CSOL-InfiLaw Deal Collapsing

South Carolina’s Commission on Higher Education (CHE) – which it turns out is nothing but a puppet for the S.C. General Assembly – is poised to reject the recently announced sale of the struggling Charleston School of Law (CSOL) to “diploma mill” provider InfiLaw. Wait … how can government block the…

South Carolina’s Commission on Higher Education (CHE) – which it turns out is nothing but a puppet for the S.C. General Assembly – is poised to reject the recently announced sale of the struggling Charleston School of Law (CSOL) to “diploma mill” provider InfiLaw.

Wait … how can government block the sale of one private entity to  another? No matter how bad the deal may be?

That’s a good question …

Nonetheless, the CHE is reportedly prepared to reject InfiLaw’s request for a license to own and operate the institution – part of an effort by state lawmakers to put the school on the taxpayer dole.

We emphatically reject such heavy-handed tactics … and this proposed unnecessary expansion of government.

No website has been more critical and condescending toward InfiLaw than this website – and we fervently believe that the deal struck between the company and CSOL’s founders is not in the best interests of the school (which has had its share of difficulties).

Be that as it may, though … it is not the responsibility of state taxpayers to “absorb” this school.

The Palmetto State already has an obscenely large higher education system – one whose mission continues to creep far beyond the provision of education to South Carolina citizens (or more accurately, non-South Carolinians).

This bloated, inefficient system needs to be shedding schools … not adding them.

We understand CSOL students, faculty, staff and alumni are overwhelmingly opposed to this deal – as they should be. But that’s something they need to take up with the founders of the school. Last time we checked, it was their asset to do with as they please.

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Law Clerkin' & waiting tables October 25, 2013 at 9:08 am

Shoulda got a HVAC degree instead.

Dan October 25, 2013 at 10:38 am

Bar exam results are supposed to come out this afternoon. If CSOL can stay accredited, the value goes up. Let’s see what ole Jean has up the sleeve of that black witch’s robe she wears. Hmmmm.

The Colonel October 25, 2013 at 10:39 am

Geez Will answer your own questions much? “…Wait … how can government block the sale of one private entity to another? …That’s a good question …the CHE is reportedly prepared to reject InfiLaw’s request for a license to own and operate the institution…”

How do they block the sale – simple, they don’t, they just tell the potential purchaser that they won’t be granted a license and “wa la” sale blocked.

This happens all the time, potential restaurant owners are not granted alcohol licenses making their business model untenable. Potential manufacturing start ups are turned down because the area they want to locate isn’t zoned for that particular business type. sometimes it’s legitimate, sometimes it’s cronyism and sometimes it’s just plain Bovine Excreta.

Adding CSOL to the state university system would be a dramatically stupid idea.

A Nonnie Muss October 25, 2013 at 12:19 pm

*voila Not “wa la”

The Colonel October 25, 2013 at 2:22 pm

Couldn”t figure out how to u$e the $arca$m font with voila hence the “wa la”.

thatsprivate October 25, 2013 at 12:17 pm

am i missing a source of this imminent rejection? Is my reading comprehension that bad? Is Fitz now not even bothering to pretend to attribute to anonymous sources and just going straight to printing rumors

Jackie Chiles October 25, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Good. I like ya fits, but this deal needs to be stopped.

Tom October 25, 2013 at 2:26 pm


Jackie Chiles October 25, 2013 at 5:05 pm

To ask that question is to answer it.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 26, 2013 at 6:53 am

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

jimlewisowb October 25, 2013 at 2:07 pm

General Beauregard Stonewall Rufus J.E.B. Sucking Dick McConnell is probably in a pretty good mood today

After his coronation as Caesar of the College of Charleston the acquisition of the Law School will be his first conquest. The Medical University will be a little more difficult but with their alleged activities of stealing and selling body parts it will drop faster that Nikki’s undies when Dabo calls

Then the General will turn his attention to the Citadel. Once the Citadel is his then all employees and students can dress up like toy soldiers as they await the eventual secession of Charleston from the State of South Carolina and the formation of the 51st State, Wesuck2

JJEvans October 27, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Let the school cease to exist. We have enough scumbag lawyers as it is.

Jason December 26, 2013 at 6:44 pm

Interesting that the Charlotte School of Law has a 10% higher bar passage rate in South Carolina than the Charleston School of Law while costing about $1500 per year more. In fact Charlotte is on par with USC while Charleston lags way behind. The two points of law school are to 1.) pass the bar and 2.) get a job. Hard to get a job if you don’t pass the bar. Perhaps being purchased by InfiLaw would actually HELP Charleston gain respectability.


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