Haley Heath Czar: Hospitals Are Bloodsuckers

South Carolina’s sixty acute care hospitals posted an aggregate profit of $2.5 billion between 2008 and 2011, according to a document prepared by S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS). However sixteen of these facilities lost money over that time period – including one in Anderson,…

South Carolina’s sixty acute care hospitals posted an aggregate profit of $2.5 billion between 2008 and 2011, according to a document prepared by S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS).

However sixteen of these facilities lost money over that time period – including one in Anderson, S.C. which lost nearly $100 million.

The document – which has been cited on several occasions by Haley’s health czar Tony Keck – aims to buttress Haley’s opposition to expanding Medicaid eligibility in the Palmetto State in connection with U.S. President Barack Obama’s new socialized medicine law. In keeping with the right granted to South Carolina under last year’s controversial Supreme Court decision on “Obamacare” – Haley has pledged to veto such an expansion.

We support Haley’s decision – as we have supported other governors who chose similarly – however it’s worth noting that Haley has already spent tens of millions of dollars inflating the state’s Medicaid rolls independent of Obamacare.

In fact the state’s Medicaid budget is expected to grow from $5.9 billion to $6.5 billion in the current fiscal year – while adding a whopping 130,000 new beneficiaries.

Just call it “Haleycare …”

Special interests bristled at Haley’s report.

“We all know that past performance is no indication of future success,” the head of the S.C. Hospital Association told The Anderson Independent Mail.

Wait … it isn’t?

The Hospital Association is one of several left-leaning lobbying groups pushing legislators to approve the Obamacare expansion.

Again, we support Haley’s decision to oppose this expansion (hypocritical as it may be in light of her “Haleycare” spending) but her administration’s efforts to demonize hospitals for turning a profit strikes us as curious coming from a “Republican” who is presiding over record government growth (and a shrinking workforce).


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FrankBenton April 26, 2013 at 8:06 am

The most striking that was noted in the list is the profits of our state hospital (MUSC in Charleston). They profited with 71 million in the coffers from the DHHS/Medicaid system. They are bellyaching over the lack of monies promised in the coming year. Clearly, the degree of advertising in mass media (billboards, TV ads, sponsorships of radio and news programs) can clearly point that they are overfunded and need to be placed on a diet. Queen Pisano needs to go on a diet.

worhtless April 26, 2013 at 9:19 am

concurred, even offering degrees in healthcare adminstration they are spending (FOIA please… oops not an option from MUHA) how many million on hirihg an outside efficency company to show how to keep admin ticks fat and sassy on nurses and techs. I guess that MUSC’s degree in admin IS next to worthless.

Sunil April 26, 2013 at 7:40 pm

“Queen Pisano” (pronounced piss-on-oh) needs to wean from the government teat. Combining with the College of Charleston will not provide her more money. She has spent her way through her recruitment package (~50,000,000) in record time. The idea that a not-for-profit medical center/school is spending so much in advertising is troubling.

Sunil April 29, 2013 at 6:29 am

Here’s the complaints from MUSC:

“New Leadership for MUSC Medical Center and Challenges Ahead.
After over 30 years of service to the MUSC Medical Center, Stuart Smith retired as the Executive Director in December. Stuart provided strong support of the Children’s Hospital and because of his leadership, Children’s and the rest of the Medical Center has become a national leader in providing care. After a national search, the Board of Trustees selected Dr. Pat Cawley to become the new Executive Director. Pat had been the Executive Medical Director for the Medical Center for several years. His tenure here has also included running the adult medicine hospitalist program. He was an essential force to help develop the pediatric hospitalist program we now have in our hospital.
Dr. Cawley has stepped into his new role at a critical time in the life of our Medical Center. We have already seen our Medicaid reimbursements drop by $20 million as well as Medicare by $27.4 million. As we move into the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, it seems clear that the governor and our legislature will not allow the state to participate in the expansion. This means that the current number of unfunded patients will continue to seek care without coverage. To help pay for that expansion, Disproportionate Share dollars will be eliminated next year. The financial impact of these issues and others amounts to a loss of $64.4 million each year. We project that the Medical Center will realize cuts in reimbursement of over $270 million over the next seven years.”

FrankBenton April 26, 2013 at 8:06 am

The most striking that was noted in the list is the profits of our state hospital (MUSC in Charleston). They profited with 71 million in the coffers from the DHHS/Medicaid system. They are bellyaching over the lack of monies promised in the coming year. Clearly, the degree of advertising in mass media (billboards, TV ads, sponsorships of radio and news programs) can clearly point that they are overfunded and need to be placed on a diet. Queen Pisano needs to go on a diet.

worhtless April 26, 2013 at 9:19 am

concurred, even offering degrees in healthcare adminstration they are spending (FOIA please… oops not an option from MUHA) how many million on hirihg an outside efficency company to show how to keep admin ticks fat and sassy on nurses and techs. I guess that MUSC’s degree in admin IS next to worthless.

Sunil April 26, 2013 at 7:40 pm

“Queen Pisano” (pronounced piss-on-oh) needs to wean from the government teat. Combining with the College of Charleston will not provide her more money. She has spent her way through her recruitment package (~50,000,000) in record time. The idea that a not-for-profit medical center/school is spending so much in advertising is troubling.

Sunil April 29, 2013 at 6:29 am

Here’s the complaints from MUSC:

“New Leadership for MUSC Medical Center and Challenges Ahead.
After over 30 years of service to the MUSC Medical Center, Stuart Smith retired as the Executive Director in December. Stuart provided strong support of the Children’s Hospital and because of his leadership, Children’s and the rest of the Medical Center has become a national leader in providing care. After a national search, the Board of Trustees selected Dr. Pat Cawley to become the new Executive Director. Pat had been the Executive Medical Director for the Medical Center for several years. His tenure here has also included running the adult medicine hospitalist program. He was an essential force to help develop the pediatric hospitalist program we now have in our hospital.
Dr. Cawley has stepped into his new role at a critical time in the life of our Medical Center. We have already seen our Medicaid reimbursements drop by $20 million as well as Medicare by $27.4 million. As we move into the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, it seems clear that the governor and our legislature will not allow the state to participate in the expansion. This means that the current number of unfunded patients will continue to seek care without coverage. To help pay for that expansion, Disproportionate Share dollars will be eliminated next year. The financial impact of these issues and others amounts to a loss of $64.4 million each year. We project that the Medical Center will realize cuts in reimbursement of over $270 million over the next seven years.”

9" April 26, 2013 at 8:08 am

When money trumps people’s health,the system is corrupt from the roots.

Frank Pytel April 26, 2013 at 9:36 am

Breathing does not instigate a right to service. Service is a function of business, and the cost of that service is directly related to the desire of the desirous.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Economically Illiterate April 27, 2013 at 10:04 pm

You are so generous with other people’s money, you are a saint.

9" April 28, 2013 at 11:47 am

I offered to help with your penis enlargement surgery ,but the doctors said it would still be really small…

9" April 26, 2013 at 8:08 am

When money trumps people’s health,the system is corrupt from the roots.

Frank Pytel April 26, 2013 at 9:36 am

Breathing does not instigate a right to service. Service is a function of business, and the cost of that service is directly related to the desire of the desirous.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Economically Illiterate April 27, 2013 at 10:04 pm

You are so generous with other people’s money, you are a saint.

9" April 28, 2013 at 11:47 am

I offered to help with your penis enlargement surgery ,but the doctors said it would still be really small…

politicalporn April 26, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Why doesn’t the little shit buy a SC tag for his car? The least Haley’s lapdog could do is pay local property taxes while he pulls down $150k large.

BL Zebob April 29, 2013 at 9:10 am

Haven’t figured out that only the little people pay taxes yet huh?

politicalporn April 26, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Why doesn’t the little shit buy a SC tag for his car? The least Haley’s lapdog could do is pay local property taxes while he pulls down $150k large.

BL Zebob April 29, 2013 at 9:10 am

Haven’t figured out that only the little people pay taxes yet huh?

nitrat April 26, 2013 at 2:04 pm

Soooo…there are job creators and, then there are job creators. And, the medical kind don’t count.

nitrat April 26, 2013 at 2:04 pm

Soooo…there are job creators and, then there are job creators. And, the medical kind don’t count.

Moman50 April 26, 2013 at 3:26 pm

Ive spent alot of time worrying about how much profit Hospitals are making Im sure lots of people have.Now, tell us, how large is the “bonus” their CEOs are getting?Thats also a great concern of mine.Ranking just behind ,how much they are going to have to pay in taxes.

Moman50 April 26, 2013 at 3:26 pm

Ive spent alot of time worrying about how much profit Hospitals are making Im sure lots of people have.Now, tell us, how large is the “bonus” their CEOs are getting?Thats also a great concern of mine.Ranking just behind ,how much they are going to have to pay in taxes.

Ralph Hightower April 27, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Okay, where is the link to the DHHS report? The Anderson Independent Mail doesn’t provide a link to the DHHS report.

Where is Wil’s objectivity on this article?
Or is Will doing it again between the sheets with Governot Haley or in her white Government Motors Cadillac Escalade SUV?

Ralph Hightower April 27, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Okay, where is the link to the DHHS report? The Anderson Independent Mail doesn’t provide a link to the DHHS report.

Where is Wil’s objectivity on this article?
Or is Will doing it again between the sheets with Governot Haley or in her white Government Motors Cadillac Escalade SUV?

Cleveland Steamer April 28, 2013 at 2:27 am

Just curious, what % of the SC GDP is 2.5 billion divided by 3? Remember we are only talking acute care hospitals. What would it be if a common sense option like the dreaded Obamacare happened in our piss poor state? Fuck Obama and the buggery horse he rode in on (borrowed from MB), yea thats the ticket.

Cleveland Steamer April 28, 2013 at 2:27 am

Just curious, what % of the SC GDP is 2.5 billion divided by 3? Remember we are only talking acute care hospitals. What would it be if a common sense option like the dreaded Obamacare happened in our piss poor state? Fuck Obama and the buggery horse he rode in on (borrowed from MB), yea thats the ticket.


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