Big Labor’s Delta Debacle …

COULD IT IMPACT BOEING BATTLE? || By FITSNEWS ||  The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) took it on the chin this week in Atlanta – news which could soon have an impact in neighboring South Carolina.  The labor union – which is attempting to organize workers at aircraft…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) took it on the chin this week in Atlanta – news which could soon have an impact in neighboring South Carolina.  The labor union – which is attempting to organize workers at aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s North Charleston, S.C. plant – was forced to withdraw its petition to hold an election for Delta flight attendants.

Wait … aren’t Delta and Boeing at each other’s throats regarding the controversial U.S. Export-Import bank (a.k.a. “Boeing’s Bank”)?

Why yes … yes they are.  Looks like Big Labor is playing both sides …

So … what happened?  According to the union, “a number of the cards submitted to us contain(ed) insufficient information or questionable signatures.”

“By our calculation, the number of questionable cards makes our showing of interest borderline,” a statement from the union read.  “However, rather than waiting months for a determination by the (National Mediation Board), we believe the best course of action is to avoid further delay and withdraw our current application, renew our organizing drive and file again twelve months from the date of the dismissal of our application, as is permitted by law.”

Ruh-roh …

Does this mean similar “insufficiencies” or “questionable signatures” were included in the Boeing petition IAM submitted to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) last month?

That’s a good question …

In fact we’re surprised Boeing and its “mack daddy” cheerleader Nikki Haley aren’t all over this revelation … given how Haley never misses an opportunity to “talk smack” to the unions.

This website – which first alerted our readers to the IAM unionization push last August – has been harshly critical of both the union and Boeing.  And we’ll continue to be.  Both are cancers on the free market, in our estimation.


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GrandTango April 8, 2015 at 9:19 am

LMAO..Haley KICKS Wile E. FITS in the @$$ AGAIN…LMAO…

FITS was all sweaty and filthy over the prospect of the Union coming to SC, and destroying Boeing…to hurt SC, and all the jobs…

Foiled again…you @$$hole…GOOD FOR YOU…

You NEVER learn, do you???…Hahahaha…

southmauldin April 8, 2015 at 9:45 am

The only person that continually gets his ass kicked on this board is you, Mr. I-had-a-blog-20-days-until-it-fell-in-the-forest-and-no-one-heard-it.
I’m surprised that you are such a big fan of Nookie Haley, given the fact that she is a serial liar and adulterer, and you profess to be such a paragon of virtue. How do you reconcile this in your peabrain?

GrandTango April 8, 2015 at 1:25 pm

So you’re predicting FITS support of the union at Boeing will be a winner?

southmaudin on the record GUARANTEEING a union win at Boeing. I got it…we’ll come back and check later to see if you are right.

Bible Thumper April 8, 2015 at 9:44 am

Boeing must be very confident. The organizing labor unit petition was for 2400 workers. IAM needed signed cards for 30%. That’s 720 signatures. Then fits said that the NLRB increased it to 3000. I’ve read several articles that now says that there will be 3175 voters.
That would have required 953 signed cards. Maybe IAM had that many signatures, but Boeing could have challenged the petition and at least delayed the election, but have chosen not to.

Michael Merry April 9, 2015 at 1:55 am

“Boeing and the unions are both cancers on the free market, in our estimation”

This website is a cancer on serious journalism, in my estimation


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