Ann Timberlake Gets Paid …

LIBERAL LOBBYIST RAKING IN CASH FROM NON-PROFIT … By FITSNews  ||  The median household income in South Carolina stood at $44,163 in 2013 – a number we took note of last week.  Good jobs are increasingly difficult to find – as evidenced by the fact only 57.9 percent of working…


By FITSNews  ||  The median household income in South Carolina stood at $44,163 in 2013 – a number we took note of last week.  Good jobs are increasingly difficult to find – as evidenced by the fact only 57.9 percent of working age South Carolinians are currently participating in the labor force.

That’s up just one-tenth of a percent from the record low … 

Part-time work is increasingly the only employment available, which is bad news … unless you’re liberal lobbyist Ann Timberlake, head of the Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC).

According to the non-profit’s latest disclosure forms, Timberlake was paid $82,000 in 2012 – or 26.5 percent of all the money the CVSC took in that year.  Not bad for an employee who worked only 22 hours a week.

FITS ran a post last week on Timberlake’s diminishing influence at the S.C. State House, where lawmakers tell us she has become increasingly irascible (and decreasingly trustworthy) in recent years.

Timberlake’s “advocacy” is hurting the conservation movement, we’re told, as these officials tell FITS they are less inclined to work with the environmental lobby due to her tactics.

Oh well … at least she’s getting paid, right?

2012 (.pdf)

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john dozier September 23, 2014 at 9:30 am

A typical non-profit. Executive compensation over the top while actual expenditures on whatever are very modest. Rip off scum.


SCBlueWoman September 23, 2014 at 10:45 am

I thought, for a moment, that you were talking about the NFL.

Government draws sociopaths September 23, 2014 at 9:41 am

Yet another parasite on the backs of the taxpayer with no ability to feel shame.

CNSYD September 23, 2014 at 11:03 am

Her salary is paid with tax money?

Government draws sociopaths September 23, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Yep. Check the filings, under “grants”.

Don't Assume September 25, 2014 at 11:25 am

Grants doesn’t necessarily mean government. Community and Family Foundations which are corporate or personally funded also make grants.

gregorybgeddings September 23, 2014 at 10:41 am

Palmetto Goodwill CEO pays himself $270,000 per year while he pays his disabled employees as little as $1.80 per hour. He also hired his poorly educated idiot son at a high salary. Give your stuff to Salvation Army…

Philip Branton September 23, 2014 at 11:07 am

Bravo retort………….

+25 points and a used tire…..

Dare to wonder how a FITSNEWS charity would do more for transparency than one started by WTMA or Brian Crabtree or Tom Davis or Trey Gowdy…?

What would Wil pay himself a year…? Would he post monthly charity bank statements on line every month for Grand Tango and SCSU students to “audit”…!?

Would Mande Wilkes get a “cut”…?

oldcola September 23, 2014 at 11:09 am

She must have spent some of that salary on a new face. The doc ratcheted that 70 year old puss into a permanent grin. Ouch!

Nölff September 23, 2014 at 11:47 am

That’s Justin Timberlake’s momma. Isn’t it?

Reindeargirl September 30, 2014 at 11:03 am

Since when did fighting to protect South Carolina’s precious natural resources become a “liberal”thing? This is a Republican run state and Republicans have long been in the forefront of passing laws that protect our air, soil, water, and coasts. Labeling Ms. Timberlake as a “libera”l is not only incorrect, but it does a great injustice to the many avid conservative conservationists who work to protect our state’s most valuable assets. This whole article smacks of political backstabbing and no one who does any work in this state to protect our environment believes a word of it, Shame on you for pandering this BS.


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