South Carolina Democratic Chairman’s Race Gets Interesting …Will FolksMay 19, 2021May 26, 2021 by Will FolksMay 19, 2021May 26, 2021 As chairman's vote approaches, Johnnie Cordero's battle against incumbent Trav Robertson jumps to a higher energy level ......
South Carolina Democrats Have A Leadership Fight, TooFITSNewsMay 10, 2021May 12, 2021 by FITSNewsMay 10, 2021May 12, 2021 And it's all about race ......
Guest Column: Democrats Must Stop Listening To ‘Losers,’ Rethink Approach To Campaigning In South CarolinaLettersDecember 11, 2020December 11, 2020 by LettersDecember 11, 2020December 11, 2020 Party's "leadership establishment" must be replaced ......
South Carolina Democrats Bicker, Play ‘Race Cards’ In Aftermath Of 2020 ‘Red Storm’FITSNewsDecember 9, 2020December 11, 2020 by FITSNewsDecember 9, 2020December 11, 2020 Is this the beginning of a "civil war?"...
South Carolina Democrats Diss Jim Clyburn, Jaime Harrison … Albeit PrivatelyFITSNewsNovember 6, 2020December 12, 2022 by FITSNewsNovember 6, 2020December 12, 2022 Congressman, candidate blamed for "red storm" that swept across South Carolina ......
Falsehoods Stacking Up Like Cordwood In South Carolina House RaceFITSNewsOctober 28, 2020December 12, 2022 by FITSNewsOctober 28, 2020December 12, 2022 More lies rain down on Kirkman Finlay ......
Lindsey Graham’s Struggles ContinueFITSNewsOctober 16, 2020October 19, 2020 by FITSNewsOctober 16, 2020October 19, 2020 Candidate's foot-in-mouth disease is spreading at the worst possible time for his campaign ......
After Tax Return Debacle, Republicans Unload On Jaime Harrison Over Offensive Staff TweetsFITSNewsSeptember 16, 2020September 16, 2020 by FITSNewsSeptember 16, 2020September 16, 2020 Two top Harrison aides linked to "anti-semitic, sexist and homophobic remarks ..."...
South Carolina Senate: Can Republicans Knock Off Dick Harpootlian?FITSNewsMay 14, 2020May 17, 2020 by FITSNewsMay 14, 2020May 17, 2020 Will they even try?...
South Carolina Democrats Insane Attempt To Block Crossover Voting In 2020 Presidential PrimaryFITSNewsFebruary 27, 2020February 28, 2020 by FITSNewsFebruary 27, 2020February 28, 2020 Liberal senator looks to impose 'partisan lock' on participation in future presidential primary elections ......