|| By FITSNEWS || S.C. State Treasurer Curtis Loftis has been the most vocal statewide opponent of efforts to raise South Carolina’s gasoline tax … and we’ve consistently praised him for his efforts.
How come? Well, you can read our latest coverage of this issue HERE, but the bottom line is state government doesn’t need any more money … oh, and tapped out taxpayers can’t afford to give up any more money. So, state lawmakers need to prioritize core functions of government with the more-than-abundant resources they’ve been provided – and stop sticking S.C. taxpayers (who already pay a disproportionately high percentage of their income on fuel) with yet another bill.
This week Loftis – and other limited government allies – are promoting a petition which calls on state leaders to oppose any gas tax increase that doesn’t include “transparency and accountability” at the S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT).
“The more you learn about the management of road funding it becomes obvious that it’s not fair to consider an increase until we have real reform within the SCDOT,” the petition reads.
Wanna sign it? Click HERE.
Upstate taxpayer advocates including Ron Tamaccio – who wrote this excellent guest column on SCDOT reform – are spearheading the effort, which has been promoted by local conservative radio hosts (including Tara Servatius of WORD AM).
Good for them …
So is there an online way to sign it, or must it be hand written?
yes, you can sign on line, or print and mail/email to you reps and the gov.
I signed it on line. We need reform in government. I am not a hard right winger, I just want my the best bank for my buck!
Link please
here is the link.
So Curtis is using Obama’s now? Desperate PR stunt.
This has nothing to do with Obama. And treasurer Loftis did not start this. a radio station did.
Which radio station? The one that Curtis Loftis has been interviewed on recently?
They have a comments field. I didn’t hold back, but I doubt it will be read.
Ha ha, for me, FitsNews gives me fits of laughter.
Here’s Tamaccio’s logic … SCDOT is too complicated for me to understand how they allocate and spend funds, therefore they are crooked and wasteful. SCDOT is LESS complicated than other state DOTs. That’s what you should remember.
Also, look the at the reports issued by the Reason Foundation. They list SCDOT as 4th in the nation in efficiency. That’s comparing how SCDOT compares against their peer agencies. Not against some imaginary expectation.
Here’s his other complaint … Our politician’s want to in charge of both what amount is collected and how it is spent. That is what I would call taxation WITH representation. Something a few people died for as I recall.
This type of info, as in Reason, could show DOT number 1 or number 50. Don’t trust those types organization, be they from the right or left. the info is too easily manipulated.
Yep. Definitely better to believe one whiny retired pilot (Tomaccio) on how bad SCDOT is than to believe a retired college professor writing an annual report for a think tank which only ‘claims’ to be non-partisan.
Tomaccio has eyes, ears and a lifetime of experience in SC. I trust him anyway over a professor probably working on a grant paid for by some special interest.
Pee Wee Gaskins also had eyes, ears and a lifetime of experience in SC. Would you trust him over a professor as well?
Probably. You big government types have a lot in common with Pee Wee. You screw up everything u touch, and then kill everything else!
Sounds like Curtis at Home pest control, Aging, Eckstrom’s office and now at the treasury.
Oh liar, oh deceiver. How you love the sin and hate the love of God. Please repent of your sin.
Why do you persist in taking the Lord’s name in vain. You should be ashamed for your blasphemy.
Yep, definitely better for you to believe Tamaccio.
SCDOT too complicated? … Maybe more of the jobs should go out for competive bid.
Out of state contractors get the contracts and make the money. The hire Latinos to do the work, leaving South Carolinians to sit on the sofa. They even bring their own equipment unlike in the old days when they leased it here!
Nice to see the paid hacks for the road builders’ front group, the fake “Fix Our Roads *Citizens*” are earning their money today.
They work hard, but for a big share of $48 billion tax dollars I might lie about an elected official too!
Trick is to charge a lot for the lies. One never wants to whore oneself out on the cheap!
Tiffinay, are you for real? Charge a lot for lies? Where are the lies if not in Jake/curt posts. The man is mentally unstable and has been visiting doctors since childhood. Violent temper, violence against women, false accusations, infectious diseases… and conspiracies in every corners and in every issues. A sorry treasurer , who has cost the tax payers of SC a lot, a lot of money.
Deceiver, Repent of your wicked lies.
Do not live by being paid to lie, anonymously, to a computer screen.
K.Mann: Is it impossible for an objective person from SC to differ in opinion with an elected official and not have her views demonized by suggesting she is paid to have them or part of some road group?
Yes. It is impossible to believe that the thousands of twisted, flawed, hateful, immature anonymous comments are anything other that the product of a small group of people that are motivated by hate, envy and jealousy. Any real policy debates ceased a long time ago. Your work speaks for itself and it reeks of the dark side of humanity. I pity the people that enjoy writing such comments.
My question was for K Mann. Not for a troll like Jake to provide an insane response to a legitimate questions. Nothing I asked involved anything “twisted” “flawed” “hateful” or “immature”, though your response did. You also don’t get to decide when free people get to have “real policy debates”. I don’t have any “work [that] speaks for itself” and if you found that my noncontroversial and nonpartisan question “reeks of the dark side of humanity” then I suggest you see a doctor, sir.
Stop, liar and deceiver. Your words cause harm to everyone including yourself.
Choose light, not darkness. Free your soul. Choose Christ, not Satan.
Don’t bother with ‘Jake’. Jake is Curtis and from the sounds of it ‘K Mann.” is Curtis too. How do I know that? Just cross reference the name with his Facebook page and you will find his friend with that name. So the commenter is either Curtis using Ms. Mann’s name or he asked Ms. Mann to comment on his behalf. Either way it shows a wild degree of megalomania, narcissism, and psychological impairment.
The quality of your lies is not as good as before. Are you master not paying you. Is your soul so heavy with lies and filth that you can’t think properly.
Unleash your soul. Choose Christ and be free.
The quality of your grammar, spelling and punctuation is back to normal Curt. Are you drinking again? Or having trouble with the appendages with which you type?
Deceiver, do you not know you will judged on your sinful life?
Please repent, choose Christ. Life, do not die everyday under the weight go your lies!
Easy on the liquor buddy. The store opens again in a few hours. Conserve your drink.
What a fool you are! ” I do not DIE everyday under the weight GO your lies! ” People are laughing and you sure are a sorry poster for any religion. “Judge not that you shall not be judged.” Why do you judge me? I am holding a crucifix in my extended right arm. Stand back and leave my space. Go far away.. You are too spooky.
STFU.. People are laughing at you, pointing their fingers at you and holding a crucifix in their extended arms.. Stand back you fool.
Lies, deception, and distortion. You need not worry about the Jakes, you need to worry about the Lord.
Repent and save your soul!
You are the King of Lies, The Prince of Deception. You love the devil and you love evil and you defame others because you are evil.
Choose Christ.
Really Jake? Polite disagreement had a question that did not have anything twisted, flawed, hateful or immature. He is not the king of lies. He does not love evil… and he is not evil . Do you realize how stupid you are accusing people with your rants and using religion . You are a fake and you must STFU and carry the same message to Loftis. You are the one on” the dark side of humanity” And do not come on FITs tomorrow crying about the posts on FITS . Your posts are very sick and must be stopped.
Everyone please understand that this is Curtis Loftis making these comments.
He seems to be so fixated on this unnamed cabal that he responds to every post that disagrees with him. No matter how plain it is that someone has a differing opinion – somehow it is an attempt to get him.
This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. It’s kinda fun to watch.
Jake, you need to STFU and carry that same message to Curt
It’s funny Curt is opposed to a transparent tax increase… Curt likes the non-transparent, back-door increases that the public never sees. Just look at the expenses at his office. Increases every year with no increases in authorization. He sidesteps restrictions by using consultants, and hiring out his work with private companies so the public never sees the total cost. Senate Finance should dig deep before his budget hearing. I hear he is now raiding the 529 money. Watch out taxpayers.
i am wondering why Senate Finance postponed his hearing.
Oh deceiver, the lies you tell.
Perhaps you should have blogged that Senator Cromer was at a funeral and cancelled the meeting. But liars can’t tell the truth, they only twist the facts, deceive the readers. They make good things into bad.
Save your soul, Repent, choose a life worth living. Leave the computer screen and get a life, and a soul.
Well that certainly gives it away that Jake = Curtis. Such “inside” knowledge. he he
I work in the State House, and support Curtis Loftis. I am proud of it. There are three of us Jakes. We will be here to speak against your lies. We like speaking for truth. You like lying. Sad for you, very very sad for you.
Jake = Curtis. Give me a break. State House wasn’t even in Session today. There are not three Jakes. This is sad. I will pray for Curtis because as the people who actually work in the State House know, he is on the verge of truly losing control. People in support of and not in support of Curtis agree. It isn’t partisan or mean spirited. It’s just the sad truth. God Bless.
Haha. So, because the Capital was not in session no one was there? Everyone works 40 hours there? Haha. How easily you can lie and decieve.
Silly little deceiver, you know how to lie so well.
We know you weren’t there today Curtis.
Liar of Liars, your work will cost your soul. Please rethink your life. Choose life, not Satan.
Not lying. Any one on here (including “Jake”) can go to the Treasurer’s Office website and see that Curtis hasn’t posted his calendar since February 2nd. You will also see a video of him discussing his campaign promise to do so. No lies, just good ole fashioned transparency and accountability.
Just checked out of curiosity and youre correct. Lofty hasn’t put his calendar up in over a month. Wonder why?
oh liar, oh liar, how easy for you. Oh liar, deceiver, How sad for you. look under the calendar tab.
liar and deceiver, repent. Choose Christ!
That’s right. I just checked it out too. I pity the poor member of his staff that is going to be in trouble for making him look like a fool on Monday.
Anyone who hides hatred is a liar. Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool.
Repent, and save your soul
Nobody knows where he’s been because he hasn’t posted his calendar on his website in over a month. Yet another campaign promise not kept. The nerve.
How easy deception roles off your tongue. So quickly. You are an accomplished liar.
Repent, and save your soul.
Ha! The three Jakes:
Jake1 – Curt’s computer
Jake2 – Curt’s cell phone
Jake3 – Curt’s tablet
The truth will set you free, so please sign you names and take responsibility for your comment. Then you will not be able to lie.
I use a pen name, but I am not attacking an elected official.
Stop lying and choose truth. Live. Repent!
Do you believe elected officials are on a higher level than the average taxpayer? If not, then it really doesn’t matter who uses a pseudo name.
I am not attacking elected officials or anyone by name. You defame people regularly. You lie, you deceive, you libel, and what is most disturbing is that you seem to enjoy the lying.
Choose Christ, not Satan.
Curt is sniffing a rat. You may need to check the ” the back yard “, hopefully you will be fine.
I agree. The Senate Finance Committee needs to investigate this ASAP!
Oh insiders, keep deceiving and lying. Remember that truth is light and lies are darkness.
Save your sad soul, stop lying and deceiving. Repent and live!
Oh, paid liars, blogging away against Loftis and for the gas tax. Go report to your masters that the lies are not working, that the media company that hires the liars has picked a strategy that is failing.Tell the insiders at the save our roads crowd that positive, factual posting influences people, that lies and distortions are no good.
According to 2 polls these supposed “lies” are working. South Carolinian’s are looking for solutions, not blow hards.
HaHa. The new polls shows 69% against the gas tax and the anti-tax people have yet to start their campaigns!
Which new poll are you referencing?
What a ridiculous statement.
You guys never give up bashing Loftis. Because of you guys he is beginning to look like a hero.
They are paid liars hired by the people supporting the gas tax. They will do anything to get their 23 pieces of silver.
What miserable jobs these bastards the guys have!
That gas tax is going to fail so they better start looking for new jobs!
What is your definition of a hero? Is it someone who makes noise about an issue he cannot address while offering no plan to address a very serious problem, all the while doing it to distract people from the ineptitude and waste and potential fraud in his own office?
Any one can make noise. Not everyone can solve a real problem.
Oy, ye poor liar. Save your soul. Stop slandering elected officials.
Stop being greedy, jealous and envious. Accept Christ and stop lying.
Don’t bother with Kerry and Jake for they are one in the same. For they are Curtis Loftis, the State Treasurer. When he loses the argument in the real world he resorts to the world of alter egos and fake enemies right here on fits. It shows a pitiful degree of megalomania, narcissism, and psychological impairment.
Oh poor anonymous liar, please free your soul. Choose Christ, reject Reynolds. You can have a life worth living!
In addition to his flamboyant office spending, Curt also doesn’t mind the transparent tax increases like the debt he has voted time and time again to approve in the form of bailouts of SC State and HHS at the budget control board. Guess who ends up paying for these bailouts? The taxpayers with their hard earned money.
Poor cash, you soul must suffer from all the lies about Loftis. Are you getting paid a lot? Your masters will get $48 billion. You will probably get pennies. They live nice lives, you are a paid liar.
Maybe you should rethink this lying life of yours. I will pray for your sad lying soul.
Anyone who hides hatred is a liar. Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool.
I want to know how much the tax payers of SC had to pay for the settlement in Federal Court (sept . 2014 ). Violations of federal employment laws are costly. How much did Loftis cost the tax payers? So much money wasted ..
So many lies in one comment. It is funny that you could be such a prick. You are probably a fat bitch that works in government, gets paid but does not have a real job. Losing that would make me a prick too. I am just saying.
Can you please specify what were the lies in KoolA’s comment? It’s easy to say someone is lying but it’s smarter to point out what the lie is. You shouldn’t paint in broad strokes ClemsonT.
Liars deceive. Liars lie. One can’t argue with a liar, it never works.
Trust your soul to Christ.
Don’t bother with ‘Jake’. Jake is Curtis and from the sounds of it ‘Clemson T’ is also Curtis. It shows an alarming degree of megalomania, narcissism, and psychological impairment.
Oh liar, please repent!
Cant you see that each of these threads attacking Loftis appear to the non-liars, non-deceivers as if you attackers are crzy with greed, envy and jealousy?
Free your soul.
Only you appear crazy. Look at the stuff you type. You’ve made Grand Tango appear sane, Curtis. It’s so very transparently you posting on here. It’s the most transparent thing about your administration.
Oh Liar of Liars, please reject Satan and choose Christ.
Lies and deception are not the way to heaven!
So many lies in each post. Lies and deceptions. Oh, free your soul. Choose light not darkness!
So many aliases’ in each post. Lies and deceptions. Oh, free your should Curtis. Exit the closet, choose the light and not the darkness in the closet.
Oh liar, deceiver, lover of Satan. Repent, you can leave the life of sin behind you. Repent.
Spoken like a true envious liar and deceiver closet case.
Oh liar, please repent. Choose goodness, not evil. Choose an eternal life, not one of sin, degradation and eternal damnation.
It is totally amazing that about 40% of your poll actually want Gruberment to raise those fuel taxes … What a bunch of morons.
I’m betting that way too many Gruberment employees read this blog.
Ask any ecomomist … you (the taxpayer) get greater than $1 of benefit when the ‘Gruberment’ builds $1 of infrastructure. Not the same when they spend $1 on welfare, regulating, or legislating. You probably drive one of those monster-tire trucks and enjoy driving through potholes.
Ask a non-government economist and you (the taxpayer) will also discover that every government job destroys Three Private Sector Jobs. (Hoover Inst. reports over several decades back to the 1930’s.)
(The EuroTrash know this: Univ. of Madrid (Spain) economic department reports also confirm every “green job” destroys more than Six Private Sector Jobs.)
I know one thing for sure. Wasting a billion dollars brings you nothing. I want reform first, taxes later.
I dont trust the system as it is now, so change it!
What don’t you trust about “the system”? Isn’t the gas tax the only tax that taxpayers know the revenue stream? Not like income tax or sales tax that goes to every agency and earmark in the budget. The gas tax is the most transparent. I’m at a loss as to what you specifically don’t trust about the system?
Actually, that is not true. Only a portion of the gas tax goes to roads. Some goes to other agencies, some to intergovernmental transfers, some to overhead.
Such as? Because that isn’t how the statute is written. I believe you’re misinformed. The formula is also on the SCDOT website and in the code of laws if you would like to see for yourself. Gas tax dollars go to roads, county road agencies and state road agencies. They build roads.
Wrong. I have the statutes, etc.
Are you James or William? Having trouble keeping your alter ego’s straight Mr. River Rat? he he he
Please free your lying soul. Stop the life of sin and choose the light!
Christ will set your lying soul free!!!
Neither, I’m Jake!
Ecomist get paid to say a lot of crazy things. I know, I used to be one of them.
Maybe, but it’s an almost universal agreement that for every $1 spent on transportation that the taxpayer receives in excess of $1 in benefit. Especially when SC drivers are spending hundreds to thousands extra per year on the wear and tear of their vehicles due to the condition of our road system.
That wear and tear argument does not pass the smell test. Paving roads won’t stop road wear on cars. It might help some, but not much. I have been driving 30 years and I have not spent as much as you guys claim…I suppose you pro-gas tax people drink and drive a lot.
A lot of people drive long distances to work, to get groceries, to go to a doctor, to go to the post office, et al. You may live in a more urban or suburban place where you haven’t encountered a problem or maybe you drive a more expensive, stronger vehicle.
You can’t claim it doesn’t pass the smell test when you are one person living in one part of the state. Facts and economic studies both in-state and from AAA prove that it costs the average driver an extra few hundred dollars per year in wear and tear. Sure, wear and tear happens to any vehicle. But here in SC it is an accelerating and repetitive occurrence and those costs add up to a majority of drivers. Just ask any mechanic.
Using bombastic attacks like “you pro-gas tax people drink and drive a lot” isn’t intelligent or constructive. I am pro-fix the roads. I am tired of hitting potholes or having to swerve to avoid them. I am nervous when driving over bridges not know if it is one of the majority in the state that are in danger of failing. I just want safer and better roads.
I hit a pothole in the low country and broke a spring on my boat trailer. I could have paid increased gas taxes for many years for what it cost me to tow it in and repair it. True story. We need increased user taxes on fuel.
Wasting money is rarely a good idea, unless you are a drunken sailor and I know all about that.
There has only been one independent poll so far and that was done by PPP of North Carolina (not the poll by state supported Winthorp University or the ones paid for by the special interest groups getting the money).
The independent poll by PPP has the no gas tax numbers at nearly $70%.
That is going to go higher as the anti-tax people start working and spending money. That tax ain’t going to pass this year.
Thumbs Up !! fur sure.
I could not believe that the poll here was anywhere near the truth … which probably lies somewhere in between that 70% and the 50% here.
In any case, South Carolina voters and poll respondents don’t want more fuel taxes. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln.
The Fits poll has flipped. No about 60% against.
Gas tax is dead, so let’s pass reform this year and then talk taxes next year.
Pete: Fits poll is not objective so I wouldn’t put too much faith in it as it does not require any scientific sampling, margin or error, or track duplicate responses.
The gas tax is going to fail. The Senate is going to make it a straight up tax and Gov Haley will repeal it. And that is a good thing.
The people don’t want it. The lobbyist make a fortune “fighting” for it, and the association presidents get paid a lot of money to plan for next legislative session!
it is a bad idea whose time has not come!
According to the very recent winthrop poll the majority of people don’t mind a 10 cent increase in gas tax if it means better roads.
“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.”
? Alfred Tennyson
“A man who chooses to ignore what is right in front of him, is a blind man.” – Jesus
These Loftis haters are crazy. I can’t see what they are trying to accomplish?
These crazy Loftis impersonators need to crawl back into Loftis’ head. And of course reject Satan.
Oh liar, oh liar, please repent and choose Christ. Please save your soul.
I don’t see any hate. I see people asking for Loftis’ plan and then watching him get angry for people asking. It’s pretty crazy for a politician to think he’s above answering simple questions.
Deceiver, liar, hater, you are all three. You do it so well. You dwell in your hate and associate with others dwelling in hate.
Choose life, choose Christ.
I’m not sure which is more laughable; Curtis inserting himself into an issue that has nothing to do with him while he ignores his responsibilities we elected him for, or Curtis’ comments on the article and all the other articles about him on this website. Wait a second, neither are laughable.
An anonymous person claims Loftis is posting under and anonymous name.
How silly such lies are .How deceptive, perhaps even the liars believes 5% of them, but still he is a liar. So sad for the liars as the liar is destined to hell.
Based on your sentence structure you have indicated that Loftis is a liar.
Based on your sentence structure you have insinuated that Loftis is a hypocrite.
Liar of liar. Deceiver of deceivers. Please repent. Please stop your lying ways and join proper people in living life!
I’ll stick with having a proper education and command on the Anglo language. I haven’t lied and I haven’t sinned. I would suggest you read Proverbs 14:23 and stop being so ignorant.
You are a liar, a deceiver, a thief of souls. You cannot escape our sin unless you repent. Please repent and chose life.
“Our” sin? Is “our” Jake + Curtis = Curt ?
Don’t disappoint bob, lie lie lie with every breath!
You have sold your soul for pennies, so please lie lie lie
Who is Bob? It sounds like Jake/Curt needs to go the restroom and release a solid bob before he explodes with envy and rage!
And sin!
Bob will pay you well for that lie. Deception like that is why he pays KW, to pay you!
Liar, give up your wicked ways!
Oh, STFU.. enough of your ignorant rants. Do you know that these rants make you look like a blooming idiot . People laugh at you and talk about you behind your back..
Jake, you say: “You cannot escape OUR sin unless you repent” Why would I escape YOUR sin? YOU must repent for Your sin.. And I am not ” a liar, a deceiver, a thief of souls”. You are a psycho.. STFU . People are laughing at you.
Much sadness dwells in your heart. Repent, be happy. Love life. love the lord and you shall be free of this sin!
Does any one take this guy Loftis seriously? This is the same “adult” I saw on the news storming out of a meeting he was elected, and therefore expected, to attend. I’ll listen to what Nikki has to say because she has a plan to fix the roads and cut my taxes. She is a leader.
Not only does she have a plan, but she’s traveling the state to educate people on it. She isn’t sitting in the capital writing uneducated social media posts or trying to get attention. She’s doing the hard work it takes to make change, fix our roads and finally cut our taxes!
I like Nikki Haley, so that is good. I voted for her twice and have given her a little bit of money.
She would not like you as you are a liar, and deceiver.
Oh liar, how great a liar you are. Oh deceiver, how great a deceiver you are. Paid to lie and to deceive. Paid for your soul, but paid so cheaply.
Continue to post, please, continue to show the character of those that oppose Loftis. Show that you are a liar and deceiver that hates the success of others.
Liar, deceiver, do your work Get your payment. Cast your soul to hell.
She set up a website too. It made understanding this issue much easier. All I heard was advocates-this and Loftis-that. Haley’s website was very informative and wish her success with the plan she has put forward to the people of South Carolina.
She is an excellent governor. I voted for her. I like her and I like her website.
You are a liar and a deceiver. Choose Christ, reject Satan.
How am I a liar? I appreciated the governors website. Jake needs rehab and Jesus.
Because you are the great deceiver, lying anonymously on so many post. Poor sad soul of an absolute liar.
Just ignore “Jake”. Jake is Curtis and he is mentally unstable.
Liar, why do you say such things/ Are you paid enough for such lies, or is it you evil heart?
Repent and rejoice!
Distortions come so easy to you. Did your parents teach you how to lie? Are they proud?
Repent, choose the truth!
Speak of good things. Build up those around you. Stop deceiving and distorting.
You can have a life worth living. Repent!
I agree. Loftis has lost all credibility and he does not know how to improve and contribute to serious discussions since he lacks mental stability and ability. I will listen to what Nikki has to say to fix the roads and cut my taxes. She is a leader indeed. Loftis is not and never will be.
What does Loftis have against cutting the income tax? I guess he likes keeping his constituents paying higher taxes so he can bailout bloated agencies. I guess he doesn’t mind paying for expensive repairs each year on his fancy millionairemobile that he drives around. What he doesn’t understand is that no all of us are rich like him and that we actually have to work for a living. We are tired of sending our tax dollars to the treasury (aka Loftis) for him to send off to failing agencies and kickbacks to his campaign donors. We are tired of paying high taxes while we work when so many get benefit checks from the treasury for not working. Give us a plan or be quiet. I want lower income taxes and for everyone that uses the roads to pay for them. I support the Governor’s plan!
So many deceptions and lies in one comment. How can you live with yourself? You sell our soul for pennies, then lie and deceive, then your seem to regret your lies and deceptions, then you begin them again.
Oh, or sinner destined to hell. Please repent. please choose Christ.
How easy you lie. Now you try to split the governor from the treasurer. Neither will either read this, but you lie in hopes of that some supporter will.
Why do you lie so much> Who reads it? Oh, poor soul. Pool liar.
Split the governor from the treasurer? That happened a long time ago when curt tried to involve himself in her appointment to the budget and control board.
Curt is a country club republican so of course he drives around a plantation owners car.
Oh liar, envios liar. Lay down the devil and stand with God!
He’s also a Rockefeller Republican. Y’all seen his fancy office decorations? Dayyyuum!
Liar, deceiver, repent now or live your life in damnation.
Choose Christ. Reject the devil. Stop lying and live!
I’ve seen them. Pretty fancy and better than the Gov’s. Wonder how much that set us taxpayers back.
No kidding. He also hasn’t updated his public spending on this website in months. What is he hiding?
What does he drive?
Remember this;
“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.”
? Alfred Tennyson
He drives a $85,000 brand new Lexus. Pretty snazzy for him. But I guess since his reelection is over and he is term-limited he can let his true self out and about.
Haters, fueled from greed and envy and jealousy. Cast off the life of sin. Choose Christ, reject Satan.
Haha. Guess he isn’t a man of the people anymore. What a has-been!
Oh liar, oh liar. I see greed and envy. how poor your soul. Poor, sad, wounded soul!
“You will be troubled and look with envy on all the blessings I will give to the other people…”
Book of Samuel
Do not be greedy, or envious. Repent of your sinful ways.
Deceiver, you tell so many lies. One built on another, and another. How easy for you.
Choose God, reject Satan. Live!
Loftis needs to explain his opposition to cutting our income taxes to the supporters he has left. I’m still a supporter, but his refusal to entertain a cut in income taxes has me ready to say enough.
HH, you are a liar and a deceiver. You are not from HH. You are not tea party.
You seek to divide. you are paid for your lies. You are sin.
How easily the lies roll of your wicked tongue. I pity your poor soul. I pity you for what must be a miserable existence.
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
such deception and distortion are in your post. What a wicked heart you must have. Repent.
Well said! Haley is working hard and Loftis is making background noise.
I thought and hoped that when we elected Loftis that he would partner with Governor Haley and reform government, hold the legislature accountable and be a taxpayer watchdog. I was disappointed in his first term but voted for him again in November (my wife wrote in someone else). Since reelection all he has done is attack Governor Haley and that’s deplorable. She’s working her tail off to fix our roads and what is Loftis doing? Not a damn thing. I suggest he stop slamming the Governor and tend to his own office unless he wants to come up with a plan to fix our roads AND lower my taxes at the same time.
Oh liar of liar. How simple the lies, how amusing. Lies and deceptions are so easy for you.
Everyone knows you are being paid by the Alliance to kill the Haley plan. Now you try to involve Loftis. How silly a lie.
Paymaster Bob may not be happy with your silly ways. Repent now, save our soul
So easy you deceive. So easy you change your anonymous name to imply one thing then another. Your mom must be proud. Your dad thrilled.
They raised a liar, through and through. How pleased they must be!
I wholeheartedly agree with you. He spews venom at Haley at the expense of his own credibility. Time has proven that the more he fights her, the less he gets done.
Oh liar, do you think Haley is stupid? Why else would you write this? Liar and deceiver, tell KW no…no more lies and deception!
No, I think Haley is very smart. She actually graduated from college and has an accounting degree. These accomplishments and qualifications would be very useful in the Treasurer’s Office.
I like haley, but reject your lies and deception. I pity your future, one damned to hell.
Reject your sinful life!
Loftis says he “graduated” from USC after 5 years. Specifically, what degree did he earn? Was it a B.A.? In what subject? What do you want to bet that Jake will accuse me of being a liar and ungodly? All I want is a simple answer to a legitimate question one could have for any politician. Exactly what is his academic background? Jake…Jake?
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
Speak so that you make light, not darkness. Repent for your lies!
Yes, yes. But just exactly what is your education level? 5 years and no degree? What were you doing all that time? It’s a legitimate question any god-fearing man should be able to answer truthfully.
No answer. Bless his heart
Loftis did not graduate from USC after spending 5 years there. Pretty pathetic huh?
Haley is infinitely more intelligent and qualified than the guy who is supposed to be her partner in Columbia when it comes to reforming state government. She’s strong too and able to stand against the hypocrites that fight her so they can continue to line their pockets.
Yes, Haley is very good and the Loftis people like her and work with her.
But Haley hates a liar and a deceiver. She would despise you.
Haley and Loftis do not work together. She and her staff get a good laugh out of his antics. It’s good to have some entertainment from time to time when you’re busy governing.
“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.”
Lieas and desption. Your only talent. Lies and deception.
And of course you are not from Aiken nor or you in the Tea pArty. You are a liar. A professional liar.
Repent. Please repent!
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
Such deception, such lies. You are not Lexington County. You are not tea party. You area liar. a Deceiver. You are damned.
Loftis is only trying to get some media attention. Why else would he resort to using Obama’s “” crap? He’s against fixing the roads and keeping income taxes high because he thinks it keeps him in the conversation.
Oh liar, great liar. Choose Christ!
A righteous man hates falsehood.
Liars are detested. Stop lying and join the good life!
Yeah seriously lets all move one. Curt is an empty suit. He promised to not accept state health benefits because he paid for his own (promise broken). He promised to be transparent, but rarely responds to FOIA requests (promise broken). He promised not to appear in tv ads paid for with college dollars (promise broken). He promised to be a taxpayer watchdog and has voted handout hundreds of millions of tax dollars in bailouts since 2011. I’ve moved on from curt since he moved on from his campaign promises.
Oh great lair, do you think anyone believes you? Do you not know we all see the sin in you soul? Your hatred and envy and greed and jealous reeks of a sad and doomed soul.
Repent, and choose God
Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner.[1]
It’s true, Loftis has broken many campaign promises. The use of 529 education funds to promote himself is one of the most egregious. No matter how you look at it, the cost of those ads is money that could have gone toward educating your children and mine. An irresponsible and blatant lie. He criticized Chellis for doing the exact same thing he is doing now. The biggest hypocrite I have ever seen.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Such deception. So sad for your soul.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
What a shame a soul is lost for such a small reason. Repent, cast away the devil and live!
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Deception and distortion. They are deep in your heart. Repent.
His heart is fine and his soul even better. No need to repent. He is a righteous man and he hates lying. His life is good and he loves the beach,gardening and playing with his kids.
I’ll take Curtis as seriously as he took the lawsuit he had against the bank that he screwed the state and retirees on. But hey at least his college buddy got paid. At least we got 0.17 cents on the dollar.
Liars lie and that is what they do! Liars have sold their souls to the media firm so they get paid to lie. Your post is full of lies so you must be happy!
Stop lying and choose Christ!
Deceiver, is your mother proud of your lies? Did she teach you? Maybe that explains your sad sad soul.
That outcome was a sham. No wonder no elected officials will go anywhere near Curtis, he’s toxic.
Lies, lies and more lies. They reveal your jealousy, your greed, your envy. Stop your lies, stop your deception.
Choose a life of good, not evil!
How easy you lie. How easy you deceive.
How much did his “college buddy” get paid? And for what?
Spread your deception, you lies. Watch the honest and true prosper. That must kill you.
Reject Satan, choose God!
$2 million out of a $19 million lawsuit. Another $7million went to another campaign donor. For those bad at math here we go:
$200 million lawsuit. $19 million “win” and $9 million to attorneys – both campaign donors to Curtis. It’s actually more like $0.06 on the dollar.
Oh you lair and pathetic deceiver. How said you are. Pounding away into a keyboard hopping to be heard by someone. Anyone.
Poor liar, poor deceiver, repent and reclaim your soul.
Jake2 . You did learn from ISIS and you must repent and reclaim your soul. If you do not repent , you will not get the 77 virgins waiting for you.. and with your life style, that could be Hell. Give that message to Jake and Loftis.
ISIS.. muslim extremists .. Jake2, Jake sound just like them. Did they learn from them when they were in Ukraine and Serbia?
You can see all the court documents on the Senate Finance Committee website and the Pension Fund website. There is no denying facts despite how much Curt and “Jake” want to.
Oh liar oh liar. How you like to tell part of a story. To deceive, to spread the darkness of your heart. You poor pitiful soul. Please repent, choose Christ and throw down the lies and the deception and live!
What’s the rest of the story that’s been left out?
Oh liar, oh liar. I can not educate you. You have chosen the path of the Devil and there is no educating you.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
You are the great deceiver. And paid so little for your soul.
Someone ought to start a petition that calls for the governor to appoint the treasurer. Grady was a gentleman and a professional. Since then we’ve had a coke head, an appointee and now an undereducated loud mouth. We need competence in the treasury.
Liar and deceiver. Start a petition of your own, with your fellow liars and deceivers. They could sign anonymously. They could help you find more lies and deceptions.
It would probably do better than you’re PR stunt. All the identification a user provides goes to Organizing for America. So basically Curtis is asking people to sign up for a petition that gives Obama and OFA all your info. Genius.
Lies and deceptions. That petition site has nothing to do with Obama. But your lies do. Great deceiver, keep lying. Show what the Loftis haters are all about. Lying and deceiving is what you are about.
Wrong. Signing those petitions sends your name directly to Obama. I know, it happened to me.
Liar, please repent and save your soul. Lies and deception lead to lithium, not heaven.
Obama is is a business. It is free enterprise.
“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.”
? Alfred Tennyson
You are a liar but you can repent!
So many fake names. Great deceiver, how do you keep up with them all?
Choose life, not death. Choose Christ, not Satan.
Grady was a wonderful man and an honest public servant. He would be ashamed of the bozos that came after him and I believe the he would support a gubernatorial appointment for the treasury. It’s too important to allow hacks to run the show there. Grady always had a plan when he spoke. He didn’t speak just to get attention.
Poor liar. Grady would have hated you. He would despise you for your love of Satan and rejection of the one true God.
Grady didn’t hate anybody. There wasn’t a hateful or mean bone in his body. You need to stop lying.
He would despise a liar because a liar is week and sinful and he was a good man. A righteous man hates a falsehood, and those that speak them.
Repent and reclaim your life. Stop your sinful ways!
A liar is week? What is that? Poor man.. It is getting late in the day and you had too many .. get you meds and stop the booze. Too many alter egos, so confusing, cannot keep all these threads in focus . Go to bed for you are making a fool of yourself.
Great deceiver, repent of your sinful ways. Choose light not darkness! You can live in the light!
Get your meds and go to Waffle House. Craigslist meet up?
You must feel like the great deceiver.
Repent and save your soul!
Poor liar, please repent and save your soul!
I support Governor Haley’s plan to reduce my income taxes and fix our roads. Ignore the naysayers and haters like Mr. Loftis and work with Haley to move our state forward!
How sill to think anyone would believe your deception.
You are a liar, you deceive. you do to support Haley. You lie about Mr. Loftis. You are a lover of Satan and a hater of goodness. Repent!!
You are paid to kill the Haley bill and you try to cast off your actions on others. Stop your sinful ways. Stop the sin, stop the lying. You can live a better life!
Haley is smart and will ignore Curtis’ attacks. She done it before and is very capable of brushing it off again. She’s got work to get done and won’t let the peanut gallery slow her down.
Yes, Haley is smart. And she knows you have died about her too. That is the thing, everyone knows a liar. Everyone has pity for a liar.
Repent, and join the goodness.
Lying, spreading division, using distortion, these are the ways of the evil one. Repent and reject your sinful ways!
Don’t worry, I don’t personally know any one listening to the naysayers and haters.
Governor Haley and the legislator’s transportation plan is a win – win for taxpayers. Everyone share in the cost of roads with a minimal increase in the motor fuel user fee and it slashes the income tax for those of us that work for a living. That’s a plan I can get behind. I wrote the Governor yesterday to thank her for her leadership and I called my State Representative and State Senator as well and asked them to support lowering the income tax.
So many names and anonymous identities you have. So many lies. So many deceptions. I pity your soul.
You are doomed, you are a fool. You love money and paying your earthly masters more that you love God.
What a great deceiver you think you are. But righteous people see through your games. You are damned for your sin.
One or two anonymous liars, paid for their lies by special interest supporting the gas tax, lying about one elected official. How does such a sad thing happen?How can a soul be so wounded? So pitiful.
We should all pray for these poor souls. They are damned for their sinful ways.
Someone should look into these media companies that are really nothing but the paid cyber bullies for special interest. We could start a petition, or perhaps publish their list of clients. I get the list of two of the principle firms. One of them has some big dollar clients that should know what the guys are doing.
Lets clean up SC politics!
I agree. Companies paid to be cyber bullies should not be tolerated!
Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner.[1]
Okay Sal Alinksy
You are correct. Both of you.
Some of the companies just want to “push” others around. Some are citizens hiding behind a free market veneer.
But until you publish their names and client list you are wasting your time. But you must publish their paymaster too. The big guy, that is very important.
Yeah, fuck the free market. It didn’t build this nation or anything. Good one bugboy.
Some people hide behind free markets. But I know the people that pay these guys. They don’t want their names in public. Their adversaries would sue hell out of them! It is a killer whale of a problem!
Then out them if you know their names. If you won’t out them then you’re lying. Put up or shut up.
I still have a little research to do so I am not ready to disclose yet. But tit is amazing what happens when you ask for info. Hateful and threatening emails show up with peoples names and numbers attached. Client list show up. Copies of post made that are harassing individuals and companies. It is amazing what research can do…and to think the media companies think only they can do research.
That’s what I thought. You don’t know these supposed names. You’re bloviating to make yourself feel self-important. If you have names of corrupt people then it is your duty to out them. Sounds like you picked up some anti-american tactics when you lived in the USSR curt. Fear mongering is anti-american. Put up or shut up you hack.
Haha. How riled up these cyberbullies get when they are under the scope.
Anger, vulgarity and lies seem to be your stock in trade. Please repent. Choose the light, choose the good. Not evil
Vulgarity, like lies, rolls off your tongue so easily. Please repent of your sinful ways. Choose light, not darkness.
Curtis invented cyber bullying in 2004 on AltTalkRoyalty when he threatened royal families and was kicked out of Ukraine and Serbia. Why do you think he hasn’t been there since 2006?
I could care less about Curtis. This is about my republican party. It is time to clean it up.
Oh God, forgive them for their lies. They are bathed in sin. Please forgive them for they know not what they do.
Jake/Curt. Read it for yourself.. It is on paper.. Curtis Loftis knew how to start a thread , bathed in lies, sins and hurtful nonsense. cyber bully in 2004 and censured for bullying by the Investment Commission in 2013. His own staff tiptoes around him in the office. Many have left the sinking ship.
Some more people are leaving his office before the end of the month too. They’re getting out before the stuff in the senate gets bad.
Lies lies and more lies. Distortions and deceptions. Oh, the poor soul with a distorted, lying soul.
1/18/04. From AltTalkRoyalty. ” Curtis Loftis is one evil guy, trying out of jealousy to ruin something positive Princess Linda is doing. No one takes The Saluda Foundation seriously. You Curtis Loftis started this thread, so stop complaining shitting your pants now that you have been busted” Cyber bullying in 2004! Yes, Curtis Loftis is an expert at lies , alter egos and hurtful nonsense. His Alter egos in 2004 were Cloftis, RichinUS2003 and many more.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
deception is your trade. Lying is your craft. Repent.
Sounds like a tried and true liberal tactic. That’s what they do to rush limbaugh, fox news and citizens united. Anyone who would post something like that is not a republican.
I agree. Real republicans would not do such low life stuff. These are just paid mercenaries. Cyber bullies and we need to expose those companies and their clients!
You must be too stupid to know what I wrote. Calling for witch hunts into supposed media companies and attacking them for speaking out about something they disagree with is a LIBERAL tactic. It has been since Rules For Radicals came out and have been practiced by liberals, anarchists, communists and fascists.
I don’t care what you wrote. I just know that to clean the party up we are going to have to expose the rich people that pay these people to be cyberbullies!
Right……… That’ll clean up politics. Term limits and fiscal transparency clean up politics “craig”, not infringing on the first amendment.
Cyberbulling for pay is not first amendment. Threatening and harassing emails are not first amendment. Paid bloggers knowing peddling lies is not first amendment.
These companies thought everyone was afraid of them. But I was not. The info was easy to get and damning.
If you’re not afraid then post their names. Don’t be a wimp. You either have names of people or you don’t. You sound like Joe McCarthy now. Always a bunch of names, lists of enemies. But when it came time to list them he had nothing.
All is due course. As I said, i need a piece or two more.
you would not want me to leave anyone out, would you?
You have nothing you liar. You’re making things up because you live in fear that your actions are coming back to haunt you. Whatever helps you sleep at night Curtis. The Senate is ready for you.
Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner.[1]
You live it, you love it and you get paid for it. Maybe I could convince Loftis to take the papers to the Senate. Heck, that might be a good plan.
Do it. I would love to see the names and papers you speak of. You’re so full of you’re own nonsense. It’s scary you’re in charge of that much money. God help this state when the credit rating goes to the shitter.
Keep the fiction up about my identity. It keeps your mind off how sloppy you have been, and how much info was so easily found. No worries, it is just karma. not like it is lithium or something.
I’d love to see an elected official file a cyber bullying lawsuit that cannot be won due to the many many many previous lawsuits that have failed before. It’s called precedent. Read a book Loftis.
Spreading lies and hiding behind a false interpretation of the law does not free anyone of expressions of malice, knowingly false statements and threats. There are limits to certain activity and some have passed these limits.
Read a law book loftis.
The liar is a friend of evil, brother to Satan. Stop your deception. Stop the lives. Repent!
Oh no, stop the lives! I need to stop the lives? Which ones? I am ready to go stop the lives.. Tell me, I am ready.
The deceiver is the friend of Satan, the enemy of good.
Repent and save your soul.
Jake, well you told me to stop the lives.. Which ones? You did not give me an answer. I am not the deceiver, I am not the friend of satan . I will not repent and my soul is fine. You are a JERK. and I sure do not take advices from you. STFU and take that to Loftis.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Repent, it is never to late to stop lying for a living. Save your soul.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Choose the light, not the darkness. Repent and save your soul.
Define media company please.
Media companies I am talking about love to:
Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner.[1]
Loftis uses” the paid media whores” all the time. Making promises to make the retirees’ trust fund whole (on the Ride Home with Cohen) and settling for pennies , making ads for the violated 529 college fund (on TV) and FITS news .. Why is Fits still kissing his infectious butt? Facts are facts..
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Repent from your sinful ways.
Exactly , repent for what was said here. It is true that Loftis uses the media and the most obvious is FITS. Why is Fits still kissing Loftis’s very contagious ass. If I were FITS, I would drop him like a stinky piece of SHIT.
Looks like Curtis Loftis and his “allies” are attacking Nikki Haley and now the free market itself. Shame on Curtis. So much for being a Republican or a conservative. He’s really in the gutter now. If you hate the free market then move to North Korea.
Oh, such lies. You paid media whores are really working hard.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Maybe we could get Fits to have a special post on paid cyberbullies. Everyone could supplant my info, we don’t want to leave any of these bullies out.
Yea, that is a great idea. I will write Will and ask!
Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner.[1]
So often the law is the only way to stop such bullying online. Lawsuits make people pay and money is a great deterrent. When clients that are also the paymasters start receiving the blue papers, and that ends up in the news, companies act to protect their interest and that is a good thing!
I signed the petition!
We just can’t afford to send more money to the state and let them waste it. I don’t make enough as it is!
How desperate the pro-gas tax special interest are to pay cyberbullies to blog against those that want lower taxes and accountable government. It is very sad that our government is being run by attacks and fear, not good will and public service.
Don’t worry about them. Everyone knows that stuff is junk. Stay focused on defeating the gas tax. We must not let them take 48 billion dollars and give to their friends!
100% of $48 billion goes to friends? That seems like a lie to me. Sounds like rhetoric used to further an agenda.
You are the expert of lies. Repent and save your soul. We love you despite your wicked ways.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. Quit the religious comments you idiot. You are mocking us real Christians.
Deceiver, please turn to Christ. It is your only chance.
SC Government is out of control. They are spending like mad! Lets say no. We want reform!
The comments on the petition are amazing. They represent everyone know- we don’t want more tax dollars wasted.
Let’s also say no to politicians spending thousands on office furniture and decorations and wasteful earmark spending like the treasurer. This isn’t Aaron Schock in DC. Every penny counts and we must hold our politicians accountable. Rydberg was right about him.
Lies, lies and more lies. Deception is your middle name. Lies lies lies.
Have you seen the amazing renovations and furniture the Treasurer has bought? Delusions of royalty right here in River City.
Lies and deceptions. More lies and deceptions!
Deception is my middle name? Since when? Jake, pay attention to what the attorney said and STFU. You do not have any credibility so STFU.
I signed and I am glad too! I worked in government for 25 years and the waste was awful.
The DOT is audited every year so I’m not sure what a new audit will produce. I bet when it produces nothing the treasurer will say the “special interests” or the “powerful” got the them. That’s what he’s done with the Inspector General and the IC.
There is an “expectations gap” between what auditors do and what the public expects, but auditors do have an obligation to detect and report material (emphasis added) fraud.
Governmental accounting and auditing does less than you think!'s%20Expectations%20Gap%20-%20February%202012.htm
SO why waste more money on them?
Perhaps a better definition is below. When the public ask for audit, they don’t realize that the “audits” are of little use. So, it is important to ask for forensic audits. and program or action specific audits. The LAC sometimes does this.
“The auditing “expectation gap” refers to the difference between (1) what the public and other financial statement users perceive auditors’ responsibilities to be and (2) what auditors believe their responsibilities entail.’
The public thinks an audit is designed to find fraud, waste and abuse. it is not though it will report it if the auditors stumble across it.
That doesn’t answer my question. If you are against audits, then why are you calling for additional audits? If they don’t work, then why waste more public dollars on them?
The DOT hasn’t been audited since 2006. Lobbyists who are paid to bash citizens should be better informed. Part of the petition is in alignment with the house oversight committee calls to perform operational and financial audits.
Thats a lie. Go to the state auditors website and you can read their audits. Curtis is slinging more misinformation similar to what he does with Haley.
That’s not a lie. That is from the statehouse itself, where the house oversight committee is just as frustrated as the citizens. They’re conducting an audit for the first time since 2006.
Tax season is coming to an end soon. Just imagine if this time next year we had to pay less of our money to Columbia. That’s the Governor’s plan. She wants to lower our taxes and have everyone share in the responsibility for roads – including welfare queens. It’s pretty simple: if you want lower income taxes and better roads, then you should stand with Nikki and fight the special interests and corrupt politicians working against her.
We both know you work for the pro-gas people that want to kill the Haley plan so they can have a higher gas tax. We both know you are trying to create division by casting lies. Do you really think anyone reads this crap? Believe it? We post just so you paid liars will continue to make fools of yourselves. You have agenda that is devious. Our agenda is to post religious and secular quotes about the light, while you speak for darkness. Stop hating and try loving. Stop lying and try the truth.
Presidential candidates and their staff read stuff like this.
They don’t pay meaningful taxes in this state, so who cares?
Stop the $48 billion gas tax robbery!
Curtis cares. He craves attention.
You know Curt is just doing this for publicity when he goes on Facebook and asks people to like his page “so he can stand up to the Governor and General Assembly”. What a crock of spoiled grits! Asking for people to like his Facebook in order to take a position is vanity at its worst. He’s just another politician sending email solicitations asking for money, positing on Facebook to get more followers and holding rallies with Koch groups at the statehouse to get on tv. He’s fighting Nikki because of vanity and that’s sad.
Lies lies and more lies. Do you ever tire or making the lies, twisting the facts, or just making them up all together?
Repent, and live for ever. Continue to serve your earthly masters and live in eternal hell.
Agreed. He has been a major disappointment and has lost all credibility. I had hoped he would make a difference,but he sold out.
You can spot the lobbyists working for the 24 construction companies behind the ‘coalition to fix the roads’ a mile away. Distractions, anger, misrepresentation of the facts. Character attacks.
These are common sense measures. No new taxes until there is some clarity in the convoluted fiscal train wreck that is the DOT.
Well said.
Specifically, who are these people involved in this conspiracy? You either don’t know or are too cowardly to say. You are getting real weird on us now, Slinger, Jake, Curt.
All is due course. All in due course.
The arrogant make lots of mistake. They never think the tables will be turned.
You have nothing you hack. Keep spouting off conspiracies. You embarrass your family.
Oh, great deceiver, you lie so quickly, so easily. Please leave the darkness of your sin and chose the light. The Lord will embrace you. Repent!
I do apologize. It seems 24 was inaccurate. It’s WAY MORE.
This thread is a monument to lies, deception, cyber bullying, sad souls working for special interest that wants in your wallet. Stand up to them and they vilify you. They call you out by name, attack you and your family, and your coworkers. Nothing is off limits to the paid liars.
This thread shows what paid liars, paid by political and special interest, will do for power and money. Read it and study it an you will be repulsed. We must shun these “church going” cyber bullies. We must expose their paymasters.
People like this simply cannot be trusted near your money. Vote no on the gas tax!
Expose away! Why will you never name a name? You either don’t know, are too cowardly to say or you are making this all up in your head. Whichever way, all you jakes (courts?) sound crazy to me
All is due course.
Agreed. Curtis is the definition of “speak loudly and carry no stick”. No one need worry, even when he acts like a democrat and tarts the first amendment. He will always lose because DISCOVERY makes him guilty. He can dish it but can’t take it.
Lies, lies and more lies. Sad soul, please choose light, leave the darkness. You can have happiness!
Yes, it is our job as the volunteer Jakes to keep the paid liars talking. to expose their mindset. to show people that are not in government exactly what these people are capable of.
Normal men and women cannot understand such deception and lies. They see, through the actions of these paid cyberbullies, that the character of those in charge of our government, and their friends, is very very low.
Keep posting, keep deceiving. You make our job easy.
It would be very gratifying to see a bully like Curtis file a lawsuit over anonymous posts. Discovery would be a bitch for him, especially with he statute of limitations.
Threats and lies and distortions. Do you never get tired? Are you not embarrassed?
our masters will not be pleased.
Here’s a link to the LONG list of companies who are so passionate about “fixing the roads”
And they will get the lions share of the 48 billion tax dollars. That is what I call motivation.
So, these are the partners that are financing this trash? These attacks on Treasurer Loftis? Wow, this is amazing to me. I know I can be naive, but wow!
South Carolina Ports Authority
Ashmore Brothers, Inc.
Banks Construction Co.
BB&T Insurance Services
Blanchard Machinery Company
Carolina International Trucks
Carolinas AGC
Carolinas Concrete Pipe & Products Association
Carolinas Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
Palmetto Agribusiness Council
Palmetto Corp
Parsons Brinckerhoff,Inc.
PB Americas, Inc.
Phillips & Jordan, Inc
Pope Zeigler, LLC
South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association
South Carolina Association of Tourism Regions
South Carolina Farm Bureau
South Carolina Forestry Association
South Carolina Petroleum Council
South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association
South Carolina Trucking Association
Southeastern Concrete Products
Southeastern Freight Lines
Hard to believe business would pay for such a thread of cyberbullying. Disgusting.
What ever happened to shaking hands and asking for votes?
They aren’t paying for anything. Curtis is making it up in his head and hiving himself and “the Jakes” posting about it. There is no truth to it.
Yes, he should pick out the most powerful people in the state and pick a fight for no reason. Haha.
You sad, sad soul.
These companies aren’t trashing Curtis Loftis. Many of them have maxed out campaign contributions which anyone can see on the Ethics website. Curtis wishes he could use them as a red herring but he can’t because be is actually cozy with them.
Lies, Lies and more lIes.i check the ethics disclosures. A couple of them wrote checks, but very very few.
Why would you lie so? Does it make you feel powerful? To tell lies that distort and deceive?
You checked it within a minute? You, “Jake”, are a liar that hate the truth. The truth is that Curtis accepts money from the supposed people that are supposedly trashing him.
haha…the post has been up for three hours. Sad, sad liar that you are. Deceiver, distorter.
Jake, remember the rules. Don’t engage, just keep them posting. Spread the light while they spread the darkness.
What an obvious lie.
You can spot them by their petty and unrelated remarks. Like Curtis is fat, Curtis’ car is too nice and my favorite…Curtis (the man fighting the tax) wants us to pay income tax.
They count on citizens to be uninformed about the rather meaningless income tax decrease over the years vice tax hikes that will result from this pork spending.
48 Billion dollars. 5 Billion of which is planned for walking trails, bike paths and light rail. This isn’t fixing the roads. This is lining the pockets of these companies.
Curtis Loftis has lost his mind. Can’t wait to see who is still giving him money! This guy thinks he can be governor!
Deceiver, distorter, your lies are weaker and weaker. Have your gas tax masters stop paying? Are you weary under the weight of the sin?
Please repent, and live a good life!
Jake,, what did you learn when you were in Ukraine and Serbia? Were you a little too cozy with muslim extremists? You sure sound like them. Repent or else…..
Oh such lies, deception and distortion.
Greed, envy and jealousy is weighting your soul down. Are your road paving masters paying you enough for your sin?
I do not have road paving masters and they are not paying me, But muslim extremists spew lies, deception and distortion, just like you. You sure act like them, with your greed, envy and jealousy. So STFU , You are offensive to me.
Not very clever of you. Has Satan left you? Has your talent as the Great Deceiver gone away?
Come to the light. The Jakes welcome you.
The jakes welcome me? Yuk, double Yuk , triple Yuk. Diseases lies, false accusations.. Never Yuk.. Yuk…Yuk, I will never join ISIS.
Your life is deception, distortion and lies.
Free yourself from Satan. Lose the road building masters. Give back the pieces of silver and LIVE!
I have signed the pledge and I am printing it and taking it to church too!
Will you post a picture of your church on Facebook so people will think you attend?
Great deceiver, I see you even post your lies on Sunday. Please have some respect. Please don’t twist and distort and lie of the Sabbath.
Repent, and save your soul.
You know it only works if you sign the petition online, you mongroloid. You would know that if you finished college.
Liar, deceiver, distorter of good into evil. Repents and save your soul.
I signed it.
These are the partners that are financing this trash? These attacks on Treasurer Loftis? Wow, this is amazing to me. I know I can be naive, but wow! Let’s hope this cyberbullying, paid for by businesses, stops! We got to bring these paid media people back to the honorable side of life.
South Carolina Ports Authority
Ashmore Brothers, Inc.
Banks Construction Co.
BB&T Insurance Services
Blanchard Machinery Company
Carolina International Trucks
Carolinas AGC
Carolinas Concrete Pipe & Products Association
Carolinas Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
Palmetto Agribusiness Council
Palmetto Corp
Parsons Brinckerhoff,Inc.
PB Americas, Inc.
Phillips & Jordan, Inc
Pope Zeigler, LLC
South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association
South Carolina Association of Tourism Regions
South Carolina Farm Bureau
South Carolina Forestry Association
South Carolina Petroleum Council
South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association
South Carolina Trucking Association
Southeastern Concrete Products
Southeastern Freight Lines
Hard to believe these businesses would be so arrogant. I suppose huge sums of tax dollars will make anyone go crazy.
Just special interest doing what they do best. Why else would the Ports Authority and the Farm Bureau spend money to harass people. They want the money and benefits!
Several of these organizations have contributed generously to Curtis’ campaigns. Anyone who thinks they are out to get him probably needs to get their head examined. It makes no sense to contribute thousands of dollars to Curtis and then spend money against him. That would be a bad investment and private sector folks don’t waste money like that. If these organizations are guilty of anything it’s that they have helped support a nutcase like Curtis.
I looked it up yesterday and it seemed two out of almost 70 had given the Treasurer money. That is far less than the the SC media company are getting to harass the treasurer and others that are fighting the 48 billion dollar tax.
68% of thise organizations have given to Curt.
Love to see you lie when it is so easily proven otherwise.
lies, lies and more lies!
These are big, powerful business and government interest. All run by rich and powerful people. They stick to their kind. They want our money.
No more taxes!
Lies, lies and more lies. Look it up…just more bold face lies!
Curtis helps make some of these groups boatloads of money at the budget control board. Check the blue agenda for the meeting next week and see for yourself.
Hahah, lies, lies and more lies!
If you want to check out shady money then look no further than Saluda “Charitable” Foundation. It’s an organization that acts as a tax haven and is used for flamboyant European excursions.
Lies, lies and more lies!
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Funny, these groups are run funded by the members which are primarily conservative republican types. Hard to believe they want more tax dollars at any cost, but if you say so I believe you.
Who are the personal supporters of these organizations? What are their names?
South Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association
South Carolina Association of Tourism Regions
South Carolina Farm Bureau
South Carolina Forestry Association
South Carolina Petroleum Council
South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association
South Carolina Trucking Association
Southeastern Concrete Products
Southeastern Freight Lines
These guy have given TONS of money to Curtis. No way they’re against him.
I looked it up, that is a lie. 2 contributors out of almost 70. You lie!
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Those that barflies witness are damned to hell. Repent, and LIVE
I can’t believe these cyberbullies are working for special interest who support the gas tax are still posting trash against the treasurer and others that are against government waste, fraud and abuse. You would think these groups would want value, not waste.
You are wrong, they all want the $48 billion in tax dollars! They may pay a small bit more in taxes, but they stand to get stinking rich—even more stinking rich than they already are!
Do you think the Board of Directors of the Asphalt Paving Asso know about this?
David Ashmore, Ashmore Brothers, Inc.
Ken Atkinson, Palmetto Corporation
Reid Banks, Banks Construction Company
Drew Boggs, Boggs Paving Inc.
Steve Cosper, Granite Contracting, LLC
Michael Crenshaw, King Asphalt Inc.
Scott Fant, Sloan Construction Company
Richard Jackson, CR Jackson
Robert Royal, Preferred Materials, Inc.
Greg Sanders, Sanders Brothers Construction Company
William (Bill) H. Tomlinson, Lane Construction Corporation
Ben Whetstone, Satterfield Construction Company
Surely not, that would be insane for them to let this happen. But, now that I think of it, maybe the chance of getting billions and billions of dollars would make them do anything!
They must work as hard as Loftis works at trashing Haley. In fact Loftis expends most of his energy trashing republicans. Haley fights for the little guy while Loftis fights for his campaign donors.
haha, oh great liar. Try and spread your lies, no one listens to paid liars.
Silly rabbit. what a silly, silly lie to tell.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Repent, and choose Christ
Are these the same special interests that have donated handsomely to Loftis’ campaigns? Same special interests he’ll reward at next weeks budget control board meeting on blue agenda item two?
Lies and deception are your stock in trade. Creating diversion and division are what you about.
Repent, and LIVE!
No, 2 businesses out of 70 gave him any money. But those groups have given millions to the General Assembly!
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Of course they would if they think they can get more tax dollars. Big government cronies will do anything for $48 billion dollars!
the treasurer invented cyberbullying in 2004 while he was using Saluda Charitable Foundation funds to travel around europe. Alt Talk Royalty has some pretty disturbing posts from curt.
lies lies and more lies. Repent and reject your sinful ways!
Curtis Loftis was not at church again this Sunday. We haven’t seen him in years…. Not even at Christmas. Please pray for Brother Curtis and pray that he finds the Lord again.
But he always says he goes to church. Is he lying?
That’s correct. “Thou shalt not lie” isn’t something Brother Curtis takes seriously.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Pity the poor liar. Pity him and pray for him.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
oh great liar, reject your brother Satan and choose the light!
I haven’t seen him in ages.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Oh great Deceiver, repent!
We hope to see him real soon. He needs the Lord and he needs to repent.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Oh ye, the liar, will hear the gnashing of teeth and wailing.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
To lie about church, on a Sunday, is a new low for you the paid blogger. Repent, and save your soul.
You haven’t seen him in years because he doesn’t go to church. Some genius you are Reverend. I thought you had a PhD.
Lies, lies and more lies. I hope you are paid well. Judas thought he was, but his soul was forfiet.
A vile, loathsome, incurable virus of the phallus has made Curtis’s mind into mush. I think that’s why he’s against cutting our income taxes.
Filth, lies and deception. What a character you parents raised. For a few pieces of silver you will sell your soul. I pity you
Is that the virus he got from his ex-wife? Is that what caused him to become so enraged that he was arrested for beating her?
lies and more lies. Deception and more deception. Repent!
So, explain this to me. Do these people know about the paid cyberbullying are not? These are the Board members of the Charleston Chamber.
Mitchell Bohannon
Thomas & Hutton Alan Bolduc
Avison YoungEric BowmanSPARC LLCMatt BrewerChoateJim BrickellAECOMP.J. Browning
The Post and CourierGeorge Bullwinkel
Nexsen Pruet LLCHal Burton
Maritime Association of the Port of Charleston RepresentativeRandy Byerly
BNC BankLarry Collett
netGALAXY StudiosG.P. Diminich
Smith Moore LeatherwoodJudy Dixon
Rush3 Product Design StudioWill DorminySouthern Eagle Distributing LLCDavid Dunlap
Roper St. Francis HealthcareJulie Gerthoffer
Residence Inn/Spring Hill SuitesDavid GinnCharleston Regional Development AllianceJohn Grab
MWVStephen Grant
SLG Consulting Inc.Anton GunnMUSCKin HillCharleston Water SystemLen Hutchison
Wells FargoJessica JacksonBoeing CompanyNed Jervey
CresCom BankWilbur JohnsonYoung Clement Rivers LLPPeter LehmanSouth Carolina Ports AuthorityMark MarchantLS3P ASSOCIATES LTD.Julia Martin
SCRAPaul Mashburn
Mashburn ConstructionJenna McGeeParker PoeChappy McKayTrident Construction Co. Inc.Julie Medich
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd PAJack Mitchell
AT&TLisa MitchellHagemeyer North AmericaMichael MoodyWilliam A. Moody, Jr.
Chris O’NealMoody CPAs & AdvisorsChristine Osborne
Wonder WorksPaul PatrickCollege of CharlestonTony PopeState Farm InsuranceMary Porter
Porter Consulting GroupDon PrattWCBD TV, Channel 2Emily Reynolds
Heritage Trust Federal Credit UnionEd Riggs
Charleston Area Convention and Visitors Bureau RepresentativeJohn Rizzo
Globe on-DemandTradd Rodenberg
Wells FargoRobby Robbins
Robert Robbins, Attorney at Law LLCMargaret Seidler
Seidler & Associates LLCDeona Smith
The DeJo GroupSue Stevens
Melonie StithRoper St. Francis HealthcareMelissa StowasserTrident Technical CollegeJim Thigpen
Sotera Defense SolutionsLisa Valentine
Summerville Medical CenterBill YoungbloodMcNair Law Firm, P.A.Anita Zucker
The InterTech Group Inc.
– See more at:
These guys have given shovels of money to Curtis’ campaign coffers. Look it up the ethics website. Thats the nice thing about transparency. People can see it for themselves.
I did, very, very money to Loftis. You lie!
You checked in less than a minute? My my Curtis, you sure are a quick read ;)
Lies and more lies. You poor soul!
Interesting selection of a pseudoname Curt. ;)
The Charleston Chamber of Commerce has paid to cyberbully?
No. Only completely insane people like Curtis think that. Crazy thoughts like that are why he’s lost all credibility and is unable to do his job any longer.
Lies and lies and lies. How cheaply you have sold your soul!
Wow, I ama member. Not for long though. I won’t put up with that!
Now curtis thinks he’s a member of the Charleston Chamber! hehehehe! He’s totally lost it!!!!!
Great deceiver, please repent. Stop the lies, the deceiving. Pray for forgiviness!
A lot of those companies and people have business that comes before Curtis as Treasurer. There is no way these groups would trash him. Curtis made this up because he has lost his mind.
You can repent and save your soul!
1 John 1:9 ESV / 245 helpful votes
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Are you accusing the Chamber of cyber-bullying? Why don’t you use your real name and make that charge?
You’d have your pants sued off that’s why. Do it Curt.
Curtis has been sued dozens of times over the last thirty years. His track record in court isn’t very good either.
Lies and ore lies. The Jakes have pity of you.
The chamber of commerce represents big business, not small business. So I am not surprised!
Curtis like “big business” if you know what I mean. He’s advertised for it on Craigslist and in Europe before.
Oh you great liar and deceiver. Your black heart never stops churning out the lies. It is a spectacle to watch!
The jakes have pity on me? For what? Telling the truth? Check the facts . No,” lies and Ore lies” Jake. Do a better job at spelling and expressing yourself.
lies, lies and ore lies! Repent and save your soul!
Is this a list of campaign donors of Loftis’? A whole bunch contribute to him regularly.
I’m standing with Governor Haley on this one. I want lower taxes and safer roads! Keep fighting for us Nikki!
But your paymaster critic here road plan.Again, more lies.
We all know Loftis isn’t standing with Haley. He’s fighting her yet again.
Lies, lies and more lies!
Cyberbullying, apparently paid for by, if I understand this correctly. That is just not right!
Kelly = Curt
Lies, lies and more lies!
Repent, and save your wicked soul!
Jake = Curt
Lies, lies and more lies! Repent, stop your forked toeing. Repent, and LIVE!
This is astounding.
Save your soul. Repent. Do not slander and gossip.
This cyberbully thread might reach 1000 post today!
But the Jakes will fight the sinful ways of paid bloggers. we will not stop.
Repent and save your soul!
Fits is laughing all the way to the bank. Is Loftis paying him out of the violated 529 college plan, the retirees’s trust fund , the many funds in the treasurer office or his own personal funds? Transparency needed here!! Yes, Sir..Transparency
Come back to church Brother Curtis. We miss you and you need the let the light of Christ back into your heart. You need Jesus. Please come back to church.
Oh lies, lies and more lies. How your soul is wicked and your tongue lying. Repent!
Curtis would have to be a Christian in order to attend your church. He sold his soul to the devil years ago. That’s why he behaves the way he does. He is filled with hate, envy and greed. Brough on by a vile, loathsome, incurable virus that inflames him.
Lies, deception, filth, these are the things you have sold your soul for. How sad, truly, how sad.
Repent. Find the light!
Oh great deceiver, no one can stop your lies, except you. Repent, and LIVE!
Y’all wouldn’t even recognize him if he showed up. He’s about 85 pounds heavier than the last time he managed to show up for church. He’s a big fat turd now.
Repent, and live
1 John 1:9 ESV / 245 helpful votes
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
He’s gotten uglier too. Hard as that is to believe.
Filth, lies and deception. The mark of a soul in distress.
Repent and LIVE
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We’ll forgive him when he confesses his sins to the Lord. I’ve already talked it over with Pastor Ratcliffe. But he needs to start coming back to church.
Wicked should, paid to lie, can be saved. Repent!
1 John 1:9 ESV / 245 helpful votes
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I see the site is power by Push Media. Do they have anything to do with this?
Larry = Curtis. Curtis makes up lies because he is a liar. He envies the folks at PM and that’s why he makes up these lies. He is a vile and loathsome person.
Lies and deception do not make a good life. You can repent and live a life worth living.
Repent, and choose life!
Some people will do anything for money. Anything.
So true. Like people on Craigslist…
The The South Carolina Alliance to Fix Our Roads has a lot of questions to answer. This cyberbullying is out of control!
What do we know about these people. Do they have tax returns on file?
What does the head guy make? With salary, benefits and expenses?
I heard he made $220,00 plus a bonus of 100% of his salary if the gas tax passed.
No wonder that are working so hard!
Hw much are they paying Push Media?
Curtis paid his best friend $2,000,000 with retiree money to lose a lawsuit.
lies, deception and more lies. Your soul must be so dark.
What a fantastic sum of money. The average tax payer makes about $34,000. This guy, the grabber of tax dollars, is getting nearly half a million?
Curt has spent more than $34,000 of taxpayer money flying around in the fancy state plane. I don’t think he should be casting stones.
Lies, deceptions and more lies. I pity your soul!
Wow, that is awful! Rich people paying huge sums to get more of our tax dollars!
Such awful lies, deception and more lies. Your soul must be so dark Janice.
lies, deception and more lies. Your soul must be so dark.
We know these people have plan to make our roads safer. What’s Loftis’ plan?
I am with Loftis. I don’t want more waste, more potholes and lousy roads. I want efficient government that will patch the potholes, fix the bridges and do so with letting us be robbed by the god old boys!
What plan of Curtis’ are you on board with Jerry? I haven’t heard or seen Curtis’ plan.
Curt has a lot of questions to answer. Such as:
1. What is his plan to fix our roads?
2. Why doesn’t he want lower income taxes?
3. Why is he trashing Nikki Haley again?
4. Where have all of his staff gone, anyone left?
5. Why does he insert himself into conversations he has nothing to do with?
Dont lie and say you are Team Haley. Such a lie is unforgivable. Repent and save your soul.
I’d like to know why Curtis voted for Vince Sheheen. It make sense though.
Lies, lies and more lies! Deception built upon deception.
repent and save your soul!
Does he go both ways? Or gay?
Lies, lies and more lies.
Pity the soul. I pity that poor soul.
Such lies and deception. Please repent. Save your soul!
If they do it is unforgivable. They should be investigated!
DEMAND AN AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard that too, though I don’t know for sure. It is too bad if true. we should expect more for these people.
This comment thread is a monument to cyberbullying that is paid for by special interest. Hundreds and hundreds of post attacking the treasurer because he is against fraud, waste , abuse and higher taxes.
Other politicians beware. These cyberbullies will come after you if you stand with the citizens and not the special interest. they will come after your family and friends. Read this filth and beware.
Curtis Loftis is for keeping the status quo. He wants to keep you income taxes where they are, not cut them like Governor Haley wants to do. He wants to keep our roads unsafe and crumbling, Governor Haley and the legislature want to fix them and make them safer. If you want lower taxes than take a stand and tell Curtis Loftis that we have been Taxed Enough Already!
Such lies, paid lies from special interest that will receive the $48 billion.
Choose the light, reject the darkness. Don’t be fooled by pieces of silver.
Repent and rejoice.
I wrote him on his Facebook wall asking what his plan was for our roads. Guess what his response was? He deleted it and never responded. He’s very childish when challenged.
Lies, lies and more lies. Please repent and save your soul!
Not a lie. Curtis knows that Jake.
The Jakes are a volunteer group helping to protect the few good government guys that look out for the taxpayers. We don’t like slander, liable, lies, deception or the filth that these paid bloggers spew out.
We are going to be here when needed and offer an alternative–lightness verse the paid blogger’s darkness. They can accuse, lie, deceive, cuss, whatever—we just want to show the difference between good and evil! We will not sink to their level. We offer a better way.
Keep it up. I find this cyberbullying repulsive. I will be on the phone tomorrow to my friend that are paying for all of this. It must stop. It is not civilized.
Andy = Curtis
Lies and deception are your names. Satan is your maser. Repent and save.
I can’t understand these big government guys. They make enough money, why do they band together and try to fleece us? It is not good, they should be better than that.
What a joke. Loftis is the only one that will fight these guys. Most pols are feeding at the system or too afraid to stand up to the bad guys!
Curtis is only fighting Nikki Haley. He’s the best spokesman the Democratic party has in this state.
Lies, deception, and creating division is what a fallen soul does.
Proverbs 12:22; 6:16-19 – Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. Remember that lying is twice in the list of things that God hates.
Liars neve stop. They are bathed in sin.
Cyberbullying by these types of Associations is not a new thing. They have done it in other parts of the country. The unions do this stuff and so do the anti-enviromental people…I have some great screen shots of that. It is sad to see these groups sink so low, but I suppose that is greed.
Curtis has been a cyberbully all over the world. Dont believe me? Google Alt Talk Royalty. If you thought Curtis was a loose screw in 2015 then you should check out his behaviour in 2004!
Lies and deception. More lies and deception.
Google richinUS2003. Loftis has been doing this for years. He really is nuts.
Lies and deception, lies and deception by paid blogger in the hire of pro-gas tax people.
Stop the deception. Repent
What a joke! This petition has managed to gather 0.0001% of the population of South Carolina in the week it has been online.
Oh great deceiver, please repent. Don’t let the sun set without saving your soul!
What do you expect? It goes to show how much pull and influence Curtis has. I’m glad he is promoting it because it will allow him to see how little credibility he has left.
Lies, deception, stop you wicked ways!
deception and lies. Just more deception and lies paid for by the special interest wanting the $48 billion in tax dollars
Do not sell your soul. Remember, a few pieces of silver wiill soon be spent, but your soul will suffer for an eternity.
Cyberbulling is a bad idea. Do these paid bloggers not know that many people have access to the deep web and other resources? That research is easy and cheap? Peddling trash does not make sense, especially when it is peddled on you.
There was a case in northeast US, where the wives of people started being researched. It was a mess. I will try to find out more, but believe me, the women were not happy when their prior lovers names were posted around, and financial info was scattered about. This is all a bad business.
Yea, I heard about that. It was funny to see old college photos of the “ladies” show up after 20 years.
Not funnier than some photos from college.
do not slander, gossip or lie. Repent now, and save your soul.
Come on down Main and see for yourself Mr. Jake ;)
Do not slander or gossip or lie.
Sound like a threat. One might even say your post sounds like cyberbullying.
No one should engage in cyberbullying. It is sinful. Repent and live!
No one should engage in behavior like that. It is not goof for the soul.
Repent and save your soul.
Be above reproach. do not attack Loftis’s family or friends.
Repent and save your soil!
Thank you Governor Haley for following through on your campaign promise to cut our income taxes! You truly are a rockstar!
Governor Haley is a great leader and is doing a great job for the people of SC. Loftis is a not a leader, never was, never will be. Loftis has cost the tax payers of this state million , million of dollars. I want to know how much money was spent for the settlement in Federal Court in Sept 2014 for the violations of Federal Employment Laws. Not cheap.. Money taken from the payers for Loftis’s stupidity. He should resign NOW for the good of the people of this State. Enough is enough.
Lies, lies and more lies. Repent, you can have a better life. Repent now and save your soul!
You’re right, he has cost us millions. Everything he touches ends up in court. He lost millions to his ex-wife, cost Home Pest millions in lawsuits and has been through 4 office lawyers and several lawsuits. He never minds taking money from the insurance Reserve Fund to pay for his stupidity. Some fiscal conservative!
Lies, lies and more lies. May God have mercy on your soul
Jake., are you not aware of this case for violation of Federal employment laws which was settled in the Matthew Perry Building on Sept 22, 2014. The defendant was Curtis Loftis . Public information. Go look it up for yourself. The Federal Court is on Richland Street in Columbia. How much did the tax payers loose on this? Federal violations are not cheap. Loftis should resign, now .
Did this money come from the Insurance Reserve Fund?? How much?
Lies and deception. Lies and deception. Throw down you sinful ways and choose life!
Found this on the save our roads website. I think these groups have some explaining to do.
The South Carolina Alliance to Fix Our Roads is pleased with the progress that has been made this year. We are especially appreciative of the efforts made by Coalition members including S. C. Trucking Association, S. C. Chamber of Commerce, Palmetto Agr-Business, AGC, S. C. Farm Bureau, S. C. Forestry Association and the S. C. Manufacturing Alliance. We also need to say a special thanks to the members of the S. C. Alliance to Fix Our Roads who responded to the our request for assistance and to our Board of Directors. We were also provided tremendous assistance by S. C. Department of Transportation staff.
MASC and the Chamber members have given generously to Curtis Loftis since he was elected. No conspiracies here.
Lies, deception and more lies.
Lies, deceptions and more lies. I pity your soul! Filthy Marge
Name calling is sinful. Stop your sinful ways. Repent.
Wow. These people are not what I thought they were. I am disappointed.
Jill you are all lies, deceptions and more lies. I pity your soul! You’re a filthy piggie.
Name calling demonstrates a dark soul, a lying, sinful nature. Stop your wicked ways and sin no more!
I found this on the Save or Roads website. This shows how easy it is to cheat the system. They told us this funding, passed in 2013, would total $500 million in borrowing. They played games with us- look below and you can see that will get almost $100 million more! $100 million more in debt and no one told us reaccept this obscure website! Wow, and they want us to trust them!
The total funding approved by the S. C. General Assembly and the Governor was a major step forward and total funding including bonding will total approximately $591 million.
Wow, you really can’t trust the state government.
We need reform now!
A $100 million dollar debt and the people of SC were not told. That is amazing!
Curtis Loftis signs off on all the debt in the State. It looks like he didn’t tell anyone about the $100 million. So much for transparency.
The Treasurer has the legal requirement to effectuate the instructions of the General Assembly, who were elected by the people of SC.
The treasurer has a moral obligation to not put our children and grandchildren billions of dollars in debt. No wonder he wants to keep the income tax high, he knows we have a lot of debt to pay off. Debt he allowed.
Such deception comes for a dark heart.May God have mercy on your soul!
Curtis Loftis is the man who signs off on all the debt in our State. Without his signature we wouldn’t be in as much debt as we’re currently in. A real fiscal conservative wouldn’t allow such a staggering amount of debt to pile up on his watch. We voted for republican and instead we got a tax-and-spend liberal.
Oh liar and deceiver. You know Loftis has to carry out the instructions of the General Assembly. How easy for you to lie, to sully a mans name and to do so with lies and deception.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Curtis has allowed the state to get stuck with over $3 billion in new debt since he’s been in office. He has signed off on every penny of debt he has put us in. Shoveling $3 billion to his friends on wall street while the average joe here at home is stuck with the bill.
Liar and deceiver. Repent and reject your sinful ways.
I guess curtis didn’t do his due diligence and read about the debt he was signing off on. It’s a complicated issue so I’m not surprised he was so illinformed. He could at least apologize to my kids since they are going to be the ones paying off all the debt Curtis has racked up over the last few years.
Lies and deceptions. Your ability to lie is a spectacle. It is amazing to have such talent tin the dark arts.
Repent and save your soul.
Fran is a filthy piggie. Lies, deceptions and more lies. I pity your soul! Repent!
Such sinful talk demonstrates a sinful soul. See Grace, Not Lucifer.
Shouldn’t Curtis Loftis know about this $100 million? If not, then why did he sign off on the $500 million in bonds? Did the bond attorneys handling the transaction donate to his campaign? Was this a kickback?
lies and deception. more lies and deception!
Repent and save your soul!
No lies Jakey. Just accountability.
The treasurer receives instructions from the General assembly. He must follow them these lawful orders.
So Curtis was instructed to keep quiet about the $100 million? I thought he was a taxpayer watchdog.
Lies and deception, lies and deception. Please repent. Throw down your god Lucifer. Choose Christ
I can’t believe the State would add 100 million in debt and not tell us. This is just plain wrong!
Demand that Curtis Loftis release the documents that he signed. That’s the real scandal. Curtis knew about this $100 million and didn’t have a word to say about it. Isn’t it his job to know what he’s signing?
$100 million would go along way to repining schools in poor counties! Reform government now!
As “Nelson” knows, school districts issue those bonds. Not the State. hehehe Nice try Curty boy!
You are wrong. That comment refers specifically to the highway bonds.
School bonds are different than Highway bonds dumbass. They are also issued from separate tax authorities.
Lies and deception, lies and deception. Repent, and Chose christ!
I am so disappointed with the Save our Roads Alliance and their members. They should know better to engage is sleazy practices.
You should sign the petition then! You can be part of the 0.00001% of South Carolina citizens that agree with the petition.
Curt is made his campaign donors Howell Linkous millionaires. All Howell Linkous needed to do was give him $3,500 each campaign cycle. Curt is easily bought off. The “Save Our Road Alliance” should just give Curt $3,500, and his vote is theirs.
How about all the other bond attorneys that donate and host fundraisers for him? Ten’s of thousand’s of dollars to his campaign coffers and they all get business from his office and the state. Just the cost of doing business with Curtis Loftis.
Deception, deception and more deception. May God have mercy on our wicked soul.
Repent, and choose the light, not the darkness!
Lies and deception. More leis and deception. May God have mercy on your soul.
He holds up business before the BCB until some organizations either donate or host a fundraiser.
Lies and deception, lies and deceptions. Please cast away your sinful ways.
Jake, you are boring and totally ineffective..
It’s all right there on Curtis’ campaign reports on the Ethics Commission website. Look into the bankers he shakes down for money. These are the same banks he regulates a Chair of the banking board.
Lies and deceptions, lies and deceptions. You are sinful. please repent and choose to live!
He has borrowed money for his campaigns but only from state banks that he regulates. There seems to be no record of him paying any of that money back. Is there a big conflict of interest here? Who pays for that loan if Loftis does not pay it back? The rest of the people that keep money in those banks is who. They will write off Loftis’s loans and he will never pay back that money he borrowed because he could get nobody to contribute to his campaigns.
I understand that the Ethics Commission is currently investigating this. Let’s see what they turn up.
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways!
How about the campaign contributions he takes from folks with Wall Street influence while he invests money for the State and sits on the pension board.
Lies and deceptions, lies and deceptions.
Put out all your lies. Place them on the table. Bare your soul, you child of Satan.
Put out all the trash. Empty your soul. Show the darkness of you life. Then maybe you can repent.
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways!
Stop lying and live in the light
If you want government financing of campaigns, just say so. Till then, candidates receive contributions.
Candidate is different than Incumbent. A sitting treasurer responsible for regulate SC banks, investing tax dollars, and handing out contracts to bond attys SHOULD NOT receive campaign donations from them. Regulators should raise money from those they regulate – that’s a conflict of interest. Same for investment firms and bond attorneys a sitting treasurer does business with. It reeks of corruption and is an invitation for fraud and abuse to take place.
Keep putting out your deception. Keep lying. Keep venting that nasty soul.
Maybe then you can repent. Keep twisting and distorting. Keep dividing. Then repent.
They went from a small firm to a large firm in the course of just one term with Loftis in office.
They didn’t even have State bond experience before that.
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways!
Lying about innocent people, a new low for you!
They have plenty of experience now!
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways! Please repent now!
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways! On you can save your soul!
Jake, Boring , boring .. Think of something different. Show a little more originality. Surely, you can come up with something !
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways! Please Repent!
There i no low that we won’t go, Mr. Treasurer. where this petition is housed is an Obama based website. Expect to get solicitations for donations if you sign up.–remember?
Curt has been working with the democrats for years now. It shouldn’t shock anyone that he is using an Obama data-mining machine. He wants attention and if requires working with the Obama administration, then so be it.
Liars and deceivers, please repent. Save your soul!
Such lies and distortions.
Change. GOV is the Obama site.
Liars, please repent!
.gov is for the White House and .org is now a nonprofit democratic data-mining machine managed by Obama campaign loyalists and works with the DNC.
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways! Mend your ways, save your soul!
The filth, lies and distortions may make a thousand post today. Lets praise God that all this filth and sin can be seen by everyone.
The Lord gives everyone the right of discernment and that is why we, the Jakes, are here. We want all the filth in these haters and paid blogger to be on display! Show it to everyone so they will know how their government is run by the sinful people in the shadows.
More posts on an article gives the treasurer an inflated sense of relevance and credibility. These people who post comments are toying with the treasurer, and he falls for it every day.
Lies and deceit. May God have mercy on your soul.
Repent and rejoice. Stop your sinful ways! You can do better!
Aint that the truth!
Oh liar, you post whether the Jakes are here or not. You are paid bloggers and haters.
Repent, save your soul!
Lie, lie, deceive, deceive. Show everyone the character of those that run our government. Show the crooked nature of your souls!
Curtis has an army of boys named Jake hehe
He certainly doesn’t have an army of Kevin’s. He done freaked them out too much. Walking into someone’s bedroom to watch them sleep will usually have that effect.