Alan Wilson Ramps Up Efforts To Quash State House Probe

ATTORNEY GENERAL’S MOVES REEK OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE … Heavy is the head that wears the white hat … especially in ethically-challenged South Carolina. S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson is stepping up his efforts to shut down a joint federal-state probe into corruption at the S.C. State House – the latest…


Heavy is the head that wears the white hat … especially in ethically-challenged South Carolina.

S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson is stepping up his efforts to shut down a joint federal-state probe into corruption at the S.C. State House – the latest (and greatest) sign that the former “anti-corruption” crusader has sold out completely to the dark side of South Carolina politics.

According to reporter John Monk of The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper, Wilson is “blocking a state grand jury investigation into alleged public corruption in the S.C. General Assembly.”

You read that right … blocking a state grand jury investigation.

That’s the sort of headline a politician doesn’t recover from …

Specifically, Monk reports that Wilson has refused to empower Jim Parks – clerk of the S.C. statewide grand jury – to administer oaths to prosecutors working under S.C. first circuit solicitor David Pascoe.  As a result, Pascoe and his prosecutors are unable to move forward with their investigation even though they – and the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – have “determined it necessary to utilize the state grand jury’s investigative authority” to pursue their probe.

Pascoe has filed a request with the S.C. Supreme Court in the hopes of forcing Wilson’s hand.  No word yet on whether such a hearing will be scheduled.

Hopefully it will be scheduled soon – and Pascoe will be given the investigative authority he needs.

In the meantime, Wilson’s tactics reek of obstruction of justice – and provide us with the best evidence yet that his office is actively seeking to suppress the indictment of elected officials in his political orbit (a.k.a. the political stable of neo-Confederate consultant Richard Quinn)

Sadly, Wilson’s tactics are nothing new to readers of this website.

Last December, Wilson quietly released an advisory opinion (obtained exclusively by this website) in which he advised Pascoe that several angles of potential prosecution against sitting members of the S.C. General Assembly were unlikely to yield indictments.

Wilson’s office claimed it was simply responding to a request from Pascoe, but there’s no mistaking what happened here: After claiming he was “conflicted” last summer as it related to specific anti-corruption prosecutions, Wilson then attempted to influence these prosecutions by arguing that his political allies were doing nothing wrong.

That is transparently hypocritical …

Mainstream media quickly picked up the story of Wilson’s meddling … which has become a major headache in his bid to become governor of South Carolina in 2018.

Now it appears Wilson had taken his hypocrisy one step further and decided to actively block these investigations.

Exclusively unearthed by this website in September of 2014,”the probe” has already brought down powerful former S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell – who pleaded guilty to six ethics-related counts, resigned his office and got three years of probation. Now, however, it appears as though the prosecution of Harrell – which Wilson doggedly pursued – was less about accountability and more about moving Harrell out of the way.

“Once viewed as a crusader against public corruption, it’s now readily apparent Wilson has engaged in selective prosecution in an effort to benefit his political allies – many of whom are far more corrupt than the handful of politicians he’s prosecuted,” we wrote earlier this year.

That’s a shame …

But if Wilson is indeed blocking a criminal probe of sitting state lawmakers, it could be more than just unfortunate … it could be illegal.


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Torch March 28, 2016 at 12:00 pm

Oops, just read a more up to date story on the “The State”,

Rocky Verdad March 28, 2016 at 12:03 pm

“I’m due to be Governor. My Daddy said I could be Governor. I’m going to be Governor. My Daddy’s important. And I ain’t knocked nobody up like Erkstrom’s kid. Daddy promised.”

Flip March 28, 2016 at 12:19 pm

“And I ain’t knocked nobody up like Erkstrom’s kid.”

That might hurt him. Needs to be less “House of Cards” and more “Days of our Lives” to win in this state.

Buzz Martin March 28, 2016 at 1:29 pm

Ain’t that the damned truth!

Bible Thumper March 28, 2016 at 1:31 pm

And at the Federal level, they seem to be learning the wrong lessons from SC.

Bible Thumper March 28, 2016 at 12:57 pm

S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – have “determined it necessary to utilize the state grand jury’s investigative authority.”

To be more accurate Haley appointed Chief of SLED, Mark Keel, determined it necessary to utilize the state grand jury’s investigative authority according to your linked artcle in “The State”.

Their is a persistent habit by Fitsnews, only to mention Haley appointments when it is critical of them and not when they do something Fits supports.

Flip March 28, 2016 at 1:09 pm

It isn’t limited to Haley or her appointments.

Bible Thumper March 28, 2016 at 1:27 pm

Still waiting for the article on SC February employment.
Highest job gains in one month, ever. Over 12,000.
Highest employment ever.
0.3% one month rise in the Labor participation rate and the Employment-Population Ratio.

Flip March 28, 2016 at 2:12 pm

If you hold your breath too long someone’s going to have to call an ambulance. LMAO!!!

Rocky Verdad March 28, 2016 at 2:22 pm

Check out latest on housing numbers. Released this AM pending home sales way up, but you won’t hear about that either.

Bible Thumper March 28, 2016 at 2:43 pm

Here is where I go first for economic news.

Income and outlays was tepid/positive.
Dallas manufacturing was negative, but a lot better than last month.
Housing was great.
Trade was good, both imports and exports are up.

jimlewisowb March 28, 2016 at 1:10 pm

Fuckin’ Cockroach

Caption for photo above:

I can suck five Cockroach Dicks at the same time, how many can you suck ?

Lone Ranger March 28, 2016 at 2:22 pm

Alan rebutted on Monday…well at least my pappy Joe was in
the know and wasn’t found to be lying

You know—he didn’t stab SC conservatives by sticking his
head up RINOs Boehner and Paul Ryan

And at least he said Hell no we won’t rip down the flag of patriots
by NOT letting YOU get to vote

And he didn’t give the most incompetent presiDENT in history
fast-track and try to make you a goat

Yep…he and mammy refused that taxpayer-PAID vacation to
Hawaii—their most modest move to date

And of course we KNOW you’ll be slow and reelect Joe and me
the next chance you get…NO…WAIT !!!

Andy March 28, 2016 at 3:29 pm

I’m shocked that anyone is shocked by his actions! Birthed by Roxanne, raised by Joe, close multiple persons of questionable morals and unethical activity! The absolute worse of everything!

soxinsc March 28, 2016 at 4:19 pm Reply
The Ghost of Dick Nixon March 28, 2016 at 4:31 pm

Why it’s the Monday Afternoon Massacre!

I'll be damned March 28, 2016 at 4:24 pm

The Asshole AG has fired the special prosecutor!!! What the hell is goin on? I think Sic is right on!

Buzz Martin March 28, 2016 at 11:44 pm

Now the SOB has fired the Special Prosecutor.


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