SC Data Breach Receiving National Media Scrutiny

NBC NEWS PROBING NIKKI HALEY’S REVENUE DEPARTMENT SCANDAL S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s latest (and perhaps greatest) scandal is receiving some national mainstream media attention. Veteran NBC investigative reporter Michael Isikoff is in Columbia, S.C. this week digging into the unprecedented data breach that occurred earlier this year at the S.C….


S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s latest (and perhaps greatest) scandal is receiving some national mainstream media attention.

Veteran NBC investigative reporter Michael Isikoff is in Columbia, S.C. this week digging into the unprecedented data breach that occurred earlier this year at the S.C. Department 0f Revenue (SCDOR) – and Haley’s response to the crisis.  In fact Isikoff previewed his reporting during a brief appearance on NBC’s Today show early Tuesday.

What has Isikoff uncovered about the cyber theft ?

Here’s the Today show preview …

So far Isikoff hasn’t delved into the numerous inconsistencies and outright lies told by Haley in response to the crisis … but his reporting underscores just how much damage the crisis could ultimately do to the governor.

First, Isikoff highlights the class action lawsuit filed against the state by individuals and businesses who have been victimized as a result of SCDOR’s lax security (presumably part of Haley’s “you assume everything is okay” policy).  More frighteningly, he uncovers a Russian chatroom in which one anonymous black market operator boasts of having credit card and other personal identifying information from South Carolina taxpayers available for purchase.

Scary …

For those of you unfamiliar with this story, Haley’s cabinet agency coughed up 3.8 million Social Security numbers, nearly 400,000 credit and debit card numbers and tax info for as many as 650,000 businesses earlier this year – an unprecedented state-level cyber security breach for which the governor has yet to accept responsibility.

The cost to taxpayers?  Lowball estimates are starting at $340 million.

In addition to permitting the breach and failing to detect it after the fact (the federal government notified South Carolina that it had been hacked 44 days after the breach occurred – 16 days before Haley alerted the public) – the governor has been busted telling all sorts of lies in its aftermath.

Including this one …

Haley’s administration will release a report this week attempting to explain what happened at SCDOR, although at this point she and her team have offered up so many inaccuracies in response to this crisis that it’s hard to take anything they say seriously.


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King Arthur November 20, 2012 at 8:34 am





Moofy November 20, 2012 at 8:49 am

The one shining sliver of good fortune from this scandal is that the national republican party will now not ever consider anything of a national importance for our governor.
Meaning she will never be asked to run for President, or given a slot at VP or any of the executive offices.
This blunder may also cost this Tea Party favorite her chances of reelection. As well as any credibility given to whomever this rag time bunch of misfits endorses.
I remember when the local Mrylte Beach affiliate of the party endorsed her. There was its’ president all happy smiley in the photos as I took a few. Betcha he wishes that he were now dead so that he’d have a grave to roll in. As some Nigerian national is using his social security number and credit information.
However that national is not using the information of our much beloved governor. Probably made certain that hers was way, way secured.

johnb November 20, 2012 at 9:27 am

she hasn’t been the “tea party candidate” since she started her spending spree the first day she occupied the gov mansion.
It is the teaparty that will support her opposition in the republican primary next time

Smirks November 20, 2012 at 8:51 am

She should be happy. From what Folks has been telling us, she loves a good probing every now and again.

junior justice November 20, 2012 at 9:01 am

It will be interesting to see what her “excuses” are to a professional reporter.

sweepin November 20, 2012 at 9:17 am

I’m with JJ on this one. Isikoff is a real investigative reporter with real questions and real pushback, not a backwater make believe.

Haley’s is getting a probe unlike none other she has experienced to date.

TheFunkyMonkey November 20, 2012 at 10:06 am

I can’t wait to see if she treats a national, well respected investigative reporter the way she treats local reporters. Not that the rest of the nation doesn’t already know how fucked up SC is, it would be great for them to see what a cunt for a Governor we have. And to see how unqualified she really is…

Smirks November 20, 2012 at 11:43 am

“Now listen here, little girl…”

marconi November 20, 2012 at 9:05 am


Interested to know what Wil (sp) thinks of Pippi Wrongstockings column about how this has “changed Haley” – editorial in today’s state newspaper.

Cancerman November 20, 2012 at 9:14 am

Haley lied to the people for 16 days and did not reveal this to the public until after a news reporter starting asking questions. Haley needs to resign now.

jimlewis,owb November 20, 2012 at 9:16 am

Roll on Gypsy Queen Dooh Nibor, dammit roll on !!

SparkleCity November 20, 2012 at 9:24 am

I hope this disaster gets busted wide open..One fucking year of piddly credit monitoring….for a possible lifetime of having to monitor and possibly close/reassign your bank/credit accounts due to the incompetence and irresponsibility of the state of South Carolina.

We were REQUIRED UNDER PENALITY OF LAW to provide our SSN’s (as well as our spouses & children if applicable) on tax forms by the state of South Carolina and now the state of South Carolina will only do the bare minimum to correct the mistake.

The nerve of Queen Namrata as she circles the wagons proclaiming her innocence/ignorance of the whole matter.

The state of South Carolina should have hell to pay……….

At the very minimum, allow citizens who can PROVE that their personal accounts or identies have been compromised to file a claim for damages and the fucking state of South Carolina make restitution.

I’n never seen a bigger case of arrogance in my life exibited by a state.

And some slam me for slaming the state of South Carolina from time to time.

If this is not evidence of the arrogance and cavalier attitude by some in this state nothing is. But by God, talk about removing the Confederate Flag from the statehouse grounds or other irrelevant issue and you will get a quick and decisive response. It would be like kicking a fire ant hill in the middle of a summer day.

The leaders in the state of South Carolina appear to be wringing their hands and maybe even worse – washing them of the whole mess.

sweepin November 20, 2012 at 9:29 am

If anyone accuses you of over-statement on this one, have them call me cause I’m with you on this matter.

Can’t wait for Isikoff’s report.

TheFunkyMonkey November 20, 2012 at 10:11 am

Well, well said SparkleCity. This place is fucked up – simple as that. I’m ready for all of the naysayers to come on here and tell me to buy a one way plane ticket or point my car north-bound on 95 – heard it all here on FITS when I’ve bashed SC. The sooner the proud fucks that have never left the state before come to terms with how fucked up things are, the sooner we can work toward change. I’m not very optimistic…

hhuuhh?? November 20, 2012 at 10:49 am

What are our banks doing to make sure no one accesses our accounts since I assume everyone who sent SCDOR a check since 1998 had their account number entered into their insecure system?

dwb619 November 20, 2012 at 9:38 am

Well, NIMRATA’s getting that much sought after national media attention.

Frank Wilson November 20, 2012 at 10:06 am

She will complain about the “mainstream media” and those “gotcha” questions. Why isn’t Fox doing a expose on this disaster?

sweepin November 20, 2012 at 10:10 am

The only thing Fox exposes are the legs of Ainsley, Gretchen’s boobs, and the other blond bimbos mindless commentary.

same ol' same ol' November 20, 2012 at 10:28 am

Gretchen, boobs, have I been missing something?

insider November 20, 2012 at 10:29 am

Good attentio, bad attention…doesn’t matter as long as she’s in the the limelight. And that is really sad.

junior justice November 20, 2012 at 10:31 am

sparkle city> “arrogance” is the correct word – keep at it!

insider November 20, 2012 at 10:42 am

No, I think it all stems from deep rooted insecurities, feeling like she never fit in.

SparkleCity November 20, 2012 at 7:04 pm

if htis site had a sembalance of “spellcheck” I would!

I’ve worn out my pocket dictionary as it is!!!


I wish all posters and the staff (such as it is) at/on FITSNEWS a bountiful Thanksgiving with their friends & families.

If it wasn’t for this site and the Spartanburg H/J I wouldn’t know what is going on in South Carolina

But by the likes of things, maybe I don’t need to know!!!!

Safe travels & best to all

Family is what it is all about………….

Big SHOUT to ya “SMIRKS!!!

Enjoy the best rivilary in football on Saturday (Virginia vs. Virginia Tech – LOL!!!)

Serioulsy, enjoy a good game, y’all deserve it..

HerbertHarvey November 20, 2012 at 10:57 am

Yesterday, I talked with a Geek Squad guy at Best Buy. The subject of this story came up. He volunteered that his buddy who works at SCDOR told him that there was another breach last week, but the hacker did not obtain any information. I have no idea whether this is true, but I found it interesting.

KatieSC November 20, 2012 at 11:40 am

You should ask your bank if it is participating in a Personal Firewall Project, because,as we all know, credit monitoring does not prevent fraud…

BigT's Pinch Hitter November 20, 2012 at 1:16 pm

Y’all still talking about this? Obama and the Liberal Socialist Demon Gods have ruined the once great country with math and science! You should be outraged!!! Dumb@$$!!!


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