Lindsey Graham: Special Interest Whore

We’ve frequently referred to U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham as a “neo-conservative whore” due to his incessant shilling on behalf of our nation’s military-industrial complex (and his incessant warmongering). Looks like he’s a common political whore, too … Graham – who habitually votes in government’s interest and against the interests of…

We’ve frequently referred to U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham as a “neo-conservative whore” due to his incessant shilling on behalf of our nation’s military-industrial complex (and his incessant warmongering).

Looks like he’s a common political whore, too …

Graham – who habitually votes in government’s interest and against the interests of taxpayers – is one of the most bought-and-paid for political prostitutes in Washington, D.C. according to a devastating new report from the Center for Public Integrity.

In fact with one exception – scandal-scarred New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Menendez – no member of Congress is more beholden to special interests than Graham.

“South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham raised more money from lobbyists ahead of the 2012 election than any other member of Congress save one — an impressive feat considering he wasn’t on the ballot,” the report reveals. “Roughly 10 percent of Graham’s $2.2 million haul, about $223,000, came from lobbyists acting as ‘bundlers,’ a higher percentage than any other member.”

Not only that, the report reveals the extent to which Graham does the bidding of these big money bundlers – favoring policies supported by his financial backers.

Is anybody surprised by this news? Of course not …

Graham has been in Washington, D.C. for nearly two decades now – and he long ago sold his soul to the powerful financial interests perpetuating our nation’s failed status quo.

Also, it’s worth pointing out that Graham’s direct fundraising “bundling” doesn’t include the shady liberal money spent on his behalf in South Carolina in recent years in an effort to cover his increasingly left-leaning positions.

For example, consider the eco-radical front group that came to Graham’s defense four years ago when he was the only “Republican” in Washington, D.C. to support U.S. President Barack Obama and then-Senator John Kerry’s climate change bill.

This group funded television ads in the Palmetto State claiming Graham was “fighting to protect South Carolina,” of course these spots neglected to mention that the climate change legislation he was pushing was likely to raise South Carolinians’ power bills by as much as $4,000 a year.

After a little digging, FITS discovered that this “Republicans for Environmental Protection” groups wasn’t so “Republican” after all.

Which makes it not unlike “Miss Lindsey …”


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katlaurenscounty April 24, 2013 at 9:54 am

9″, it’s your favorite picture of Lady Graham again!!

9" April 24, 2013 at 10:22 am

me,that pic,and a box of kleenex.this is why i love fits;-)!

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Graham does seem to like (and feel more comfortable with) the elderly ladies

katlaurenscounty April 24, 2013 at 2:18 pm

Maybe that’s why he keeps getting reelected? Elderly don’t get out much ladies must be a huge portion of voters. Surely registered repub voters can’t all be so hynotized. Maybe now I’m the one who’s delusional…..Ah I love talking to the voices in my head!!

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 2:26 pm

It’s ok, Kat, as long as they keep saying that they love ya!

katlaurenscounty April 24, 2013 at 2:47 pm


CorruptionInColumbia April 24, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Caption in the story’s lead photo:

“I wish you could meet my grandson.” “You two would make a nice couple.”

CorruptionInColumbia April 24, 2013 at 3:29 pm

“He’s studying to be a lawyer and you’re just the man who could help him out with (of) his briefs.”

9" April 24, 2013 at 5:15 pm

they have cute grandsons…

katlaurenscounty April 24, 2013 at 9:54 am

9″, it’s your favorite picture of Lady Graham again!!

9" April 24, 2013 at 10:22 am

me,that pic,and a box of kleenex.this is why i love fits;-)!

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Graham does seem to like (and feel more comfortable with) the elderly ladies

katlaurenscounty April 24, 2013 at 2:18 pm

Maybe that’s why he keeps getting reelected? Elderly don’t get out much ladies must be a huge portion of voters. Surely registered repub voters can’t all be so hynotized. Maybe now I’m the one who’s delusional…..Ah I love talking to the voices in my head!!

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 2:26 pm

It’s ok, Kat, as long as the voices keep saying that they love ya!

katlaurenscounty April 24, 2013 at 2:47 pm


CorruptionInColumbia April 24, 2013 at 2:57 pm

Caption in the story’s lead photo:

“I wish you could meet my grandson.” “You two would make a nice couple.”

CorruptionInColumbia April 24, 2013 at 3:29 pm

“He’s studying to be a lawyer and you’re just the man who could help him out with (of) his briefs.”

9" April 24, 2013 at 5:15 pm

they have cute grandsons…

King of the Sea April 24, 2013 at 9:59 am

The report shows Graham is shilling for the Port of Charleston deepening, SCANA’s nuclear reactor in South Carolina, and the Keystone XL pipeline. Sounds to me like he’s following the wishes of the people of South Carolina and they are rewarding him for his work.

Keep up the good work Sen. Graham.

Tyrone Goldnuts April 24, 2013 at 9:59 am

Just because he doesn’t kiss your ass, Sic Willie, does not mean he is not a great Senator. You sound green with envy. This man is far more powerful and influential than you will ever be, and will end up at the end of his career with more toys than you. He could eat your lunch any day of the week.

CorruptionInColumbia April 24, 2013 at 2:54 pm

I bet Willie’s lunch ain’t all Lindsey would eat if he had the chance.

King of the Sea April 24, 2013 at 9:59 am

The report shows Graham is shilling for the Port of Charleston deepening, SCANA’s nuclear reactor in South Carolina, and the Keystone XL pipeline. Sounds to me like he’s following the wishes of the people of South Carolina and they are rewarding him for his work.

Keep up the good work Sen. Graham.

Tyrone Goldnuts April 24, 2013 at 9:59 am

Just because he doesn’t kiss your ass, Sic Willie, does not mean he is not a great Senator. You sound green with envy. This man is far more powerful and influential than you will ever be, and will end up at the end of his career with more toys than you. He could eat your lunch any day of the week.

CorruptionInColumbia April 24, 2013 at 2:54 pm

I bet Willie’s lunch ain’t all Lindsey would eat if he had the chance.

BigT April 24, 2013 at 10:01 am

Is that anything like: FITS: Liberal-Tarain prostitute…????

BigT April 24, 2013 at 10:01 am

Is that anything like: FITS: Liberal-Tarain prostitute…????

loisdeboid April 24, 2013 at 10:08 am

I’m with you on Lindsey’s whorishness, but your denial of climate change is short-sighted beyond belief and makes you look a little, well…let’s call it slow. And your insane claim of paying $4000/yr. more for your power in the future is, well… insane. In the real world, what’s raising our SCE&G bills is having to pay now for future nuclear plants being built in a state known for hurricanes and earthquakes. And why do all your articles link to other articles of yours as proof of everything you say? It’s like being stuck in FITS World without an escape hatch.

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 12:20 pm

“It’s like being stuck in FITS World without an escape hatch.”

It’s not so bad as long as he gives us some toys to play with …..

loisdeboid April 24, 2013 at 10:08 am

I’m with you on Lindsey’s whorishness, but your denial of climate change is short-sighted beyond belief and makes you look a little, well…let’s call it slow. And your insane claim of paying $4000/yr. more for your power in the future is, well… insane. In the real world, what’s raising our SCE&G bills is having to pay now for future nuclear plants being built in a state known for hurricanes and earthquakes. And why do all your articles link to other articles of yours as proof of everything you say? It’s like being stuck in FITS World without an escape hatch.

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 12:20 pm

“It’s like being stuck in FITS World without an escape hatch.”

It’s not so bad as long as he gives us some toys to play with …..

Manray9 April 24, 2013 at 10:29 am

In this day and age, all politicians are whores. That’s how they generate the money to remain in office for decades (in some cases, e.g. Max Baucus). Our problem has been the creation and perpetuation of a professional political class who see public office as a “job,” not as public service. Such place holders operate in a climate where success in the next election is paramount and a principled stand on the issues is secondary. They
are too heavily influenced by moneyed interests and afraid of zealous minorities who will work against them if they don’t vote the “correct” stance. The citizens have the power to stop this, but they keep re-electing the same malefactors. It does not matter if they have an R or a D behind their names, the system is rotten at the core.

Chicora April 24, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Er…’s called Corporate Fascism. Mussolini style until Hitler and his Arian brothers went wacko with it

Manray9 April 24, 2013 at 10:29 am

In this day and age, all politicians are whores. That’s how they generate the money to remain in office for decades (in some cases, e.g. Max Baucus). Our problem has been the creation and perpetuation of a professional political class who see public office as a “job,” not as public service. Such place holders operate in a climate where success in the next election is paramount and a principled stand on the issues is secondary. They
are too heavily influenced by moneyed interests and afraid of zealous minorities who will work against them if they don’t vote the “correct” stance. The citizens have the power to stop this, but they keep re-electing the same malefactors. It does not matter if they have an R or a D behind their names, the system is rotten at the core.

Chicora April 24, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Er…’s called Corporate Fascism. Mussolini style until Hitler and his Arian brothers went wacko with it

BigT April 24, 2013 at 10:47 am

Hey Idiot FITS: Nepalitano has been caught in a BIG BIG lie trying (like you) to protect the Child-Killer Jihadist.
Why are you Liberal-Tarians SILENT????

Brigid April 24, 2013 at 12:25 pm

No shit BigT. And nary a word on the immigration bill being pushed by Grover Norquist and the Gang of Eight, which will ensure democrack electoral victories for a generation to come. FITS has nothing to say about those 11 million (try 40 million) who will be urged to sign up for food stamps, Obamacare, and voter registration. Norquist actually had the nerve in the Judiciary hearing to call it a “jobs package.”

BigT April 24, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Ever hear of the GOP House? Thank God for that. That Immigration Bill is DEAD already…just like all this crap the Senate is conceding on…
And Republicans voting w/ Obama…will just help us get the Senate back to the Right later on…

BigT April 24, 2013 at 10:47 am

Hey Idiot FITS: Nepalitano has been caught in a BIG BIG lie trying (like you) to protect the Child-Killer Jihadist.
Why are you Liberal-Tarians SILENT????

Brigid April 24, 2013 at 12:25 pm

No shit BigT. And nary a word on the immigration bill being pushed by Grover Norquist and the Gang of Eight, which will ensure democrack electoral victories for a generation to come. FITS has nothing to say about those 11 million (try 40 million) who will be urged to sign up for food stamps, Obamacare, and voter registration. Norquist actually had the nerve in the Judiciary hearing to call it a “jobs package.”

BigT April 24, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Ever hear of the GOP House? Thank God for that. That Immigration Bill is DEAD already…just like all this crap the Senate is conceding on…
And Republicans voting w/ Obama…will just help us get the Senate back to the Right later on…

You know me April 24, 2013 at 11:11 am

I used to think that all people that entered politics became corrupt. Now I realize that only the corrupt enter politics.

? April 24, 2013 at 3:32 pm

You are absolutely right. Politics draws the worst of our society to it, like flies on shit.

I’d trust a street walking delusional bum to run things more honestly and competently than 95% of those holding office.

Seriously, sortition in Athenian style democracy would be soooo much better than this garbage we have now.

You know me April 24, 2013 at 11:11 am

I used to think that all people that entered politics became corrupt. Now I realize that only the corrupt enter politics.

? April 24, 2013 at 3:32 pm

You are absolutely right. Politics draws the worst of our society to it, like flies on shit.

I’d trust a street walking delusional bum to run things more honestly and competently than 95% of those holding office.

Seriously, sortition in Athenian style democracy would be soooo much better than this garbage we have now.

Collier April 24, 2013 at 12:02 pm

“warmongering…” as opposed to “womanizing…” like the other whores in congress

Collier April 24, 2013 at 12:02 pm

“warmongering…” as opposed to “womanizing…” like the other whores in congress

hahaha April 24, 2013 at 4:43 pm

Anyone who follows what he does and says will agree, that he is a messed up pecker jerk.

hahaha April 24, 2013 at 4:43 pm

Anyone who follows what he does and says will agree, that he is a messed up pecker jerk.

jimlewisowb April 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm

While working on my contract to design new party logos for the Democrats and Republicans I got a call from the Graham camp to come up with a logo for the Senator’s upcoming campaign. I have sent one over but haven’t heard from them, yet

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 10:18 pm

Perfect ! WE love it !

jimlewisowb April 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm

While working on my contract to design new party logos for the Democrats and Republicans I got a call from the Graham camp to come up with a logo for the Senator’s upcoming campaign. I have sent one over but haven’t heard from them, yet

shifty henry April 24, 2013 at 10:18 pm

Perfect ! WE love it !

SCPatriot April 28, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Since 90% of climatologists reject the Theory of Man-made Climate Change, are they “shortsighted” too?

It is a scam, a fad, to get hands on taxpayer money. Whore academics, and welfare corporations like Solyndra are milking the tax money.

SCPatriot April 28, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Since 90% of climatologists reject the Theory of Man-made Climate Change, are they “shortsighted” too?

It is a scam, a fad, to get hands on taxpayer money. Whore academics, and welfare corporations like Solyndra are milking the tax money.


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