|| By FITSNEWS || GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump wants CNN to devote the profits from its second “Republican” presidential debate next week to America’s veterans – saying it would be “a truly wonderful thing” for the network to do.
In a letter to CNN president Jeff Zucker, Trump says the network should “not accept the massive profits” the debate will generate. Instead, he’s urging Zucker to devote these “many millions of dollars” to a list of organizations benefiting U.S. veterans.
“The veterans of our country, our finest people, have been treated horribly by our government and its ‘all talk and no action’ politicians,” Trump wrote. “In fact, some would say they are treated like third class citizens – even worse, in many cases, than illegal immigrants. It is about time that someone comes to their aid.”
In his letter, Trump cited a “4000 percent” increase in the network’s ad rates for the debate – which is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. EDT next Wednesday, September 16 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California.
Driving those ad rate increases? Well, “him.” Specifically, Trump cited the massive surge in viewership associated with last month’s nationally televised debate on Fox News.
“This tremendous increase in viewer interest and advertising is due 100 percent to ‘Donald J. Trump,'” he wrote, adding that “word is that your audience will be even larger.”
It’s hard to argue that point. An estimated 24 million Americans watched the first GOP debate – more than three times the audience for the highest-rated “Republican” debate of the 2012 cycle.
Trump has made the plight of veterans one of the top priorities of his 2016 presidential bid. Of course he also upset some veterans when he criticized the military service of liberal U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona.
Savvy of him to see this as an opportunity to earn some of their support … while at the same time drawing additional attention to the ongoing scandal.
Our view on all this? Veterans deserve to be taken care of … although we would remind our readers that the very best thing we can do to protect veterans’ interests is to create fewer of them. And that starts with pursuing a sensible foreign policy based on the protection of legitimate American interests, not the interests of the American military-industrial complex.
Did he send this letter to Fox News?
Bust their ass Trump, that’s beatiful. It’s a throw back to what America and sed to be.
Give some white people a fantasy of getting some of their power and influence back and it’s like a bad run with Viagra. “if you have a boner for over 4 hours, call your physician”–or ask Donald if you can hold his jacket on your new hanger.
You are correct….
Nice Trump. What a new day in America it will be to have a President that loves this country and supports our troops/veterans.
Obama hates America and has destroyed our military.The VA continues to get worse.
Obama gives 150 billion to the radical Islamist country Iran-who is seeking the destruction of Israel and the USA-while Trump wants to help our veterans.
Thank you Mr.Trump.
Explain how Obama gave $150 billion to Iran, please.
He’s burning up Google as we speak trying to figure out that one.
You are asking the stupidest person on this site to back a comment that is so easily proven false..its like asking the sun to rise int he west, he is incapable of telling a truth and will respond with a made up assertion completely ignoring the original point he made which was a very provable lie…no character or integrity, yes he is a perfect example of todays GOP.
“Th-th-th-that’s all folks!”
The Iran deal moron!
Did he give them $150 billion of our money?
No, he gave them CNN’s money.
Donaldo has been rather quiet lately. I sense another big Twitter explosion coming.
Yes, he needs an ego boost. He was knocked off cable news the last few days with the networks devoting time to bigot Kim and the refugee mess in Europe.
Oh yeah, I feel another Twitter explosion just hours away.
Then why doesn’t he set an example for CNN and write a check from his own account?
It’s just another hucksterism that simple-minded people will buy.
Exactly. Why doesn’t he pull out his own checkbook?
Mr. Trump has long been a devoted supporter of veteran causes. In 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of World War II, only 100 spectators watched New York City’s Veteran Day Parade. It was an insult to all veterans. Approached by Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the chief of New York City’s FBI office, Mr. Trump agreed to lead as Grand Marshall a second parade later that year. Mr. Trump made a $1 million matching donation to finance the Nation’s Day Parade. On Saturday, November 11th, over 1.4 million watched as Mr. Trump marched down Fifth Avenue with more than 25,000 veterans, some dressed in their vintage uniforms. A month later, Mr. Trump was honored in the Pentagon during a lunch with the Secretary of Defense and the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff.
How can you be so stupid?
Super. 20 years ago. Then he should have no problem writing a check to set the example for CNN now, right?
Why don’t you write a check,Smirks? Oh.Already tapped out with that $10 donation to Planned Parenthood this month?
I wasn’t the one who so cavalierly told CNN they should donate their profits. If I was, then I would more than likely be willing to spend some of my own cash.
I bet you would give-if it was somebody else’s money.That is the way liberals run.
Isn’t that exactly what Trump is doing? Giving someone else’s money?
He is making the money for the network by appearing.
CNN’s money is not his money.
Sure it is.If he would pull out of the debate it would cost CNN billions in advertising revenue….
sooo… you are agreeing that, like a liberal (according to your assertion above), Donald Trump is trying to give away someone else’s money.
No.Think of it this way.I give MY tax dollars so Democrats can be on welfare.It would be no different than me asking you to give BACK a little of my money to help a veteran.
Actually it is a very conservative virtue to help others.
I know it is hard for you, but let’s try to stay on topic, shall we?
Is it still a “conservative virtue” (cough) to help others with someone else’s money?
Why don’t we take that 150 BILLION $$$$’s Obama is giving the terrorists in Iran to the veterans?CNN can keep Trumps money.
It’s not Trump’s money, you liberal commie.
Why do you hate our veterans?
Why do you hate logic? Why do you keep trying to change the subject?
Why all the outrage about money to help veterans? Because you despise this country.
I despise hypocrites, and you, old-timer are their king.
You despise America,veterans and the unborn.I bet you a real treat to work for.
And, you hate reality & rational thought. We can’t all be perfect, I guess.
I love spending other people’s money! That’s why I love to raise taxes! Spend spend spend! Do what I say you socialists! LMAO!!!
Actually you give your tax dollars so that MOST of them that go to white Repubs on “welfare” (what are you including in this anyway?)
Good point.
Trump is really too astute to miss a beat.
Can you believe how an act of love by Trump to our veterans is driving the socialists and American haters CRAZY on Fits? LMAO!!!!
Acts of love sure are easier when it’s not your own money.
Love it Trump wants to help our veterans and fallen soldiers and it just pisses socialists like Rocky and mamatiger/smirks92 off!
I guess they want that money to go to Iran so they can make more IED’s and make our soldiers cripples?
If he wanted to help veterans he would’ve pledged his own money not CNN’s.
How does that make CNN’s money his?
I know you don’t like the unborn-what do you have against the veterans?
Not a thing. That’s not what this is about. Try to keep up, old-timer.
Keep hating those veterans.Exposed.
Love veterans, but again, that is not the topic at hand. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to come back after your afternoon nap. You might be able to keep up better with the discussion.
I hear Mrs. Flip is making BLTs and tator-tots.
You hate the unborn and veterans? How could you be against money going to our veterans? Just plain evil.
Flip – answer Mama’s question. Isn’t that what Trump is doing, giving someone else’s money? You know you can talk against Trump – it’s not like his security guard is going to hunt you down and slap the crap out of you. Hey, did you hear, law suit filed against security guard and Trump, and charges may now be pending.
I did.CNN would lose billions in advertising revenue if Trump didn’t appear.I know you despise our military and could careless about our veterans as a Democrat however what is wrong with the Communist News Network donating a few bucks or those that serve?
As far as a law suit against Trump I haven’t seen that….I do know the FBI is investigating Hillary.
You are desperate.I love it.I am winning AGAIN.
If Trump truly cared, he’d spend his own money on veterans instead of trying to spend CNN’s like a liberal, commie.
If CNN decides to donate that money, so be it. I know – maybe Donald will agree to match the funds raised by Michelle Obama last year for military familes and vets – that was $160 million. Did you or your party raise $160 million for vets and their families? Probably not. Ha, ha!!! I win again!!!!!
Michelle Obama hates America.She has told us.My guess is that money was funneled to the Clinton Foundation?
If so, then Michelle and Trump would have something in common. Cool!
Yeah, the have Flip completely fooled.
Ah, can’t even face facts. Yep!!!! Ole’ Michelle, she went off and worked to raise $160 million for military vets and their families. Must really burn you a new one to have to face that fact. Know who she works with to get that done. Jill Biden. That’s right, Dr. Jill Biden. Ha, ha!!!! I win one more time!!!!
Rocky hates veterans! Wants to starve em! Trump is wrong!
Really? You’re a veteran?
Rocky took our American Flag down and put up something with a hammer and sickle? What is that?
I’m a veteran.
I guess it’s OK to support some of the troops but not all of them. I won’t see any of that money.
Ask Flip. I think he said he’d send you a check for $1,000.
“I am winning AGAIN”.
Do you have tiger blood too? In fact some of Charlie’s crazy quotes over the years sound a lot like some of the nonsense Trump spews.
“CNN would lose billions in advertising revenue if Trump didn’t appear.”
They would lose all of the revenue anyways if they gave it away.
Trump ditching the debate would hurt him.
If the government did a better job for the vets that fought to protect it we wouldn’t have to have charities pick up its slack.
What will your prize be when you win ?
I love your style.
billions… LMAO
What do you have against reality?
It’s different when a Republican does it, right, tax-hike-loving Flip?
Why doesn’t Trump send the profits from his most recent financial quarter to veterans?
True, he’s hugely rich. Hugely.
Shamelessly pandering to fools like flip who are absolutely eating it up.
Smirks, we need some coffee!
Mr. Trump has long been a devoted supporter of veteran causes. In 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of World War II, only 100 spectators watched New York City’s Veteran Day Parade. It was an insult to all veterans. Approached by Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the chief of New York City’s FBI office, Mr. Trump agreed to lead as Grand Marshall a second parade later that year. Mr. Trump made a $1 million matching donation to finance the Nation’s Day Parade. On Saturday, November 11th, over 1.4 million watched as Mr. Trump marched down Fifth Avenue with more than 25,000 veterans, some dressed in their vintage uniforms. A month later, Mr. Trump was honored in the Pentagon during a lunch with the Secretary of Defense and the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff.
How can you be so ignorant?
Super. 20 years ago. Then he should have no problem writing a check now to set the example for CNN, right?
Cutting & pasting is fun!!
Donald can not tell the truth and the only reason he gave money was publicity for himself. Snips from 1995 papers about the parade.
Then Donald Trump, a nonveteran, agreed to throw in $200,000 as well as raise money from his friends, in exchange for being named grand marshal.
The organizers had expressed hopes for nearly a million spectators, but there was no disappointment when the police put the crowd at more than 500,000 for a parade that had not drawn substantial followings for decades and was always overshadowed by the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and other ethnic celebrations.
Why doesn’t the Clinton foundation? I heard Hillary wants the profits from any debate she is involved in to go to her.
Clinton Foundation is busy funding the Clinton Mafia.
Courtesy of that fat donation from The Donald.
**like shooting fish in a barrel**
Won’t change a damn thing!!!! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!!
He just kicked the shit out of you socialists and exposed you as the haters you are!
And, you’ve just been exposed as a pathetic lemming.
Rah rah rah! Keep up the good work Flip, we’ll hand this election to Hillary in no time!
Did Hilary Clinton suggest that CNN should spend their profits on something?
Oh, and by the way, do you know who has contributed to the Clinton Foundation in the past? I’ll give you 3 guesses. Maybe Trump can talk the Clintons into making a donation. He did invite them to his wedding and all.
LMAO!!! The Republican voters have already made up their mind about Trump! Not a damn thing you can say!!!
And, there you have it folks. Summed up in brilliantly in one post.
Trump is milking the racists for all they are worth, I guess we will see if the Southern Strategy 2.0 will work.
It will, just like in 1992.
Why are you against veterans getting money when your NON citizen mother-in law gets taxpayer money (subsidy) for health insurance?
See my other posts, I actually donate significantly to vets. So my question to you is, why do you hate Michelle Obama for her efforts to raise $160 million for vets and their families. And why won’t you and your friends match it?
So you mock Trump for wanting to help the veterans while your deadbeat mother in-law enjoys the BEST health care the taxpayers can buy! Priceless!
Change the law if you don’t like it. Oh wait, you can’t.
I just believe you to be hypocritical by attacking Trump for wanting to help American citizens that have served this country while they pay for your NON citizen mother in-law to have insurance.
Some of Trump’s donations:
In 2012, he donated to the Gay Men’s Health Crisis — founded by gay rights activist Larry Kramer
Trump also gave $1,000 to the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, an organization confounded by Tom Cruise that offered free Scientology-based cleansing to rescue workers after the 2001 terror attacks.
Gosh.You hate gays now?
Trump is not helping, he’s asking CNN to help.
If he wanted to help American citizens, he would use his own money. Lousy socialist…
Shame the thought of the veterans getting money has you so upset.
Head down to Planned Parenthood today and help them sort body parts. My guess that is more your pleasure.
Damned straight. No rational thinking, no facts, no hope.
Disappointed you are against the veterans Rocky-even if you despise this country.
I actually go out of my way to support the vets. I donate in several locations, including through Rotary International efforts for wounded warriors, and my own church, which has members who’ve served in Iraq and Rag-head land, we support and make collections. So once again, you are wrong – and I am not.
Sure Rocky. Why are you so against the veterans getting money when we are paying for your NON citizen mother in-laws health insurance?
Again Flip, it’s the law. You don’t like it – change it.
“do you know who has contributed to the Clinton Foundation in the past?”
Yes I do, middle eastern countries we are not allies with
And, Donald Trump. Coincidence?
make up shit all day much? if you didnt lie you would be absolutely silent.
Hey Will.
I don’t make any thing up any more than you do, so either you do or I am not. which is it?
Why can’t he boost America’s workers by making his clothes in the USA?
Excellent point.
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So you can prove all of Hillary’s clothes are made in the USA? Here a hint, you cant
She doesn’t have a line of clothes.
Why are there non-Americans in the country for him to hire…you FUCKING Obama Dick-sucking IDIOT…(:
That didn’t make much sense.
LMAO! … Stay tuned for when he wins …. And btw, I challenge you to list all the ^%$@#!!)*!! clothing manufacturer’s in the USA who actually do employ Americans – LEGALLY.
Hahahaha. No GREED, like Liberal GREED.Trump busted these lecherous bastards right in the NUTS. They’ll TAKE what you got, but NEVER ask them to GIVE…
Now…Let’s see how the liberals take a question to them….
I bet they FAIL miserably…like Liberals and Democrats ALWAYS do….
She does not give a flip……
I love exposing you liberals as frauds.Lunch time!
The Donald has inspired me. I love veterans so much, I think flip should sign over his social security check this month to the cause.
That’s how this works, right?
Trump does not miss a beat…!! Gotta luv it..! Heck, Fitsnews should get in on this action and DARE all other media outlets in South Carolina to match the funds and have WIL Folks as the custodian of the funds until presented…!!
ROFL………geez, have FITSNEWS dare all Post and Courier BOEING Workers to get in on this too…!!
Heck, have Fitsnews DARE all SC media to donate all AD revenue raised around Trump article be donated….!!
Just imagine how this can be used to gag the Iran Nuclear backroom deals.
Gotta LOVE Trump. He takes the fight to your ass and STUFFS it down your throat. And the media is fucking CHOKING on it.
Trump is providing a clinic on beating the media, and the Democrat Party’s Dirty Trick Machine.
You ignorant BASTARDS are not used to getting the FUCK slapped out of you…and take my word for it…It’s funny as hell, watching you shit all over yourselves when that hand pops you upside your piss-ant little heads…(:
Deal with it, Dumbasses….(:
He EXPOSED them again.Democrats dislike our military members and our military’s efforts around the world. When you hear stories of people spitting in the faces of servicemen returning home from war, you know what party they supported in the election. When you hear about VA employees giving poor care to veterans, you know they are card-carrying Democrats-just like mamatiger and Rocky!