SC Union Battle Is On!

“FUTURE OF MANUFACTURING” AT STAKE …  || By FITSNEWS ||  The biggest organized labor battle in South Carolina history is officially “on.” Less than two weeks after the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) filed its petition to hold an election at aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s heavily government subsidized…


|| By FITSNEWS ||  The biggest organized labor battle in South Carolina history is officially “on.”

Less than two weeks after the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) filed its petition to hold an election at aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s heavily government subsidized North Charleston, S.C. facility, the union has received the green light.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has approved the IAM petition – meaning it found that at least thirty percent of the Boeing workforce at the facility signed cards indicated their desire for an election to be held.

That decision sets up what one source called “the largest (union) campaign in South Carolina history.”

According to the NLRB, the election will be held on April 22.  Boeing’s employees will vote by secret ballot at five different locations on the company’s sprawling Palmetto campus – which has benefited from more than $1 billion in taxpayer-funded “incentives.”

Not only that, the election will involve more than 3,000 employees – not the 2,400 previously reported.

“The outcome of this vote will affect all of our futures, our community, and the future of manufacturing in South Carolina,” Boeing’s Palmetto State leader Beverly Wyse told employees this week, according to The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier – a rabidly pro-Boeing outlet.

Indeed, while South Carolina’s “legacy” media has snoozed on Boeing’s North Charleston production problems, FITS has been exposing a myriad of issues at the facility (including managerial incompetence) dating back for years.

Don’t believe us?  Read this article from November 2013 …

Additionally we first alerted our readers to the IAM unionization push last August (and updated them on the union’s building momentum in January and February).

Will “Big Labor” prevail?  Well, South Carolina is a diehard right-to-work state – boasting one of the lowest percentages of unionized workers in the nation (assuming we’re not counting all those government bureaucrats and educrats).

But Boeing hasn’t helped its case … not even a little bit.

The latest blow?  News of the company’s CEO receiving exorbitant executive compensation at a time when rank-and-file employees were denied bonuses.

Anyway, stay tuned for more from FITS on this fight … including a behind-the-scenes look at efforts to defeat the IAM unionization push.


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johnq March 25, 2015 at 10:03 am

Duhhhh….. we ain’t a wantin no dang unions….duhhhhhh.

just another guy March 25, 2015 at 10:04 am

Will, can you please address how a Union works in South Carolina. You will have a State vs Federal law.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 10:26 am

There is no law against having a union in SC. Several exist in the state. Stagehands Union, for many years, had contracts with convention centers all over the state that a certain number of union stagehands must be hired for every concert or similar event open to the public. This may still be the case, I don’t know. Kroger stores are unionized in SC, as they are everywhere else. But employees tell me there are few benefits for them here, really.

The law says that workers can’t be forced to be in a union and pay dues in SC, as a condition of employment. But if a majority of the workers vote to have a union, what are they going to do, fire them all? Doubtful. Those workers will be represented by the union, those who don’t opt in will not be. Actors unions and others operate here as well, as they do in NC. “SAG Signatory” film shoots have X number of Union people in the shoot — the principal actors, of course, and the main crew. Anyone cast in a speaking role must be paid union scale, even if it’s only one line, and that makes them eligible to apply for a SAG card. (Similar rules exist for professional Equity theatre companies, but it isn’t as easy to get an Equity card, and sometimes they require on one Equity actor in each show. Atlantic Stage in Myrtle Beach, for example.}

Those are just a few examples. There are others. If I’m wrong on any of this, I’m sure someone will let me know. But I believe I have most of it right.

just another guy March 25, 2015 at 10:38 am

Thanks Buz and I knew there were several Unions in SC. My big question was how can they force people to join who vote no or say no thanks. Also under SC law, they can not require being a member of a union as requirement for being hired. Seems like to me that even if they do unionize, you will have people who free load on those paying dues and get the benefits, then the Union will fall apart as more will say screw sending in that money.

Sic, also remember this plant was Unionized before and they de unionized to get the dreamliner line.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 11:08 am

I can’t answer all the question. Left out of my remarks is the long history of unionization at the steel mill in Georgetown. I am not sure where that all stands now. As I say, others who know more about this can answer a lot of the questions.

Tom March 25, 2015 at 11:43 am

As a young man I worked summer jobs in a unionized plant in SC. i also worked in a summer job in non-unionized cotton mill. The folks in the unionized plant made more money, had more benefits, and better working conditions than in the cotton mill. My work was similar in both places but I made $3 dollars an hour more in the unionized facility. There was no problem with freeloaders. You only had to talk to your friends who worked for Springs, to know what value the union brought.

Point of Order March 25, 2015 at 12:58 pm

“You only had to talk to your friends who worked for Springs, to know what value the union brought.”

….and look where most of Springs manufacturing is now. I’m not “anti union” either btw, just making an observation.

Manufacturing in general March 25, 2015 at 2:00 pm

Look where most manufacturing jobs have gone, union or not, even non union can’t compete with chinese sweatshop workers, not without starving at least

Point of Order March 25, 2015 at 2:29 pm

Well, there does seem to be a threshold were the difference is cost between union/non-union matters, or you wouldn’t have the influx of European(mostly German) manufacturing in the South.

truthmonger March 25, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Actually, it has more to do with tariffs, shipping, etc. than labor costs.

Point of Order March 26, 2015 at 9:18 am

That seems like a pretty “blanket” statement to me.

I’d say that labor, shipping, tarriffs, etc. all probably make up a “big picture”.

But, to say that a labor cost difference of 1/3 for example wouldn’t have an impact on a companies decision as to where to building a plant seems unrealistic.

Again, I’m not anti-union-I just think that unions better take such things into account as they are negotiating with their employers.

Native Ink March 25, 2015 at 10:41 pm

Good point (which a lot of people overlook). Where did the non-union textile mills go? Same place as the union ones. At least the union workers made more money before the whole industry was shipped overseas.

truthmonger March 25, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Gutted by trade deals cut at the federal level. It killed the ENTIRE industry, not just Springs.

aikencounty March 27, 2015 at 6:15 am

Didn’t all the textiles close?

truthmonger March 25, 2015 at 4:45 pm

ACTUALLY, it IS against the law for public safety to unionize. That’s why, when Nikki and friendz butchered retirement and disability for public safety, not a word was heard…. complain (or sue) and we’ll fire you, and there’s nothing you can say or do about it.

Been there seen it March 25, 2015 at 10:29 am

FED will always trump state. US Department of Labor provides oversight for union elections. Obama has been dying for this to come about under his watch.

However, this will be a never-ending battle regardless of the outcome of the first round of elections.

just another guy March 25, 2015 at 10:39 am

Been There, I am not saying they can not have a Union, but the way most unions work is they require all workers to be a member. You can not do that in South Carolina and you can require a union membership to be hired. I guess that is why I don’t see a union working long term in a Right to work state.

Me too March 25, 2015 at 12:57 pm

“You can not do that in South Carolina and you can require a union membership to be hired.”

I discussed this last go round on the previous union/Boeing follow up Will wrote.

It seems to me that the state law is written in a way where existing non Union SC workers are protected if already hired by Boeing, should they decide NOT to join the union.(but it doesn’t explicitly prevent people from joining or contracts written to require it)

The question in my mind, is whether SC has the ability to interfere with contracts between the union and Boeing.

One respondent to my comment suggested case law said they could.(and I’m not an attorney, he probably was and therefore more apt to have a better understanding)

I still think it ends up in the SC supreme court and maybe eventually SCOTUS.

a face in the crowd March 25, 2015 at 10:08 am

Could anti-union attitudes be a semantic thing? Many people fighting unions are still fighting the union.

Jack March 25, 2015 at 11:33 am

Funny, but for the redneck right in this state you may have a point. Brains were never their strong point. A union must be run by Yankees, otherwise it would be called a confederacy.

CNSYD March 25, 2015 at 10:14 am

“The biggest organized labor battle in South Carolina history is officially “on””

Hyperbole much? This pales in comparison to the decades long unionization fight in the former textile industry. You need to read up on the tactics management used against workers who were viewed as “unionizers”. The system was basically a form of indentured servitude/slavery.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 10:17 am

You’re right. People were killed in those struggles, by the state national guard. The wildcat strikers thought FDR had their backs. He didn’t. He needed the anti-union Southern Democrat governors and legislators to stay behind his New Deal. It was the same in NC. My paternal grandfather and his co-workers were shot at for going on strike at a mill in NC. No casualties there. Not the case in SC. Many were killed.

GrandTango March 25, 2015 at 10:19 am

Ol’ Boz snooping conspiracies…OLD SCHOOL…LMAO…

No one is impressed w/ what someone told you to think about the olden union days…but thanks for telling us who YOU are…

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 10:37 am

It’s not what someone told me to think. My family lived it, idiot.
Not only that, but it’s all documented history. Not that anything like that means anything to you. You make up the facts to fit whatever the snakes in your head tell you is true.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 10:45 am

Frank Beacham’s Journal:

Chiquola Mill Shootings: The 75th Anniversary

Seventy-five years ago—on September 6, 1934—seven workers were shot and killed and 30 others wounded at the Chiquola Mill in my hometown of Honea Path, South Carolina. It was an act that has shaped the town’s history and attitudes in ways that few could have imagined.

Yet, sadly, the old Chiquola Mill today stands in a seemingly unending state of demolition—now being torn down almost brick by brick. Not only have Honea Path’s founding fathers done little to preserve the town’s rich legacy, but it seems that some genuinely want to forget.

I have a special interest in this anniversary because my late grandfather, Dan Beacham, Honea Path’s mayor and superintendent of the mill in 1934, organized the gunmen who fired their weapons at the workers. That day became known as “Bloody Thursday.”

My grandfather died in 1936, many years before I was born. When I was growing up in Honea Path during the 1960s, the subject of the mill violence was taboo. There were hints of what happened, of course, but the topic was never discussed in the open.

I learned the truth about Honea Path’s history in 1994 from a documentary film called The Uprising of ’34. Since that film essentially ended Honea Path’s six-decade long secret, I’ve learned about the history of the town and its people through many conversations and stories. I wrote about it in my book, Whitewash: A Southern Journey through Music, Mayhem and Murder.

As a writer who makes his living telling stories, I was shocked to find one of the most compelling stories I’ve ever heard connected to my own family and hometown. Even more shocking, I found, was how an event of such magnitude and importance to the lives of generations of Honea Path families could have been hidden and buried for so long.

Of course the reason that I and so few of my fellow baby boomers knew the story of Chiquola Mill was because it was purposely denied us. There was a campaign of fear and intimidation after the shootings that effectively erased public discussion of what had happened. Fearful workers who wanted to keep their jobs put a self-imposed lid on their own past. Somehow, as the years went by, the violence at Chiquola evolved into a source of shame.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 10:48 am

In like manner, most of my NC relatives will not speak of the mill violence there. Taboo.

A family, like a community, is only as sick as its secrets.

What are yours, Lawrence?

GrandTango March 25, 2015 at 11:03 am

Like I thought. You’re a DEMOCRAT from way back. You are likely from a Slave-holding Family, of 150-plus years ago…

You people are usually the most-anti-White now, since the Democrats just went from HATING Blacks to modern-day hating Whites…

Love from Afar March 25, 2015 at 11:08 am

But not you. You just hate the Black president. You’re consistent. Have you ever considered entering a skin diving contest, see how long you can hold your breath and how far you can dive down? I’ll pay the entrance fee and give you a few 50 pound weights to tie to your wrists to help you win.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 11:55 am

I’ve told you in the past, I quit the Dem party in 2010. As for the family being Dems, yeah, most everybody was prior to the Civil Rights Act, etc. Much of my family, on both sides, became Republicans. Including a lot of the Indians, “bi-racial” and “tri-racial” ones. Most all had assimilated long ago, even including some of the “bi-racial” ones joining the KKK. Not something I’m proud of, but I don’t waste time and energy being ashamed of it, either. Slave-owners? I’m from a Southern family, idiot, of course some of my ancestors had slaves. Probably more on my mother’s side, because there was more wealth there. But on my father’s side, my great great grandfather owned 100 slaves and hundreds of acres of farm and timber land in SC. He was an Indian, and fought for the CSA in the Civil War. And lost most everything after the war.

I don’t hate “white” people. I simply know that, of people born in the Carolina’s there is pretty much no such thing.

Bible Thumper March 25, 2015 at 11:57 am

Are you Lumbee?

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 11:59 am

No. But I have relatives by marriage who are. I have consistently declined to name my tribe, as it is too important for me to allow idiots like GT to disparage my people.

Bible Thumper March 25, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Often in the South, it was to your advantage to claim Indian as opposed to African heritage. DNA testing of Lumbee’s so far has shown 2% Indian, 8% Sub-Saharan Africa, 4% Mediterranean and 86% European.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 12:17 pm

Not all Lumbees will submit to the testing, of course. Most of the ones I’ve known have been mixed as to race (naturally), but extremely traditional. All of this goes back to the various Indian wars, notably the Tuscarora wars, and some Virgina conflicts that had the result of spreading them far and wide. The Melungeons are thought to be related to Lumbee as well. Besides all that, DNA is not the main determinant of cultural identity. It never was in ANY of the tribes, and that is why on reservations you will find people descended from full tribal members at the time of the Trail of Tears, who were on the Dawes roll, that were as little as 18th Indian. Even some (including among the Cherokee) who were 100% European.

As we’ve discussed before, the who “blood quantum” thing, with over-focusing on DNA results plays into, is just another way to wipe out Indian culture entirely.

I have met Lumbee elders and medicine men who were in every way Indian, regardless of the shade of their skin, color of eyes, etc.

Bible Thumper March 25, 2015 at 12:35 pm

What you say is true, but there was a great amount of pressure from the White community to suppress African heritage(circa 1890’s). The alternative was Indian heritage. There is no evidence of the preservation of any Indian linguistic heritage. Lumbee’s had a separate school system from the blacks. They voted with whites racist when it it was to there advantage. During the progressive era the power elites wanted to divide poor whites and blacks. White elites found it to their political advantage to promote Indian heritage in the face of a “one drop rule”.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 2:27 pm

I’m not sure which progressive era you’re talking about. If you mean during the Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt years, in the Southeast it was not so much their policies but the policies of Jim Crow that held sway. And both federal and state governments were, in some ways more than ever, promoting the idea that all dark skinned people were Negro, Mulatto, Colored, or whatever. Anything but Indian or white. Light skinned people were “white”, regardless of the culture of where their families originated, or what their actual ethnic mix might be. If you mean the later progressive era under Democrats after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, etc., even though there was generally a more positive OUTWARD attitude expressed toward American Indians, the culturally genocidal policies of the BIA continued. Now, for sure, the “hippie” movement had a lot of people identifying with native culture, but that’s another thing. “Hippie” culture was not dictated by the elite progressives or liberals, and in many ways was at odds with them. The Chicago Convention being where all that came to a head.

Indians today do not see Obama as a great savior. Not even close. He continues the same old policies, but throws the reservations a bone every now and them. Supports native sovereignty only selectively — when it’s a hot-button political issue. Extreme poverty continues on the reservations. It’s not all a bunch of people getting fat off casinos. The profits are divided so many ways, and the rez Indians don’t get the lion’s share by any means. CDV is at an all-time high. So is suicide and rampant alcoholism and drug use. None of these a big priority of the O administration.

Bible Thumper March 25, 2015 at 11:21 pm

I don’t have time to fully respond now, but I believe the Lumbee traditions coalesce in the period from the end of Reconstruction the Progressive/Populist era (think early William Jennings Bryan). There were also attempts to tie their history to the Crotons and descendants of Europeans of the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
See my response to FastEddy23 above.

Buz Martin March 26, 2015 at 12:25 am

While none of these fully explain the cultural or ethnic origins of the Lumbee people, all contributed in one way or another, historically. When I was growing up, and I have also seen it in historical records going back to the era you referenced, “Croatan Indian” was a descriptor for any and all mixed-race Indians. Usually pronounced Tuscarora. As for the Lost Colony, of course, the famous carving of the word “Coratoan” into the trunk or stump of a tree (accounts vary) was widely taken as a hint as to the fate of the colony. The Tuscarora partly remained in the area, but a sizeable number returned to the state of New York, from whence they had originated. According to records of the ship that brought “The Lost ColonY” members to our shore, the records of the Croatan school in Hoke County, and tribal rolls of both groups of Tuscarora, all these tribes and groups shared a great many of the same surnames. Examples: Oxendine, Lowry, Locklear, Brayboy, Goodman and Campbell. Some of the same names are shared with Nottaway, Waccamaw Coree, Shokori, Sugaree, and other, mainly Siouan tribes (but some Iroquoian as well) in VA, NC and SC. I thas been my honor to have become acquainted with members of al lthese tribal groups that are still extant in some form or other. Most agree that there is kinship between them.

This attests to the enormous amount of blending, adoption and consolidation within and among the various tribes, nations and confederations from the early colonial through the postbellum/reconstruction era, and on into late Victorian and early Edwardian eras — due to the ravages of the diseases unintentionally brought over by early explorers and immigrants, and the various Indian wars that raged for so many years (traditionally ignored in American school curricula). Most of these groups are considered extinct by the federal government, but some have one or more state recognized or un-recognized tribes or heritage groups bearing their name today. Eno-Occoneechee up around the High Point area, for just one example. This is all off the top of my head, and I have the late-night fuzzy-brain right now — but I believe it is generally accurate. Please excuse typos. I’m going to bed. Thanks for the respectful conversation.

FastEddy23 March 25, 2015 at 9:48 pm

There is absolutely strong scientifically verifiable evidence of linguistic heritage, North American Tribal linguistic and cultural heritage, with absolute certainty.

All of the North American and South American tribes can trace their heritage by language and DNA back to the first tribes establishments 12,000+ years ago … In California.

Bible Thumper March 25, 2015 at 11:00 pm

My statements only refer to the Lumbee, not any other tribe.
Lumbee is a word that was invented in the Twentieth century. It was adopted as a tribal name officially in 1952, because of their inability to confirm any other tribal heritage and the refusal of any other tribes to accept them.

FastEddy23 March 26, 2015 at 11:53 am

A bit of historical perspective: In the 16th century, more than 90% of the North American tribal populations were wiped out by sword, slavery and disease by the Spanish Conquistadors. The Carolinas, Georgia and Florida were not immune to this plague of European army. (An estimated 90 Million natives died. RE: “1491” and “1493” by Charles Mann.)

The whole reason for African slave trade and importation into the “new” world was, basically, there were not enough native tribal people left to enslave.

This may not substantiate Buz’s claims, but … just sayin’

Buz Martin March 27, 2015 at 7:33 am

That is valid information. That was the main reason African slavery replaced (for the most part) Native American slavery in those centuries. Another was this: If an Indian got free, he or she would not be found. Even hundreds of miles from home, they were still home. Not so with the Africans. btw, it is absolutely true that disease was not intentionally spread by the explorers, conquistadors and settlers. However, during the years of intentional genocide, smallpox scabs were actually collected from hospitals, in some documented incidents, and put on blankets given to certain tribes or bands the government wanted to eradicate. This was not sanctioned at the highest level, but the brass did look the other way on such matters — crazy and risky as that tactic was. So, germ warfare was by the fed g against Indians, in relatively isolated instances. So Ward Churchill (America-hating asshole that he is) told the truth about that. And also about his own native heritage. Still cannot stand the son of a bitch.

FastEddy23 March 27, 2015 at 2:05 pm

“… it is absolutely true that disease was not intentionally spread by the explorers, conquistadors …”

Well, the Spanish Missionaries seemed to be “saving” some who converted and letting those who did not, die. And of course the Spanish conquistadors followed the Church’s lead.

In South American, the Inca had it only slightly better, being mostly immune to European diseases … and died more of the sword and slavery.

Your point about the locals knowing how and where to hide while the new comers did not is insightful.

Buz Martin March 27, 2015 at 9:18 pm

Quite true.

Back to the Incas, and other native in South and Central America. It’s impossible to say what became of the survivors, but all of those native tribes did survive to some degree. It’s doubtful that any bloodlines in any part of the Americas is fully extinct. It’s clear that Mexicans, to name one “Hispanic” group, do not think of themselves, in general, as being “Indians.” They certainly don’t on the level of how they present politically, in regards to immigration, legal and otherwise, or things of that nature. But in the rural areas, the the brujos and brujas still have much influence. The old ways carry on.

See “Love and Rockets” — the graphic novel series, not the rock group — for some fascinating glimpses into the interplay between the Old Ways and those of the hip young “Hispanic” immigrants to the USA. The series bounces back and forth between these words. Hilariously, and often depressingly, presenting unflinching portraits of characters caught up in a culture in a state of flux that often spirals into total chaos and nihilism.

FastEddy23 March 30, 2015 at 12:49 pm

“… It’s doubtful that any bloodlines in any part of the Americas is fully extinct. …”

Of course not. In fact that question comes up out here in the west as well. There are Native Tribes out here who have had to rely on archeological evidence rather than DNA for their “creds”.

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Actually, it was not always to your advantage to claim Indian in the South. Indians were enslaved from the 16th Century on. Even when Emancipation came, some of the freed slaves were Indians. This is reflected on all kinds of records, such as those of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The way it came down, after the removals, was that if you were east of the Mississippi and had darker skin, you were Negro, Mulatto, or whatever — regardless of actual ethnicity. If you were of light skin, you were white. This cause a mad rush in darker families to get their kids married off the most nordic looking women they could find — even if they had to import them from out of state. Parts of my family were no different. But the Lumbee, as they exist at as a tribe, mostly come from stock that did not try to assimilate to that degree. Result being they vary widely in what they appear to be, racially, but their Indian identity is something they cherish and hold on to. It is their culture, not some ruse to get a casino, or whatever.

Native Ink March 25, 2015 at 10:34 pm

I’d never heard of the Lumbee before now. It sounds like a fascinating culture. I’m going to read up on them. Thanks.

Buz Martin March 27, 2015 at 9:12 am

You’re very welcome.

Watch out, though. if you break down in the country anywhere near, say, Rowland NC. As has always been the case, some of them will cut you soon as look at you.

Tryna keep it real.

FastEddy23 March 25, 2015 at 9:42 pm

Anonymous… Best that way. Keeps preconceived notions and emotions in check.

GrandTango March 25, 2015 at 12:08 pm

Thanks for confirming what I implied. Just don’t deny it when it is not a convenient story for you…

Buz Martin March 25, 2015 at 2:12 pm

I confirm nothing about what you implied. You implied that I was telling lies about my life, and about my family. Not so. I have never denied that I was a Democrat for much of my life, or that my family was mostly Democrats at one time — though the biggest majority of them are now Republicans. Nor have I denied having ancestors who owned slaves, and who fought in the Civil War. Not too long ago I was involved in an effort to get proper recognition for one of them for his service, as a matter of fact. Keep twisting the truth. It’s what you do. I don’t think anyone on here would know how to deal with you if you ever presented just facts, without all your bizarre spin.

History Books March 25, 2015 at 12:18 pm

To know history oft requires reading books. You know GrandTango doesn’t read.

aikencounty March 27, 2015 at 6:07 am

But they killed seven in Honea Path.

Buz Martin March 27, 2015 at 7:15 am

Hence my words: “My paternal grandfather and his co-workers were shot at for going on strike at a mill in NC. No casualties there. Not the case in SC. Many were killed.” Seven is “many.” btw, I said no deaths at the mill in NC where my grandfather worked. I don’t know for sure whether or not there deaths at other mills in that state.

GrandTango March 25, 2015 at 10:16 am

Before the Israeli elections, you all claimed it was the BIGGEST election in the history of the world…

When you got your @$$#$ kicked…not a word…

I have a feeling if FITS loses the Union fight at Boeing…that stupid some beech will go MUM…LMAO…

You people are SO predictable…and so hilarious when you get the S#!t slapped out of you do so often…Hahahaha…

jimlewisowb March 25, 2015 at 10:18 am

On January 9, 1861, the Star of the West was fired upon by Cadets from The Citadel stationed at the Morris Island Battery as the Union ship entered Charleston Harbor signalling the beginning of the War of Northern Aggression

On April 22, 2015 another form of Union will once again invade Charleston

Game is the same, different players

The Colonel March 25, 2015 at 10:27 am

Indeed, while South Carolina’s “legacy” media has snoozed on Boeing’s North Charleston production problems

Indeed, while South Carolina’s “legacy” media has snoozed on Boeing’s North Charleston plant battery supplier’s production problems – There fixed it for you.

The battery problem was caused by a subcontractor – it has long since been corrected.
The 787’s “Reportable Events” log shows it is actually less likely to have an issue than the 777.
The allegations that the SC plant’s plane quality was poor or production was substandard has been refuted and can be attributed to IAM friendly and anti-Boeing reporting

CNSYD March 25, 2015 at 11:11 am

There you go again! Refuting Sic Willie’s agenda with facts. Shame on you!

FastEddy23 March 25, 2015 at 12:25 pm

And besides, having the IAM represent some Boeing workers certainly does not insure aircraft quality or safety.

(Considering that it used to be SOP for UAW workers to build defective Pontiacs whenever their contracts came up for renewal … Consider the ’65 verses the ’66 Le Mans.)

Cricket March 25, 2015 at 11:03 am

Crickets, not one word from Folks on the AIRBUS plane that crashed that was not built by Boeing of Charleston.

CNSYD March 25, 2015 at 11:12 am

Are you surprised?

GrandTango March 25, 2015 at 11:21 am

Very loud silence. doubt..

Why isn’t FITS screaming about the ignorance of the Airbus workers, like he attacks South Carolinians….or why is he not bashing the union that built Airbus…

FastEddy23 March 25, 2015 at 12:33 pm

… That still could have been the weather.

Both airplane builders, Boeing and Airbus, have very good reputauions for building safe reliable airplanes.

Let’s not degrade those reputations based in non-sequitors.

Backed by govt too March 25, 2015 at 1:42 pm

AIRBUS also receives tons of money from government subsidies just like Boeing, so you would think they would be viewed as just as bad, but I guess not

CNSYD March 25, 2015 at 4:27 pm

Not in Sic Willie’s eyes. His nexus for hating Boeing is really Haley and not the government concessions to Boeing. Those are just a cover story. It is just another example of his vindictiveness toward Haley after she cut him off.

truthmonger March 25, 2015 at 4:40 pm

but it isn’t US subsidies….

Native Ink March 26, 2015 at 11:27 am

So Airbus locked the pilot out of the cockpit?

Rocky March 25, 2015 at 11:52 am

Just tuning in, but explain to me this. What happens if Boeing employees vote for collective bargaining? Does Boeing stop making planes. Does Boing stop having high quality control standards. Does Delta opt for new Airbus planes instead? Does United? Does American? Does the sun stop shining? Will Summer be postponed? Does I-26 catch fire and melt into the sand? Does the bridge to Mt. Pleasant fall into the river? Really, how does life change for us one way or the other?

truthmonger March 25, 2015 at 3:51 pm

No, they lose the ability to treat workers like dirt. That’s about it. They’ll actually have to negotiate wages and treatment.

idiotwind March 25, 2015 at 12:07 pm

difficult to understand why the working people of SC despise working people, and believe power should only be wielded by those god has chosen to make billionaires. or maybe thats it right there. south carolinians believe god selects our overlords and we shouldn’t ask for more than we are given.

Redirected Anger March 25, 2015 at 1:40 pm

The wealthy elites have been tricking poor and middle class people into hating other poor and middle class people for the longest time. Way back in the early days of the country certain immigrants were treated like shit, and their fellow coworkers wouldn’t raise hell because they thought that helping the immigrants get better pay would end up coming out of their paychecks.

Keeping the poor workers at odd with each other keeps them from realizing they can band together and demand better from the employer as a collective whole. This is why rich people hate unions, why they used to use government to suppress and even kill pro-union employees, and now that government stands up for unions just a little bit, want to dismantle government (at least until they get their filthy hands back on the reigns)

True, but March 25, 2015 at 3:30 pm

“why they used to use government to suppress and even kill pro-union employees”

Which is why gov’t is no help in the matter and you should want it as weak as possible.

Gov’t will always be controlled by the super rich, manipulating the super stupid(ie., voting masses).

Chucktown Buck April 1, 2015 at 3:39 am

It goes back to slavery…

FastEddy23 March 25, 2015 at 12:17 pm

“… NLRB has approved the IAM petition – meaning it found that at least thirty percent of the Boeing workforce at the facility signed cards indicated their desire for an election to be held. …”

Careful what you wish for. Just because 30% want an election, does not mean 30% will all vote for the union.

Native Ink March 25, 2015 at 10:44 pm

Boeing wouldn’t have to fend off a union if they’d delivered on the “great” jobs they promised. The average pay at Boeing is $14 an hour. That will barely buy you a double-wide and a used truck in Charleston.

d March 26, 2015 at 10:16 am

Look for the union label, la la! I’m singing I’m so happy!

Chucktown Buck April 1, 2015 at 4:38 am

The Union is coming and watch how many many of good anti-union confederate rag loving Southern Baptists jump on the bandwagon, when they see too many blacks reaping the benefits.

Chucktown Buck April 2, 2015 at 3:45 am

Last year, Boeing reaped a whooping $82 MILLION TAX REFUND on $5.9 BILLION in PROFITS, for an EFFECTIVE TAX RATE of (MINUS) -1.4%! Boeing is using the Walmart business model along with South Carolina slave mentality to build airplanes. You don’t have to be a mathematician to see you are being ripped off! If you are working as mechanic on that plant floor and you don’t VOTE YES, you are a FOOL! $15-25/hr. vs. $30-45/hr.! Only poverty stricken idiot would leave that kind on money on the table!


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