Guest Column: ‘Bidenomics’ Is A Nightmare For Consumer Costs

“The check gets picked up by the customer at the pump, on the farm and in our stores, and it must stop…”

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Out-of-control spending may be of no concern to those in Washington, D.C. who don’t understand balancing budgets, but the impacts of the debt-binge-driven inflation of the Biden Administration’s policies is being felt by all Americans struggling with ever increasing prices, including residents across South Carolina. 

Under President Joe Biden‘s failed leadership, Americans are shelling out more for food, fuel, and shelter. Since Biden became president, Americans pay 20 percent more overall – and prices are still rising. That’s all while wages have fallen for Americans by 4.2 percent during Biden’s time in office. 

In the post-pandemic era, families and small businesses are yearning for relief from the economic seesaw – and they deserve better. Thankfully, this month, leaders from Washington to South Carolina’s State House have showcased policies during “Energy Week,” to highlight that there is no need to suffer under Biden’s energy poverty agenda or his “Bidenomics” future.  

Coined by President Biden last year, “Bidenomics” is now the nightmare of consumers – with many of his policies tied directly to how he views and treats American energy. Pressures that families feel are directly correlated with the cost of energy – and can be found in everyday items. 




For example, when Americans use plastic to safeguard from infection or food-borne illness, those come from oil-based ingredients. Farmers tilling fields use fuel to feed not only us, but the world. When consumer goods are shipped, tractor-trailers use diesel to meet on-time delivery. When we go to school, visit the doctor, or warm our homes during the winter, these actions are all made possible through robust energy production.  

So why is President Biden and his administration working overtime to reverse the current blessings made possible through modern technology? In January of this year, President Biden put a ban on the exportation of liquified natural gas (LNG) from the United States. In the Gulf of Mexico, President Biden deliberately sabotaged gas sales to aid extreme environmental efforts.

Beyond that, President Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline, forced electric vehicles on wary consumers, and is now attempting to outlaw the internal combustion engine through bureaucratic collusion with the state of California. On Federal Lands that we all benefit from, President Biden’s administration is working overtime to stop oil and gas production. 



Hardworking families across South Carolina have seen first-hand how destructive the President’s policies have been on the men and women in the oil and gas industry. The uncertainty around the future of LNG deliberately hampers investment and confidence that we can meet the energy needs of Americans and our allies alike.  

Additionally, this administration has danced to OPEC’s tune at every turn. It has imposed green restrictions on American consumers and businesses while simultaneously selling strategic oil reserves (some to our enemies) for temporary political advantage. 

We have had to watch as this administration turned to foreign counterparts to address an energy crisis all the while undermining American companies who were otherwise very willing to help their country.?And the check gets picked up by the customer at the pump, on the farm and in our stores, and it must stop.  



In Washington, Americans for Prosperity was thrilled to see the House of Representatives showcase the greatness of this country through meaningful solutions to provide relief to families, small businesses, and rural communities through legislation like H.R. 1121, to protect American innovation in fracking, H.R. 7023, to expand American competitiveness by reforming a broken permitting process, and H.R. 6009, to utilize the resource richness of our lands. 

And, in South Carolina, our elected officials took steps to passing H. 5118, the South Carolina Energy Security Act, which would ensure families across the state have access to safe, reliable, and affordable electricity. The House also took up a continued resolution, H. 5120, that calls on Congress to work in good faith to reform federal permitting and environmental review processes. 

Although the tone-deaf Biden Administration may continue to please the misguided environmental fringe of the Democratic Party, I am here to tell you – we will not stop fighting the degrowth movement and President Biden’s failed “Bidenomics” agenda. Better days can be won through American ingenuity and determination.  



Candace Carroll is state director of Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina, and a senior advisor to AFP Action.



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Frank April 5, 2024 at 5:15 pm

Like most Republicans these days, lies and half-truths designed to trick gullible voters.

First, a recent analysis from Washington Monthly using numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found the following:

Adjusted for inflation, per capita incomes increased 3.1 percent in 2021 but fell as inflation overwhelmed increases in people’s wages and salaries in 2022—and then, as inflation receded and employment soared in 2023, real incomes jumped 4.2 percent. Since January 1, 2024 wages have increased at an annual rate of 5%, well above inflation.

Unemployment under Biden is lower than at any point under Trump,
Average annual GDP under Trump 1.45%. Average Annual GDP under Biden 3.43%
Crude Oil and LNG production is higher under Biden than Under Trump.
Under Trump’s presidency, the USA lost 2,700,000 jobs—the highest number since the Great Depression.
Under Trump the USA saw the highest annual deficits in history.
Under Trump the USA lost 157,000 manufacturing jobs
Under Biden the USA has added 15 million jobs including 790,000 manufacturing jobs and job growth continues at a strong pace.
Under Biden record high stock market and record high 401k and IRAbBalances.

If you want to see a real failed agenda and a disastrous economy, you need to look no further than Donald Trump’s presidency. He fulfilled none of his promises and left the country with an economy on the verge of collapse. Give him another shot and he will finish the job of killing the economy and cutting Social Security and Medicare to give more tax cuts to the billionaires who are funding him, while destroying everything that America has ever stood for.

Organizations like Americans for Prosperity aim to transfer as much wealth as possible into the hands of the richest Americans and at the expense of the average American. They support the reverse Robin Hood theory known as trickle-down economics, which left American wages stagnated for decades and sent our manufacturing jobs to China So lets make this clear. They don’t care if Americans cannot support their families, so long as Corporations make more profits and the rich Republican donors get richer.

Katie Top fan April 8, 2024 at 8:01 am

Did you know that during Trump’s presidency, we were going through a pandemic in which many people lost their jobs, including manufacturing? Those jobs have or are coming back under Biden, so you can’t really give Biden credit for adding jobs. Plus, nobody can afford to stay home because of the highest inflation in 40 years under Biden.

I got a pay raise but it’s because I changed jobs. With a $13k pay increase, one would think that I can put extra money into savings or invest in a 401k, but after $100/month in gas, $500/month food bill, I can’t. I am no better under Biden so why do I want an old, senile man unable to get himself off a stage as the leader of this country. Biden’s energy policies are going to destroy the country…at least under Trump I can keep my gas powered SUV.

Grillers be Grillin' April 8, 2024 at 9:54 am

“…at least under Trump I can keep my gas powered SUV.”

Ecological collapse due to carbon emissions? Having to adopt a newer, better technology? For God’s sake, I just want to drive my gas guzzler!

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VERITAS Top fan April 5, 2024 at 6:52 pm

Insert the name of any state in America and the story is the same. Puppet O’Biden’s handlers are destroying America. This administration spends like it has $1,000 burning a hole in their tax-payer funded pocket at a thrift store, while in actuality it has $10 in a designer handbag shop.

JustCallMeAva Top fan April 7, 2024 at 6:10 pm

Dude, my 401K tanked during Trump’s presidency. I’m now ahead of my future retirement goals instead of far behind. Not to mention he’s a little too fond of playing footsie with Putin and any other despot dictator he can find to chummy up to.

Nanker Phelge April 5, 2024 at 10:20 pm

Wages are currently outpacing inflation. The US is also the largest oil producer in the world.

Wait until Trump imposes his tariffs, Candy…after he gives the top 1% another 2 trillion dollar tax cut. Let me know how that works out for you.

Katie Top fan April 8, 2024 at 8:02 am

Statistically, maybe. But my wallet says otherwise.

Bea April 7, 2024 at 4:39 pm

The middle class votes for the guy who helped the money in our pockets grow to the point that helped us buy enough groceries and gas to get us through the “pandemic”. After years of “Bidenomics”, we dread the days of getting to the store only to see prices have increased – again. When we have followed our grocery lists , we ,then, have to decide which are not absolutely essential so they have to go back on the shelves. and don’t even START to think that we can fill up our vehicles like we could under President Trump!
Also, ask Mr Biden how he plans to support all the illegals crossing our borders with impunity- best not think about raising our taxes- we are tired of him using taxpayer monies to support people who are here ILLEGALLY, when WE are struggling with exorbitant food , gas, insurance, and healthcare costs.

Now, Biden supporters, how do you explain THESE problems, with your stories of this “great economy “?

JustCallMeAva Top fan April 7, 2024 at 6:11 pm

I wasn’t aware that Joe Biden was personally responsible for retail hikes–the truth is that Corporate America has price-gouged Americans using “Covid” as a pretext, long after that reason no longer applied. Why? They’re as dishonest and as money hungry as the former resident of 1600 PA Ave.

What are You Pumping? April 8, 2024 at 9:40 am

I paid more for gas under Bush. The value of the dollar has decreased dramatically since then and the price of gas is lower.

Then again asking Republicans to understand economics enough to know what causes gas prices to fluctuate is like asking a goldfish to pass calculus.

Jackie April 8, 2024 at 10:47 pm

Guest column? This is a freakin’ bought-and-paid-for infomercial


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