
Another Pro-Lindsey Graham PAC Is Forming

He doesn’t need any more money, but U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) will benefit from yet another status quo political action committee as he prepares for his 2014 reelection bid. According to our sources, the new “Super PAC” is being organized on behalf of the tax-hiking fiscal liberal by South…

He doesn’t need any more money, but U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) will benefit from yet another status quo political action committee as he prepares for his 2014 reelection bid.

According to our sources, the new “Super PAC” is being organized on behalf of the tax-hiking fiscal liberal by South Carolina political consultants Walter Whetsell and Katon Dawson (the former SCGOP chairman who is famous for his membership in a “whites only” country club).

Obviously Graham doesn’t need any more cash. He’s the biggest special interest whore in Washington, D.C., and on top of that he’s got all sorts of far-left special interests running independent expenditure ads on his behalf – ads which, ironically, tell South Carolina voters how “conservative” he is.

Anyway …

Graham’s problem? A large wad of cash has a point of diminishing returns. As the massive Democratic cash drop against former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford in the South Carolina first congressional district race revealed, there’s a point of saturation where television ads bleed into one another …

Also if Graham’s opponent winds up being Lowcountry businesswoman Nancy Mace … it’s unlikely Graham (or big spenders acting on his behalf) would be able to target her with a negative smear campaign.

Don’t get us wrong … Graham’s mountain of money is formidable, but if the right kind of challenger is able to draw even half of the resources Graham draws, “game on.”

Not only that, Graham’s many weaknesses – including that whole “lying about being a combat veteran” thing – will have to be addressed via defensive spending.


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GrandTango May 28, 2013 at 11:25 am

If Mace, a Secular, Liberal-Tarian is his top opposition, I’d rather have Graham.
That said: I’d love to see CONSERVATIVE Jim DeMint, jump in and get elected again. Or is there another one like him (Trey Gowdy?)….
Give us Conservative candidates, who do what they say, and we’ll reward them w/ WINS..but you MUST reisist the temptation to try to serve the media and the moderates, like Mace and FITS… They think Liberal is “cool” because Jon Stewart and Colbert tell them so…

southmauldin May 28, 2013 at 11:41 am

SQUAAWWWKKKK! I like caps lock! SQUAAAWWWKKK! Liberal-Tarian! SQUAAWWKKK!KK! Liberal!
It’s so refreshing to get back to work after a three day holiday.

GrandTango May 28, 2013 at 11:55 am

If it were not for Hatred and Cliche, you’d have nothing…How does it feel to be stupid and Vapid???..w/ no ability to think?
You even piggy-back on everything I say, when the leftists don’t give you your talking points…
I guess you So Much want SOMETHING to say, that you’ll even try to regurgitate what I create….I bet FITS wishes he could control you like I do…

I'm Mandy, Fly Me May 28, 2013 at 12:44 pm

T, please don’t travel to other countries. Have you watched “An Idiot Abroad?”

Smirks May 28, 2013 at 11:46 am

Of course there’s a lot of cash backing Graham, he’s one of the best whores in the whorehouse that is the US Senate.

GrandTango May 28, 2013 at 11:51 am

The ONLY thing that can take out a well-financed incumbent in SC is a TRUE Conservative…That’s worth millions…but you have to have one who is TRUE, not just a lip-service jockey. I hope we get one vs Graham.

GreenvilleLwyr May 28, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Someone like Rick Perry?

GrandTango May 28, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Rick Perry has won in a VERY successful, Large State…The state that gave us our last Pro-Prosperity, Pro-American president…

In other Words: He’d beat the F^&* out of your gods, Alvin Greene, Liz Colbert, Vince Sheheen and Dick Harpootlian…

LMAO : You have to be one Stupid Son of a B*$ch (see liberal) in S.C. bashing a Republican…They kick your Ignornat @$$#$ all over the place. All you have is FITS and The State newspeper…other than that you people line up to kiss my @$$ day after day….

Rino Daddio May 28, 2013 at 2:38 pm

…and the easy part is all you have to do is say “I’m a Republican!”

GreenvilleLwyr May 28, 2013 at 3:45 pm

For what it’s worth, I have one God.

And He told me He thinks you are one miserable piece of shit…

GrandTango May 28, 2013 at 4:32 pm

Thank you: You Ivory Tower, Elistist Yuppie. For you to hate me is High Praise.

You are the enemy and you are the problem. You steal from the just to feather your filthy nest. You sell your soul for a few vodka tonics and a cheap thrill at a strip club hidden from your wife and kids. For money, the naked and dancing drug addicts tell you you’re a real man, as you rest a Buffalo wing on your gut and swill some more delusion…

How hideously pampered. You are the liberal, Liberal-Tarian and the FITS moderate rolled into one…You are resposnible for mutilated babies and a populous suffering at the hands of Obama, who is one as ugly and as selfish as you…

Torch May 28, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Yep, they’d get all the Teaparty Social Security money.

Bask N' Robyns® May 28, 2013 at 3:35 pm

I thought you loved Graham? Lol! Only when he’s ready to go kill some Muslims?

GrandTango May 28, 2013 at 11:51 am

The ONLY thing that can take out a well-financed incumbent in SC is a TRUE Conservative…That’s worth millions…but you have to have one who is TRUE, not just a lip-service jockey. I hope we get one vs Graham.

Smirks May 28, 2013 at 11:46 am

Of course there’s a lot of cash backing Graham, he’s one of the best whores in the whorehouse that is the US Senate.

jimlewisowb May 28, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Graham 67%
Mace 33%

EJB May 28, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Graham has pissed off a lot of people that were steadfast in his camp. He would win against Mace for sure but I think it would be 57%to Mace’s 43%.

jimlewisowb May 28, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Graham 67%
Mace 33%

EJB May 28, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Graham has pissed off a lot of people that were steadfast in his camp. He would win against Mace for sure but I think it would be 57%to Mace’s 43%.

Cicero May 28, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Yes, I cannot begin to imagine how Graham could go after Mace. Oh, yes I can. 1) SCers haven’t forgiven the forcible gender neutralization of the Citadel; 2) she has no experience in anything else; 3) her longtime partnership with one FITSNews. Just dangle a little FITS foulness and Haleygate rumor-mongering out there, and all those nice Christian GOP primary voters will run home to Graham. Mace’s 30 pieces of silver from FITS will stillborn any campaign.

Guesty May 28, 2013 at 6:35 pm

Agreed. An “non-associated” Super PAC will have a field day with shoe fetish stuff alone. To say nothing of Sic’s lurid details of his alleged tryst with Haley. Can’t wait for a reporter to ask Mace all about it. Popcorn: at the ready.

Cicero May 28, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Yes, I cannot begin to imagine how Graham could go after Mace. Oh, yes I can. 1) SCers haven’t forgiven the forcible gender neutralization of the Citadel; 2) she has no experience in anything else; 3) her longtime partnership with one FITSNews. Just dangle a little FITS foulness and Haleygate rumor-mongering out there, and all those nice Christian GOP primary voters will run home to Graham. Mace’s 30 pieces of silver from FITS will stillborn any campaign.

Guesty May 28, 2013 at 6:35 pm

Agreed. An “non-associated” Super PAC will have a field day with shoe fetish stuff alone. To say nothing of Sic’s lurid details of his alleged tryst with Haley. Can’t wait for a reporter to ask Mace all about it. Popcorn: at the ready.

Hocus Poke Us May 28, 2013 at 1:10 pm

Maybe they’ll name it W.A.R: Whore Army Resource.

Hocus Poke Us May 28, 2013 at 1:10 pm

Maybe they’ll name it W.A.R: Whore Army Resource.

This just in . . . May 28, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Syrian Rebels Urge McCain to Get Over Losing to Obama

SYRIA (The Borowitz Report) — During a meeting yesterday with Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), Syrian rebels told the senator that he still seemed “really bitter” about losing the 2008 election to President Obama and advised him to “get over it.”

After meeting with the Arizona senator in the border region near Turkey, a spokesman for the Syrian rebels told reporters that while they appreciated Sen. McCain’s support, “We were kind of uncomfortable with the place it was coming from.”

“It was pretty obvious to me and the other rebels that everything McCain was doing was just to get back at Obama,” the rebel spokesman said. “And we were like, look, that election was five years ago. It’s time to move on.”

Sen. McCain denied that his support of the Syrian rebels had anything todo with a personal vendetta against President Obama, but according to the rebel, “Every time he said ‘Obama,’ a vein in his head kind of bulged out.”

“The man is a simmering cauldron of rage,” the Syrian rebel said. “He needs to turn his anger toward Obama into something more positive. You can’t carry all of that hate around with you forever — it’s not healthy.”

For his part, Sen. McCain said that he was “finished” with the Syrian rebels and would now focus on starting a war with North Korea.

This just in . . . May 28, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Syrian Rebels Urge McCain to Get Over Losing to Obama

SYRIA (The Borowitz Report) — During a meeting yesterday with Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), Syrian rebels told the senator that he still seemed “really bitter” about losing the 2008 election to President Obama and advised him to “get over it.”

After meeting with the Arizona senator in the border region near Turkey, a spokesman for the Syrian rebels told reporters that while they appreciated Sen. McCain’s support, “We were kind of uncomfortable with the place it was coming from.”

“It was pretty obvious to me and the other rebels that everything McCain was doing was just to get back at Obama,” the rebel spokesman said. “And we were like, look, that election was five years ago. It’s time to move on.”

Sen. McCain denied that his support of the Syrian rebels had anything todo with a personal vendetta against President Obama, but according to the rebel, “Every time he said ‘Obama,’ a vein in his head kind of bulged out.”

“The man is a simmering cauldron of rage,” the Syrian rebel said. “He needs to turn his anger toward Obama into something more positive. You can’t carry all of that hate around with you forever — it’s not healthy.”

For his part, Sen. McCain said that he was “finished” with the Syrian rebels and would now focus on starting a war with North Korea.

Prep H. Skool May 28, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Looks from this pic that someone put “Mace” in the man’s KY…

In The Know May 29, 2013 at 10:43 am

A source close to this said they’re going with FudgePAC.

Prep H. Skool May 28, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Looks from this pic that someone put “Mace” in the man’s KY…

In The Know May 29, 2013 at 10:43 am

A source close to this said they’re going with FudgePAC.

dadjim May 28, 2013 at 11:05 pm

As Jockey’s for Graham. AJFG

dadjim May 28, 2013 at 11:05 pm

As Jockey’s for Graham. AJFG

Bill Bledsoe May 29, 2013 at 10:09 am

All the PAC money in the world is not going to get Graham re-elected. Everyone in SC hates Graham.

Republicans hate Graham because he’s a known RINO wanting to raise taxes by $6 Trillion dollars for his Grahamnesty.

Democrats hate Graham because he’s now a known DINO attacking President Obama at every turn.

Libertarians hate Graham because Graham supported executing 6 US Citizens with drones over supporting Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster on drones.

Civil Rights activists hate Graham for his love of torture, GITMO Bay, execution by drones, NDAA indefinite detention, “terrorists don’t get no attorney,” and his removing of all civil rights from the citizens of Iran, Afghanistan and Libya.

The military hates Graham because Graham sacrificed 60,000 US Soldiers, who were either killed or wounded, to create Nazi Like Dictators in Iran, Afghanistan and Libya by adding Sharia Law to their constitutions.

Graham doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of being re-elected in SC so this is just another PAC wasting their money on a lost cause. Don’t donate to them.

Bill Bledsoe May 29, 2013 at 10:09 am

All the PAC money in the world is not going to get Graham re-elected. Everyone in SC hates Graham.

Republicans hate Graham because he’s a known RINO wanting to raise taxes by $6 Trillion dollars for his Grahamnesty.

Democrats hate Graham because he’s now a known DINO attacking President Obama at every turn.

Libertarians hate Graham because Graham supported executing 6 US Citizens with drones over supporting Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster on drones.

Civil Rights activists hate Graham for his love of torture, GITMO Bay, execution by drones, NDAA indefinite detention, “terrorists don’t get no attorney,” and his removing of all civil rights from the citizens of Iran, Afghanistan and Libya.

The military hates Graham because Graham sacrificed 60,000 US Soldiers, who were either killed or wounded, to create Nazi Like Dictators in Iran, Afghanistan and Libya by adding Sharia Law to their constitutions.

Graham doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of being re-elected in SC so this is just another PAC wasting their money on a lost cause. Don’t donate to them.

Mike Morgan May 30, 2013 at 10:28 pm

Richard Cash -The clear conservative alternative for Lindsey Graham in 2014. http://www.richardcashforsenate.com/

Mike Morgan May 30, 2013 at 10:28 pm

Richard Cash -The clear conservative alternative for Lindsey Graham in 2014. http://www.richardcashforsenate.com/


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