It’s Memorial Day … an occasion we used to commemorate by republishing former U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s famous 1982 address at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
No more …
The years have made us older … and wiser. We now see the hero worship of America’s military for exactly what it is: Propaganda no different than what Joseph Goebbels spewed on the German people during the heyday of the Nazi state. Is our military really a “global force for good?” Ummm, no … not when it engages where it has no business, or lends arms to those who commit atrocities like this.
Don’t get us wrong … there are still American heroes to revere. Like South Carolina’s own Louis Fowler, a World War II veteran who survived a harrowing plane crash and thirteen-month captivity in Nazi-occupied Europe in 1944-45.
Fowler watched hundreds of American soldiers die liberating Europe from a fascist dictatorship – one in which government ran the economy, spied on its citizens, hoarded all the guns and aggressively meddled in foreign affairs.
In other words he suffered – and his fellow soldiers died – trying to defeat precisely the sort of government America is becoming.

Clearly the American Republic is no Third Reich. We’re not saying that … we’re simply looking at the trend lines, specifically the expanded federal control over our economy and our liberty. There’s a reason they call it a slippery slope, people … and once you start slipping …
In a column this week on the scandal surrounding U.S. President Barack Obama’s Veterans Affairs agency, former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul chided the president for his “selective outrage” on the treatment of military personnel.
“He ignores the most egregious abuse of the U.S. armed forces: sending them off to fight, become maimed, and die in endless conflicts overseas that have no connection to U.S. national security,” Paul wrote.
Later Paul notes that “though the VA’s alleged abuse and neglect of U.S. veterans is scandalous, the worse abuse comes from a president and a compliant Congress that send the U.S. military to cause harm and be harmed overseas in undeclared, unnecessary, and illegal interventions.”
We agree …
But what’s even worse than the unjustified imposition of American military might abroad? The evaporation of basic American liberties here at home. Honestly … how can anyone say our nation’s armed forces are “fighting for freedom” when the government they serve is storing, sorting and accessing all of our private communications?
Exactly …
Late last year we reached the conclusion that service in the U.S. Armed Forces had “ceased being admirable … and started being either gullible or intentionally harmful to true American principles.”
And while most Americans haven’t attained that rung on the common sense ladder, there is a fundamental realization coming: That life has become unnecessarily hard for growing numbers of people because of government … not in spite of it. And that the only way to turn things around is to fundamentally rethink (reverse) our current trajectory as a nation.
A big part of that? Shredding the myth of the American soldier … and elevating real heroes.
UPDATE: Another post for your consideration …
The US Military liberated Jews from the Gas Chambers of the Nazi Socialist Atheists.
South Korea has lived in decades of freedom, thanks to the America soldier.
Troops sent by Abraham Lincoln freed slaves, captured by African Tribes and sold to small bands of rich democrat plantation owners…
God, I wish FITS could live one day as a Jew under Hitler; or a political enemy of Saddam Hussein.
I dream of seeing FITS – and America-hating liberals like him – face Stain or Lenin, after he attacked the Red Army, like FITS Slimes the US soldier.
It’s like a rotten and irresponsible child. You want to show them what life could be…but you would never let an ignorant child suffer for his stupidity…He knows no better…
But that is not the case w/ these liberal adults, like FITS.
I’d SO LOVE to see FITS and the rest of the Fithy F*#kinbg Liberals like him come face to face w/ the enemies our armed forces has saved Filthy Pieces of $#!t, like them, from….Hopefully there is some way this justice could come home to roost.
FITS: you are a VERY LOW and VILE variety of SCUM….
God, I wish FITS could live one day as a Jew under Hitler; or a political enemy of Saddam Hussein.
Some here would likely enjoy seeing you spending some time as a Confederate civilian under Sherman, a Japanese civilian in Hiroshima (1945) etc.
Supposedly Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.”
Please enlighten TBG as to which founder articulated something along the lines of “The price of Liberty is a huge standing army standing athwart the world…”
Just study the concubines of evil dictators, like Neville Chamberlin and Bill Clinton…and see what happened after…
When you Build the Most prosperous, most successful liberty-loving civilization in the history of the world…every Demon Bast@*d liberal on the plant lusts after your possessions and your freedom…
To be oblivious of the evil wolf, always at the door, is criminal ignorance….
“Yet you aborted you first born as a sacrifice to Nancy Pelosi…your goddess…”
Look what that idiot GT wrote earlier before his edit. Fucking dipshit…
Aborted your first born…hahahahaha… responds: “The headlines that we’ve seen since Tuesday are brutal for our movement. CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News, have all been pushing a uniform narrative: the Tea Party is extreme and the defeat of individual candidates MUST mean the destruction of the entire movement. That’s wishful thinking on their part because we aren’t going anywhere!”
They aren’t going anywhere all right, certainly not to DC (thank goodness).
I was surprised any of them managed to pry themselves away from the TCM channel.
So you’re now sucking the D!*k of Republicans, because they are Not Tea Party…
Graham, McConnell, Rove…they will all obliterate Obamacare, and fix the mess Obama made…So you lose either way, you ignorant F*#k….
So you’re now sucking the D!*k of Republicans,…
Settle down, GT.
TBG believes that TBG speaks for everyone on this board when he says, “That’s YOUR job, hoss. You’ve earned it. No one is going to try to take it away from you.”
Again: You have to use my words to attack me, because you are so F*#king Stupid, you cannot even originate your own insults…
There is a reason FITS, as hypocritical, contradicting Dumb@$$ as he is, can lead you idiots around by the nose….
I see you haven’t passed that oral fixation yet, Biggie.
He’s afraid some gay Mexican is going to send his dick sucking franchise into receivership.
You’re filthy… filthy.. filthy. No sense of humor, no insight, no clever perspective… a stunted, imbalanced paranoid. But other than that, you’re just fine!
your mind is marinating in sewage and bitter invective… you’re not exactly salted peanuts on soft creamy caramel, are you?
I love my God, my country and my family…
It would be a sin for me to ignore what you and Obama are doing to all that is decent….
But thanks for trying to silence me. It shows what you are. Despicable, immoral and corrupt people HATE those who accurately expose you….
Sewer spittle.. garbage mouth… bar stool heretic… toxic spillage.. metaphysical methane.. horrible little man syndrome… pusillanimous drunkard.
A foul person, fit for neither the company of men, or women and a bad influence on children… mistreater of animals… lazy, unimaginative, pedestrian.
You supported the Keystone XL pipeline. A pipeline whose sole propose is to allow Canada to sell tar sand oil to our enemies the Chinese. That makes you an anti-American pro-communist Chinese traitor. So much for love of country. Commie go home.
….”we aren’t going anywhere!”
self-fulfilling prophesy!
Keep being stupid. We salute you.
The US Military liberated Jews from the Gas Chambers of the Nazi Socialist Atheists
200,000 Jews were saved from camps – 6 million exterminated.
There are only two people that willingly give up their lives for you: Jesus Christ for your soul and the American Soldier for your freedom. If you don’t want or accept either get out of the way for all those who do.
Typical Christian. Telling people to get out their way.
No, you go around.
RE just asked you to accept a plain and simple truth. Liberals have a BIG problem w/ honesty…and you lie to feed your greed and enhance your power…
It’s to the point, you are like Hitler. You are BIG LIARS… You infringe upon the rights of others, and you VERY dangerous… ..
And sooner or later, a free and moral society has to deal w/ dishonest and harmful people, like you….to remain free…
Kiss my ass.
Now that’s typical from the less intelligent, like you. Once the truth is presented to you…you act like an idiot…
That said: You can be a Dumb@$$ and a liar all you want…but it’s hurting hurt others and damaging our country, substantially (see Obama)…
We’ve never let you do that, but for so long…So enjoy while it lasts…because you ALWAYS lose in the end…
GT, you would not know the truth if it bit you in the A$$. You lie in every post you put on here. You can’t even see how much like Hitler people who think like you really are. All you ever do is talk about kicking people’s ass. Going through people and slaughtering people who do not think like you do. If you had lived in Germany, in the 1930s you would have been a brown shirt and first in line to push people into the gas chamber.
Nice that you contributed to the debate about our soldiers being Trash and bullies (as FITS, Obama and RonPaul see them w/ their tin-foil hate filter)…or defenders of freedom…(as I see them) using evidence…
And: NAZI stands for National SOCIALIST Party…so you may not look like such an ignorant Dumb@$$, if you did about 3 minutes of Research before you opened your mouth….
But they were not real socialist were they? The Nazi were Corporatist Fascist who called themselves socialists (much like the Republican Party are Corporatists calling themselves Capitalist). You are so blind as to history you can’t even see your own delusion.
If you want a first hand accurate account of the Nazis I offer this from Martin Niemoller. Who was actually there.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.
Please note the first people the Nazis went after were the socialists. They then proceed to go after all the same people you are constantly threatening to slaughter. So yes I believe you would have been a Brown Shirt.
put your mouth around this fuck face.
Eat shit and enjoy it.
“Jesus Christ for your soul and the American Soldier for your freedom.”
Bull fucking shit. That’s pretty damn close to equivocation and heresy.
18-20 somethings that join the military do so primarily for:
1. Money(usually for college, but not always)
2. Overseas travel seems exciting to them, with stop offs for poon
3. They think they are baddasses that can kill and are immune to such, usually for a variety of reasons, including being good at video games. The have fantasies deep inside about it. Shooting and not being shot, driving tanks, flying planes, etc.
The small minority that join to “protect our freedoms” soon realize once in the theater that drone strikes and killing 15 year olds with machine guns aren’t doing anything for or freedom here.
You are full of shit.
The best case Rouge Elephant has going for him: is letting you free to demonstrate your outcomes…
You are the democrat slave-owner, the communist murderer for non-approved speech, and the ethnic cleanser of Islam….
God and good have always, and always will, Slaughter you and the Filthy atheist demons like you….
As The Bible so correctly tells us: There is nothing new under the sun…so you and Obama, need not flatter yourself, w/ the stupid indoctrination bullet points they teach you a Liberal U.
Shut up you welfare receiving trailer trash. You’re the biggest fucking hypocrite on this board.
Now go take your meds.
Can’t stand to be exposed, can you?
Yea, yea, you exposed me-dumb fuck.
Oops, let me write it so you understand it:
No, you exposed yourself. I just explained it. That’s something you could not do, if one of Mao’s soldiers held a gun to your head, and told you you’re about to join 50 million others he killed, because they ran their mouths against your god, liberal politicians….
To a hammer head, every argument looks like a nail.
To an idiot liberal, every cliche looks like words of gold.
To Damned Tango, a piece of paper with “Turn Over” on both sides is an afternoon.
The best case Rouge Elephant has going for him…
*Inspiration comes from the most unlikely places.*
TBG is so stealing “Rouge Elephant(s)”.
You know…to describe Republicans who favor the welfare/warfare state.
TBG’s Amazon Wish List:
1) Nikki & I by Will Folks
2) Going Rouge by Lindsey Graham
By Fits and Farts.
Rand Paul spoke at Harvard’s Kennedy Institute of Politics Friday, and he talked about his libertarian tendencies as well as his desire to broaden the GOP to welcome more people in. He described himself as “libertarian-ish,” in that despite his very clear libertarian political leanings, he’s generally supported fellow Republicans and hasn’t really backed Libertarian party candidates (save for his father during his 1988 presidential run).
Paul, according to CNN, also talked about making the Republican party “bigger” and much more inclusive, saying that unless Republicans “broaden their message” to reach more people, winning future elections is going to be a bit of a problem.
“You go to a Republican event and it’s all white people—not because we’re excluding anybody, but because we just haven’t done a good enough job encouraging people to come into our party.”
Sounds like he wants your butt in the seat!
“Not because we are excluding anybody”
*cough* Log Cabin Republicans *cough*
Other than that, no, they don’t exclude people, their shitty policies do.
…and their constituents do.
How about to describe Republicans who fight al Queda by taking their shoes off at the Airport?
GT. You pretty well summed up what I was going to say to this POS. I will save my ink for a more deserving post. Thank You.
Check history !
Best post of the month. Keep it up.
Thank you, but you’e hated some of my posts in the past, so you should be careful on praising me. :)
Kinda sorta right.
When you are an 18-20 male you are “bullet-proof” I considered myself that way till Yom Kippur in 1973.
When I went back in in 1988 it was not for any of the reasons BS lists (well, one underlying reason was to enhance my retirement options) but I had mellowed some on my attitude about the military and missed some of the untangenibles (sp). If you’ve not been in, there is no reason to try to explain.
I can attest that Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day have a truly different meaning to me now than when I was a young man and it sure as hell ain’t a day to go car shopping or buy an new mattress.
As far as “heroes” go, I know some but to a person not a one considers him/her self one.
I do agree that the word “hero” has been overused but you know one when you see/meet/learn of one.
Well Sparkle, the major difference between now and your time is that a lot of people didn’t have a choice on whether to “join” or not with the draft in effect.
So let me qualify my above angry rant by saying anyone that was forcible drafted for all of our bullshit wars is exempt from it.
But now that we have a voluntary army, let us not delude ourselves as to the reason why many of these kids join.
Old people in power use their naivete like toilet paper. It’s fucking sad.
Outstanding.Thank you for your comment today.
and both were fools…no one is worth dying for…god family or friend….save your own ass….and before everyone gets bent into the shape a pretzel…keep in mind Darwin’s theory of evolution…only the smartest/fittest/strongest survive.
Nations/empires/society come and go…case in point: the Roman empire, Holy Roman Empire, the Spanish Empire…each thrived for the blink of an eye in the history of time and all fell into dust and ass. Christianity/America/Western Society will all too pass in time will fade onto the pages of history.
That is not to say their sacrifice shouldn’t be remembered but at the end of the day generations from now they and we will be put faded foggy memories that most will choose to forget.
For our children and grand children’s sake I hope you are wrong but the last six years make me think you are right. All the great empires of history have fallen from within, not been over come from without. And if you look you will see that the “gay agenda” has been the line through all that has signaled the beginning of the end. That and the parasite class.
Just trying to figure this out. My opinion only:
1. Ron Paul is a racist.
2.Rand knows daddy is a racist .
3.Rand pretending to like black folk so daddy don’t destroy his RINO political career.
4.Fits supports Ron, Rand and Tom Ervin cause the “apple don’t fall far from the tree”.
Rand and Ron both have had a lot of “unfortunate coincidences” when it comes to being linked with racists, that is true.
All who oppose affirmative action, illegal immigration and the welfare state are not racists.
All (white) racists share these positions.
First of all…your comparison and contrast of the two fighting forces can be cleared up with a comparison of oaths taken by the officers and soldiers. My contention is that the Oath of Commissioned Officers in the US Military gives all commissioned officers the duty to disobey unlawful orders from an illegal government and it’s leaders with allegiance only to the defense of the US Constitution.
Hitler Oaths:
Wehrmacht oath: “I swear by God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath.”
Civil servant oath: I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfil my official duties, so help me God!
SS oath: “What is your oath ?” – “I vow to you, Adolf Hitler, as Führer and chancellor of the German Reich loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and to the leaders that you set for me, absolute allegiance until death. So help me God !”
“So you believe in a God ?” – “Yes, I believe in a Lord God.”
“What do you think about a man who does not believe in a God ?” – “I think he is overbearing, megalomaniac and foolish; he is not one of us.”
In contrast, the US oaths:
The Presidential Oath of Office: “I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The Congressional Oath of Office: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
The Oath of Office for Federal Judges: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution, and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
The Oath of Office for Civil Service Employees: “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office: I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Officers of the National Guard of the various States take an additional oath: I, [name], do solemly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___, that I make this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of [grade] in the Army/Air National Guard of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ upon which I am about to enter, so help me God.
Oath of Commissioned Officers: I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.”
TBG gives you props for a well presented argument.
Serious question, now.
In your opinion, ballpark figure, what percentage of our federal government is Constitutional?
In South Carolina 13%.
TBG thinks you are being generous.
Even so, doesn’t that imply that the oath takers ain’t exactly doing their job vis a vis defending our Constitution.
Thus rendering Thomas’s eloquent argument moot.
Constitutional as in “mandated by the Constitution” or as in “within the bounds of the Constitution?”
“The General Welfare Clause”. Is there anything it can’t do?
I would say it can’t do anything but politicians use it to justify everything.
Ipso fatso!
Ipso fatso!
Who you callin’ fat?
* Hit dog yelps *
It’s only limited by who ever’s definition of “welfare” is….that’s comforting isn’t it?
I love the so called Constitutional Conservatives. They don’t really give a crap about the Constitution. They want it to say what they want it to say and ignore anything else it says. Much like Christians who pick and choose what Bible verses they like and ignore the others.
They are also completely willing to ignore the Declaration of Independence, the inalienable rights identified therein, and the purpose of government defined there in that sent us into rebellion in the first place.
…and don’t even get TBG started on The Articles of Confederation!
Thomas, you are so close to the true situation that is frightening to those in power who abuse their positions. Keep alert to actions during the next 2 1/2 years, Keep us posted.
Excellent. Thank you for this. It provides a great narrative on why Democrat Tom Ervin is not worthy of the peoples trust and vote.
How does it feel to be a hack for Nikki?
I am not a “hack” for anyone.I am though well trained in detecting frauds and liars.In my opinion both you Ervin are such.
“Hack” that out your penetrated arse!
“I am though well trained in detecting frauds and liars”
That is interesting, but where did you get your training (classroom/book/video)? My main reason for asking is that I’m ok in detecting frauds, but I have difficulty with some of those damned liars who are really good at it. And that includes some of the women I date.
Ronald Reagan was one of the biggest taxes in American history.I thought you were AGAINST taxes Fits?What in the Hell are you doing quoting this tax increasing bastard?
Reagan wanted outlays and programs cut 3.00 for every 1.00 in raised taxes. Reagan thought they would fulfill their end of the bargain for his signature. He thought wrong. Under Reagan government had 7 shutdowns. Some on his own staff ignored the non-binding agreement as did Dole, O’Neil, and Wright. Their is your tax increase under Reagan.
Then,in addition to being the biggest taxer around,he was also the biggest DUMBASS.Thanks for clarifying the situation.
He “trusted” Congress?HAHAHAHAHA!
His first mistake was being coerced to put Bush I on the ticket.
Yeah thats what made him raise taxes six times.
Got something better than that?
I do
He took military action in Lebanon against the recommendations of the JCS and got hundreds of Marines,Sailors and soldiers killed in the Beirut Barracks bombing as a result of this foolish action.
He vowed revenge and then promptly sailed away. Talk about sticking you nose where is dosen’t belong.
FITS is as guilty of perpetuating myths as the people he rails against.
We now see the hero worship of America’s military for exactly what it is: Propaganda no different than what Joseph Goebbels spewed on the German people during the heyday of the Nazi state.
Fuck you fits.
You now found out !!!
Brusk…but accurate.
He’ll be calling us baby killers shortly just like I was called back in 1972.
Same stuff just from a different time and opposite side.
He’s just sore because he was shitting in his diapers back in 1972 (if he was born back then) and missed out on hearing the greatest music in Rock & Roll history via “Underground” FM radio in real time.
He does this on patriotic holidays because it is the hip and trendy Libertarian thing to do, much like lazily copy/pasting a Reagan speech is just an appeal to Republican viewers.
It is a sad display of disrespect. I get that the country is doing bad stuff today and perhaps we shouldn’t be in the wars we are today, but damn. There are great people who died in service to this country, the least you can do, if not honor them with a quick thank you, is to just hold your tongue.
Radical Obama and his regime is doing “bad stuff”. This country will be just fine once we impeach the “closet” Muslim and Ron Paul moves to Russia. Two clown marching to the same extremist, propoganda bullshit.
War is a racket. It always has been… A few profit – and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can’t end it by disarmament conferences. You can’t eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can’t wipe it out by resolutions. It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war.
More silly hyperbole and bad logic to fire up the hits. I’ll give FITS just this one hit to say that I won’t be going down this crazy rabbit hole after him…
This site is nothing like it used to be. The commenters (you little rascals you!) is the main reason I still come here.
I pretty much skim the articles and head straight to the comments.
I can tell you all, of the time I was in the USMC. Ronnie Raygun was our man. He gave us boo – coo money to spend. I got alot of free shit. We had a budget that was inflated, and were told to spend every dime. That way, next budget, you would get more money.
Those were great times, untill Beiruit. My friends were killed for a political statement. They were not issused ammo at their post. A bomb truck broke through the lines and killed many Marines ( 247 ). Where did the blame go ? I have seen a trend, have a war, and blame who ? Benghazzi ? Iraq ? Ben Laden ? I say the idiots that run the USA.
The one moment of lucidity for Reagan:
“Did those clamoring today for intervention in Syria learn nothing
from Ronald Reagan’s intervention in an earlier Arab civil war, the one
in Lebanon? Result: 241 dead Marines, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut bombed
and hostages taken.
Reagan left office believing his decision to put Marines in Lebanon
was his greatest mistake. And to retrieve those hostages, he acceded to a
transfer of weapons to Iran, an action that almost broke his
presidency.”- Pat Buchanon
I like to see a post like this at least once a week. Not that I need to be reminded that Folks is an idiot, but it is comforting to be able to completely rely on it.
(By the way, “different than” is improper)
Veterans Day, July 4th, Pearl Harbor Day, etc.
Because of this post, specifically this quote, I will no longer visit this site. There is no room for this.
“service in the U.S. Armed Forces had “ceased being admirable … and started being either gullible or intentionally harmful to true American principles.”
This is about as irreversibly stupid as it gets. while watching the Oliver North series today I was reminded that we supported Chiang Kai-shek for one reason. To keep the war out of the US. Same reason for Afghanistan. Fight them here or fight them there. Roosevelt was successful with this strategy for 4 years. Read the Art of War.
I really thought that you were brighter than this. I was wrong.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
FITS and BFF Tom Ervin apparently despise our veterans. Don’t blame you.
… we supported Chiang Kai-shek for one reason. To keep the war out of the US. Same reason for Afghanistan.
Jack!! Before you go…you mind explaining this a bit.
Looks like Jack hit the road, and I don’t think he’ll come back no mo’, no mo’, no mo’, no mo’.
The Vietnamese, the Afghans, and the Iraqis – strong swimmers!
The Vietnamese, the Afghans, and the Iraqis – strong swimmers!
But the Red Chinese (Rouge Dragons?)??
Their forward leaps left a great deal to be desired.
There has to be a pill for this.
Today is a day set aside to honor our current and fallen men and women of the armed forces (or at least it should be). But since FITS wants to inject some politicization into it…one of the biggest paradoxes I find in SC is that on the one had the collective “we” (meaning the majority of voters that elect our serving politicians) loathe and curse the Federal gov’t up one side and down the other at every chance we get.
Yet, we gleefully support pretty much everything the Fed. gov’t has to say about military endeavors. Unjust wars and unjust spending are to name but a few of the ironies. Make no mistake, the armed forces are under civilian control…as per the founders.
Bottom line, either you hate the Feds or you don’t.
Sic, did you mean to use the SS Norwegian Legion inset (NB collar tab)? Ironically it does suggest some folks road to citizenship.