drawn…
Fuel scramble…
Some Siphoning From Cars!
‘I’m pretty pissed’…
Troopers deployed to gas stations…
CON ED: ‘Vast Majority’ Won’t Have Power Until Nov. 11…
Stars throw extravagant Halloween party despite destruction…
Commuter Delays Rage…
NYC Official: Red Cross ‘Absolute Disgrace’…

Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 6:24 pm

It’s called a natural disaster you stupid fuck, Biggie! …and it’s being handled very well…maybe you have it confused with Katrina…Bush and Brownie were doing “a heck of a job.”

BigT November 1, 2012 at 6:49 pm

You Reamed Bush after Katrina…I’m now laughing my A off as this storm Bends over that Clueless idiot you worship, and Spikes the Football in his @$$…

the people of NY and NJ HATE Obama Now…Hahahahaha…and the rest of the country is Watching him flounder…

Nothing could be sweeter than watching that hapless SOB drown (figuratively of course) in the raging waters of Sandy….Hahahbha…

you SO Deserve it…

Jan November 1, 2012 at 7:02 pm

Where do you get your news, Faux and Glen Beck? It must be killing you to watch Republicans talking about what a great job FEMA is doing, while Romney struggles to etch-a-sketch away his I would eliminate FEMA speech.

Romney’s new slogan. “Oh, you like FEMA, I like FEMA too. Who knew?”

Smirks November 2, 2012 at 8:09 am

the people of NY and NJ HATE Obama Now…Hahahahaha…and the rest of the country is Watching him flounder…

The people of New Jersey? Did you not hear Chris Christie praise Obama for his effort to help out the state? He also pretty much said “fuck that” to the notion of giving Romney a photo op.

You really are holed up in your own little world. Is Rick Perry still in the running in your parallel universe?

Jan November 1, 2012 at 5:52 pm

Chris Christi, praises Obama for his cooperation in bringing aid to NJ, and says on Fox News he could not care less whether Romney comes to New Jersey. 78% of people polled say Obama Administration has done an excellent job in managing the relief effort.

In the meantime Romney stages a fake relief rally. People present for the rally say the Romney campaign went out and purchased goods to give to people who attended the rally so that it would appear as though they were contributing to the relief effort. People were given cans of food and clothes. They then walked up to Mitt and put them in a box and were thanked by Mitt for their contribution.

I guess this is the top of the ticket equivalent of Paul Ryan’s fake helping out at the homeless shelter by washing already clean dishes for the camera.

lie and buy.

BigT November 1, 2012 at 6:50 pm

Hey uyou F*(k!n Dumb@$$…Look again…

By BigT November 1, 2012 at 5:30 pm

Great Job handling you JOB…Obama…FEMA, too…

Gas Shortages May Not End for Another Week…
Fear Turns to Frustration, Anger…
Fistfights, Guns Drawn…
Fuel scramble…
Some Siphoning From Cars!
‘I’m pretty pissed’…
Troopers deployed to gas stations…
CON ED: ‘Vast Majority’ Won’t Have Power Until Nov. 11…
Stars throw extravagant Halloween party despite destruction…
Commuter Delays Rage…
NYC Official: Red Cross ‘Absolute Disgrace’…


Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 6:56 pm

“the people of NY and NJ HATE Obama Now…Hahahahaha…and the rest of the country is Watching him flounder…”

Was that Faux News or the little voices in your head giving you this info? Blaze???

Smirks November 2, 2012 at 8:12 am

Blaze, Drudge, Breitbart, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Savage, Levin, Fox News. You know, beacons of quality journalism!

The quality of one-ply toilet paper anyways.

?@yahoo.com November 4, 2012 at 2:05 pm

Dont forget to add MSNBC, CNN, & the NYTs to your list.

This just in. . . November 1, 2012 at 6:14 pm

Romney: “Seeing Him With Chris Christie is Tearing Me Apart”

DES MOINES (The Borowitz Report) — A new Mitt Romney is emerging in the closing days of the campaign, aides say: a man who is increasingly “being eaten alive with jealousy” by President Obama’s budding relationship with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

While Mr. Romney has told reporters that he is “totally fine” with Gov. Christie flying around in a helicopter with President Obama, privately he has told aides, “Seeing him with Chris Christie is tearing me apart.”

The trouble began earlier this week, a Romney aide said, when Mr. Romney saw Mr. Christie on CNN mention that President Obama “had given him his number at the White House.”

“Mitt was like, ‘Fine, whatever, do we have to watch this?’ and then basically ran out of the room,” the aide said. “It was completely awkward.”

Making matters worse, the aide said, “Chris Christie isn’t returning his calls.”

“Mitt was trying to explain his position on FEMA to reporters yesterday and he got all excited because his phone started vibrating,” the aide said. “It turned out it was just Ann.”

Mr. Romney, who has been seen doodling Chris Christie’s name in the margins of his briefing books in recent days, has apparently decided on a new course of action: to make the New Jersey governor jealous.

“He’s been calling [New York Governor Andrew] Cuomo,” the aide said. “But Cuomo won’t call him back either. It’s all so sad.”

Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 6:59 pm

BlazinT is havng a hard time coping with this as well…

BigT November 1, 2012 at 7:18 pm

Face it: it’s falling apart…

NY and NJ are Garbage, irrelevant states…

But the storm Effed Up Philly..and that is the bastian for the Club Weilding ‘New Balck Panthers’…

If those idiots in Philly can’t vote…Obama LOSES Pennsylvania, where he was barely hanging on, at best….

This is working out WONDERFULLY…and it could not happen to a better guy…

BigT November 1, 2012 at 7:21 pm

It just gets better by the Minute: Check this headline:


I LOVE it…

Isotope Soap November 1, 2012 at 7:40 pm

Pat Fuckin’ Dollard? ROTFLMAO!!! You’re too dumb to even pick on, Blazin’.

Smirks November 2, 2012 at 8:15 am

Damn! These people aren’t buying my shitty talking points! What’s an crazy, moronic shill to do? I know! Repeat the same damn talking point again and again!



Smirks November 2, 2012 at 8:16 am

Minus an “n” on that post. Doh!

BigT November 1, 2012 at 7:54 pm

Hey: Obama worshipers…Uh-Oh

Romney’s heading to Pennsylvania as GOP drops millions on ads

By Dan Hirschhorn-Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mitt Romney is set to make a last-minute campaign stop on Sunday in Pennsylvania, The Daily has learned.

Details are still being determined, but two top Pennsylvania Republican officials and a Romney adviser said a large rally in the vote-rich Philadelphia suburbs is in the works for Sunday. Romney aides confirmed the coming visit after initial publication of this article.

“It’s going to be a huge rally and it’s going to be very successful,” one senior level Republican official said.

Bye, Bye Love…

Smirks November 2, 2012 at 8:24 am

Romney’s heading to Pennsylvania as GOP drops millions on ads

This is great. Republicans tried ousting Gary Johnson off the ballot in PA and it didn’t work. Their voter ID laws can’t be applied until the next election, so no disenfranchising the poor vote. Now Romney is in so much danger of losing in PA that he has stepped up spending on ads. And Obama’s supposed to be afraid?


Obama has, according to RCP’s average, a 4.6% spread between him and Romney. And Obama’s supposed to be afraid?

“It’s going to be a huge rally and it’s going to be very successful,” one senior level Republican official said.

Wow, the Republican party thinks their own rally will be successful? Get out of town!

I’m starting to believe the only one you’re trying to convince of all this shit is your own damn self.

sid November 2, 2012 at 2:16 pm

“Now Romney is in so much danger of losing in PA that he has stepped up spending on ads.”

Sounds like you’ve been hittin’ the pipe, again, Smirks. Romney was always predicted to lose PA. Now it is trending towards him. It’s still a tall order, but the undecided and sample error numbers should have Barry concerned, and likely contribute to why PA is in the toss-up column for RCP.

BigT November 2, 2012 at 11:16 am

Smirks: You know the RCP average has blatantly Ignorant Leftwing poll numbers (like PPP) wildly skewing it toward Obama…

But if you are so stupid that you to cling to hopes based in delusion, have at it…

It just makes it more fun for me…

Smirks November 2, 2012 at 1:02 pm

RCP Average in PA: Obama +4.6%

The current average is composed of the following polls ONLY, and ALL of them say Obama is ahead:

Franklin & Marshall
Philadelphia Inquirer
Rasmussen Reports
Gravis Marketing
Morning Call

Rasmussen in PA: Obama +5%

RCP’s current average actually EXCLUDES the PPP numbers (who has Obama at +7%). Rasmussen is, as you constantly remind us, the “most accurate” of them all and even they say Obama’s well in the lead.

Isotope Soap November 2, 2012 at 1:02 pm

Biggie, I know it’s a warm day, but don’t eat the mud pies.

sid November 2, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Again, Smirks, RCP keeps PA in the toss-up column. Even with the average, they won’t say it leans towards Obama.

BigT November 2, 2012 at 5:29 pm

Yall seem to be steeped in just about anything but reality…

Look at the country…(look at NY and NJ)…you have to be most Selfish @$$hole on Earth to WANT Obama re-elected…and the most ignorant to think he will be…

I just don’t believe yall are that D@*n Dumb…I just don’t believe that…

Jan November 2, 2012 at 5:43 pm

Dick Morris, who just days ago predicted a landslide for Mitt Romney, is wavering. Per Dick,

“a danger signal comes from the latest Rasmussen Poll reflecting a two point gain for Obama. Whereas before the storm, Rasmussen showed Romney two ahead, he now has the race tied at 48-48. That is troublesome.

“And, in Pennsylvania, Romney led on Wednesday night by two points but on Thursday night’s polling, he was tied. We have also seem slippage for Romney in Michigan.”

“More troubling, Rasmussen shows a two point gain for Obama in job approval rising from 48% to 50% in the current poll.”

BigT November 2, 2012 at 9:05 pm

Dick Morris: “(Romney is) still likely to win. The undecided vote always goes against the incumbent and all the polling suggests Romney will be more successful than they will be at turning out the vote.”

Nice try you Desperate Dumb@$$…but just about any hand-wringing on the right is just an effort to make sure GOP voters finish up…and there is no doubt (when you look at the Miserable Mess) Obama has made…there is no chance we’ll sit…

Sarah Sez November 2, 2012 at 10:26 pm

Hermannn Cain baby, what BIGT got for me?

Pappy O'Daniel November 3, 2012 at 9:45 am

Read it and weep Big T:


Nate Silver rules

BigT November 3, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Looks like Obama is handling post-Sanday about as well as he’s handled the economy, oil policy and Benghazi…

Drivers Waiting 6 Hours For Gas in NYC…
Tempers Rise in Wake of Storm…
‘Finding bodies left and right’…
Restaurant, hotel prices skyrocket…
CRAIGSLIST: $15 a gallon…
Utility workers pelted with eggs…
‘We have nothing’…
Residents Furious RED CROSS Offering Cookies & Hot Chocolate, Not Blankets Or Clothes…
Jet Fuel Supply Fast Becoming Concern At Airports…
Staten Islanders Plead for Help: ‘We Need Food’…
‘Please don’t leave us’…
VIDEO: Stranded New Yorkers Defecating in Apartment Buildings…
NJ counties enact 70s style gas rationing…

Buh Bye….

Isotope Soap November 3, 2012 at 5:55 pm

A one, and a two, and a three…”Boy, the way Glenn Miller played…”

BigT November 3, 2012 at 8:04 pm

Good point IS: I wonder if Arch and Edith are eating out the Trash can, like the rest of NY…

What a belly laugh: Obama’s BIG and desperately-needed October Surprise Hurricane is backfiring ALL Over him…could not happen to a more deserving guy…

Looks like Sandy took out more than a few power lines…Hahahaha…

This just in. . . November 3, 2012 at 9:33 pm

Romney Airdrops Two Billion in Small Bills Over Ohio

CINCINNATI (The Borowitz Report) — In an all-out effort to claim Ohio’s precious eighteen electoral votes, Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney today airdropped two billion dollars in small bills over the Buckeye State.

The Romney campaign is hoping that the crisp currency, shipped directly from Las Vegas to Ohio by casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, will help close the gap with President Obama in the waning hours of the campaign.

Using a fleet of twin-engine aircraft, Mr. Romney littered the skies over Ohio with five- and ten-dollar bills, reserving a special airdrop of twenties and fifties for the crucial swing district of Hamilton County.

Mr. Romney’s campaign manager, Matt Rhoades, denied that the dumping of several metric tons of money onto the state of Ohio represented a desperation move on his candidate’s part: “This is all a part of our closing argument, which is, vote for Mitt Romney and money will fall from the skies into your yard.”

The former Massachusetts governor seemed confident that his latest campaign tactic would be a winner for him, telling a crowd of supporters in Cincinnati, “I’m making it rain, homies!”

Destiny Now November 4, 2012 at 1:54 am

If any liberal wants to say Obama has it in the bag in any state or overall, I am all for that news getting spread around as much as possible.

Spread it everywhere; on blogs, comment sections on all the websites you can find, PLEASE do it anywhere.

Because the more that message gets out, the more likely there will be more smug democrat voters who will decide to stay home on
Tuesday if their weather’s bad or they break a shoestring or their car’s low on gas or their dog is sick or Judge Judy is particularly good when they planned to go or their yard needs raking, etc.


BigT November 4, 2012 at 10:32 am

Nice post DN…

The left began claiming Obama victory a few days ago…based on the idea, their base was Totally demoralized…and needed something to mobilize them…

While delusional bravado is a strategy…it’s not one that will work…

I just don’t see ANY way Obama wins….

Bath Salts November 4, 2012 at 11:05 am

Hey, you goofy kids! You’re giving me a bad rap. Go back to hanging with Mary Jane.

BigT November 4, 2012 at 12:18 pm

BS: You are all too common. You never really offer much of substance…just tries at insults, that show how shallow and bereft of intelligence you are…

You are the epiome of the way Obama sees America…he has Hate…and nothing more…

That’s not what I want for my children…and you are negligent if you want it….

Sailor November 4, 2012 at 12:32 pm

Big T(urd) said “I just don’t see ANY way Obama wins”. That’s a bit of a retreat from your previous statement “Obama is toast”! Is your confidence slipping a bit?

BigT November 4, 2012 at 1:30 pm

Let me CLARIFY, DUMB@$$…It’s OVER…Obama LOST…He’s Charred remains (or will be on Tuesday evening)…

Obama is defending Michigan. He Could eaily lose Penn. and Wisconsin…There saying Ohio is tied…and that likley means Romney will win it by 2 or 3 percent…

The election should be called, at least by (the most accuarte) FOX-News, early….


Sailor November 4, 2012 at 2:46 pm

Hey peckerhead, me thinks thou doth protest too much. The rethug establishment are already blaming his coming loss on superstorm Sandy! Stick with Fox, they’re almost as accurate as your previous predictions. Have a trumatic Tuesday night!

BigT November 4, 2012 at 4:20 pm

Washington Redskins LOST…Uh oh…Barry…

It just keeps bleeding….:)

Master Po Chang November 5, 2012 at 7:16 am

Comrade Obama wins.

Butterbean November 5, 2012 at 9:17 am

Not good. That would make it Obama-2, USA-0

Moving To Canada November 5, 2012 at 9:30 am

Fuck this place!

Pappy O'Daniel November 5, 2012 at 9:51 am


Big T-It’s the math stupid


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