Wire: Racism, Clemson, Trains, Etc.

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We get lots of tips, comments and questions here at FITS about stuff we write … and stuff people want us to write.

Wanna share a link? Suggestion? Criticism? Question? Submit it (anonymously or otherwise) via our tip wire … and remember, in addition to confidentially investigating your leads we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials (even anonymous ones) if you’ve got more to say on a subject. Also feel free to reach out to our founding editor directly at

To the wire!




RE: “U.S. Voting Rights Act Scuttled

I was not surprised that you applauded the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court. Your site has always been racist but you are “cute” with it so some cut you a break – like a child saying “I was joking” after he says something terrible. You used this ruling as a pretext to attack black leaders including Gilda Cobb-Hunter and Jim Clyburn. Shameful. These are people who have made real contributions to this state – unlike you.


sic speaking

With all due respect, last time I checked Clyburn and Cobb-Hunter were attacking my tax dollars … but thanks for playing the ‘race card’ (a.k.a. the calling card of a lost argument).




RE: “Clemson’s Skyrocketing Tuition Hikes

I think you should add to your analysis the hundreds of millions of dollars that Clemson and other schools are getting (vicariously through their students) in lottery funds since 1998.  I know where you are on the lottery in general, but we really were promised a Georgia-like hope scholarship (free) tuition when the governmentt went into the lottery business. Now, however, schools has raised fees so dramatically, as you pointed out, that now we have the lottery – which my kid will get $5,000 in help from  – and tuition is still more than it was (even adjusted for inflation) than pre-lottery.


sic speaking

That’s an excellent point. You’re exactly right … this is yet another example of government promises turning out to be completely full of crap, with hard-working South Carolinians getting stuck with the check.



high speed rail

RE: “High Speed Rail Scam

Excellent piece on the high-speed rail boondoggle. Glad to have someone exposing this for the fraud on taxpayers it really is. How can we afford this when we can’t fix our bridges and fill our potholes? We can’t.

Here’s a piece from your friends at Cato on the issue that I thought you might enjoy and hopefully find a place for on your website.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!


sic speaking

Thank you. Cato always has good stuff …



RE: “Sources: Solicitor Sexually Harassed Females

Was informed your article went viral again in the Columbia, SC area yesterday. Great journalism …


sic speaking

Thanks …




I just found this article about the US F-35 program. It sounds a lot like what happened when the Charleston Law students couldn’t pass the bar.


sic speaking

Ha! Or when South Carolina government-run schools couldn’t show academic progress …




“Every friend of freedom must be as revolted as I am by the prospect of turning the United States into an armed camp, by the vision of jails filled with casual drug users and of an army of enforcers empowered to invade the liberty of citizens on slight evidence.”

Milton Friedman
Nobel Prize winning economist



worth reading

Loftis Wins Another Battle With SC Retirement System” (Pensions and Investments)

Free Times 50: Who Runs Columbia, SC?” (The Free Times)

Man Rips Off Penis During Drug-Fueled Craze” (CBS Detroit)

Final Q1 GDP Is A Huge Miss” (Zero Hedge)




To former WACH TV 57 (FOX – Columbia, S.C.) anchor Katie Williams on getting hitched and getting a new gig. The new Mrs. Andrew Montgomery is also the new communications manager at the S.C. Restaurant and Lodging Association.



“I hate my generation … now that I said it I feel liberated …”


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jimlewisowb June 26, 2013 at 10:33 am

nice puppies

jimlewisowb June 26, 2013 at 10:33 am

nice puppies

Squishy123 June 26, 2013 at 10:51 am

Gilda Cobb-Hunter and Jim Clyburn are making contributions to the state? Was this sent to you by one of the brainwashed Orangeburg residents? Did the military do any kind of psychological experiments in that area in the past? I swear everyone I know from that area is borderline retarded.

GreenvilleLwyr June 26, 2013 at 11:42 am

The polite term is “mentally challenged.”

Squishy123 June 26, 2013 at 12:49 pm

No, in Orangeburg County… the term fits… “retarded”.

Squishy123 June 26, 2013 at 10:51 am

Gilda Cobb-Hunter and Jim Clyburn are making contributions to the state? Was this sent to you by one of the brainwashed Orangeburg residents? Did the military do any kind of psychological experiments in that area in the past? I swear everyone I know from that area is borderline retarded.

GreenvilleLwyr June 26, 2013 at 11:42 am

The polite term is “mentally challenged.”

Squishy123 June 26, 2013 at 12:49 pm

No, in Orangeburg County… the term fits… “retarded”.

LD June 26, 2013 at 11:04 am

No one likes paying taxes. However, they are a necesary evil. With that said, most people that complain about how their tax dollars are spent, usually receive more benefit from “their tax dollars” than they actually pay, don’t have a clue as to the function of government (thus believing that all government is bad) and believe that the 1% (the wealthy) is their friend (not realizing they are being used).
Government can’t run like a business for several reasons, 1) businesses can choose their customers and clients– government cannot; 2) governments are run by people who can’t or couldn’t succeed in the private sector and 3) governments have to elect their officials, which are subject to gerrymandering, corruption, incompetence, way to much ass kissing.
Once politics became a profession instead of a public service, it all went to hell. Take away the money and it could get better.

LD June 26, 2013 at 11:04 am

No one likes paying taxes. However, they are a necesary evil. With that said, most people that complain about how their tax dollars are spent, usually receive more benefit from “their tax dollars” than they actually pay, don’t have a clue as to the function of government (thus believing that all government is bad) and believe that the 1% (the wealthy) is their friend (not realizing they are being used).
Government can’t run like a business for several reasons, 1) businesses can choose their customers and clients– government cannot; 2) governments are run by people who can’t or couldn’t succeed in the private sector and 3) governments have to elect their officials, which are subject to gerrymandering, corruption, incompetence, way to much ass kissing.
Once politics became a profession instead of a public service, it all went to hell. Take away the money and it could get better.

Roberto June 26, 2013 at 12:30 pm

I actually had an exchange with Mr. Clyborn several years ago. He wanted the Census to be fudged. I pointed out that the constitution calls for an actual enumeration. I had to explain to him that mean count. He still did not get it.

Not racist, he is just a dumb ass.

Roberto June 26, 2013 at 12:30 pm

I actually had an exchange with Mr. Clyborn several years ago. He wanted the Census to be fudged. I pointed out that the constitution calls for an actual enumeration. I had to explain to him that mean count. He still did not get it.

Not racist, he is just a dumb ass.

undouble June 26, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Clyburn, Ford, and the rest of that coterie have only 1!! question for SC residents———“what’s in it for me???” ————-oh, and let’s not forget the corollary—- “can I get away with it”

undouble June 26, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Clyburn, Ford, and the rest of that coterie have only 1!! question for SC residents———“what’s in it for me???” ————-oh, and let’s not forget the corollary—- “can I get away with it”

Elvis June 26, 2013 at 4:00 pm

katie williams – nice rack picture. thank you very much

Elvis June 26, 2013 at 4:00 pm

katie williams – nice rack picture. thank you very much


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