U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham got kissed full on the mouth in this weekend’s editions of National Review – one of those hoity toity inside-the-Beltway publications that we read only when someone forwards an article to us.
Doing the smooching? Columnist Betsy Woodruff, a consummate Washington, D.C. insider whose Beltway-centered columns frequently fete other insiders and their incestuous, middling bipartisanshit.
“Grover Norquist’s Wednesday meetings are a minor Capitol Hill legend,” she wrote in one recent piece.
Really? We interviewed Norquist once … weren’t impressed. Even less impressed with his pointless pledge.
Anyway … according to Woodruff’s article, Graham is “very popular in his home state.” Really? According to the latest polling data from Winthrop University, Graham’s approval rating was 43.9 percent – with nearly as many people (39.8 percent) disapproving of the job he’s doing.
That’s hardly “very popular” in our book …
Woodruff also states that Graham’s approval ratings among South Carolina Republicans “typically stay in the 60s and 70s, and he’s one of the most popular statewide elected officials.” Again, not true … according to the Winthrop poll, Graham’s approval rating among Republicans is currently 57.5 percent.
After belittling those who oppose Graham as nothing more than “a group of boisterous detractors – largely from the northern part of the state,” Woodruff goes on to provide her view of Graham’s Republican challengers, each of whom she dismisses with and air of presumption that might be mistaken for sophistication were she a better writer.

The one candidate to whom she devotes the most ink? Our former associate Nancy Mace (left), whose prospective candidacy she describes as “interesting.”
“A South Carolina GOP insider says Senator Rand Paul came to South Carolina in February to attend one of Mallory Factor’s Charleston Meetings, which are modelled on Grover Norquist’s Wednesday meetings, and Mace attended the meeting as well,” Woodruff writes. “He says that she also went to a lunch roundtable with the senator, and that she’s been helping the Kentucky freshman test the waters for a 2016 bid. He adds that state senator Tom Davis and Representative Mick Mulvaney are among her clients.”
Wow … that’s some intense sleuthing there.
“Mace has two small children, and seems like an unlikely primary challenger,” Woodruff continues.
Wait … what?
Oh right, we forgot … this is a column based on information spoon fed by Lindsey Graham supporters (who are very good at delivering these sorts of hit pieces, if you’ll recall). Naturally such a piece views effeminate, 57-year-old single men with left-of-center voting records as much more suitable candidates than hard-working mothers of two.
The main knock on Mace in Woodruff’s piece, though? Her former association with this website.
“Mace formerly worked with FITSNews, a South Carolina political site with a less-than-stellar reputation that ran stories alleging that Governor Nikki Haley had several affairs,” Woodruff writes. “Mace’s former proximity to the website could make it difficult for her to make allies in the governor’s mansion.”
Wow … Graham’s people are going there already?
Interesting … although this line of attack does come as a much more serious discussion of those Nikki Haley affairs is just getting underway.
Here’s the takeaway from this piece: Of all the names that have been floated as possible challengers to Graham in 2014, “Nancy Mace” is the one that scares him the most. Which is probably as it should be …
Graham is threatened by Mace because he should be. She is a strong and intelligent woman who can give him a run for his money!! Who cares if Mace is a mom of young children… if anyone can do it it’s a mom! Graham has never been married… hmmm.
Graham is threatened by Mace because he should be. She is a strong and intelligent woman who can give him a run for his money!! Who cares if Mace is a mom of young children… if anyone can do it it’s a mom! Graham has never been married… hmmm.
Hilarious and insightful as always. I hope she primaries and beats Graham.
Hilarious and insightful as always. I hope she primaries and beats Graham.
Just hearing “Nancy Mace” from this day forward should put Graham on guard, and he should hear it daily. Even if she doesn’t run, Graham will probably develop a permanent facial tic. Thanks, Will, for this fabulous photo of Nancy, and nice cropping since we almost get a peek at her cleavage — almost.
She pales in comparison to Sweet Nancy.
How did you post this larger image on this site? I have posted images on other sites but they all seem to utilize different formulas for accomplishing this. Do I need to use a hosting service like Picassaweb?
Good question, but I am having the opposite problem. This past week my photos and cartoons posted began being shown the same size as the one above, but I wanted most of them to be the smaller version. This is because they could be distracting ( some folks may also be using devices other than a desktop pc ) to the commentators because of the traffic volume this week, and they could slow down their give and take. I am now using Windows 8 with Office Suite. Also some folks may be using devices other than a desktop pc. I think this large size is a result of a Disqus setting change.
…still doesn’t answer my question.
Sorry, but I don’t know. My post was just to say that Disqus is constantly being tweaked, and that may be the cause.
Crap in a knapsack! The pic didn’t appear there because you wished it in. There must have been some procedure that you went through to upload it…
Oh, I understand now. When you type your message, and before you “post”, look at the bottom left for the tiny icon. Hold your cursor on it until it shows “Upload Images” and then click it.
Select your photo by following the steps on your PC until you are asked either to “select” or “open”, then click it and the photo will appear in your post (a few seconds). Make sure that is the photo you want, because after posting it can’t be edited or deleted.
You cannot copy a photo and paste it into the comment block.
For an example, I have a file folder “CLIP ART”, with sub-folders such as “POLITICIANS”, “VOTERS” and “ELECTIONS”. When I want a photo/cartoon:
1) click the tiny icon in the corner
2) open DOCUMENTS folder
3) open FITSNEWS folder
4) open CLIP ART folder
5) open ELECTIONS folder
6) select or open(will be one or the other option) photo/cartoon and click
This sounds like a long process but after you get used to it you can set up a short cut. Just note that you are to “open” each FOLDER until you get to your target which you will either “select” or “open”.
Good luck! …….and have fun!
Thanks, Henry. I understand the procedure. What I don’t understand is how to control the size of the picture.
But I notice that if you click on the image it will appear as full-sized. I have to say that I really like Will’s new format. It is a vast improvement on the previous incarnation.
Glad you got it. Good photo! Perhaps Will could use it on his masthead, As I previously said, I don’t know about the photo size, but that’s ok. Forgot to mention about clicking the photo to enlarge. Some of the cartoons have the jokes written, and some folks may not be able to read them. I don’t know anything about devices other than PCs.
Just hearing “Nancy Mace” from this day forward should put Graham on guard, and he should hear it daily. Even if she doesn’t run, Graham will probably develop a permanent facial tic. Thanks, Will, for this fabulous photo of Nancy, and nice cropping since we almost get a peek at her cleavage — almost.
She pales in comparison to Sweet Nancy.
How did you post this larger image on this site? I have posted images on other sites but they all seem to utilize different formulas for accomplishing this. Do I need to use a hosting service like Picassaweb?
Good question, but I am having the opposite problem. This past week my photos and cartoons posted began being shown the same size as the one above, but I wanted most of them to be the smaller version. This is because they could be distracting ( some folks may also be using devices other than a desktop pc ) to the commentators because of the traffic volume this week, and they could slow down their give and take. I am now using Windows 8 with Office Suite. Also some folks may be using devices other than a desktop pc. I think this large size is a result of a Disqus setting change.
…still doesn’t answer my question.
Sorry, but I don’t know. My post was just to say that Disqus is constantly being tweaked, and that may be the cause.
Crap in a knapsack! The pic didn’t appear there because you wished it in. There must have been some procedure that you went through to upload it…
Oh, I understand now. When you type your message, and before you “post”, look at the bottom left for the tiny icon. Hold your cursor on it until it shows “Upload Images” and then click it.
Select your photo by following the steps on your PC until you are asked either to “select” or “open”, then click it and the photo will appear in your post (a few seconds). Make sure that is the photo you want, because after posting it can’t be edited or deleted.
You cannot copy a photo and paste it into the comment block.
For an example, I have a file folder “CLIP ART”, with sub-folders such as “POLITICIANS”, “VOTERS” and “ELECTIONS”. When I want a photo/cartoon:
1) click the tiny icon in the corner
2) open DOCUMENTS folder
3) open FITSNEWS folder
4) open CLIP ART folder
5) open ELECTIONS folder
6) select or open(will be one or the other option) photo/cartoon and click
This sounds like a long process but after you get used to it you can set up a short cut. Just note that you are to “open” each FOLDER until you get to your target which you will either “select” or “open”.
Good luck! …….and have fun!
Thanks, Henry. I understand the procedure. What I don’t understand is how to control the size of the picture.
But I notice that if you click on the image it will appear as full-sized. I have to say that I really like Will’s new format. It is a vast improvement on the previous incarnation.
Glad you got it. Good photo! Perhaps Will could use it on his masthead, As I previously said, I don’t know about the photo size, but that’s ok. Forgot to mention about clicking the photo to enlarge. Some of the cartoons have the jokes written, and some folks may not be able to read them. I don’t know anything about devices other than PCs.
Advise Mace to never let her kids go to a Sanford pool party. Jus sayin.
Advise Mace to never let her kids go to a Sanford pool party. Jus sayin.
How will the Lindsey explain it to his boyfriend?
I’m sure Glenn will get over it.
Maybe he’ll just tell him he didn’t like it?
such obvious flaming fags
How will the Lindsey explain it to his boyfriend?
I’m sure Glenn will get over it.
Maybe he’ll just tell him he didn’t like it?
such obvious flaming fags
Most women love eating a man’s ass out,and I’m sure Lindsey does,too.Don’t go all Nancy Mace ,just because she likes guys to shit in her mouth and on her face.This one’s a tie…
Graham needs replacing, he has become a liberal in GOP camo.
There hasn’t been a liberal politician in the USA since Nixon died…
Graham needs replacing, he has become a liberal in GOP camo.
There hasn’t been a liberal politician in the USA since Nixon died…
PPP: Sanford Takes The Lead !
DRAMA!! At the last minute the folks are coming home and rallying around the Republican Mark Sanford.
Some people here are going to look very silly indeed !
I’ve been saying for weeks that the country clubbers and the Lowcountry will never, ever vote for a leftist, pro-choice, Pelosi backed Democrat.
And it seems like I’m right and Mark Sanford will win this race and shock the worlds media on Tuesday who have descended on the district like the vultures they are looking for him to be defeated.
This is tremendous and wonderful news for South Carolina, the people of Charleston and the Lowcountry as it will guarantee Boeing’s crucial factory will NOT be going to Seattle and will churning our world class Dreamliners for years to come!
Folks! Don’t take anything for granted!
Sanford has momentum but every vote will be crucial to send this witch and her union allies packing !!
Good luck!
You’re a fucking dumbass if you think that they would build a plant of that size and then take flight and leave the investment before it has hit the financial targets, not to mention before making good on it’s obligation to SC on the incentives. Maybe 25 years from now, yes, just like Seattle, but not before.
Does Marky have his calendar marked for Thursday when he gets 30 days for trespassing? She is going to ream him a new one and she doesn’t want the cameras present so her sons will not have to see the carnage because she is going to unload a can on choirboy and word has it the judge is a family friend. Mark has miscalculated once again. And the big secret is coming out TODAY.
Boeing is in Charleston thanks to Mark Sanford and their expansion has been under threat thanks to the very same unions who are giving this stupid witch hundreds of thousands of dollars for this race.
The choice is stark: Do you want Sanford and his ability to bring good jobs like Boeing to the district or Colbert-Busch who once claimed her stimulus grant would create 20,000 jobs when it ended up creating 134 ?
There is simply no choice and that’s why on Tuesday the people of Charleston and the Lowcountry will be backing Mark Sanford rather than the Pelosi stooge who showed her true liberal colors yesterday when campaigning with Clyburn.
PPP’s final poll confirms this: He’s leading by a point and has significant momentum. This makes it extremely likely he wins the race as not many people are going to change their mind in the last few days.
The world’s media and 80% of FITS News posters are going to look incredibly stupid come election night.
You are probably right that Sanford will win. I predict, however, that he will continue to engage in even more egregious and insulting personal behavior and will, once again, make South Carolina the laughing stock of the nation. The man is an opportunist and, in all probability, a sociopath.
He’s learned his lesson if he’s a congressman he’ll have plenty to do in DC and will be working hard to bring more good jobs like Boeing (who are backing him) rather than fake stimulus green jobs his opponent is known for.
Some “bussinesswomen” LOL… what a fraud. The only shock is that she thought she could get away with this.
Empty liberal promises and lies or thousands of actual good jobs?
I think I know what Charleston will vote for tomorrow.
Are you as good at crusing for cock as you are trolling for libs?
PPP: Sanford Takes The Lead !
DRAMA!! At the last minute the folks are coming home and rallying around the Republican Mark Sanford.
Some people here are going to look very silly indeed !
I’ve been saying for weeks that the country clubbers and the Lowcountry will never, ever vote for a leftist, pro-choice, Pelosi backed Democrat.
And it seems like I’m right and Mark Sanford will win this race and shock the worlds media on Tuesday who have descended on the district like the vultures they are looking for him to be defeated.
This is tremendous and wonderful news for South Carolina, the people of Charleston and the Lowcountry as it will guarantee Boeing’s crucial factory will NOT be going to Seattle and will churning our world class Dreamliners for years to come!
Folks! Don’t take anything for granted!
Sanford has momentum but every vote will be crucial to send this witch and her union allies packing !!
Good luck!
You’re a fucking dumbass if you think that they would build a plant of that size and then take flight and leave the investment before it has hit the financial targets, not to mention before making good on it’s obligation to SC on the incentives. Maybe 25 years from now, yes, just like Seattle, but not before.
Does Marky have his calendar marked for Thursday when he gets 30 days for trespassing? She is going to ream him a new one and she doesn’t want the cameras present so her sons will not have to see the carnage because she is going to unload a can on choirboy and word has it the judge is a family friend. Mark has miscalculated once again. And the big secret is coming out TODAY.
Boeing is in Charleston thanks to Mark Sanford and their expansion has been under threat thanks to the very same unions who are giving this stupid witch hundreds of thousands of dollars for this race.
The choice is stark: Do you want Sanford and his ability to bring good jobs like Boeing to the district or Colbert-Busch who once claimed her stimulus grant would create 20,000 jobs when it ended up creating 134 ?
There is simply no choice and that’s why on Tuesday the people of Charleston and the Lowcountry will be backing Mark Sanford rather than the Pelosi stooge who showed her true liberal colors yesterday when campaigning with Clyburn.
PPP’s final poll of over 1200 district 1 voters confirms this: He’s leading by a point and has significant momentum. This makes it extremely likely he wins the race as not many people are going to change their mind in the last few days.
The world’s media and 80% of FITS News posters are going to look incredibly stupid come election night.
You are probably right that Sanford will win. I predict, however, that he will continue to engage in even more egregious and insulting personal behavior and will, once again, make South Carolina the laughing stock of the nation. The man is an opportunist and, in all probability, a sociopath.
He’s learned his lesson if he’s a congressman he’ll have plenty to do in DC and will be working hard to bring more good jobs like Boeing (who are backing him) rather than fake stimulus green jobs his opponent is known for.
Some “bussinesswomen” LOL… what a fraud. The only shock is that she thought she could get away with this.
Empty liberal promises and lies or thousands of actual good jobs?
I think I know what Charleston will vote for tomorrow.
Are you as good at crusing for cock as you are trolling for libs?
The National Review Hoity-toity? Certainly not since Bill Buckley died. I subscribed to it until they put Lush Rimbo’s antimated photo on it dressed as Napoleon. Hell Bill was still alive then.
As far as the information(?) the writer must have total disregard for the truth. Lindsey’s real advantage? In numbers?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Doesn’t he have $14 mil and counting? Anyone would be hard pressed to compete with those numbers.
The National Review Hoity-toity? Certainly not since Bill Buckley died. I subscribed to it until they put Lush Rimbo’s antimated photo on it dressed as Napoleon. Hell Bill was still alive then.
As far as the information(?) the writer must have total disregard for the truth. Lindsey’s real advantage? In numbers?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Doesn’t he have $14 mil and counting? Anyone would be hard pressed to compete with those numbers.
Woodruff has not done Miss Lindsey any favors by defending Nikki.
Woodruff has not done Miss Lindsey any favors by defending Nikki.
Welp, that didn’t take long. As I suggested, there is no way Mace can distance herself from her FITS past. Considering she has no real accomplishments to point to—and how many SC conservatives REALLY think women should be at the Citadel?—that means she has to sell herself. And who is she? A “partner” of the one of the vilest muckraking political blogs in America that traffics in sleaze and porn. Good luck with that.
If it’s so vile, why are you on here dolt?
So, which operation do you work for? Cash, Bright or Graham? There go the naysayers, putting down the accomplishments of a woman. You’re right, that sure didn’t take long. Nancy, keep your head down and put your flak vest on!
Welp, that didn’t take long. As I suggested, there is no way Mace can distance herself from her FITS past. Considering she has no real accomplishments to point to—and how many SC conservatives REALLY think women should be at the Citadel?—that means she has to sell herself. And who is she? A “partner” of the one of the vilest muckraking political blogs in America that traffics in sleaze and porn. Good luck with that.
If it’s so vile, why are you on here dolt?
So, which operation do you work for? Cash, Bright or Graham? There go the naysayers, putting down the accomplishments of a woman. You’re right, that sure didn’t take long. Nancy, keep your head down and put your flak vest on!
Had the fortune of hearing her speak and she was wonderful. Wish her all the best of luck if she decides to run against Grahamnesty. She’ll have her work cut out for her, but I think if anyone can pull it off, she certainly can.
Had the fortune of hearing her speak and she was wonderful. Wish her all the best of luck if she decides to run against Grahamnesty. She’ll have her work cut out for her, but I think if anyone can pull it off, she certainly can.
She has as much of a chance to be senator in the upcoming election as Rand Paul does being President.
She has as much of a chance to be senator in the upcoming election as Rand Paul does being President.
That’s one more time than Curtis Loftis was ever kissed by a women!
That’s one more time than Curtis Loftis was ever kissed by a women!
Graham is a douche bag. And I can produce tens of thousands here in SC who are not afraid to say that.
Graham is a douche bag. And I can produce tens of thousands here in SC who are not afraid to say that.