In a rare victory for common sense in America, efforts by the federal government to build public support for military intervention in the Syrian civil war have backfired … badly.
According to the latest Washington Post/ ABC News poll, 64 percent of the country now opposes missile strikes against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Of those who oppose, 44 percent strongly oppose such strikes. Meanwhile only thirty percent of respondents support such an action – and more than half of them only “somewhat” supportive.
A week ago, those numbers were 59 percent against (39 percent strongly so) and 36 percent in favor (18 percent strongly so).
Wow … no wonder the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama is panicking.
Anyway, props to the lawmakers who opposed this nonsense from the very beginning. And jeers to lawmakers like U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (RINO-S.C.) and Sen. Tim Scott who waffled on this key vote (which, it’s worth noting, has yet to be cast).
This website has consistently argued against American meddling in Syria.
“There is no compelling national interest at stake here. This is a civil war. Period. We had no business getting involved in the first place, and we certainly have no business directly attacking one of the belligerents,” we wrote recently. “America’s warmongers – including ‘Republicans’ John McCain and Lindsey Graham – are once again basing their case on dubious intelligence. They’re also wanting us to fight alongside al-Qaeda, the terrorist network responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks on America.”
The only question left is what will Obama do when the U.S. Congress shoots down his war resolution?
What will be his next attempt to “wag the dog?”
This website has consistently argued against American meddling in Syria…..!!!
Well…its a little too late to do the right thing now…!! (Tanya Tucker)
…….we wonder if Wil Folks will be serving the Hash at a Lindsey Graham social…?
Most of the time we wonder if you have a cogent thought or point on the issue at hand
At least a majority is against, but really, it should be a higher percentage.
(This comment has been removed by the NSA.)
Where Congress stands on Syria.
MUST SEE! THIS Is Who The Sociopaths Who Run Our Government Want Us To Help Syria!
I happen to agree with McCain and Graham about obtaining a UN Security Council Resolution.
Just when you thought the administration could not embarrass itself any further in the Syria mess, John Kerry makes the off the cuff “surrender your weapons” offer. Russia and Syria quickly jump to accept, State tries to walk it back. Then Obama apparently sees it as a way out of his looming rebuke from Congress and contradicts his own State Department. Good to see there is such a steady hand at the wheel.