“Gamechanger Salon:” The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy?

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE … AND WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THEIR MEGAPHONES? The world is a noisy place … and it’s getting noisier with each passing day.  Everywhere we go voices are clamoring for our attention, competing for access to our minds – to hopefully fertile ground where they can…


The world is a noisy place … and it’s getting noisier with each passing day.  Everywhere we go voices are clamoring for our attention, competing for access to our minds – to hopefully fertile ground where they can plant seeds that will ultimately (or in some cases immediately) lead to an investment on our part.

Whether that investment comes in the form of money, a vote, an email address or a “follow” on social media …the goal is to get you to take some sort of action.

Those of us who break news  …. or provide commentary (and context) on news … we compete in the marketplace of ideas, where we are ostensibly judged by the amount of sense we make.  We’re trying to convince you that what we’re disseminating for your consumption is true or right … in the process hoping to mold and shape your opinions about things.

Everybody’s doing it: Some are just more honest about it than others.  This website?  We slap the label “Unfair, Imbalanced” right there at the top of each page … so you know what you’re getting into.

Others are less honest – or less direct – about their efforts to mold your mind to their preferred outcomes, like the members of Gamechanger Salon.

What is Gamechanger Salon?

According to the website Media Trackers , it’s a high-brow far left collective – “a secretive digital gathering of writers, opinion leaders, activists and political hands who share information, ideas and strategy via a closed Google group.”

Members of Gamechanger Salon – who are warned not to share their missives with outsiders – include reporters and editors at CNN, The Huffington Post, Reuters and even a former Fox News contributor.  These mainstream media not only promote their appearances within the group, they are regularly fed a diet of progressive red meat from the icons of America’s liberal establishment: The AFL-CIO, CODEPINK, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, the Economic Policy Institute, Moveon.org and many others whose leaders are included within the group.

Gamechanger Salon also includes a pair of sources who spoke with FITS extensively about the group’s activities – on condition of anonymity, naturally.

“The object of this group was to protect Barack Obama at all costs, and push progressive messaging around the country,” one of the sources explained.  “For your normal person, Gamechanger Salon sounds like some strange, forgettable thing – but these are the biggest movers and shakers in the nation.  And the most hard core leftists in the nation.”

According to this source, the group’s members “grace the nightly news and write for some of the most influential publications in the nation.”

“The White House uses their talking points,” our source adds.

That’s power, people …

Another source proudly referred to the group as “the vast left-wing conspiracy.”

The existence of Gamechanger Salon was uncovered by Media Trackers  last month via an open records request submitted to a University of Wisconsin professor – who happened to be a member of the group.

One of our sources was outed when the request was filled.

“It put me in the absolute worst place I could be,” they told us.

Beyond advancing liberal messaging – including pro-union and radical environmental propaganda – Gamechanger Salon is also delving discreetly into presidential politics.

Specifically, the group has been instrumental in advancing the prospects of far left presidential contenders like U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), who according to both of our sources is supported by more than sixty percent of its members.

What about Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton?

“She’d only get around thirty (percent),” one of our sources said.

Another said Clinton would “be lucky to break 20 percent” of Gamechanger Salon’s 1,000-plus membership.

Wow … so much for the notion that Clinton’s ascension to the Democratic nomination is a foregone conclusion.

So … is Gamechanger Salon driving any of the negative messages we’ve seen Clinton struggle to respond to recently?   Specifically, is it advancing the “out of touch”-themed hits that have been attributed to the “Maryland Mob,” an influential group of House Democrats backing the 2016 aspirations of Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley?

“They’re not driving those narratives, but they’re not stopping them either,” one of our sources said.

Whichever liberal leader Gamechanger Salon’s members ultimately back for president, the group has its work cut out for it.  For example, when it comes to perpetuating the D.C. establishment’s fiction that perpetual government expansion is a prerequisite for prosperity – especially middle class prosperity – the numbers simply can’t be fudged.

Same for the whole Obamacare debacle …

At the end of the day, there’s only so much that persuasion – even the most powerful persuasion on the planet – can accomplish when it’s pitted against the truth.

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Oh How Easy It Really Is August 6, 2014 at 5:26 am

Software for electronic voting machines. Data compiled. How easy is it to manipulate? Who is in charge?

Sitting governments are in charge of guaranteeing the accuracy of electoral results and the secrecy of votes, but the social groups & the economical powers which are the base of any government have the obvious interest in falsifying electoral results and violating the secrecy of votes to preserve the power. They could also succeed thanks to the complete control they have over the electoral process.

Native Ink August 6, 2014 at 9:06 am

If you don’t like electronic voting machines, you can thank the Republicans down in Florida who made a complete hash of the 2000 presidential election. Hanging chads, anyone?

griefman August 6, 2014 at 1:59 pm

No stupid/ignorant people who had no business voting made a hash out of the 2000 election.

Earl P. Holt III August 11, 2014 at 7:16 am

You are mistaken: “Hanging, dimpled and pregnant chad” is evidence of voter fraud perpetrated WITH paper ballots.

What the “Democrats” frequently do is employ large numbers of blacks to sit in the basements of Missionary Baptist churches, punching out wads of ballots with a “stylus.” Those fraudulent ballots are then conveyed to the Election Board as if they were legitimate ballots.

The stylus most often used in elections with paper ballots is about 3/4″ long: If those engaged in this activity happen to grab a wad of ballots thicker than 3/4″, the compressed and accumulated chad at the bottom-most layers become “pregnant, dimpled or hanging”…

GrandTango August 6, 2014 at 6:42 am

Look at Homosexual government sanctioned marriage, Obamacare and paying for illegal aliens, when the economy is broken. All of those are losing issues, yet the powerful minority (Gays are 1.6%) control us. Occupy was right, except ignorant.

You may want to start w/ allowed voter intimidation, multiple voters and several 100% Obama votes in inner city precincts. Cheat, steal and borrow, w/ a blind watchdog, and you can rule America. Sadly that’s what happened. It’s not brain science.

Anyway: I suggest stop making us wade through you perception of who media is, and what you are, to get to your point. Much of what you said, is either self-evident, or a stretch on your part.

GrandTango August 6, 2014 at 6:46 am

PS: The State newspaper admits Obamacare is a massive failure for SC’s poor. The people it was supposed to help, just got ripped by buying it, and cannot afford to use it according to The State. Although they don’t put it in that same “Context” as you would advise: Read:: http://scpoliticaldigest.com/

Will Folks aka Sic August 6, 2014 at 7:18 am

Thanks for the advice.

GrandTango August 6, 2014 at 7:31 am

I really did not think you wrote that FITS. It does not resemble your style as I perceive it. I figured it was one of your new “partners.” It has a decidedly feminine tone to it.

Kinda “let’s win some hearts and minds” Bull-$#!t you hear from – let’s-get-along- liberal elites, who are close-minded and hateful scorched earthers, when their rhetoric is challenged as not being objective. You know the type.

Cracker August 6, 2014 at 10:16 am

You sound like a twat. Maybe you should go douche your hole?

GrandTango August 6, 2014 at 10:39 am

You got anything about politics, or culture to offer? Or is all of your knowledge and comment reserved for me…a voice you “Best and Brightest” constantly call dull and vacant?

Sissy That Walk August 6, 2014 at 11:35 am

I really did not think you wrote that FITS. It does not resemble your style as I perceive it. I figured it was one of your new “partners.” It has a decidedly feminine tone to it.

Funny, coming from a guy who called himself EMILY.

Sandi Morals August 6, 2014 at 9:30 am

Excellent points. The governor’s race in SC defines the absolute corruption in our political system today.
When political candidates with ZERO chance of winning solicit money from hard working taxpayers for 2% of the electorate, we really have become a ‘third world’ country in regards to electing candidates.

Needed A Laugh August 6, 2014 at 11:31 am

It’s not brain science…ahahahahahaha! Thanks, Tango!

Needed A Laugh August 6, 2014 at 11:33 am

If not, is it rocket surgery?

CNSYD August 6, 2014 at 8:37 am

Which Huffington Post is Sic Willie referring to? The one in this story or the one he used to bolster his terrorist “list” story?

Native Ink August 6, 2014 at 9:03 am

I like the sound of this group. I wish I could read their posts rather than the ones on FITS. I bet they’re a lot more fact-based. There may even be fewer rants about homosexuals.

idcydm August 6, 2014 at 10:00 am

After reading some of the bios I’m sure their fact-based posts will be as fact-based as any agenda driven post can be.

You're a loser August 6, 2014 at 10:07 am

You’re the typical Liberal victim, “wish I could read their post rather than the ones on FITS.”

Did it ever occur to you that you could simply stop coming here to be “arm twisted” into reading a FITS post?

Sweet Jesus, it’s shit like that, that makes me hate Liberals.

“I’m the victim.” “Poor me.” “They should pass a law…”

Blah, blah, blah…take control of your life and get out of your “woe is me” mentality.

Tazmaniac August 6, 2014 at 11:42 am

“I wish I could read their posts rather than the ones on FITS.”

NY times, Wash. Post, Huff. Post, Yahoo, LA Times, Salon etc etc. Liberal LaLa delusional drivel is available EVERYWHERE! Face it, some people just want to be obnoxious and alone in the crowd to draw negative attention, which is even better than no attention at all.

Tazmaniac August 6, 2014 at 9:54 am

So….members of the Mainstream Media collude to form a Liberal friendly narrative disguised as news reporting to promote their agenda? Knock me out with a feather!

major major August 6, 2014 at 10:02 am

Sounds a lot like Journolist. A bunch of under-the-radar brownshirts.

griefman August 6, 2014 at 2:00 pm

So did Ezra , the pseudo economist, Klein get invited to this left wing liberated soiree?

sparklecity August 6, 2014 at 11:11 am

sexy post!

tomstickler August 6, 2014 at 4:19 pm

Took a look at the list. Very few prominent names. You can probably count those that rate a Wikipedia page on one hand.

Maybe they really outed themselves for the publicity?

Tom August 6, 2014 at 11:02 am

Such garbage. More conspiracy meat for the Teanuts Jesus, we have the Fake News Network pounding out far right talking points 24 hours a day, not to mention Rush and Beck. You have far right billionaires wanting to secretly give unlimited money to politicians; a far right Supreme Court telling them they can; and the best you can come up with is an absurd allegation that there are few people out there who disagree with Fake, Rush, and Beck discussing how to get their point of view before the public.
If you had told me there was an organization out there willing and capable of competing with all the right wing BS spewing from Fake News, Rush, Beck and sites like this, I might be interested.

tom is a dic August 6, 2014 at 11:10 am

You fuckin leftist ,American hating Marxist why don’t your ilk start a tv network or talk radio show that people will watch or listen too?
Oh wait….you evil God hating flunkies have tried and NOBODY shows up to listen because your message is always promoting perversion and hate.

E Norma Scok August 6, 2014 at 4:44 pm

No one is stopping the more left leaning of those in this country from having their own news (like MSNBC) or radio talk shows (Air America)..except that statistics (and subsequent ad revenues) vividly prove that no one wants to hear how someone is better at spending their money than the earner of it is.

tomstickler August 6, 2014 at 11:51 am

We eagerly await your exposé of the Kochtopus and the names of all South Carolina legislators who fed at the ALEC trough in Dallas last week.

griefman August 6, 2014 at 1:58 pm

It sure is nice that there are so many smart people out there that are convinced they know what is best for you and me. Thank goodness; I was getting so tired of trying to be my own person.

NoCompromisewithevil. August 6, 2014 at 3:35 pm

It’s still a free country, though through no thanks to the progs, and all perspectives ought to be able to be published without having to deal with the mob mentality so common to zealots of all persuasions.
Let them have their say, and we who disagree with those individuals ought to work to provide other ideas for publishing that promote values we all agree on.
In the end, each of us as individuals must sift through the minefields of progressive BS, and far right religiosity wrapped up in the flag, or so their version of it goes, and find ways to make our values work in the type of society we want.
No one knows better than you what it is that will bring you happiness, and no government can give to you the things which will. Trust yourself.

Lyle Petersen August 6, 2014 at 4:54 pm

Did anyone really believe that there wouldn’t be a Journo-List 2.0 after the last one was exposed? Also, it’s instructive to observe that, once again, the Left always accuses the Right of what the Left is REALLY doing.

K.Mann August 6, 2014 at 6:26 pm

Maybe the “Ready for Hillary” crew is sincere in its enthusiasm, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe that Mrs. Bill is not just pulling a Sarah (Palin) and leading people on. Not that it’s a bad strategy from the purely financial standpoint. Toying with the idea gives her air time, invitations to speak at $150K+ a pop, and — theoretically at least — decent book sales. Another benefit: Because she played dodge-ball with the truth about Benghazi and shares most of the other faults of her husband though none of his Goober-like charm, she brings out the worst in conservatives… (raising my hand) … which plays nicely into the whole “We are compassionate and good/ The GOP are negative and critical” theme. And of course the party benefits because, without her, people might notice the Democrats have a pretty weak bench at this point.
I myself would like to see National Security Advisor Susan Rice be the Democratic nominee and run against former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice on the GOP side, just for novelty’s sake.

montylc2001 August 6, 2014 at 11:02 pm

so much for unbiased reporting in the media. Walter Cronkite is rolling in his grave.

JuseyJuse August 7, 2014 at 8:07 am

lol…what’s the conspiracy here? Help me out.

mbfarley August 11, 2014 at 7:16 pm

Gamechanger Salon also includes a pair of sources who spoke with FITS extensively about the group’s activities – on condition of anonymity, naturally.

“The object of this group was to protect Barack Obama at all costs, and push progressive messaging around the country,” one of the sources explained. ”For your normal person, Gamechanger Salon sounds like some strange, forgettable thing – but these are the biggest movers and shakers in the nation. And the most hard core leftists in the nation.”

Another source proudly referred to the group as “the vast left-wing conspiracy.”

How anyone could believe these quotes are from sources within the group is beyond me. At least the writer of this blog is obvious with his unfair and imbalanced tag line.

Specifically, the group has been instrumental in advancing the prospects of far left presidential contenders like U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), who according to both of our sources is supported by more than sixty percent of its members.

If these people are far left wing, they wouldn’t be protecting President Obama at all cost, as he is far from far left.

Brandon Fish August 13, 2014 at 3:42 am

Being on the nightly news isn’t power, signing that guy’s check is power. Right and left-wing members of the intelligentsia form organizations to progress their belief systems. Some have noble goals and some do not. As a left-winger, I have a question for yall. Do you honestly believe that people around the country are being ‘brainwashed’ by right and left wing media? Isn’t it all voluntary brainwashing? MSNBC and Fox News will provoke the gag reflex if the viewer isn’t tuning in to hear a slanted perspective. I can’t watch either channel. Also are yall actually worried about an Elizabeth Warren run for President . . . ever? This is the lady that throws up in the dressing room of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart because she’s nervous about what questions he might ask. ALSO, of course real progressives aren’t excited about Hillary Clinton. NOBODY is gonna be excited about Hillary Clinton. Yall wouldn’t be excited if she was your candidate. Remember Mitt Romney? Exactly. Yawns and moderate political positions don’t exactly energize the base.

toongail August 24, 2014 at 10:58 pm

OOh I wish some of us could troll their waters – I am sure they do on our sites.


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