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Donald Trump delivered an address this afternoon (September 25, 2024) at the Mint Hill, North Carolina Mosack Group manufacturing facility. Trump’s remarks centered around his handling of the economy and on his plans to re-shore American manufacturing jobs.
The remarks come a day after Gallup pollsters published data indicating the economy is most important issue to voters. Gallup’s recent report concluded that the 2024 electoral environment is “favorable to the GOP” largely because Republicans hold a five point edge when respondents are asked for their perception of candidates’ ability to improve the economy.
The Trump campaign’s choice of the Mosack Group facility highlights this perceived electoral advantage. The expansive manufacturing facility produces PEX plumbing pipe and fittings – which are distributed to retailers nationwide under the Apollo brand name.

Trump defeated both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in the Tar Heel state, but Democrats remain hopeful that vice president Kamala Harris might be able to replicate Barack Obama‘s 2008 North Carolina victory. Both campaigns have hosted a number of North Carolina events in recent weeks – and are expected to return to the battleground state often before election day.
Trump repeatedly referred to North Carolina’s famous, albeit beleaguered, furniture industry.
“I was here many times to buy furniture for buildings” he said minutes into the address, adding that North Carolina was “the furniture capital of the world” but that now “so much of that business has been stolen from you.
According to Trump, furniture once made in North Carolina is now “made in China and other places.”
“And by the way, it’s not as good,” he said.
Trump made it clear it wasn’t just the American furniture industry adversely impacted by American politicians’ decades-long penchant for unrestricted by global trade.
“After the twin betrayals of NAFT (and) China’s entry into the WTO, North Carolina lost over 300,000 manufacturing jobs quickly,” Trump said.
Trump recounted his conversation with Mosack founder Glenn Mosack when he arrived at the facility.
“He said before tariffs … this was just a dead, empty building – it wasn’t functioning,” Trump said. “Then you put those tariffs on, and now we’re a manufacturing powerhouse.”
“They were only importing product,” Trump added. “Now they’re making product, and they’re making a lot of it.”
If elected, Trump promised to implement policies beyond just tariffs in an effort to increase American manufacturing output.
The cornerstone of this effort is an offer to reduce corporate tax rates for firms which exclusively manufacture their products in America.
“The centerpiece of my plan for a manufacturing renaissance will be a 15 percent made in America tax rate,” Trump said.
“This is why people in (other) countries want to kill me,” Trump said half-jokingly, before adding in a more serious tone “they only kill consequential presidents – remember that.”

U.S. intelligence officials recently briefed Trump on an alleged Iranian plot to arrange his assassination. Florida congressman Matt Gaetz recently told Human Events that intelligence officials briefed him on three foreign nations with active assassination teams targeting Trump.
Trump said Biden – “who doesn’t know he’s alive” – is at little risk of being assassinated because “he does nothing to bring your businesses back.”
It should also be noted that Biden also hasn’t killed any Iranian generals, whereas Trump ordered the assassination of top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, and bragged that he “died like a dog” in a live televised address after the successful hit.
But Trump insists that Biden is not at risk because “he lets the world rob our country, the robber barons.”
“He lets them rob and steal from our country, and most importantly, he lets them take our jobs,” Trump said.
Trump also went after Harris’ proposed tax on unrealized capital gains. Unrealized capital gains taxes would enable the government to tax Americans based on the increased valuation of their assets before they sell them.
“She is promising a brand new wealth confiscation tax, or unrealized capital gains tax” which according to Trump will “drive our country into a depression like in 1929” while only benefitting “the appraisers, the accountants and the lawyers.”
Trump accused Harris of selling out American jobs to the millions of illegal aliens funneled into the country taxpayer funded NGO‘s under her watch as Biden’s “border czar.”
As this media outlet reported earlier this month, foreign-born workers are continuing to crowd out native-born workers. In fact, there as been no new net job creation for native-born workers over the past five years. According to Trump, the great jobs replacement has been particularly brutal on blacks and Hispanics.
Stunning statistic: there has been ZERO INCREASE in jobs for native-born workers in over five years, since July 2018!
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 5, 2024
“The black population and the Hispanic population are being devastated by Biden and Kamala Harris, by these millions of people that are coming into our country,” Trump said. “And unions will be next. You watch, the unions are going to be devastated by this.”
According to a recent NAACP poll, one in four black men under fifty support Trump.
Members of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of the nation’s most powerful labor unions, decided not to endorse either candidate. This decision came after internal union polling favored Trump, and ended the Teamster’s long history of endorsing the Democratic presidential nominee.
Trump pledged to restore America to it’s former financial dominance by bringing “trillions and trillions of dollars in wealth back to the USA and back to North Carolina” by further restricting globalization, and to protect America’s unique role as guarenteurs of the global reserve currency.
“If we lose that, that’s like the equivalent of losing a war,” he said.
“We will keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency,” Trump said. “This is how we will end the era of inflation and unleash safety, prosperity and peace for Americans of every race, religion, color and creed.”

Rally attendee Ronald Posey, a North Carolinian military veteran, spoke of his hopes for a revitalized industrial base in an interview with FITSNews.
“We lost Cannon Mills in Kannapolis, which was historic,” he said. “We lost it to the foreign entities.”
Posey said “there’s a lot of people hurting” as a result, adding that “it’s bad to see something established go down the tubes and hurt a lot of families.”
“How did we get to this point from our traditions and our history, just give that up and then throw it to the wall?” he asked.

Posney said he believes Trump can revive American manufacturing because “he is already proven.”
“He helped with tariffs to support U.S. made products,” Posney said.
When asked how he rates Trump’s chance of winning North Carolina for a third time, Posney pointed to the Trump voter enthusiasm he’s witnessed.
“It’s just so pronounced, those backing Trump see how he’s risked his life for us,” he said.
Count on FITSNews for the latest on the southeast’s two swing states as election day draws nearer…
(Via: Travis Bell)
Dylan Nolan is the director of special projects at FITSNews. He graduated from the Darla Moore school of business in 2021 with an accounting degree. Got a tip or story idea for Dylan? Email him here. You can also engage him socially @DNolan2000.
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“Americans of every race”
Sure thing, Mr. Suburban Lifestyle Dream.
I was waiting for a dentist appointment today and was watching FoxNews covering Trump’s speech. It was his usual incoherent rambling filled full of lies and doom and gloom. Finally, as Trump was rambling about falling out of chairs, FoxNews just cut away and said “oh, we’re told the rest of Trump’s speech is a repeat from yesterday…”
FoxNews knows that letting people see an actual Trump rally and hearing his insane, childish lie fest, will harm his dwindling chances even more.
You MAGA bloggers went on and on about Biden being too old, but at least you can follow what he says. Trump is a blabbering mess. You can’t honestly say otherwise, MAGAts. (not that honesty means anything to you types)
It’s weird to see young people trying to sane-wash a Trump “speech”.
Trump is literally the old person with dementia who says the most inappropriate and embarrassing things in public, while you’re taking him to another doctor’s appointment.
It’s very woke of the writer to show such empathy to Trump and his mental struggles, by taking very short snippets of Trump’s speech and creating the illusion that any of it made sense and that it wasn’t the meandering slog of a demented mind that it actually was.
President Trump did a great job as usual.
Imagine if Fits covered a Harris rally where they just repeated the most charitable quotes and levied no criticism on the candidate.
Hey Opie, if your boner for Trump lasts more than 4 hours please see a doctor.
Trump doesn’t understand how tariffs work. The consumer pays them.
All corporations do with their tax cuts is use the money for stock buybacks.
Gotta love how cOpie includes a tweet from ZeroHedge…another site that is well known fur spreading Russian disinfo.
MAGA isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. Especially the younger MAGA. They have been groomed by Russian propaganda their entire lives and can’t tell reality from Russian fiction. Poor useful idiots never stood a chance.
This is just a summary of Trump’s nonsense. If you want to be a news site you cannot just print opinions without explaining they are editorials. Because if this was news you would have done some research to tell us how wrong Trump is about most of what he says. But that would not meet the definition of “shill” would it? Cannot have a con man without the conned…
This is the farthest thing from a “news site” as you can get.
Wil Folks entire claim to fame was making up an affair with Nikki Haley. That and being found guilty of committing violence on a woman.