Another State House Spitball Fight
GOP LAWMAKERS BATTLE OVER STAFFER’S “FREELANCING” || By FITSNEWS || We’re noYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || We’re no
I would gladly pay you Tuesday for five hamburgers today.
You gonna finish those hamburgers?
You don’t want them, they have lesser cuts of meat in them.
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I will buy!
Wait until they see the CNN Poll TODAY.
Carson 51%- Clinton 45%
Bush 49%-Clinton 47%
Trump 49%-Clinton 47%
“We’re not republicans….”???
The Slick-White People Posse vs The Bad-ass Bannister-Peeler Gang.
I’d call for popcorn and beer, but … nah. Not that much into spitball fights.
Coffee and trail mix for me … and I’ll continue binge-watching Doctor Who episodes, in preparation for the premier of the new season.
Harvey is a bottom feeding, vindictive, back stabbing worm. Girls at the Capitol have referred to him as “Wormy Feeler”. He has little respect and is a mirror image of his brother, the immoral, Sponge Bob No Pants Peeler.
This is why we need term limits and maybe even family term limits.
I always love it when Republicans try to define what is really a Republicn .
Here’s as good a definition as any,
Any damn fool who says they are!
Gary Clary isn’t liked because he doesn’t kow-tow to anyone at the State House? An independent thinker… that son of a bitch must be stopped!!!!