Our frustration with U.S. president Donald Trump began early last year … and has only intensified since.
The reason? Dollars and cents.
As a candidate in 2016, Trump vowed to bring fiscal conservatism back to Washington, D.C. – slashing excess government, reining in deficits and giving middle class taxpayers long-overdue relief.
He has failed on every count … which is why we are done with him.
Trump has also failed (so far) to deliver on his signature 2016 campaign promise of building a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico – and making Mexico pay for it.
Much of the drama in Washington, D.C. lately has been focused on Trump’s recent declaration of a national emergency for the purpose of subsidizing the initial downpayment on this $25-30 billion project.
As for making Mexico pay for the wall? That idea is apparently on the back burner …
While Trump’s negotiating tactics on this issue have been terrible (and indicative of a lack of commitment to real immigration reform), we do support his decision to declare an emergency.
Why? Because there is one …
[su_dominion_video_scb]As reporter Colleen Long of The Associated Press reported earlier this month, more than 76,000 illegal aliens crossed the border during the month of February – more than twice as many as crossed in February 2018.
Long noted these aliens were crossing in “ever-increasingly large groups,” and choosing “extremely rural locations” where there are fewer border patrol resources.
“(The system) is well beyond capacity, and remains at the breaking point,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) commissioner Kevin McAleenan told reporters earlier this month at a press conference.
Sure sounds like an emergency to us …
Nonetheless, late last month the Democratic-controlled U.S. House voted 245 to 182 to approve H.J. Res. 46 – a bill which “terminates the national emergency related to the U.S.-Mexico border” declared by Trump. Thirteen Republicans joined 232 Democrats in supporting the measure.
This week, the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate voted 59 to 41 to advance this measure – setting up the first presidential veto since Trump took office on January 20, 2017. Twelve Republicans joined 47 Democrats in supporting the measure.
(Click to view)

(Via: Getty Images)
Do we support Trump’s veto (which will easily be sustained seeing as an override would require two-thirds majorities of both chambers)?
Yes …
“Securing the border is a core function of government and we believe a wall would be helpful in performing that function,” we wrote last month.
In addition to building a wall we believe pathways to “status” – not citizenship – for illegal aliens should be rigorously and consistently enforced, and that the constitutional bastardization otherwise known as “birthright citizenship” must be done away with immediately. Otherwise, America will be a nation of perpetually open borders … and perpetually open borders are simple unsustainable.
We are not trying to come off as cold or unfeeling in adopting these positions, but as we have said on numerous prior occasions America’s lifeboat is full. And the federal government is cataclysmically in the red.
So yeah … we support a veto of this bipartisan resolution.
Having said that, if Trump thinks for one second that this fight – into which he had to be dragged kicking and screaming by his conservative base – is going to make us forget his abject failure as a fiscal conservative, he is sorely mistaken.
Furthermore, we would encourage fiscal conservatives who support immigration reform not to be taken in by this latest D.C. charade …
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