Letter: MSM Pushing Gas Tax

RE: GAS PRICES … WILL THEY DIP FURTHER? Dear Editor: You might find this WIS news report interesting: They are having a meeting on Thursday in the Legislature to discuss road funding.  It’s sad how you are the only one to expose how the S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) won’t fix…


Dear Editor: You might find this WIS news report interesting:

They are having a meeting on Thursday in the Legislature to discuss road funding.  It’s sad how you are the only one to expose how the S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) won’t fix the roads and bridges that are crumbling – like the bridge in Lancaster that’s about to collapse (that you just showed pictures of).

The status quo mainstream media like WIS won’t touch a story like that critical of government, but they will happily push the gas tax increase propaganda like they do in this story.

The WIS report is just more of the same from the usual suspects: Otis Rawl of the Chamber of Commerce.  Maybe I’m missing something here.  If everyone agrees that the state has too many roads in the system and needs to give roads back to the counties, then why do they need to raise the gas tax?  If they give a lot of them back to the counties, then the they can raise their own taxes like they want.

Keep up the good work!




Anon: Thanks for the link … and the kind words.  Agree with you 100 percent regarding WIS: The station is a mouthpiece for the status quo, nothing more.  As for the infrastructure issue, FITS point has always been the money is there it just needs to be prioritized.  For example, it makes absolutely no sense spending billions of dollars on unnecessary new projects while letting regular maintenance and critical needs – like that bridge in Lancaster – go unaddressed.


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Mr. Friendly October 15, 2014 at 12:32 pm

Until the SCDOT can provide an accurate accounting for where each dollar that it receives is spent, it would be pure fucktardery to give them any more money.

Native Ink October 15, 2014 at 2:12 pm


SC Political Digest October 15, 2014 at 12:39 pm

FITS, by pushing Democrats, you are pushing more TAX in every segment, including gas.

FastEddy23 October 15, 2014 at 10:23 pm

I might agree, except there a large number of democrats who have to fill their tanks, buy Happy Meals, and actually have middle class jobs … This is a national phenomena

tomstickler October 15, 2014 at 1:32 pm

We have a Republican down here in the Low Country who argues that raising the gas tax is a waste of time because we’ll all be driving Teslas in the future, and it wouldn’t matter if the gas tax was $100/gallon.

Native Ink October 15, 2014 at 2:12 pm

When electric cars take off, they’ll find a way to tax them. The early adopters are living in a honeymoon period. Good for them.

BTW, I spent a couple of days in Oak Ridge, TN, this summer. They are really embracing the electric car. There were charging stations in parking lots throughout the city. I chatted with a woman who was hooking up her electric car before she went inside the Children’s Museum. The electricity she was using was free. Pretty sweet deal while it lasts.

Go free market! October 15, 2014 at 2:35 pm

Electric cars are ideal for short commutes, which is like what people do 80% of the time.

Oh What Fools October 15, 2014 at 3:43 pm

I dare these representatives to go against the wishes of the voters in South Carolina. Come on you lame brains … vote for a gas tax and fuck yourselves so bad, you will never recover.

Bible Thumper October 15, 2014 at 4:09 pm

That Texas nurse used duct tape for her protective clothing. Why can’t we use duct tape to repair the Lancaster bridge?


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