
John Boehner’s Backers Get Paid Off

TREATS FOR TRICKS …  || By FITSNEWS || Like obedient dogs, liberal “Republican” lawmakers who caved to the administration of Barack Obama on the executive amnesty issue are now getting their reward. “Treats for tricks,” if you will. According to Politico, a special interest group loyal to liberal U.S. Speaker John…


|| By FITSNEWS || Like obedient dogs, liberal “Republican” lawmakers who caved to the administration of Barack Obama on the executive amnesty issue are now getting their reward.

“Treats for tricks,” if you will.

According to Politico, a special interest group loyal to liberal U.S. Speaker John Boehner is shelling out $350,000 on television ads to prop up four “Republican” members of Congress – Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, Susan Brooks and Todd Young of Indiana and Dan Benishek of Michigan.

The ads – paid for by the so-called American Action Network – praise these liberal lawmakers for “fighting for a stronger and safer America.”


Last time we checked these politicians whored themselves out for Boehner in defense of Obama’s unconstitutional power grab … which will cost taxpayers billions of dollars.  And which has only empowered Obama to plot fresh power grabs  …

Of course the leader of this so-called “center-right” group refers to them as “effective conservatives,” according to the Politico story, lawmakers who are “doing what they were sent to Washington to do.”


We thought “Republicans” were sent to Washington to stand up to Obama, not ask “how high” when his administration said “jump.”

That’s what the GOP told voters during the 2014 campaign, anyway.

Sadly, FITS readers will recall we predicted this outcome back in January when the House defunded Obama’s initiative (just as we predicted the broader GOP cave).

Of course that didn’t exactly take a crystal ball … the GOP has caved again, again and again on critical issues like this.  Which is why we bailed on the party a long time ago.  And why we supported getting rid of Boehner.

Open your eyes, “Republicans.”  Your leaders aren’t fighting Obama … they are doing his bidding.


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jimlewisowb March 6, 2015 at 11:48 am

A post about lying Cockroaches – how enlightening

Bible Thumper March 6, 2015 at 12:02 pm

And exactly what is the big deal. Contributors are supporting candidates that share their views. What is so unusual about that?

Whatever. March 6, 2015 at 12:02 pm

What’s the matter? Jealous none of that sweet PAC is coming FitsNews’ way? Did Trump finally realize he wasn’t getting his peanuts worth out this blog?

Scooter March 6, 2015 at 8:44 pm

Now, that is a slap.

Rocky March 6, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Why is this a surprise. Like Boehner was really going to fight Obama on immigration. Assuming the stay is lifted in the next week, Obama comes out with everything he wants. Ok, fair enough. But what these crazy right-wing voters who helped cushion Boehner in the House don’t understand, is that Boehner already has a team working on a real amnesty bill that’s in three parts. Part One is a huge bump in DHS Border Security for “secure the border” for next year – which is a subsidy of law enforcement costs to border states. (If you’ve never been to the border, about 1/4 of the border patrol is basically THE law enforcement in those towns so they don’t have to pay for much in way of their own cops. (Not to mention federal jobs have great benefits). Part Two is a revised H1-B visa bill to increase the number of visas for technology and engineering folks. Nikki should love that, her cousins can come over. And Part Three will be a re-hash of the Rubio-McCain Immigration / Amnesty / Pathway to Citizeship bill with a generous DREAMER clause. They will all pass the House in the Spring, hit the Senate late June, get passed and signed into law by Obama in July just before recess. And that, my friends, will clear the table for Jeb so the immigration issue is off the table for 2016. And all the RINOs in CA, AZ, NM, CO, and FL will be safe. Not a fan of Breitbart – but they have well positioned sources.

vicupstate March 6, 2015 at 1:22 pm

So the Teatards were just being used?

Yeah, that is about the size of it.

Too bad they are too stupid to see how easily manipulated they are.

Rocky March 6, 2015 at 1:29 pm

Like the ugly boy who gets a girl friend he can’t stand. He wants to walk, but he knows he has little chance of getting any somewhere else if he does, so he stays with her.

Deo Vindice SC March 6, 2015 at 2:04 pm

ya hit me a little rocko. But not the ugly part.

Rocky March 6, 2015 at 3:11 pm

You mean, a liberal man!!! Ha, ha, ha. Have a nice weekend. Spring is almost here. Thank goodness.

Deo Vindice SC March 6, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Congrats, Any GOP elected official won’t matter much. Why would they ?

cuvinny March 6, 2015 at 1:56 pm

Pretty sure Fits is against campaign finance reform so he should be ok with this.

CharlestonVoice March 6, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Vote for RON Paul

quid March 6, 2015 at 5:45 pm

Let’s just be honest…the Billionaire Boy’s Club runs this country and BOTH parties. The Billionaire Boy’s Club wanted amnesty…and they got it. Period.


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