Kamala Harris Has A Muslim Problem

Could it sink her in a key swing state?

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I’ve always held two simple views on the escalating Israeli-Iranian conflict – and as it relates to the broader, global battle between Muslims and Jews. First, keep the fighting out of our communities. And second, keep American taxpayers from subsidizing either side of this struggle.

Religious-based violence has no place in the United States – and American tax dollars have no business going toward any conflict in which there is no compelling national interest. Especially not now.

Last time I checked, America’s most compelling national interests were in America.

Sadly, the pro-Israel lobby has become so entrenched in our country that the mere suggestion of cutting off (or curtailing) billions of dollars in annual funding for Israel invokes hyperbolic cries of anti-semitism. Meanwhile, the emerging Palestinian presence in the United States has become so virulently anti-semitic that a violent escalation of tensions on the American home front seems inevitable.

Against this backdrop, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris – part of an administration which has generally stood with Israel during throughout latest round of Muslim-initiated Middle East violence – finds herself in a difficult political position.



With her support eroding in the critical swing state of Michigan – home to an estimated 250,000 Muslims – Harris is being urged to break publicly with Joe Biden over the conflict. In fact, Nathan J. Robinson – editor of the über-liberal Current Affairs magazine – took to X recently and assailed her refusal to do so as “a massive, suicidal electoral error.”

“She could have met with Palestinian families,” Robinson wrote. “She could have let a Palestinian give a two-minute speech at the DNC. She chose not to. This is a giant, deliberate ‘fuck you’ to Arab American voters, and when you tell people to go fuck themselves they are unlikely to vote for you.”

“She won’t even make symbolic bullshit concessions like altering her rhetoric, taking some meetings, letting a Palestinian on stage,” Robinson continued. “These would actually be maddening because they would not reflect any change in the barbaric U.S. policy but Harris is not even doing the bare minimum.”

In an interview with left-of-center Rolling Stone earlier this week, James Zogby of the Arab American Institute said Harris’ campaign doesn’t “seem to care enough about the Arab American vote to do something to get it.”

“They’re forgetting that they’re not only losing Arab votes, but they’re losing other people’s votes who also care about this issue,” Zogby said. “It’s insulting, obviously, and demeaning to my community. And so that’s very hurtful. It’s not a smart strategy. I don’t think it’s smart politics.”

Team Kamala’s response?



“Harris has rebuffed calls to create distance between herself and the Biden administration’s unwavering support for Israel’s assault on Gaza and Lebanon,” Jake Johnson of far left Common Dreams wrote this week.

In fact, far from distancing herself from Israel, Harris has made it clear she supports continuing taxpayer-funded arms shipments to Tel Aviv.

“I’m unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself, and that’s not gonna change,” Harris told CNN back in August.

This position has led to many progressives referring to the vice president as “Holocaust Harris,” a politician they view as a partner in crime with “Genocide Joe” (their nickname for Biden).

Will Harris change her tune before Election Day? Keep it tuned to this media outlet as we track not only the latest developments in the swing states, but the trends moving those numbers…



Will Folks (Dylan Nolan)

Will Folks is the owner and founding editor of FITSNews. Prior to founding his own news outlet, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina, bass guitarist in an alternative rock band and bouncer at a Columbia, S.C. dive bar. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.



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Oy Vey October 12, 2024 at 1:08 pm

The Joos will always have things sewn up in the USA, unfortunately. They control our entertainment, news media, legal system, and finance. In the race, Harris is married to one and Trump practically is one due to his #1 daughter being married to one. Let’s not forget several members of Congress who have Israeli/American dual citizenship. How is that even allowed?

Good to know October 12, 2024 at 7:07 pm

So you support the Muslims.

Hank Hill October 12, 2024 at 3:03 pm

Get the Muslims out of congress

Oy Veyp October 12, 2024 at 3:13 pm

And the dual citizenship Joos!

I see you October 13, 2024 at 9:41 pm

Wonder which FitsNews’ staffer this is?

More MAGA weirdness October 12, 2024 at 7:09 pm

Looks like MAGA has a Jewish AND Muslim problem.

Who do y’all hate more?

Oy Vey October 13, 2024 at 10:40 am

They are just weird. The others; they take over a country’s economy, then loot, pillage, and burn, it into oblivion as they stuff their greedy pockets.

More MAGA weirdness October 13, 2024 at 9:41 pm

Yes, you MAGA simpletons are weird as hell.

Speaking of looting, pillaging and burning…how are your buddies from Jan 6th doing in prison?

River Top fan October 12, 2024 at 4:27 pm

Muslim Faith – Fake evil religion.
Democrats – Fake evil people

America has a problem with both.

A Mame October 13, 2024 at 7:09 pm


You MAGA weirdos would beat Jesus up if he showed up at one of your cult gatherings.

MAGA is literally the opposite of Jesus’ teachings.

Say “Hi” to Satan for us ;-)

River Top fan October 13, 2024 at 7:52 pm

You’ll see Satan before me.

A Mame October 13, 2024 at 9:38 pm

Definitely not going to a Trump rally, so nah.

What will you say to Satan when he welcomes you to Hell for your blasphemy and idolatry?

Maybe you could show Satan your “Trump Bible”? Maybe you could see if Trump’s good, good buddy Jeffry Epstein could show you the ropes?

South Carolina is the closet to Heaven you’ll ever come ;-)

Anonymous October 12, 2024 at 7:05 pm

This blog post helps to answer that burning question:

When you’re a MAGA blogger and can’t figure out who your bigotry dictates your bias towards?

They Learned it From Don October 14, 2024 at 10:02 am

Why does this tabloid blog attract so many people who hate Jewish people?

Anonymous October 14, 2024 at 1:05 pm

It a MAGA blog.

That’s all you need to know about the few fans that comment from time to time. Knuckle-dragging deplorables or staff accounts.

One Of Them October 14, 2024 at 4:57 pm

Maybe a lot of people already tire of their rude, greedy, and boorish, ways. Those people are everywhere, not just on this blog. People tire of being expected to worship Jews “because the holocaust hoax”.

The parent who abandoned you October 14, 2024 at 7:25 pm

Sorry you have failed at life (not really), but at least you can blame Jewish people for all of your shortcomings.

Better luck next life October 14, 2024 at 7:32 pm


All the Jewish people I know are kind, successful and intelligent.

Let me guess, you don’t actually know any or interact with any Jewish people in real life?

Probably because your crowd aren’t kind, successful or intelligent, huh? Did someone with a northern accent hurt your feels while you were cleaning the restroom floor of a convenience store?

CongareeCatfish Top fan October 15, 2024 at 10:09 am

If courting the Arab vote involves promoting their economic well- being, living in safe communities, practicing their faith in peace without being placed on an FBI terror watch list, and pursuing their dreams of a good life in America without trying to turn it back into a county like unto where they came here from, then it shouldn’t be that hard or controversial to court their vote without alienating the Jewish population – or any other group for that matter. After all, these are things pretty much everyone wants. But if courting the Arab vote requires standing by their side while they chant “Death to Isreal, Death to the Jews,” or force sharia law on the towns and counties that they have obtained majority status in, or making Israel fight with one hand behind its back against a foe whose stated goal is to eradicate them, then that should also be an easy choice: no.


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