More “Law School For Sale” Nonsense

Sometimes you break a story … send ripples across the state with it … create havoc … and then get bored with it. Well “bored” is where we are with the impending sale of the Charleston School of Law (CSOL) to “diploma mill” manager InfiLaw. In fact we’ve become so bored…

Sometimes you break a story … send ripples across the state with it … create havoc … and then get bored with it.

Well “bored” is where we are with the impending sale of the Charleston School of Law (CSOL) to “diploma mill” manager InfiLaw. In fact we’ve become so bored with this story –  which broke exclusively on FITS back in July – that we’re not even going to copy and paste our boilerplate recap of its recent progression of events.

Seriously … it’s not even worth the time to “Control C, Control V.”

(Here’s our latest post on the drama, if you want to read up …)

Anyway, reporter Diane Knich of The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier – who has been following us like a lost puppy for months on this story – remains very interested in the story, though. In fact she devoted several hundred words this week on a decision by the S.C. Commission on Higher Education (CHE) to give “a green light to discuss a possible sale of the private law school to the public College of Charleston.”

Why is this important?

Because it confirms something else we exclusively reported – that power-hungry S.C. lawmakers led by Reps. Stephen Goldfinch (RINO-Murrells Inlet) and Phillip Owens (RINO-Pickens) are trying to block the InfiLaw deal so that CSOL can be absorbed by state government.

“The Commission on Higher Ed will do exactly what the political process tells it it should do,” Goldfinch told CSOL alumni this week. “In other words if the chairman of education (Owens) tells it ‘you’re gonna get your stuff in order on this particular school,’ or if the legislature or the governor tells the Commission on Higher Ed ‘you’re gonna get your stuff in order with this particular school,’ you’re gonna allow a change in charter – it can be done tomorrow. It can be done tomorrow.”

Well apparently the CHE was told what to do … which begs the question “why on earth do we have a CHE in the first place?”

Why are we spending $121 million a year on this commission if its sole purpose for existing is to serve as the S.C. General Assembly’s bitch?

Exactly …

Oh, and for those of you who don’t know the Goldfinches, they are shady characters. In fact we’re in the midst of a major investigation into the lawmaker and his wife right now – one related to a Conway, S.C. birthing clinic and another company called CureSource.

Yeah, legislator … give that a moment to sink in.

Anyway, we continue to oppose the absorption of CSOL by taxpayers. As we’ve noted ad nauseam, South Carolina has far too many government-run colleges and universities for a state of its size (which is why taxpayers and parents spend so much money for so little in return). In fact we propose privatizing the whole system – which would save taxpayers several billion dollars a year.

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CL October 4, 2013 at 1:37 pm

I’d be curious what USC insiders have to say on this. My understanding was that the price of it not fighting CSOL’s accreditation was a promise that the CoC scenario would never take place.

southmauldin October 4, 2013 at 5:20 pm

That is correct. Now public $$$ is going to bail out a private failure. I’m sure the toll road up here in South Mauldin is next on the bailout list.

CNSYD October 4, 2013 at 1:39 pm

Ding! Ding! Finally money for my “exclusively” jar!

Mr. Nice Guy October 4, 2013 at 3:00 pm

“Oh, and for those of you who don’t know the Goldfinches, they are shady characters.”

That’s all well and good, but I’d hump Mrs. Goldfinches until her ears flew off if given the chance, even if she is a dirty little pig.

Jackie Chiles October 4, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Yeah, because all the states with growing economies are doing away with publicly funded colleges.

hack October 6, 2013 at 12:11 pm

moral hazard anyone?

Dan on Devine October 7, 2013 at 11:22 am

As I recall, was the first to report that Jean Toal all but wrote the checks for this CSOL when she hoodwinked the other four justices and “reported” to them there was a snafu with the grading and upped the percentage pass rate on that bar exam thing several years ago. She and her bitch, Dan, just told the other justices there as a change in the pass rate at a routine meeting as if it were no big deal. Toal had no idea there would be the fall out that it was. The irony of all of this coming up again? It was Costa Pleicones who stood by her, stood in for her when she didn’t show to swear in that year’s new attorneys, and who tried to explain to the press that it was all on the up and up. Now. Toal had stabbed Pleicones in the back, is trying to get him by-passed for his turn to be chief justice, so she can control it until she can turn it over to her new bitch, Kaye H. Jean, those of us who drink on Devine Street are not as stupid as you think we are.


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