Liberal SC “Republicans” Ready To Screw Taxpayers … Again

GET READY TO WATCH $27.2 BILLION DISAPPEAR … We were recently forwarded a statement from liberal S.C. Rep. Brian White – chairman of the “Republican-controlled” House of Representatives’ ways and means committee. This, of course, is the panel that takes first crack at drafting the state budget each year. Despite…


We were recently forwarded a statement from liberal S.C. Rep. Brian White – chairman of the “Republican-controlled” House of Representatives’ ways and means committee.

This, of course, is the panel that takes first crack at drafting the state budget each year.

Despite a rocky economy – and real risks looming ahead – White appears sublime when it comes to blowing every penny of the $1.2 billion in incoming revenue on more government.

“Our state’s excellent recent economic growth and prudent budget decisions the General Assembly made last year have resulted in $1.2 billion in unobligated general funds that are available in this year’s appropriations process,” White said.  “We also begin this year with significant obligations such as flood costs, the Abbeville school lawsuit, transportation funding, and a growing pension problem, not to mention state agency requests of over $2.1 billion.  Ways and Means will weigh the requests and our responsibilities and be sensible stewards of taxpayer dollars while also providing for an accountable and responsible state government.”

Wait … hold up … the Abbeville school lawsuit?

For those of you who missed it, White is referring to a 2014 Supreme Court ruling in which a court comprised of mostly liberal judges flat our acknowledged that South Carolina’s approach of throwing more money at our failed government-run school system wasn’t working.

So … what are House “Republicans” planning on doing?  Throwing more money at it … again.

“Transportation funding?”  The scandal-scarred S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has seen its base, recurring funding nearly double over the last seven years … yet our roads and bridges are still in terrible shape because that money is being misdirected toward political priorities, not real needs.

The “growing pension problem?”  Jeez … this website has been chronicling that debacle for the last five years, during which time White and his colleagues have done absolutely nothing but reward the people squandering retirees’ money.  Now they want to put taxpayers on the hook for the resulting shortfall?

Hell no …

Here’s the bottom line: Taxpayers have given White and his legislative colleagues – on average – an estimated $1 billion in new money each year for the past seven years.  They have blown every damn penny in pursuit of utterly abysmal outcomes – and now they want to blow another $1.2 billion on more of the same.

Oh … and raise your taxes even more on top of that!

And S.C. governor Nikki Haley isn’t lifting a finger in opposition … to any of it.  And meanwhile the state’s supplicant mainstream media – when it isn’t cheerleading for tax and spending hikes – is playing smoke and mirrors with the true size of the debacle.

What a joke …

Other than S.C. Senator Tom Davis, is there a single politician at the S.C. State House willing to stand up against this “screw job?”


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Caustic commenter January 12, 2016 at 1:57 pm

“Well, my telephone rang it would not stopIt’s President Kennedy callin’ me up
He said, “My friend, Bob, what do we need to make the country grow” ?
I said, “My friend, John, “Brigitte Bardot,
Anita Ekberg
Sophia Loren”
Country’ll grow.”

jimlewisowb January 12, 2016 at 2:11 pm

“screw job?”

Do believe it is commonly referred to as “buggery”

Lone Ranger January 12, 2016 at 2:42 pm

That’s right—SC “legislators” are rip-the-flag-WITHOUT-your-vote-payday-grubbing
PC cowards who think voters will surely be giving them a pass

And Haley and Joe Wilson—like them–can’t handle the truth that in 2016
SC voters WILL hand ALL these flag-ripping RINOs their gutless, arrogant… !!!

LOL January 12, 2016 at 2:55 pm

Haley will be laughing all the way to Washington, while you search in vain for her name on an SC ballot. No wonder she made such quick work of you bumbkins.

Lone Ranger January 13, 2016 at 1:03 am

President Trump assembled a strong, HONEST judiciary that swiftly imprisoned Obama and his fellow felons and, too…
When intelligent posters were asked–what happened to Haley and lol–the undeniable answer was haley and lol-who ???

Birthers For Cruz January 12, 2016 at 3:58 pm

Sorry Confederista,that flag will never fly again on the Statehouse grounds.

And you know what you will do about it?

Why keep voting Republican of course.

Scooter January 12, 2016 at 10:28 pm

She has received my last vote.

Lone Ranger January 13, 2016 at 1:09 am

Scooter aptly wrote Haley’s epitaph on her fading political headstone
Haley had trashed patriots’ flag and her ultimate deceit was her own !!!

Lone Ranger January 13, 2016 at 1:05 am

birthers for Cruz really wanted Cruz to lose and effectively you see
Because when he was outed as a lying RINO the real loser was…he !!!

JimBob January 12, 2016 at 5:06 pm

You are delusional. You vastly overestimate the # of people who think as you do. I have been listening to that same libertarian crap for years. Blah..blah.. so and so is going to lose because…(fill in the blank). First you have to look under some rock and find some idiot who is willing to run and have his ignorance exposed to the world. You have no candidates who can win an election for dog catcher.

Lone Ranger January 13, 2016 at 12:57 am

jimbob was himself a living legend–that is in his ah…very small mind
And when President Trump shoves it up jimbo’s nose–jimbo will go blind !!!

Huh? January 13, 2016 at 5:13 am

” I have been listening to that same libertarian crap for years.”

What libertarian crap? Did I miss something? Is someone claiming Trump is a libertarian?

The Penis Mightier January 12, 2016 at 3:03 pm

Naughty Nikki in NOT a fiscal conservative. I’m not sure she even knows what that really means. Clearly most legislators aren’t either. She is hoping for an ambassadorship, if for some strange and unlikely reason, an R is elected to national office. If not, look out Ms. Lindsay. Nikki is coming for YOU.

tomstickler January 12, 2016 at 4:31 pm

What is she going to do between now and 2020? Bookkeeping for the family firm?

Todd January 13, 2016 at 8:44 pm

Fiscal conservative.
Pick one.

Sunny Day January 12, 2016 at 6:21 pm

The state pension system will go private in 3 years. That is why they are letting it go broke. It will mean more fees for investment managers for managing individual accounts. It will mean large but fixed debt for the cost of changing over. And it will make conservatives that are pushing for it look like heroes because the cost is downstream and won’t be tabulated for years.

My home state started the switch a few years ago and now they are cutting education. That is why my wife and I, both teachers, are in SC. I suppose will be in Florida before it is all over.

Used Car Guy January 12, 2016 at 8:09 pm

Gary Simrill will help out taxpayers by increasing their taxes. He is representing us in Rock Hill well. Never met a tax he didn’t try to raise.

Bible Thumper January 12, 2016 at 9:34 pm

That screw is shinny and smooth. Goes into that wall like butter.

M326 January 13, 2016 at 9:54 am

All I want is better roads and I’m willing to pay for them.


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