SC PoliticsHeadlines

South Carolina ‘Republican’ Infighting Gets Literal

A member of the Lexington County, South Carolina “Republican” executive committee is facing criminal charges after allegedly slapping an elected official at a Christmas party earlier this week. The incident – documented in a Lexington, S.C. police report (.pdf) – involved Lexington County committee member Angus Godwin and West Columbia,…

A member of the Lexington County, South Carolina “Republican” executive committee is facing criminal charges after allegedly slapping an elected official at a Christmas party earlier this week.

The incident – documented in a Lexington, S.C. police report (.pdf) – involved Lexington County committee member Angus Godwin and West Columbia, S.C. city councilman Mike Green.

According to sources familiar with the situation, Godwin – whose wife Pamela Godwin leads a Midlands-area “Women for Trump” organization – slapped Green on the face.

These sources said Godwin initially slapped Green forcefully on the back at the beginning of the party – which was held on Monday evening at O’Hara’s Public House in Lexington, S.C.

Following a prayer, Green approached Godwin and made a remark about his role on a recent political campaign. At that point, “bam … he slaps me on the left side of my face,” Green said.

After slapping Green, Godwin allegedly challenged the councilman to step outside and fight him.

Green’s version of events was recanted almost verbatim in the police report.

According to that document, the councilman told responding officers “the slap was hard” however they observed “no injuries” to Green’s face – nor did he complain of any injuries.

Nonetheless, Godwin was charged with assault and battery in the third degree – a misdemeanor violation of S.C. Code of Laws § 16-3-600 (E)(1). If convicted, Godwin could face a fine of up to $500 and up to thirty days in jail.

As with anyone accused of committing any crime, Godwin is considered innocent until proven guilty by our criminal justice system – or until such time as he may wish to enter some form of allocution in connection with a possible plea agreement with prosecutors related to any of the charges that have been filed against him.



Obviously this is not the first time the ongoing “Republican” schism in South Carolina has produced threats of violence. Nor is it the first time those on the front lines of the schism have been involved in violence.

“To slap someone at a Christmas party is unacceptable,” Green told me “To put hands on someone is just as bad. In twenty years I’ve been involved in politics I have never had anyone physically harm me.”

As I noted last month, a “furious fight is underway within the conservative wing” of the S.C. Republican Party (SCGOP) – with “warring ideologues eager to claim the true mantle of ‘conservatism.’” These ideologues are also battling to control the “Make America Great Again” mantra popularized by former U.S. president Donald Trump – who has been surprisingly pro-establishment in his “Republican” interventions in the Palmetto State.



(Via: Lexington, S.C.)



(Via: FITSNews)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children. And yes, he has LOTS of hats (including that New York Knights’ lid from ‘The Natural’ pictured above).



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