The Media Wants Thomas Ravenel’s Campaign To Be Fake

UNFORTUNATELY FOR THEM, IT ISN’T …  Earlier this week report Schuyler Kropf of The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier  published a story about the U.S. Senate candidate Thomas Ravenel. The gist of Kropf’s story?  That Ravenel’s candidacy is all about boosting television ratings for Southern Charm – the Bravo TV…


Earlier this week report Schuyler Kropf of The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier  published a story about the U.S. Senate candidate Thomas Ravenel.

The gist of Kropf’s story?  That Ravenel’s candidacy is all about boosting television ratings for Southern Charm – the Bravo TV reality show featuring the 52-year-old Lowcountry businessman.  In other words he’s amplifying the central message of the campaign of incumbent “Republican” Lindsey Graham, who is hoping to portray Ravenel’s candidacy as a sideshow.

Kropf’s assertion appeared to be validated this week when Ravenel’s campaign manager – Scott Wheeler – allegedly told U.S. News and World Report  that he was approached by Bravo and asked to run Ravenel’s race.

“They called me,” Wheeler allegedly told the network. “They were fishing around in Washington for somebody. They were looking for somebody who had political experience and also I’ve done some entertainment stuff, script-writing, things like that so they called me and said, ‘Would you be interested?'”

Wheeler told FITS he “didn’t say any of that,” adding that the alleged misquotation by U.S. News’ reporter David Cantanese “reminds everyone who side the press is on.”

That’s a good point … the establishment media is clearly doing everything it can to trivialize Ravenel and protect Graham.

For example, Kropf devoted an entire story to anonymous allegations that Ravenel was violating FEC law by accepting payments for appearing in his reality TV show (he isn’t – the allegation is totally false).  Meanwhile left unaddressed by Kropf?  The deadly serious, on-the-record allegations made by the FEC against Graham’s campaign.

Why would Kropf write about one totally bogus anonymous allegation against Ravenel but not address the other, more serious allegation against Graham?

Good question …

Obviously the Post and Courier  has proven it is more than willing to go in the tank for establishment politicians – but that makes them no different from most of the Fourth Estate in South Carolina, which is all about propping up failed establishments and covering for the corrupt politicians who do their bidding.

Seriously … maintaining the status quo is in the MSM’s best financial interests, even though it is clearly not in the best interests of the citizens of South Carolina.

As for this website, we will continue to unapologetically support candidates we believe to be genuine in their commitment to freedom and free markets – candidates like Ravenel.

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Tunes'n'News August 29, 2014 at 3:20 pm

“the establishment media is clearly doing everything it can to trivialize Ravenel.”

Ravenel started it, they’re just following his lead.
Please. Stop.

Mike at the Beach August 29, 2014 at 4:33 pm

Excellent! Here’s your TR update for the week- the US Department of State has raised the fee for renouncing one’s citizenship from $450 to $2,350:

I believe that if TR ever decides to make good on his promise to “renounce my American citizenship and live where I can be free,” he’ll still be able to afford the new, higher fee. If not, I bet a collection ( a “” drive, perhaps?) announced on this discussion board would quickly net him the bucks.

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 29, 2014 at 9:35 pm

Think we could CROWDSOURCE enough money to renounce Miss Lindsey’s citizenship?

euwe max August 29, 2014 at 10:14 pm

just drag a brown sack through S.C. with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in it, and then into the sea.

He’ll drown.

Mike at the Beach August 29, 2014 at 11:09 pm

Sorry, friend…he’ll be too busy with the US Senator thing. TR will have plenty of time on his hands.

CNSYD August 29, 2014 at 3:20 pm

Next the mainstream media will be accusing T Rav of being a convicted felon. They won’t stop at anything.

Smirks August 29, 2014 at 4:54 pm

Or claim he’s been charged with DUI tons of times.

euwe max August 29, 2014 at 10:12 pm

Or stop over at his place for a snort, and some press releases.

Grahams Dire Straits August 29, 2014 at 5:41 pm

Graham is in a do or die situation.

Mike at the Beach August 29, 2014 at 11:13 pm

Uh, no he’s not. In the fantasy lives of about 5% of the voting populace, perhaps, but not out here where the rest of us live. He’s ahead, has more money, and is facing candidates whose “best shots” have all been fired. This is especially true for TR, who is one of those candidates who gets less appealing with additional exposure. LG should actually consider paying to televise TR’s stump speeches. I’ve seen two, and they’re the best thing going for the Graham campaign right now.

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 29, 2014 at 9:36 pm

They won’t stop at anything.

The bastards!!!

Slartibartfast August 30, 2014 at 12:51 pm

They killed Kenny!

Really??? August 29, 2014 at 3:23 pm

And and Fits is the only one who thinks it’s real. T Rav is paying you, I hope? If not you are making a major fool of this site.

nitrat August 30, 2014 at 9:28 am

He pays for all those ads we see…or, wouldn’t he have to report them as campaign donations?

SC Political Digest August 29, 2014 at 3:24 pm

How dare they accuse Felonious Punk of being a FAKE. A Drugged-up coke head, may be…but a FAKE. Now that’s over the top.

Smirks August 29, 2014 at 4:58 pm

In the media’s defense, T-Rav does come across as a Looney Tunes character.

euwe max August 29, 2014 at 10:11 pm

yeah… one of the ones I forget.

Mike at the Beach August 29, 2014 at 3:24 pm

Even if the US News & World Report folks botched up that quote (which is entirely debatable), that doesn’t change the fact that the TR campaign is, in fact, a farce. He is, at best, a nuisance candidate jousting at windmills à la Ron Paul / Ralph Nader, or at worst (and much more likely) a narcissistic buffoon running a campaign to massage his very healthy sense of self-importance. This may be the general media opinion, but all that means is that (for once) they got something right!

Philip Branton August 29, 2014 at 3:32 pm

LOL……..what a whirlpool.

Reminds me of this episode with Russell Brand…

If Ravenel really WANTS to win…its his. There is only a few things he really needs to do.

As for the Post and Courier……….they treat Folks like Fox does Brand….!

SO…were does that really leave the VOTERS of this great state?

Squishy123 August 29, 2014 at 3:40 pm

Actually, does anyone really care if it’s real or fake… the guy doesn’t stand a chance of even making an impact on the race.

HAHAHAHAAHAHA August 29, 2014 at 5:42 pm

I like your ignorance ;-)

euwe max August 29, 2014 at 10:10 pm

it’s almost cute… like a sociopath wanna be, isn’t it?

Cicero August 29, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Yes, Folks is a truth-teller ONLY, like when he lied to either 1) all of us about Nikki Haley, or 2) just his now-wife about Nikki Haley. Also, “it’s in the MSM’s finacial interests” to “prop up” the “Establishment”? That’s really fucking rich, considering T-Rav IS ACTUALLY PAYING YOU. Consistency is hard!

The Colonel August 29, 2014 at 4:33 pm

“…For example, Kropf devoted an entire story to anonymous allegations that Ravenel was violating FEC law by accepting payments for appearing in his reality TV show (he isn’t – the allegation is totally false)…. Course he did actually get busted for violating FEC regulations:

I wonder why the MSM would think the candidacy of a convicted drug dealer, drunk driver, FEC rules violator, philandering baby daddy and “TV Reality Star” was fake? Maybe because the man himself is a fake? Kato Institute CDs? Low Country businessman – other than dealing coke, acting like an ass on TV and running his mouth in front of small, bemused crowds of potential voters, what business is he in these days?

In 2004 he had something like 60 retail developments under his belt and a net worth of about $34,000,000. By 2009 he was selling his “manse” to raise money for to pay for his multiple legal woes. Right now, he has a net worth of around $2,000,000 and Ravenel has turned the “Midas touch” at RDC into a bust.

Will, the bromance is staring to make you look a little silly dude.

Smirks August 29, 2014 at 4:52 pm

His chances of winning are about as real as his reality TV show is. ;)


euwe max August 29, 2014 at 10:10 pm

…and that’s the truttttthhhhh!

SCBlues August 29, 2014 at 5:04 pm

T-Rav is cute – for a Republican (I know, I know – he is really an independent – oh well!) – and even The Colonel agreed with me that he is cute – right, Colonel?

Liberal Post and Courier August 29, 2014 at 5:39 pm

I have noted how the Post and Courier (P&C) has protected Graham at all cost. The P&C has deleted any Facebook comments by dozens of other on its sight in response to articles it has run on Graham, that question Graham’s trustworthiness, that ask tough questions about him, basically anything that the P&C feels is not positive about Graham in any respect. I stopped reading that worthless rag of a paper’s website. And I have given serious thought to going on the attack, blasting businesses that advertise on there site
I saw how the Post and Courier was in the matter of now former Family Court Judge Francis P Segars-Andrews ( a liberal ), who was thrown off the bench by the Judicial Merits Screening Committee – and kicked in the face during the process. The P&C defended that lawless rogue judge tooth and nail, removed all comments that exposed her. It got so bad, that the P&C shut down all comments on any story it ran in Segars-Andrews’ defense. However, it did no good, of course. The public still rose up against her, and justice was carried out. You remember it, Sic. People were lined up wanting her head. Her lawyer friends that surround her – trying to protect her – threatening to sue whoever spoke out against her – they could do no good in their efforts. It took the Post and Courier quite some time to recover from their own absurd and laughable conduct. Everybody saw it. Everybody talked about it. And it did harm to the P&C. But they did it to themselves.
Now, here we are once again, the far left liberal P&C is acting totally cuckoo; attempting to protect and promote Graham. A Senator who has done nothing much at all to help the citizens of the State of South Carolina. And we know – those of us who have keen minds – see that Graham is worthless, and a war monger for his special interest. All of the above aside, and in a nutshell, Graham does not care about the citizens of SC. And the writing substantiating my allegation, is all over the wall.
Screw the Post and Courier. Their judgment day will come.

Carry On Kooks August 29, 2014 at 7:31 pm

Calling the Post and Courier “Far Left liberal” shows nothing more than what a damn nutty Kook you are.

Good God,every day their Editorial page blasts Obama and is filled with Right Wing columnists like Krauthammer, Rich Lowry,Paul Greenberg and others.

So they are supportive of Conservative REPUBLICAN Lindsay Graham who ,even the CPAC sponsoring American Conservative Union ,labels a mainstream Conservative with a generally Conservative voting record,they are somehow “liberal?”

Dumb ,silly and ridiculous,but most of all


Carry On Is Cuckoo August 29, 2014 at 11:25 pm

They do that because Charleston is mostly conservatives. Don’t you know what a psychopath is? Of course you do, inasmuch, YOU are One.

Carry On Kooks August 30, 2014 at 9:44 am

Oh I get it !

They’re really a bunch of “libruls” and they run all that “consevative” stuff cause their readers like it!

But YOU REALLY know what they is!

Good God.

Does Right Wing irrationality ever end?

What the Hell am I thinking?

OF course not!

nitrat August 30, 2014 at 8:57 am

It just shows that FITSNEWS is a Libertarian, RINO ‘rag’ that is part of the attempt to take over the Republican Party by calling the real Republicans RINOs. And. Libertarians aren’t conservative or liberal, they’re sociopaths.
What’s pathetic is how the real Republicans put up with it. They are so scared of what a minority they actually are, they think they have to kow tow to every little right wing and/or purely crazy fringe in the country to cobble together a political party.

Soft Sigh from Hell August 30, 2014 at 10:02 am

“And. Libertarians aren’t conservative or liberal, they’re sociopaths.”

Ahhh . . . to the nitty gritty!

Nuances are nearer the truth, usually, but sometimes arguments benefit from clearly defined sides.

“RESOLVED: Libertarians are conscious and willing minions of Satan Incarnate his very self.”

Liberal Post and Courier August 29, 2014 at 5:42 pm

How many times has Graham been CENSURED NOW??

CNSYD August 29, 2014 at 5:57 pm

and that matters, how?

Bible Thumper August 29, 2014 at 7:16 pm

Anyone can issue a CENSURE. Why don’t they issue a FATWA against Graham?

Mike at the Beach August 29, 2014 at 11:16 pm

True- guess what a “censure” by the local executive committee of political party means according to federal election law, SC election law, and even political party by-laws? Absolutely nothing.

Liberal Post and Courier August 29, 2014 at 5:56 pm

I thought I remembered this story you wrote, Sic >>> Post And Courier Subpoena Scandal.

Bible Thumper August 29, 2014 at 7:55 pm

We need to be clear about the current meaning of words. Everyone understands that “Reality” shows are “Fake”. This means if his campaign is “Fake” then it could be a “Reality” show. This born out because Bravo is filming his campaign.

Roseanne August 29, 2014 at 8:16 pm

If his campaign is real he should spend fewer Sunday afternoons doing shots with his baby mama at Taco Boys.

SCMAN September 3, 2014 at 1:35 pm

Or pay his bar bill at My Father’s Moustache!

HD August 29, 2014 at 9:56 pm

How many times per week does Folks use the word “unapologetically?” Has someone asked him to apologize? For what? He’s an idiot. No apology necessary – it happens.

Bible Thumper August 29, 2014 at 9:59 pm

“Kropf devoted an entire story to anonymous allegations that Ravenel was violating FEC law by accepting payments for appearing in his reality TV show (he isn’t – the allegation is totally false).”

How about the more serious allegation. T-RAV is accepting payments from Bravo to run for senate.

euwe max August 29, 2014 at 10:09 pm

I thought that’s what it *took* to get elected in your great state!

Manray August 29, 2014 at 10:48 pm

You mean it’s not fake?

The Joke Is Clearly Graham August 29, 2014 at 11:19 pm

Graham needs to take the butt plug out of his ass and put it in his own mouth.

UncleAlbert August 30, 2014 at 10:36 am

Dude, if you were better looking, you’d be the campaign manager instead of Scott Wheeler from LA. It would still be a fake campaign, but at least you know something about state politics and could make it look more real.

what about September 2, 2014 at 10:30 am

Why haven’t they forced a retraction?


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